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Old 07-30-2011, 08:49 AM   #1
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Default   有一个人

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  你以为只要走的很潇洒,就不会有太多的痛苦,就不会有留恋,可是,为什么在喧闹的人群中会突然沉默下来 ,authentic christian audigier christian audigier shoes,为什么听歌听到一半会突然哽咽不止。你不知道自己在期待什么,中药配方,不出几日,包你比小白兔还白,不知道自己在坚持什么,脑海里挥之不去的,都是过往的倒影。
  爱你的人,对你的要求很少,可以在很想你的时候看看你,可以在寂寞的时候和你说句话,这就是她所有的幸 福。
  如果因为执念而作出仓促的决定,可以离开,但请不要走远,不要急着为彼此定性,不要急着分 清界限, 回头看看,她是否还在。
  善待爱你的那个人,那个不希望你困扰,所以强颜欢笑、骗你说释怀了的人,那个默默关注你,从不曾离开的 人,如果你还彷徨着,如果你还抑制不住的想着她,如果你还在意她的一颦一簇,不妨给她一个可能,也给自己一 个可能。
  在爱情里,如果两人都很被动,一段美好的姻缘不免在时间的摧残下消磨殆尽,并不是两个人不适合,而是双 方都习惯于等待,等待对方先主动,没有耐心的人于是选择离开,最后徒留遗憾。

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Old 07-30-2011, 08:51 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 440
oujoyha8l7 is on a distinguished road

Yang Liping articles
】 【

Luyu Q:
1. you hour struck?
2. you butcher it?
3. you hit something with that cake it?
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articles】 【Zhang
Zhang said he was the cause of failure, very depressed, sitting in the plane and watched the night sky, looking at the moon, It is a pity
Chen anchor immediately interrupted him, shocked to ask: how can see the moon on the plane?
take a moment not on the words of Charles Zhang, hand gestures, \
she suddenly realized: \

articles】 【Zhao
Zhao: I can not stand professional actors, I prefer a natural,
Luyu: Yeah, I think you are very professional,
Zhao: I am not a professional, you are a non-professional host it.
Luyu: ... ... (stunned for a few seconds) Ka Kaka giggle

Liu Qian articles
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Liu Qian
Luyu to choose his favorite magic, metaphor, said Liu Qian hit parents to choose favorite as a child,nfl wholesale jerseys, like a bad thing in election
Who knows Luyu NC
come the one, your mother on your child ... ...

Fan Wei articles】 【

Luyu: Your wife's name with one of Hong Kong Miss Hong Kong is the same.
Fan Wei: Yes. (Giggle)
Luyu: is not it? (Suspected)
Fan Wei: Yes. (Honest)
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Luyu: That very pretty Miss Hong Kong.
Fan Wei: There is no comparison. (Intolerable)
Luyu: That very pretty Miss Hong Kong.
Fan Wei: ah. (Too lazy to answer the)
Luyu: What exactly the same name.
Fan Wei: name exactly the same ... ... (can I say ORZ ...)

articles】 【Tsai Kang-yung
Kang Yong
in talking about his gay lover, the Luyu say one thing: \, Tsai Kang-yung parents at the age of 20 have died.

】 【Yi articles
in the conversation, because there is no person may collect information, Shandong and Henan are also talking about some topics lack of confidence.
of Yi Jianlian in the program she said: \
Luyu replied: \

】 【Yeh articles
Luyu laughter is a major feature of the program. Some users believe that, Luyu smile on talk shows is a destruction of coherence.
such as that of Stephen Chow, a man in her laugh, see Yeh did not laugh, she asked: Do not you feel funny? Yeh asked: Do you think funny?

articles】 【children left behind
They usually eat
Luyu asked what the children say what vegetables.
Luyu asked: meat?
children: do not regularly eat
Luyu: Why? Meat is not good?
honest children are embarrassed to say: No, no money ... ...

articles】 【a man
man: I was asleep ... ...
Luyu: how do you know you asleep?
... ...

an uncle articles】 【

interview the uncle of a boss age, show the end,
Luyu: I wish you live to be 120 years old!
uncle: (gray often gray often delighted) Thank you, thank you ah!
Luyu: I'm just kidding!
... ...

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interview is not the 500 million lottery winner when,
a person who is not: I had jumped to get the idea ... ...
Chen Lu Yu: So then you jump it?
... ...

an aunt articles】 【

Luyu interview a lonely rich old ladies move daughter.
Luyu: Do you think which one to apply for the daughter of the most affinity?
aunt: I think three -
Luyu: (interrupting) three are also right, you choose the daughter, right?
aunt: to ----
Luyu: (interrupting) to is not it?
aunt: Yes, she ----
Luyu: (interrupting) That did not choose the daughter is not embarrassed to refuse?
Aunt: Well this issue ----
Luyu: (interrupting) That you and the three daughters or between it?
Aunt: Well ----
Luyu: (interrupting) is still traveling, right? !
aunt: ah, yes, I would say ----
Luyu: (interrupting) Yes,nhl hockey jerseys, I think this fine,
aunt: uh ----
Luyu: (interrupting) This life was very happy, right?
aunt: uh,barcelona jersey cheap, happy? But ----
Luyu: (interrupting) Yes, you really happy, you will always be this way right?
aunt: We always? ------
Luyu: (interrupting) Well, now the show ends, I thank our guests, thank you!
aunt: Thank you, Lu -
Luyu: This phase of program here, goodbye!
aunt: Yu

articles】 【AIDS
Once the interview
AIDS, said that his men would like a baby, but he already had a daughter.
Luyu: is not particularly want a son?
young man: not
Luyu: definitely
young man: I'm not
Lu Yu: I think that is it
young man: ... ...

】 【Yapeng articles
Luyu asked: \Before Yapeng
answer, turned to the audience question and answer in said:
\Before plugging the mouth Yapeng
asked \
(this time the whole world knows, Li Yan a)
Yapeng not mouth, she said: \
Yapeng not opening, Chen Lu Yu and directed at the audience a self together, \

Anthony Wong
articles】 【
Huang said he was interviewed after winning the prize, no one had, so he called the director called back, drive to dinner.
Luyu to look very innocent and then asked: Really? Really their own drive? Not the kind of pick your car?
Huang SIR: No ah drive our own supper.
look very innocent and then the bulk of applause ... ...
baffled when I see this ... why should we applaud ... ... ah ... ...

】 【Emil articles
Luyu asked Emil math, OK? Emil easy to read that \
after the broadcast, many viewers in the Phoenix Forum and the End of the World communities posting comment on the matter. Because of kin is a graduate of National Taiwan University Department of Mathematics, he was looking forward to math teacher by profession.
oujoyha8l7 is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 07-30-2011, 09:00 AM   #3
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Unhappy Say writer

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Default for days

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