DOS command Daquan
directory manipulation classes command
(a) md - creates a subdirectory
. Function: Create a new subdirectory
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: md [drive:] [path name]
4. Instructions:
(1) \2) \
cases: (1) the root of c drive to create a subdirectory named fox; (2) in the fox and then create a subdirectory under the user directory.
c: \> md fox (c disk in the current drive to create a subdirectory fox)
c: \> md fox \ user (in the sub-fox directory and then create a user subdirectory)
(b) cd - change directory
1. Function: to change the current directory
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: cd [drive:] [path name] [directory name]
4. Instructions:
(1) If you omit the path and directory name, displays the current directory;
(2), such as using \to the root directory;
(3), such as using \
cases: (1) into the user directory; (2) back from user subdirectory to a subdirectory; (3) returns to the root directory.
c: \> cd fox \ user (the user into the fox subdirectory subdirectory)
c: \ fox \ user> cd .. ( return on a root note followed by two points \
c: \ fox> cd \ (to return to the root directory)
c: \
(c) rd - Delete directory command
1. Function: remove the disk from the specified directory.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: rd [drive:] [path name] [directory name]
4. Instructions:
(1) subdirectory must be empty before removal, that need to enter the subdirectory, use the del (delete file command) to the subdirectory delete the empty file, and then go back to the upper directory, use the rd command to remove the directory itself;
(2) can not remove the root directory and the current directory.
Example: Requires the c drive fox subdirectory subdirectory under the user to delete, as follows:
first step: first the file under the user directory Delete empty;
c \> del c: \ fox \ user \ *.* or del c: \ fox \ user or del c: \ fox \ user \ *
(Note: this can only delete the file, it can not delete the user directory folder)
the second step, remove the user subdirectory.
c \> rd c: \ fox \ user
(Note: If the fox \ user folder, there is still a folder, this step will not work, how to solve it? fact, do not take the trouble to two-step, direct that c \> rd c: \ fox \ user / s
with a parameter / s, you do not want the system to ask whether to delete, you can add a parameter / q).
rd (RMDIR): In the DOS operating system used to delete a directory
RMDIR [/ S] [/ Q] [drive:] path
RD [/ S] [/ Q] [drive:] path
Note: The following two parameters can only be used in WINXP (in vista systems In fact, you can use the following two parameters!)
/ S except the directory itself, it will also delete all the subdirectories under the specified directory and files. Used to delete the directory tree.
/ Q Quiet mode, with / S to delete the directory tree does not require confirmation.
such as: Remove D drive named myfile (this folder is empty) folder, you can enter rd d: \ myfile.
If myfile is not empty, enter the rd / S d: \ myfile myfile delete folder and all subfolders and files.
(d) dir - displays the disk directory command
1. Function: Display the contents of the disk directory.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: dir [drive] [path] [/ p] [/ w]
4. Instructions for use: / p use; When To view the catalog too, can not be displayed on a screen, the screen will always end up the volume, is not easy to see, with / p parameter, the screen will display the first 23 lines faceted the file information, then pause and prompt; press any key to continue
/ w to use: Add / w display only the file name, as file size and set the date and time are both omitted. With parameters, each line can display the five file names.
(e) path - the path set command
1. Function: The device search path for executable files, only the file is valid.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: path [drive 1] directory [path name 1] {[; letter 2:], \Instructions:
(1) when running an executable file, dos will first search for the file in the current directory, if found, run the; if can not find the file, then under path command to set the path to the directory in order one by one to search for the file;
(2) path in the path of the command, if two or more, all paths with a semicolon \2:] [Path 2] ... (to set the search path for executable files) path: (abolition of all paths)
path: (shows the current path established)
(six) tree - Display disk directory structure command
1. Function: Displays all the directory path on the drive and the directory of all file names.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: tree [drive:] [/ f] [> prn]
4. Instructions:
(1) using the / f parameter shows all directories and directory of all documents, omitted, only display the directory, the files do not show directory;
(2) optional> prn parameter, put in the directory listed in the directory and file name of the print output.
(VII) deltree - Delete the entire directory command
1. Function: the entire directory and its subdirectories and files subordinate to delete.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: deltree [drive:]
4. Usage: This command can be the next step will be directory and all files, subdirectories, but the lower subdirectories be deleted, and regardless of file attributes as hidden, system or read-only, as long as the file is deleted directories Next, deltree are treated equally, according to delete worthwhile. Be careful when using! ! !
(eight) tasklist - Display process
1. Function: the process of the entire computer display, with the Task Manager.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: tasklist
4. Instructions: Run cmd tasklist
disk operating class command
(a) format - disk formatting commands
1. Function: to format the disk, track, and sector classification; also check whether the entire disk with defective tracks, filling mark of bad sectors; create the directory area and the file allocation table, ready to receive the disk preparation dos .
2. Type: External command
3. Format: format [/ s] [/ 4] [/ q]
4. Instructions:
(1) command after the drive letter is not the default, if the format your hard drive will be as the following tips: warning: all data on non
- removable disk
drive c: will be lost!
proceed with format (y / n)?
