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'Half an hour to send food round,' said the Paymaster Commander. He picked up the telephone. 'Wardroom.'
In the wardroom the telephone squealed plaintively and the Surgeon Lieutenant Commander answered it.
'Hullo, PMO Purser here. Let's have some of my boys back. You can spare 'em.'
The Surgeon Lieutenant Commander looked round him. When HMS Artemis was at action stations the wardroom ceased to be the officers' mess and became the Medical Distributing Station. Here the wounded were brought for treatment -- the sick bay, forward under the bridge
jordan high heels price, was both too small and too exposed to be used as anything other than a dressing station. The two casualties were quiet now, and the stretcher-bearer force was squatting on the deck. The Surgeon Lieutenant Commander carried grave responsibility in yielding to the Paymaster Commander's request. A sudden attack might leave twenty - fifty - wounded on the decks; a score of lives might depend on prompt collection and treatment. Wounded left lying were bad for discipline, bad for morale, yilai:
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