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t was all because of Semyon and Tiger Cub. When I realized who we’d come up against, I decided to take my revenge. To prove something… to someone… for some reason… Now what was I going to do? I’d proved it, all right, and I’d been crippled. And far more badly than in the fight with Tiger Cub… “Just be quick, Zhanna,” said Lemesheva. “Alisa, will you come with us?” I turned toward her, but before I could say anything, someone spoke behind my back: “Nobody’s going anywhere.” Lemesheva’s eyes opened wide and I shuddered as I recognized that voice. Zabulon was standing by the elevator. He was in his human form: skinny and sad-looking, with a rather preoccupied air. Many of our people only know him like that—calm and unhurried, even a little bit boring. But I know another Zabulon too. Not the restrained boss of the Day Watch, not the mighty warrior who takes on demonic form, not the Dark magician beyond classification… but a cheerful, inexhaustibly inventive Other. Simply an Other, without any traces of the gulf between us, as if there were no difference in age, experience, or Power. That’s the <a href="http://www.lebronbasketballshoes.com/lebron-james-basketball-shoes-nike-air-max-lebron-vii-7-c-91_454.html"><strong>lebron vii</strong></a> way it used to be. Before… “Everybody come to my office,” Zabulon ordered. “Immediately.” He disappeared—dived into the Twilight probably. But before that he rested his glance on me for a brief moment. There was no expression at all in his eyes. No mockery or sympathy or affection. But he did look at me, and my heart stood still. For the last year Zabulon had seemed not even to notice the unfortunate witch Alisa Donnikova. “So much for bistros and showers,” Lemesheva said dourly. “Come on, girl timberland waterproof boots s.” It was an accident that I ended up sitting apart from the others. My feet automatically took me to the armchair by the fireplace—the broad leather armchair in which I used to curl up, half-sitting, half-lying, watching Zabulon at work, looking at the smokeless flame in the hearth, the photographs hanging all round the walls… When I realized that I’d unwittingly separated myself from the others, who had taken appropriate places on the divans by the wall, it was already too late to change anything. It would only have looked stupid. Then I kicked off my sandals, pulled my feet up, and made myself comfortable. Lemesheva glanced at me in astonishment before she started her report. The others didn’t even dare to look—their eyes were fixed adoringly on the boss. The sycophantic toadies! Leaning back in his chair behind his huge desk, Zabulon did discount timberland boots n’t react to me at a timberland chukka boots ll either. At least not on the outside. Well, don’t look then… I listened to Lemesheva’s smooth voice—she delivered her report well, speaking briefly and to the point, nothing superfluous was said and nothing important was omitted. And I looked at the photograph hanging above the desk. It was very, very old, taken a hundred and forty years earlier, <a href="http://www.lebronbasketballshoes.com/derrick-rose-basketball-shoes-c-435.html"><strong>derrick rose shoe</strong></a> using the colloidal method— the boss once gave me a detailed explanation of the differences between the “dry” and “wet” techniques. The photograph showed Zabulon in old-fashioned clothes as a student at Oxford, against the background of the tower of Christ Church College. It was a genuine original by Lewis Carroll. The boss once remarked timberland jeans that it had been very difficult to persuade the “dried-up prim and proper poet” to spend some time on one of his own students instead of a little girl. But the photograph had turned out very well—Carroll must have been a real master. Zabulon looks serious, but there’s a livel timberland boat shoes y glint of irony in his eyes, and he looks a lot younger too… but then, what does a century and a half mean to him… “Donnikova?” I looked at Lemesheva and nodded. “I entirely agree. If the absolutely essential goal of our mission was to free the prisoner, then forming the Circle of Power and threatening to perform the sacrifice was t black timberland boots he best solution.” I paused for a moment and cheap timberlands then added skeptically, “Of course, that’s if that stupid fool was worth all the effort.” “Alisa!” There was a metallic ring to Lemesheva’s voice. “How dare you discuss the chief’s orders? Chief, I apologize for Alisa. She’s overwrought and not… not entirely well.” “Naturally,” said Zabulon. “Alisa effectively ensured the success of the entire operation. She sacrificed all her Power. It’s hardly surprising that she feels like asking questions.” I raised my head sharply at that. Zabulon was ladies timberland boots quite serious. Not a hint of mockery or irony. “But…” Lemesheva began. “Who was just tal timberland uk king about respect for seniority?” Zabulon interrupted her. “Be quiet.” Lemesheva broke off. Zabulon got up from behind the desk and walked over to me without hurrying. I kept my eyes fixed on him, but I didn’t get up. “That stupid timberland work boots fool,” said Zabulon, “was <a href="http://www.lebronbasketballshoes.com/lebron-james-basketball-shoes-nike-zoom-lebron-iii-3-c-91_456.html"><strong>lebron shoes</strong></a> not worth all the effort. Of course not. But the actual timberland jeans operation against the Night Watch was extremely important. And all of the injuries you suffered in the battle are entirely justified.” I felt as if I’d been stabbed in the back. “Thank you, Zabulon,” I replied. “It will be easier for me to live through all these years, knowing tha timberland footwear t my efforts were not in vain.” “All what years, Alisa?” Zabulon asked. It was strange… we hadn’t spoken at all for a whole year… I hadn’t even received any orders from him in person… and now when he spoke to me, there was that cold, prickly lump in my chest again. “The healer said it will be a long time before I can restore my Power.” Zabulon laughed. And then suddenly he reached out his hand! He patted me on the cheek… affectionately… in that old, familiar way… “Never mind what the healer said…” Zabulon declared peaceably. “The healer has his opinion, and I have mine.” He took his hand away and I had to struggle to stop my cheek following i ladies timberland boots t… “I think no one will disagree that Alisa Donnikova was substantially responsible for the success of today’s operation?” Aha… I’d have liked to see anyone try to object! Lemesheva simply remarked cautiously, “We all made a significant effort…” “From your condition it’s not hard to see who made what kind of effort.” Zabulon went back to his desk, but he didn’t sit down. He just leaned over with his hands on the desktop, looking at me. I think he was studying me closely through the Twilight. But I couldn’t sense it… “Is everyone agreed that the Day Watch should help Alisa?” Zabulon inquired. <a href="http://436100.info/view.php?id=12704"><strong>puma shoes sale | pumashoesonsale.com</strong></a> A glint of fury appeared in Lemesheva’s eyes. The old witch had once been Zabulon’s girlfriend herself. That was why she had hated me when I was in favor… and why she had become fond of me as soon as the chief turned his back on me.