Replica Designer Handbags to create good quality has been insisting all leather goods, shoes, clothing production studio in Florence. In order for consumers around the world to understand how the Gucci products produced, launch a special appreciation of the legendary production process activities, <a href=""><strong>monster beats tour</strong></a> Gucci artisans who work in the shop area for special shows Replica Designer Handbags legendary production process. . Naples in September 2009 from the beginning, the activities around the world tour, including Munich, Zurich, Rome, Paris, Tokyo, Osaka, San Francisco, Chicago, Beverly Hills, New York, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenyang successively held. Last week, Replica Designer Handbags craftsmen who came to Â*Department Store (store, East), this specially imported from Italy, Gucci has several special materials and colors of the classic Gucci handbag, and printed on the bag label “2011 <a href=""><strong>Ugg Boots Bailey Button Chocolate</strong></a> Chengdu” words. Italian artisans live production greeting letter, and enjoy Gucci’s initials embossed services. The hand-crafted artisan tour shows produced classic Gucci handbags and Replica Designer Handbags Bamboo handbags of the whole process. Artisan hand-stitched handle, assembly bamboo handle, ready to weave with leather and hand-pressed customers of initials, Gucci unique perspective to show a long history of tradition. Artisans on display, including a dedicated table in the area, a sewing machine, a leather frame and display all kinds of hardware tools, and some show Products from the inspiration to sketch <a href=""><strong>nike shox mens</strong></a> the evolution of the process of background information. Replica Designer Handbags are each carefully selected and roasted bamboo molding, bamboo can be said that each handle is unique. Glue stick bag is natural, extracted from one kind of unique in Southeast Asia Beetle. On the day of early autumn 2011 series also shows, standing in the middle of the Asia-Pacific Celina at Gucci for 13 years, she described to us in detail Gucci Florence studio scene.