Originally Posted by CorcovadoFor a casual winter coat that washes well, I favor a squall jacket from Lands End or LL Bean, etc. I particularly like the design of the collar, which lets you zip it up into a sort of turtleneck to keep the wind out. Those quilted jackets you showed seem much dressier
jordans for women 2011 , more expensive and certainly less appropriate for coming between you and baby barf. I have an LE Squall in deep navy that's, like, 15 years old. The ribknit along the bottom is kind of shot and has lost its "grab," which means it lets lots of cold air in. The jacket's been like that for a few winters now but my efforts to replace it have been frustrating. I tried the LL Bean model on at their Tyson's store last week and found that it generally seems fine except for one fatal shortcoming: The XL is a bit too tight across the upper back even when I'm not wearing a sweater, but the XXL is hugely too big. I bought an LE Squall last year but returned it unworn to Sears b/c by comparison w/ my old Squall the new one seemed to be of much poorer quality WRT both the lining and the shell fabric. I'm giving LE another chance
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jordan women heels , and have a navy Squall on order. We'll see if it's any better than last year's, and if the fit is still spot on for light layering (as is the case with my existing 15 y.o. Squall). If it doesn't work out, back it will go via Sears, and I may have to spend the extra coin to get a Patagonia or some such. PS: It looks as if this is the Patagonia equivalent of the Squall:http://www.patagonia.com/web/us/prod...?p=28135-0-078 I can't say that the prospect of shelling out 175 clams for a jacket made of recycled soda bottles thrills me overmuch; does anyone happen to know where to get the best price on one of these bad boys?