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Old 09-08-2011, 12:49 AM   #1
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Default 少年欲签卖身契救病重父亲 称愿终身为恩人打工


  蒋女士告诉记者,丈夫的手术费用已经花去了8万元,这笔钱都是找亲友借的。如今,丈夫每天的医药费就需 要5000元,如果不能及时缴费,随时都有可能面临停药的境地。

  7月27日下午,蒋女士的老毛病骨质增生又犯了,她强忍着疼痛对儿子说:“我这不算什么,买点活络油涂 一涂就行了,把钱省下来给你父亲吧。”


  为了照顾儿子的学习,李从福在儿子学校附近租了房,一边陪读,一边打工。“不管父亲有多累,他每天都会 踩着自行车回家为我做晚饭,并将我的脏衣服洗好,gucci borse。”李含飞说,读书以来,父亲几乎坚持每天如此,从未间断。

  广州南方医院神经外科副主任医生冯文峰向记者介绍,李从福的病情暂时比较稳定,但未度过危险期。同时, 不排除度过危险期后,还有可能出现其他的并发症。其后续医疗费用大概在10万元左右。



  2008年4月,李从福终于累倒了。由于抢救及时,Borse Prada,他才侥幸从死神手中夺回了一命,为了治疗自己染上的的低血钾麻痹症,家里不仅花掉了全部积蓄,还欠下了几 万元的外债。
  一张床,一台21英寸的彩色电视机,一个衣柜。(法制周报新闻热线:)这些东西就构成了李从福租住房的 全部家当,房租一个月400元,chanel sito ufficiale。蒋女士告诉记者,这唯一的电器还是一位亲戚送给他们的。当李从福在急诊室抢救的时候,borse chanel sito ufficiale,妻子守在他身边3天3夜未曾合眼。
  “我真的害怕,万一我离开后,就再也看不到他了。”蒋女士说,自从丈夫昏迷后,她总是紧紧地抓住他的手 ,让他能感受到自己手心的温暖。

  在妻子蒋女士眼里,李从福是个“心好,脾气也好”的男人,每个月拿到工资后,总会在第一时间交给妻子。 而李省吃俭用,连一件像样的衣服也没有,borse gucci outlet

  14年前,其妻身患重病突然离世,留下3岁的儿子李含飞,那一年,李从福才28岁。自此,李从福既当爹 又当妈,含辛茹苦地将儿子拉扯成人。


  15日晚上,李从福逐渐清醒过来。妻子责怪道:“你不舒服,为什么不打电话给我呢?”李握 住妻子的手说 :“到医院就需要钱,家里还欠了那么多债,怎么还啊?我感觉没什么事了,还是早些出院吧。”妻子急了:“你 要是自己能走路回家,那就出院。”李从福准备用力撑起身子,可最后还是失败了。
  护士刚把门打开,17岁的李含飞(化名)便迫不及待地冲上前将窗户打开。在窗户的另一边,是他重病的父 亲。父亲头顶着白色纱布,刚动过脑部手术不久,仍处于昏迷状态。按照医院规定,每天上午的8时30分到9时 ,是探视时间。从7月15日抢救至今,李从福仍未脱离生命危险。

  1998年,经人介绍,李从福认识了现在的妻子蒋某,为了家庭,拼命赚钱成了他最大的目标。但生活的艰 辛、繁重的劳动也一步步地侵袭着他的身体。

  退学后,李含飞在永州一家酒店上班。即便是躺在病床上,李从福最放心不下的还是儿子。有一次,李拨通儿 子电话关切地问:“你还好吧?”当李含飞说自己还好,问父亲怎么样时,李从福突然脸涨得通红,血压迅速升高 ,病情进一步恶化。
  对于自己,李从福近乎苛刻,而对于儿子,却从不吝啬。得知儿子喜欢踢足球,他便在儿子生日时,送了他一 套球服和一个足球。
  随着儿子一天天长大,李从福想到儿子考上大学后,还需要一大笔钱。于是,他在亲戚的介绍下,南下广州打 工。
  为了省钱,蒋女士每天只吃一顿饭。晚上就睡在医院大厅。“为了丈夫,borsa gucci,我觉得值。”她说。