(Warning: All data in the c drive, will be lost, do you want to continue formatting?)
(2) if the format of the floppy disk technology will be the following tips: insert mew diskette for drive a;
and press enter when ready ...
(insert in a new disk drive, ready to After press the Enter key).
(3) use [/ s] parameters, will dos system files io.sys, msdos.sys and copy to disk, so that the disk can serve as a dos boot disk . If selected / s parameter, formatted disk only to read and write information on drums, and not as the startup disk;
(4) use [/ 4] parameters, 1.2mb high-density low-density floppy disk formatted 360kb;
(5) use [/ q] parameters, a quick format, this parameter does not re-disk track and sector by only the disk root directory, file allocation table and boot sector into a blank clear, therefore, faster format.
(6) use [/ u] argument that an unconditional format, which destroy all data on the original disk. Without / u, was safe format, first create an image file then save the old fat table and root directory, if necessary, restore the original data can be unforrmat.
(b) unformat restore formatted command
1. Function: misuse of to format the disk to recover lost data.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: unformat [/ l] [/ u] [/ p] [/ test]
4. Usage: used to be \The root directory or subdirectories deleted files and disk system sector (including the fat, the root directory, boot sector and partition table) is damaged, it can be used to rescue unformat.
(1) use / l parameter lists to find the subdirectory name, file name, date of great filial piety and other information, but the format does not really do the work.
(2) optional / p parameters of the report will be displayed on the screen (with / l parameter information generated) and also sent to the printer. Run-time screen displays: \to do real writing action. Use this parameter screen will display: \
(5) selection / psrtn; repair partition table.
If you add in the letter / p, / l, / test one, are equivalent to using the / u parameter, unformat be \
Note: unformat disk format for the first, can be fully restored, but the format did after the other data if the write, then unformat can not complete save data. unformat is not a panacea, would be redeveloped due to the use unformat fat and root directory, so it also has a high risk, loss of improper operation may be expanded, if only accidentally deleted a few files or subdirectories, only need to use undelete enough.
c) chkdsk - check disk the current state of command
1. Function: Display disk status, memory status, and specify the path of the specified file number is not continuous.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: chkdsk [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ f] [/ v]
4. Instructions:
(1) use [file] parameter, the display case of the files take up disk;
(2) select [/ f] parameters, to correct the specified logical errors found on the disk;
(3) use [/ v] parameters, showing all the files on the disk and path.
(d) diskcopy - the entire disk copy command
1. Function: Copy the format and content of the same floppy disk.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: diskcopy [letter 1:] [drive 2:]
4. Instructions:
(1) If the target disk is not formatted, the system will automatically copy the selected format.
(2) If the target disk on the original file, then copy will be lost.
(3) if the copy is a single drive, the system will prompt a timely replacement of the source and destination drive, please pay attention to distinguish between operation source and destination disk.
(e) label - established disklabel command
1. Functions: create, change, delete the disk label.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: label [drive:] [volume name]
4. Instructions:
(1) to establish the label named label name, if the default for this parameter, type the volume name, or prompted to ask whether delete the original volume name ;
(2) volume name from 1 to 11 characters.
(VI) vol - shows the disk volume label command
1. Features: View disk volume label.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: vol [drive:]
4. Instructions for use: drive letter is omitted, display the current drive label.
(VII) scandisk - testing, repair disk command
1. Function: To detect the disk's fat table, directory structure, file system, if there are problems, and to detect problems and fix them.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: scandisk [drive 1:] {[letter 2:] ...} [/ all]
4. Instructions:
(1) ccandisk for hard and floppy disks, you can specify more than one disk or use a [/ all] parameter to specify all of the disks;
(eight) defrag - re-disk command
1. . Function: finishing disk, remove disk fragments.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: defrag [drive:] [/ f]
4. Instructions for use: use / f parameter, the file exists to eliminate debris disk, and adjust the disk file arrangements to ensure that there is no gap between files. Thus speeding up the read the disk speed and save disk space.
(IX) sys - system copy command
1. Function: the current drive dos system files io.sys, msdos.sys and sent to the specified drive.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: sys [drive:]
* Instructions for use: If not enough free space on the disk storage system files, the prompt: no roomfor on destination disk.
file manipulation class command
(a) copy the file copy command
1. Function: Copy one or more files to the specified disk.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: copy [source disk] [path] [target disk] [path] [destination file name]
4. Instructions:
(1) copy of the file copy the data on the papers, copy destination disk must be formatted before;
(2) replication ,
nba jerseys, the target disk on the same file name, source file, the old files will be replaced;
(3) copy the file, you must first determine the objectives as there is enough space, otherwise it will appear; insufficient to the error message that is not enough disk space;
(4) allows the use of file names held \
(5) copy command in the source file name must be pointed out, can not be omitted.
(6) replication, the target file name with the same name as the source file, called \(7) replication, the target file name can vary with the source file name, called the \You can also combine several files into one file, called \] ;
(9) using copy command, you can create from the keyboard input data file format is as follows: copy con [drive:] [path] ;
(10) Note: copy command using the format, source file name and target file name must have a space between!
