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08-17-2011, 11:12 AM
Do Commodities Belong In Your Portfolio? | reebokjerseynfl.com
Copyright 2006 Rafael Velez Although it may sound frightening and risky to many investors, if handled correctly, commodities could be the missing piece of an investors portfolio. What exactly are commodities? Commodities are any mass goods traded on an exchange or in a cash market including: cocoa, coffee, eggs, lumber, orange juice, soybeans and sugar just to name a few. Industrial metals are also included with copper, aluminum, zinc, nickel, silver, and lead ranking among the most popular industrial metals holdings. Finally, the most widely followed commodities include oil, <a href="http://www.ghdstraighteners2011-cheap.com/2010-new-ghd-butterfly-pink-p-5740.html"><strong>GHDÂ*RedÂ*lustÂ*</strong></a> natural gas and gold. The diversification benefits equal or surpass those of other asset classes like fixed income and real estate. The primary reason for this is their correlation, or lack thereof, to the stock market as represented by the S&P 500 (Correlation describes how similar the price movement is between two investments). Commodities have historically exhibited absolutely no correlation to the stock market or any of the bond market indices. In fact, they have a negative correlation. This non-similar pattern of performance allows an investor to minimize volatility and protect capital in down markets. Overall, these factors help to decrease overall risk in a portfolio of investments. In short, commodities have historically been a good compliment to a traditional stock, bond and real estate portfolio. When commodities are utilized as a stand-alone investment, commodities are relatively volatile, exhibiting wild price swings. At times, they are also illiquid, prohibiting the investor from exiting a position that is dropping rapidly. Another factor to be aware of when investing in commodities is the unusual income taxation. Most notably, investors are taxed each year on their share of the profits, if there are profits, regardless of whether the investment has been sold. This is a significant disadvantage compared to investments in stocks, because one does not pay income taxes until the stock is actually sold. Finally, fees to implement a commodities strategy are significantly higher than for those of traditional mutual funds, for example. <a href="http://www.uggsbootsforcheaponline.com/"><strong>ugg cheap</strong></a> For these reasons, it is best to only consider 5-20% of ones portfolio for this strategy. At a time when stocks and bonds are predicted by most academics and investment gurus such as Warren Buffet, Bill Gross of PIMCO, and Jeremy Grantham of Grantham, Mayer, and Van Otterloo, to produce 5.0% returns or less over the next decade due to historically high market valuations. On a historical basis, commodities are inexpensively priced and substantial upside potential is possible. U.S. inflation