#1 (permalink) 07-13-2011
Diamond Tiffany, 08:28 AM Additional Mailserver Hello all
Pandora Beads,
I have one zimbra server running.
Now I want to install a 2nd one. (only mailstore with archiving and ldap as replica)
My 1st mail server is configured as proxy and mta
Pandora Perles, too.
My questions to the configuration of the 2nd server:
******* +Ldap Admin password: Not Verified <- is this normal and will be verified at a later time? Or is there something wrong in my configuration?
Create Admin User: YES or NO (on the 1st server an admin user already exists)
Anti-virus quarantine user: The same as on my 1st mailserver or a new one?
Spam training user: The same as on my 1st mailserver or a new one?
Non-spam(Ham) training user: The same as on my 1st mailserver or a new one?
Configure for use with mail proxy: TRUE? (my 1st server is a proxy and all connections should come through it)
Configure for use with web proxy: TRUE? (my 1st server is a proxy and all connections should come through it)
Best regards