  今年7月15日,李从福吃完早饭便出门了。他接到了一单业务――为广州市萝岗区某私人房内刷墙漆、刮胶 。

  当日下午2时20分左右,chanel 2.55,一位同乡工友给李从福送材料时发现,李光着上身躺在地上。工友看见平时中午都会拼命工作的李从福在休息, 觉得很诧异,随后就问他是不是身体不适,李回复说没有大碍,只是有点头晕,躺一下就好了。工友见李身下是冰 冷的瓷砖,准备找几块纸板给他垫上。几分钟以后,工友返回时发现,李从福用手撑着脑袋,嘴里不时呕吐,其中 还夹杂了血丝。
  《法制周报》记者 岳源 文/图

  考虑到家庭的实际情况,2009年5月,李含飞含泪找到了学校领导,申请退学。得知这个消息,李从福不 断地叹气,“都怪我没能力,要不也不至于这样。”儿子安慰他说:“我这么大了,能帮家里分忧了。”那一天, 父子俩相拥而泣。
  尽管如此,李从福却坚持让儿子读书。2008年,儿子李含飞不负众望,以优异的成绩考入了湖南省示范性 高中――永州市第四中学。
  “只要谁能救我父亲,我愿意终生为恩人打工,以此来还债。”在李含飞看来,这实属无奈之举,因为家里早 已债台高筑。如今,父亲的后续治疗费用至少还需要10万元以上。

  “我现在唯一能做的,就是不惜一切代价为父亲筹集医药费。”李含飞说,这个年仅17岁的男 孩表示,chanel borse,只要谁能救他父亲一命,他愿意为恩人打一辈子的工。
  有一天,李含飞发现父亲花几十元钱买的二手自行车鞍座实在烂得不行了,提出让父亲换一换,李从福拍了拍 鞍座说:“上面叠块布,勉强还能用”。

  李从福是湖南衡南县柞市镇一个普通农民。在当地人的印象中,他是一个沉默寡言、本分的老实人。命途多舛 的他一直未能摆脱苦难的追随。
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Old 09-08-2011, 12:53 AM   #2
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68339 2005 年 12 月 10 日 12:00 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Community Map
Pictet Fei Li (Patek Philippe): a sign of nobility

construction in 1839. Average retail price of 13,
000 美元 to 20,000 dollars. Is the only truly independent Swiss watch one from beginning to end is their own production, to train a PATEK PHILIPPE (Patek) Table division to be 10 years.
who will accompany you for 24 hours, nobles, watch enthusiasts is to have a symbol of nobility Patek Philippe table, the noble art of Realm and expensive materials to create enduring Patek Philippe brand. Not long ago, Patek Philippe once again set a world auction record for an antique table, a banker for the United States in 1933, custom watches, and its price up to $ 11,000,000. This watch has 24 kinds of features, design time spent 3 years with 5 years before they are made. Production of a table for 8 years, this is what the quality consciousness. With such a strong sense in the company since its establishment more than a century and a half, total only 60 million. Commendable is Patek Philippe are too popular not because the market made one. The plant has a secret workshop,la gear originals, over a hundred years to maintain a tradition of hand-made only one product per year, the price of 30 million yuan or so,la gear sale, and who will receive this watch, at least to wait 8 to 10 years. How can such a product would decline in value it?
Audemars Piguet (Audemars Pigeut): adhere to the centuries-old tradition
1875, the two young talents JulesLouis Audemars and EdwardAuguste piguet in the birthplace of Swiss watchmaking art, hand in hand to create a watch manufacturer's brilliant career, in 1881 officially registered Cie
founder of Audemars Piguet Audemars Piguet has been Suixin and Art in the watchmaking With creativity and unique vision,la gears, focus on development of ultra-thin mechanical parts, such as ringing Planner, Sun Moon Star break, time stopwatch, the two time display, temperature gauges and compass, create a sophisticated mechanical watch,la gear on sale, the award-winning. In 1889 at the Tenth International Watch Fair in Paris, Audemars Piguet Grand Complication Tuo exhibition table, with question sheets, needle timer and calendar features long-lasting, superb design attracted a great response, fame, reputation International, for the Audemars Piguet in the table altar set a lofty position. Today, Audemars Piguet Audemars and Piguet families in the fourth-generation descendants under the leadership of highly successful, well received by the respected watch connoisseurs and collectors, one of the world's Top Ten Lists.
Audemars Piguet
all diamonds used in carefully selected, regardless of color or the level of clarity is excellent, really done perfect. Then by experienced craftsmen meticulously inlaid jewelry, while at the precise time management, filling your extraordinary charm and grace.
He was formerly
love founded in 1875, respectively, the two clock factory, while the brilliant development started from 1881, founder of Jules-Lou.
Count (Piaget): supreme treasure worthy of admiration