is historically low right now but with the effects of massive fiscal, monetary policy and already robust consumer spending, raw goods prices will inevitably increase. When they do, commodity indices will follow. As inflation gradually rises in 2006 and beyond, industrial metals prices will rise as investors begin to direct large amounts of money into these hard asset commodities. The high correlation between commodities and inflation provide an important hedge against considerable losses in traditional financial instruments such as stocks and bonds. In his recent book Hot Commodities, author and renowned investor Jim Rogers summed it up this way: The 1980s and 1990s saw a bear market in commodities. Prices <a href="http://www.ghdstraighteners2011-cheap.com/ghd-2010-new-blue-serenity-p-5741.html"><strong>ghd hair straighteners</strong></a> had fallen to levels (adjusted for inflation) not seen since the Great Depression. For 130 years, stocks and commodities have alternated leadership in regular cycles averaging 18 years. The long bear market in commodities has created a sharp reduction in capacity and thus large supply-and-demand imbalances. As economies in Asia continue to grow, there will be a strong worldwide demand for all commodities. Historically, the prices of commodities show a negative correlation to the prices moves of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments. Commodity prices can rise even when the economy is stuck in reverse and their returns outpace inflation. The U.S. Federal Reserve and other banks in the world have been pursuing a policy of debasing their paper currencies. The U.S. Federal Reserves policy of monetary stimulus and rapid credit expansion will continue to push up the prices of hard assets such as precious metals and other commodities. History shows that war and political chaos only push commodities prices higher. Commodities also provide a tactical play on the current weakness in the U.S. Dollar. As other currencies such as the Euro and Yen appreciate versus the dollar, foreign buyers can buy less goods with the same amount of currency. This artificially increases demand, and subsequently drives up the prices of commodities. Currently, effects of this phenomenon can be seen best in the gold and silver markets as prices have risen dramatically over the past year. Commodities provide a play on globalization by their ability to aid in the improvement of the global economy. This is due to the fact that prices for industrial materials will increase as demand for industrial goods increase. As countries such as China and other emerging market economies develop, they will require more raw materials. This is especially true for industrial metals. China continues to develop at a rapid pace and consequently, their demand for raw materials <a href="http://436100.info/view.php?id=98619"><strong>Chen ZiZhou's Oil Painting Exhibition : Whats Up in Hangzhou ...