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Old 08-11-2011, 06:01 PM   #1
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Default 交警夫妇3年收养4名孤残儿童(图)

  “现在孩子们都很懂事,老大已经上小学啦……”提起4个不同姓名的孤残儿女,王振治开心地 说,大三学生义务帮同学打官司被誉为法律哥。10月15日下午,本报记者走进了王振治的家庭,走近了他和他收养的4个孤残儿女。

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  10月25日上午,天阴沉沉的,在交警高永鹏的追悼会上,望着战友遗容,交警王振治泪流满 面。
  买菜、做饭、收拾房子、洗衣服,给他们洗澡、一天四趟地接送,妻子用5年时间让植物人丈夫重新站立(图),晚上还要辅导刚上小学的“儿子”安恩阳的作业,给“女儿”曲小辉按摩上下肢……“这些其实还不算啥。”王 振治黝黑的脸上露出笑容,糟糕的是每晚他和妻子都不能睡个安稳觉,“假如你哪一个晚上没有及时地让孩子们起 夜,那第二天肯定就会看到他们给你画好的‘地图’或是床上给你拉的粪便。”
  原本周末登山的爱好也无暇顾及,除了上班、马路执勤外,便是下班帮助多病的妻子照顾4个孩子,有时还要 带这些孩子到公园或附近的景点游玩。
  去年9月份,因妻子长期劳累过度,患上甲状腺肿瘤住院救治。无奈,王振治请人照顾妻子,自己则请年假在 家里照看这几个孩子。

  妻子住院那段时间,好多家务压在他一人身上,20多天的公休假下来,王振治的体重整整下降 了4公斤。
  3年来,除了每日站马路值勤外,shoe ferragamo,王振治和妻子收养了4个非亲非故的孤残孩子。为此,他推掉一切应酬,割舍了唯一的爱好――登山。下班后, 他一心扑在4个孤残孩子的身上,“让他们阳光、快乐地生活,将来自强自立……”这是王振治和患病妻子的心愿 。
  如今,孩子们养成了习惯,几乎很少有人尿湿裤子或在床上画“地图”,更不会在被子里藏着“ 粪便”了。
  今年9月,在福利院的帮助下,安恩阳上小学了,但他常将自己名字中的“阳”左右写反。为纠正这一个字, 王振治手把手不知教了多少遍。
  听到呼唤,王振治夫妻俩紧紧地将安恩阳等4个兄弟姐妹抱在了怀里……就这样,4个残障孤儿走进了王振治 的家庭。
  他们的真心感动了小区里的邻居们。邻居大妈专门给孩子们送来棉袄,隔壁的范大嫂经常帮助他们,而小区里 一个不认识的做生意的妇女也专门给孩子们送来崭新的鞋……

  自此以后,除担负正上学的亲闺女的花销外,还有4名智障残疾儿童,这对于原本就不太宽裕的家庭来说,无 疑是雪上加霜。

  王振治,男,11歲女孩患白血病 養母盼其父母現身捐骨髓,ferragamo wallets,1962年12月出生,supra society purple,西安人,一级警督,西安市公安局交警支队新城大队安监中队民警。从警近30年,曾多次荣获交警支队表彰奖 励。

  “就像心口被猛刺了一下,很疼,有一种想哭的冲动!”初见4个孩子的瞬间,王振治“心里就像寒冬里被浇 了一盆凉水,从头到脚凉透了,以后要和这些孩子朝夕相处,这可咋办呀?”“爸爸,妈妈……”还没等王振治夫 妇俩回过神来,穿着红T恤的安恩阳已向他们扑了过来。

  “孩子们来我家的头一天晚上,我和妻子忙得晕头转向。”说起这些特殊的儿女,王振治满脸洋 溢着幸福。

  2008年9月,4个智障孤残孩子第一次出现在眼前:最大的7岁半,而最小的仅一岁。两个男孩:都是在 西安捡的,王振治为他们取了“安”姓,老大叫安恩阳,智障儿;老四叫安旭阳,聋哑和左眼残疾;两个女孩:老 二在西(安)临(潼)高速路上捡的,姓临,叫丹军,聋哑和智障;老三在曲江捡的,名叫曲小辉,脑瘫,5岁多 了仍不会走路,双手不住地颤抖,仅会说“嗯嗯呀呀”几个字。