count rising star in the table table. It ranks among the first-class watches,
the late 40s of this century or something. Today, many prominent families in this rich woman receives congratulations that the top table, in its take-off before, but after almost a hundred years of slow development. Piaget, founder Qiao Jess. Bailey Egypt as their original
Jura Mountains
disabilities in charge of a Ming Jiaola test Oaks village farmers. 1874, Bailey established a watchmaker Egypt to do the room, his 14 children organized movement for the other watch company, but also to count the company's brand product whole local market sales of refined table. After World War II, Bailey Egypt Girard and his two grandchildren who Lunting reorganized Division, introduced the first Earl of watches. As Piaget excellent quality, and soon hit the sign. Table whether the count since the development of shape, color are filled with the mainstream of modern flavor. As the current president Yifu Shi. Bailey Egypt its says: You count table from the point of view of time, are enjoying a supreme treasure.
founded in 1874 the Swiss watch-PIAGET, With outstanding design talents, and strong watchmaking technology, PIAGET leading a century altar table, make the world watch industry paid splendor, radiance.
PIAGET's first slim-type mechanical operation of equipment, outstanding achievement, is the history of the legendary watch industry. Today, PIAGET's produced, everything is manufactured by the PAGET studio, unique, silk ho careful, or even own gold casting workshop, so perfect.
addition to the mechanical operation of the leading original equipment outside, PIAGET design shared by the human mind belief, all the case and watch bracelets are bound to cast with a 18K gold or platinum, while the surface of the design is colorful, unique characteristics.
Jaeger (Jaeger-Le Coulter): create Guinness record

The company, formerly known plot in 1883 by Charles and Louisiana test off the East Manila watch company founded by the founder was a skilled craftsman craftsman. He invented that will measure the accuracy of the accurate to 1 / 1000 mm micron meter,
to watch parts machining accuracy greatly improved. In 1851, held in Renton.
get gold medal on the World's Fair. About 90 years later, the grandson of pull off test - David. Pull off test with the French manufacturer of precision navigation timer Edmond. LeCoultre reached a cooperative relationship.
1992 Year Accumulator manufacturing a micro-movement of the Guinness Book of Records Order Form 2 (1 ORDER = 2.256 mm), shaking the watch industry. In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II is a full-wearing diamond-inlaid platinum 2 product family that table. The twenties and thirties, product design company for the polo player's shock, impact resistant flip the table became a signature series product family, alive and well. In 1982 the company developed product ATMOS clock to create yet another brilliant product.
Vacheron Constantin (Vacheron Constantin): Noble art