</strong></a> continues to rise. In fact, Chinas iron ore demand has increased from 5% of the worlds supply to almost 50% over the past twelve years. Commodities have proven to be excellent investments over the last few years. There are a number of types of investment vehicles to take advantage of this great diversification play. Many of our client portfolios have benefited from this recent performance. With only small allocations to hard assets, most client portfolios have delivered returns that were twice the performance of traditional stock and bond portfolios. Many experts agree that U.S. stocks and bonds will, in all likelihood, generate significantly lower returns over the next decade. Commodities on the other hand may have the potential for the highest returns since the 1970s due to a worldwide economic expansion especially from emerging market countries.
08-17-2011, 11:18 AM
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番茄肉酱用来拌面是非常好吃的,大家不妨做一些放冰箱里备用,随用随取,很是方便啊。番茄肉酱的做法并不难 ,下面我给大家推荐两种不同的做法,供朋友们作为参考吧。希望大家都能做出适合自己胃口的番茄 肉酱。
意大利番茄肉酱:番茄三个洗净切十字花刀,用开水烫一下,去皮切丁备用,洋葱半个切丁备用,蒜切末备用 ;锅中放入橄榄油,七八成热时,放入蒜泥炒香,再放入洋葱稍炒;放入牛肉馅,炒至断生,再放入番茄丁翻炒; 如果番茄少的话,可以加一点番茄酱。再放入适量红酒、白糖、罗勒碎、百里香、水,大火煮开后转小火炖四十分 钟到一个小时;大火收汁,加适量盐调味即可。
国产版番茄肉酱:瘦肉80克,西红柿250克,生姜、大蒜、葱、剁辣椒、郫县豆瓣酱、料酒、淀粉、胡椒 粉、生抽各适量;西红柿洗净,用刀在其顶部轻轻地划上一个十字后放入沸水中烫一分钟左右,剥去外皮后切碎; 瘦肉剁碎成肉末,加入少许淀粉抓匀;生姜与大蒜切成末,葱切花, red wing heritage;
起油锅,放入姜蒜末爆出香味后下入瘦肉末,炒至肉末变色;放入适量的剁辣椒与郫县豆瓣酱,炒匀后再加入 少许料酒炒匀;放入西红柿,炒匀后用小火将其煮约5分钟至浓稠状,再放入适量的盐炒匀;下入葱花,少许胡椒 粉与生抽炒匀后舀出即可。
鸡蛋酱是东北人爱吃的家常炸酱,用来拌面非常好吃。那么这东北鸡蛋酱怎么做才好吃呢?别急,下面我就把鸡蛋 酱的做法详细介绍如下,供朋友们作为参考,大家不妨做来尝一尝。做法共有两种,大家可以根据自己的需要任选 一种。
鸡蛋酱一:鸡蛋2~3个, red wing sale,放到小碗里打散,小葱2~3根,切成葱花,豆瓣儿酱2~3大匙备用。锅热油,把鸡蛋炒熟(边炒边用筷子或 者铲子捅成碎块儿),然后倒入葱花炒炒,转中小火,再倒入大酱翻炒,太干的话,加一点点清水,炒透了以后, 关火出锅即可。
鸡蛋酱二:花生米、鸡蛋、大葱、东北大酱各适量。先把花生米放冷锅冷油内,开火油炸至熟, red wing boot store,这样炸不会炸焦。鸡蛋打在碗中,加一调羹水搅拌均匀,锅内放适量油,炒熟鸡蛋盛起。在锅内添加少量水。添 入适量的东北大酱,和水搅拌均匀,煮至粘稠。在酱内放入砂糖半小勺增鲜。放入切好的大葱或者是加一些红绿鲜 辣椒碎。最后把之前炸好的花生米和炒好的鸡蛋放在酱上面就可以吃了。
原料:猪肉(略带些肥肉)、番茄、洋葱、胡萝卜渣、菠菜渣、芹菜渣、番茄酱、料酒、白胡椒粉、白芝麻、 豆瓣酱、蒜蓉香辣酱、生抽各适量。
做法:猪肉剁碎、番茄连皮切小块、洋葱切小粒。锅中放少许油, red wing shoes sale,加热至5成,下肉碎适当翻炒至变色。加豆瓣酱、生抽、料酒拌炒。放入番茄洋葱, red wing boots,拌炒至洋葱断生。加蔬菜渣和适量清水(至少比没过肉末的量高出2cm)。
大火煮开之后加入番茄酱跟蒜蓉香辣酱,大煮2~3分钟之后,转小火炖(差不多30分钟左右,不过还要根 据食材的用量~,只要肉末熟了即可,你可以尝一下,如果肉末已经熟了,你可以转大火马上收汁)。收汁之前加 适量胡椒粉跟白芝麻,煮至收汁即可,装进容器中,凉透了,放冰箱。
说明:这款肉酱关键是加了蔬菜渣,让肉酱吃起来多了一份清爽口感。同时,蔬菜渣里还有大量膳食纤维和一 些微量元素,肉酱在美味的同时又多了一份健康。一次最好别做太多,因为这个用油少,一定要放冰箱,而且不利 于长期保存!
制作要领:猪肉最好用剁的, red wing shoes online,肉粒吃起来更有嚼头,用料理机打出来的太细了。蔬菜渣你可以自由搭配,凭自己喜欢,不过尽量用易煮熟的食 材,番茄洋葱是不错的选择。
把大葱切成丁,用多少根据自己的口味来定。香菜100g左右切成小段,甜面酱100g,豆瓣酱100g ,鸡精少许,料酒少许,瘦猪肉(也可用牛肉)500g切成黄豆那么大小;锅里加入70g左右的花生油,八成 熟时加入肉丁、葱,中火炒至肉变色,加入甜面酱、豆瓣酱,喜欢吃辣的可适当加入少许的辣椒酱,加大约300 g左右的水,用小火一直烧到水分没有,只剩下油的时候就大功告成了。
原料:橄榄油50公克,蕃茄煳150公克,蕃茄汁50公克,猪绞肉100公克,鼠尾草10公克,月桂叶 2片,大蒜3瓣,洋葱1/4个,冰糖20公克,酱油2大匙。
做法:将大蒜切末、洋葱切丁后备用。锅中倒入橄榄油加热,先放入大蒜末炒香至金黄色后,再加入洋葱丁炒 至洋葱变软后,再加入猪绞肉炒散炒熟。加入蕃茄煳、蕃茄汁、鼠尾草、月桂叶及冰糖、酱油翻炒后,再加入水以 中火煮开后转为小火续煮,期间不断地翻动以免沾锅,直到浓稠时熄火将月桂叶取出,即为香草蕃茄 肉酱。
香菇5粒切小粒,肉靡少许,豆瓣酱少许,花生碎适量。用香油炒香菇,下肉靡,翻炒2分钟盛出;少许油炒 酱,酱开了将炒好的肉沫、香菇、花生碎混入,炒匀即可。
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