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Old 08-18-2011, 11:20 AM   #1
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Default hao123 百度首页增加最常访问网址设置 完成hao123的事

站长交易( 企业建站找313建站大师,招分销商

核心提示:今天,发现百度首页发生了一些变化,看来是进行了一些改版,主要的修改是增加了最长访问网址的自 定义,提高了用户体验。

站长之家(chinaz.com)4月13日报道:今日,部分地区的用户发现,百度首页增加最常访问网址设 置(需登录账号)。允许用户添加标题和地址,wwwhao123,从而实现快速访问网站。
百度首页在加入hao123后,再次增加最常访问网址设置,肯定是有原因的。2010年网址导航进入了成熟 的平稳发展期,随着360、腾讯、淘宝、迅雷等众多互联网公司加入到这个行业里面,竞争越来越激烈了,进入 导航行业的壁垒也在增强。而且在360等互联网公司进入网址导航业后,hao123的用户不断流失,可以说 对hao123影响不小。加之传统网址导航站已经很难满足高质量网民的上网需求,这群人需要比较自主的网址 导航,也是是需要一个可以自己设置的功能,但是hao123是不提供的,因为这会直接影响到hao123的 盈利,123网址之家,hao123这类型的传统网址导航站是以引导用户上网为主,不会给用户自主的权利,hao123要抓得是 最大的人群,不可能说为了小部分人群放弃大部分人群,鱼与熊掌不可兼得。
2010年随着网址导航站广告价格的提供,新蛋网等几大B2C网站已经宣布停止在hao123上的投放广告 ,传统网址导航站的下坡路视乎已经到了。
随着web2.0时代的到来,人们开始追求个性化,都在追求“我的地盘我做主”,从博客、sns到微博,都 在满足人们的个性化需求。网址导航也不例外,通过网址导航可以编辑自己喜欢的风格、内容、网站,甚至可以编 辑自己的分类,而不是限定在一定的分类中。我想这也是为什么hao123用户流失的原因之一吧,大家需要都 有自己专属的个人上网主页。
网址导航站作为一个上网入口,现在很多网民需要的是方便的实用性功能,还有更好的用户体验,目前用户体验已 经是整个互联网发展的重要环节了,怎样去留住用户,就得靠这些工作了。国外在这方面的用户体验 上, 2006年已经出现优秀的个人上网主页的例子——symbaloo,在当时看来肯定是不适合中国发展的,但 是现在不一样了,中国网民不再停留在hao123提供的服务上了,对服务要求越来越高了。去年比较火微薄、团购等在国外早就出现了,但总是需要 等个几年,hao123.com,才可能在中国火起来,个人上网主页也许会差不多,不知道2011年是不是已经到了这个时候了 。
Hao123在不停的流逝用户,眼看着hao123死掉?不如自己想个办法尽量把hao123流逝掉的用户 吸引到百度首页上去,关起门一家人嘛,皆大欢喜。但是百度此举无疑是掐死了国内一些走个性化路线的网址导航 站,特别是文字型的,基本是挂掉了,剩下一些可视化个人上网主页还有一些挣扎的余地,用户体验做的好的话还 有可能占据一定的市场份额。小小的一个功能,过不了多久肯定会能成为百度一大新特色的。
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Old 08-18-2011, 11:26 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 588
2h4c6o7q2l is on a distinguished road

DDR stands for DDR memory, DDR SDRAM (Double Date Rate SDRAM, double data rate SDRAM). DDR SDRAM by Samsung was first proposed in 1996 by Nippon Electric, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Hitachi, Texas Instruments, Samsung and Hyundai, eight venture agreement entered into memory specifications, and has been AMD, VIA and SiS and other major chipset vendors. It is an upgraded version of SDRAM, it is also known as The most important change is in the interface data transfer, and in his rising and falling edges of the clock signal can be data processing, the data transfer rate of SDR (Single Data Rate) SDRAM 2 times. As for the addressing and control signals are the same with the SDRAM, only to send the clock rising edge.
DDR About DDR works is important to note optional parameters in the DDR About DDR memory specification is now the mainstream, the major mainstream chipset manufacturers to support it all. DDR stands for DDR SDRAM (Double Date Rate SDRAM, double data rate SDRAM). DDR and SDRAM will use the same nominal frequency. There are now operating frequency of DDR 100MHz, 133MHz, 166MHz three, due to a double data rate DDR memory,nike air force 1, the characteristics of data transmission, so the identity of the DDR memory working frequency × 2 using the method, which is DDR200, DDR266, DDR333 and DDR400, some memory manufacturers in order to meet the needs of enthusiasts, but also introduced a higher frequency of DDR memory. DDR DDR SDRAM module works with SDRAM modules part, compared to using 184-pin (pin), 4 ~ 6-layer printed circuit boards,air force one low, electrical interface from In other components or the package is the same with the SDRAM module. DDR SDRAM modules for a total of 184 pins, and only a short slot, the module is not compatible with SDRAM. Principle in the name DDR SDRAM and SDRAM are also different. SDRAM naming names according to clock frequency, such as PC100 and PC133. The DDR SDRAM is based on the principle of data traffic as the name, such as PC1600 and PC2100, units of MB / s. Therefore, in the DDR SDRAM PC1600 DDR200 is actually the same size, data transmission capacity of 1600MB / s (64bit × 100MHz × 2 ÷ 8 = 1600MBytes / s), and PC2100 DDR266 is the same with the case (64bit × 133MHz × 2 ÷ 8 = 2128MBytes / s). DDR SDRAM in the specification by the signal delay time (CL; CAS Latency, CL refers to the memory after receiving the signal, to wait until the number of system clock cycles to read the action. Generally is as short as possible, but This depends on the original settings of memory particles, which will cause system instability) is also somewhat different. In accordance with the Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) of the definition (specification number JESD79): DDR SDRAM,nike air force one high, a total of two CAS latency, is divided into 2ns and 2.5ns (ns for the billionth of a second.) CL = 2 with a faster PC 2100 DDR SDRAM specifications called DDR 266A, while the slower CL = 2.5 with PC 2100 DDR SDRAM specification is called DDR 266B. In addition, the slower PC1600 DDR SDRAM in this regard is no particular number. Important to note that purchase of parameters 1, clock frequency: it represents the stable operation of the memory can the maximum frequency. Now we see the DDR memory market is mainly DDR533, DDR667 and DDR800. 2, the access time: Read data access time represents the delay time. Before people have a misunderstanding that it has a link system clock frequency,air force one high, in fact, is essentially the two have significant differences,air force 1 shoes, we can say completely different things. The same access time and clock frequency, the smaller the more excellent. 3, CAS delay time: This refers to the vertical address of the pulse response time is measured in a certain frequency to support different specification an important indicator of memory. We use CAS Latency (CL) to measure this indicator. Need friendship here, would like to remind readers of the recent purchase of computers,nike air force 1 high, Intel's processors are relative to the delay time is not sensitive to the performance of Intel processor, the memory clock frequency is mainly; while AMD processors, the impact It is mainly the CAS latency, AMD platform, the reader should be a lot of attention on this parameter. Atlas Atlas entries open more Category: Computer
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