Vacheron Constantin, founded in 1775, has a long history, Vacheron Constantin is the founder and philosopher Jean 马克瓦什隆 (Jean Marc Vacheron), he was knowledgeable, skilled, a great master watch and clock industry,la gear footwear, but also shuttle and a good friend of Voltaire. That is, he established the world's first watch factory, this watchmaker Vacheron Constantin is the predecessor. Francois Constantin in 1819 by the successful promotion of products to overseas, he will push to craft the perfect watch. In 1891, Vacheron grandchildren and FrancoisConstantin work together to change the name of the watch factory Vacheron Constantin - that is, the name of the watch factory today, Vacheron Constantin.
Vacheron Constantin
annual production of over 20,000 is only just the table. It's like OPEC to raise oil prices crude oil production to the same restrictions. Of course, Vacheron Constantin and g there are differences. Crude oil is the consumer packaged goods, Vacheron Constantin is the noble art. Worthy of appreciation that Vacheron Constantin has spent 240 years. Swiss watch industry is the most important industry, whether in the past, today, Vacheron Constantin has always been the history of the Swiss watch industry play a key role.
Cartier (Cartire): high society pets

Cartier family in the mid-19th century is famous for the manufacture of gold and silver jewelry famous French jeweler. Louis. Cartier was the popular royal dignitary appreciated the gold craftsmen. 1888,
try Cartier gold bracelet set with diamonds, machinery installed on the women's table. 1904 for the old friend Santos (SANTOS) to manufacture a run started a gold watch. Since then, Cartier watches, high society has been a pet, long lasting.
In addition
Cartier in Paris in part by the manufacturing plant, there are a considerable number of Audemars Piguet and Patek Philippe Jaeger Constantin Lijiang, Europe and other famous watch company signed a contract special molding process such as its function draw upon the length of each can be described, the blend of the essence, so world wide. With international brands Cartier Group Advantage, production and sales of high-end jewelry, especially the female handbag, won the favor of aristocrats and wealthy, international stars Li Mei is in Asia as the company spokesperson.
Rolex (Rolex): watch the area's dominant
Rolex is probably a sign you are most familiar.
Rolex company, formerly known as W & D companies. Khan Swails Astoria by the German and the British Davis in 1905 (31 years of the Qing dynasty) in Renton partnership. 1908,
Wise Astoria La Chaux-de Fonds in Switzerland registered the Rolex trademark, W & D this to Rolex. Rolex is a stretch mark the first fingers of the hand, it represents the brand's watches entirely crafted by hand. After gradually evolved into a registered trademark of the crown, to show their dominance in the watch area, is the world's 10 most valuable brand of the first three,la gear walking shoes, watch brand.
20 century, 20's, Rolex fully developed first waterproof watch. In 1926, Rolex's water table formally registered. Rolex watches have been in solemn style, practical, not flashy was loved by all walks of life, especially in the Far East and Middle East people.
nations (IWC): machinery manufacturing exceptional quality

IWC IWC was founded in 1868, more than 130 years of watchmaking history. Founding place called Buddha Hauser summer, the local history of watches and clocks can be traced back to the early 15th century, a full 459 years earlier than the IWC. IWC is the founder of Boston engineer 佛罗伦汀琼斯 (FlorenineA. Jones), his factory on the Rhine in the creation of the Swiss mechanical watchmaking factories of the earliest to realize his new vision ━ replace part of the artificial mechanical more accurate parts, and then leading the table by the exceptional quality teachers assembled into a table. IWC IWC up to five hundred percent sales growth in recent years, the results have been amazing.
table is marked by IWC, the IWC is the company (The International) acronym.
the universally recognized Swiss watch brand, in Tokyo, Japan led the local fashion: Businessman with ROLEX (Rolex), doctor OMEGA (Omega), university professors and engineers with the IWC.
Omega (OMEGA): Achievements and representatives of the perfect

wearing Omega watches, on behalf of achievement and perfection, this Omega watch industry and advertising industry have known the name comes from the Greek alphabet (omega), began in 1848, by the taste people love. Omega in sailing, track and field, swimming and other world class events as the standard time, and often sponsored golf tournament in Europe, won the Olympic timer for thirty one much. Omega is the first and only one to be worn on the moon watch.
Omega also invite a number of celebrities as image ambassadors, as we are familiar with the Formula One champion Michael Schumacher, figure skating champion Chen Lu, the Swiss number one tennis player Cindy, sailboat racing, Sir Peter Blake, golfer Ernie Els, Napier period Brosnan, Cindy Crawford, Simon Yam, Chi Chi, so all the top people.
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