  王振治拉着妻子的手,劝道:“这些孩子从小就失去父爱和母爱,社会上需要有爱心的人,咱们不妨把这做一 个爱心起点和尝试吧……”
  忙活着给孩子们喂完饭,王振治夫妻又将这四个孩子分别安排在两个房间。老大到新家显得非常兴奋,一会叫 “爸爸”,north face vests,一会叫“妈妈”,指着家里的东西不住地询问。夫妻俩好不容易将老大等人哄睡着,老四又出现了 问题。
  老二临丹军既聋哑又有智障,但模样乖巧可人。她静静坐在小凳子上好奇地看着周围的一切。“咦?早就擦干 净的地板谁把水洒啦?”细心的付亚凤发现临丹军凳子下面有一摊水,上前一摸,“哎呀!这孩子尿裤子啦。她不 会说话……”正哄着其他3个孩子的王振治赶紧帮忙,夫妻俩立即给临丹军换上干净的裤子。
  他和妻子想出了一个比较笨但很管用的办法――轮流在家里值夜班,设定好时间,每天晚上12点和半夜四点 多叫他们起来上趟厕所。


  因突染病痛,老四安旭阳到家的第一晚就号啕大哭,无论夫妻俩轮流抱还是哄劝,安旭阳都哭声不止,一直折 腾到次日凌晨五点多,夫妻俩筋疲力尽,躺在床上还没迷糊,天就亮了。
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  今年1月3日的日历这样写道:“我们夸丹军会叠被子了,会跟妈妈学整理床铺了,老大恩阳说,‘爸爸,这 是我给妹妹教的’……恩阳会表功了,也有自尊了。”
  当得知王振治收养孤残儿女的事情后,交警新城大队大队长冯勃说,王振治工作勤勤恳恳,以个人之力演绎人 间大爱,这份豪气值得身边每个人学习。 本报记者 程彬 杨小刚
  王振治说,2008年6月的一天,他和体弱多病的妻子付亚凤晚饭后在小区内散步。小区内张贴的一份西安 市儿童福利院招募“爱心家庭”的启事吸引了他们夫妻俩。“可怜的孩子们,都是些先天性智障的残疾儿童!又遭 到父母亲的遗弃成了孤儿……”付亚凤同情的话语,让丈夫王振治心里“咯噔”一下。“你在家里现在闲着没事, 不如我们带上几个(智障孤残)孩子(抚养),这样你既不会感到寂寞,还能做件好事……”当时他们的独生女已 上大学一年级,王振治的这个提议得到了妻子的积极响应。


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Old 08-11-2011, 06:02 PM   #2
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(Reporter Peng Kefeng) 12-year-old boy Shao Shuai Jiangsu suffering from leukemia for the care of the mother, decided to drop out to Beijing, and intend to donate bone marrow for the mother (see newspaper February 18th 04 Edition) . Newspaper reports,ralph lauren womens dresses, the number of well-intentioned people to the hospital to see Pei Road, and donations. Yesterday, the hospital has Shaodan Shen Pei Road, requested the contributions of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation Account.
12-year-old can be described as ill-fated Shao Shuai, one year old, her parents divorced and his mother a young age grew up with Dan Shao. For the care of children, Shao Dan to Beijing to work, did not expect but in June 2009 was diagnosed with leukemia, Shao Shuai then dropped out to Beijing to take care of the mother in the Road training hospital. After Shao Shuai matching bone marrow through a test, intended to donate bone marrow for the mother, but 30 million of the surgery still has more than 20 million gap.
newspaper reported on the February 18 issue, the number of visits to the hospital to see Shao Shuai Tao Pei and his mother, and donated some one thousand. 19 am, was founded in Anhui rural libraries at their own expense, currently working in Beijing, the 75 year-old man reported seeing yellow good German, he was handsome Shao donated bone marrow to save the mother's behavior moved. Then bought a hundred copies of old newspapers, distributed to the public in the street one by one, would like to have good people assistance. In addition, Germany is still a good yellow Baidu Post Bar and other distribution help software, and call friends to help.
day before yesterday afternoon, has been concerned about the enthusiastic volunteers, single-parent families,ralph lauren outlet, said Ms. Gao, Shao Shuai was 12 years old this year, donated bone marrow may not be conducive to his physical development, she will appeal to more people, want to have Shao Dan and other volunteers to do the bone marrow typing test, said it would help solve the school problem Shuai Shao.
It is understood that the bone marrow transplant Shao Dan, originally scheduled for February 26 after. Yesterday afternoon, said hospital staff training,ralph lauren online, said in recent days to see Shao Dan and contributions of people flocked to mother and child, in order to facilitate donations of caring people,ralph lauren polo, the hospital specifically for the Chinese Red Cross Foundation Shao Dan applied for a special account, caring person Shao Dan can transfer and indicate the specific. Account as follows:

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Bank Bank of China Beijing Branch 800100921908091001

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