(b) xcopy - directory replication command
1. Function: Copy the specified directory and all files in the directory with the directory structure.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: xcopy [source disk:] [Target drive:] [destination path name] [/ s] [/ v] [/ e]
4. Instructions:
(1) xcopy is copy of the extension, the directory can be specified together with copies of files and directory structure, but can not copy hidden and system files;
(2) use the source drive, the source destination path name, specify at least one source file name;
(3) selection / s, the source directory and its children directory of all file copy. Unless you specify the / e parameter, or / s will not copy empty directories, if not specified / s parameter, xcopy copy only the files source directory itself, without involving a subdirectory under it;
(c) type - displays the file contents of the command
1. Function: Display the contents of the file ascii code.
2. Type: Internal command.
3. Format: type [drive:] [path]
4. Instructions:
(1) shows the composition of the ascii text file code, yes. as the file extension, which displays the contents can not be read,
minnesota twins jerseys, no real meaning 2;
(2) the order can only be displayed once the contents of a file can not be used wildcard;
(3) if the file have an extension, you must write on the extension;
(4) When the file is longer, a no less than when the screen display, you can press the following format; type [drive:] [path] | more, more for the split screen command, the use of these parameters will be suspended when the full screen, press any key to continue display.
(5) If you need to print out the contents of the file, use the following format:
type [drive:] [path] ,> prn
At this point, the printer should be online.
(d) ren - rename the file command
1. Function: Change the file name
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: ren [drive:] [path] \Instructions:
(1) can not add new file name before the drive letter and path, because the command can only replace the same file on the disk file name;
(2) allows the use of wildcards to change a file name or extension.
(e) fc - file comparison command
1. Function: To compare the similarities and differences between files, and lists different place.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: fc [drive:] [path name] [drive:] [pathname] [filename] [/ a] [/ c] [/ n]
4. Instructions:
(1) use / a parameter for comparison ascii mode code;
(2) optional / b parameters for binary comparison model;
(3) selection of / c parameter, the case is the same character as the character.
(4) optional / n parameter, ascii code in comparison mode, the display differences at the line number.
(VI) attrib - modify file attributes command
1. Function: to modify the properties of the specified file. (File attributes see 2.5.4 (b) of the file properties section)
2. Type: External command.
3. Format: attrib [file name]
- [-r] [a] [-a] [h] [-h] [-s]
4. Instructions:
(1) selection of r parameter, specify the file set to read-only attribute, so that the file can only be read, not write or delete data; optional-r argument to In addition to read-only property;
(2) use a parameter file is set to file attributes; optional-a parameter, remove the file attributes; (3) The selection of h parameters of the file co-ordination for the implicit property; optional-h parameter to the hidden attributes;
(4) optional s parameter is set to system properties file; optional-s parameter,
wholesale jerseys, remove the system properties; ( 5) selection / s parameters on the current directory and all subdirectories for the setup.
g) - delete the file command
1. Function: delete the specified file.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: del [drive:] [path] [/ p]
4. Instructions:
(1) optional / p parameter, the system asks if you really want to delete before delete the file, without using this parameter, it is automatically deleted;
(2) the command does not remove the property is hidden or read-only file;
(3) in the file name can use wildcards;
(4) To delete all the files on the disk (del * · * or del ·), will be prompted to: (arey ou sure?) (Are you sure?) If the answer y, then delete, answer n , then cancel the deletion.
(eight) undelete - undelete command
1. Function: Restore accidentally deleted the command
2. Type: External command.
3. Format: undelete [drive:] [path name] [/ dos] [/ list] [/ all]
4. Instructions for use: undelete can use the \
(1) use / dos parameters recorded under the directory to restore the remaining files. Because the file is deleted, the directory file name recorded in the first cut will be replaced by a character e5, dos e5 beginning of the file that is based on the follow-up of the characters and their wish to restore the files to find, so, undelete will ask the user to enter a character, filled so that the file name. However, this character not the same as the original, just the file name rules conform to dos.
(2) use / list only \
(3) selected / all automatically recovered files will be fully recovered, but not one by one to ask the user to use this parameter, if the residual undelete records using directory to the file recovery,
nfl wholesale jerseys, it will automatically select the file name of a character filled, and it is not the same as with the existing file name, the preferred order of selection of characters :#%-- 0000123456789a ~ z.
undelete file also has to establish the function of protective measures,
twins jerseys cheap, beyond the scope of this course, please use these functions the reader access to the dos manual.
other commands
(a) cls - clear screen command
1 features: clear all displayed on the screen , the screen cursor in the upper left corner.
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: cls
(b) ver view the system version number command
1 function: display the current system version
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: ver
(c) date date is set command
1 function: to set or display the system date.
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: date [mm - dd - yy]
4 use Description:
(1) omitted [mm - dd - yy] display system date and prompted to enter a new date, you can not modify directly press Enter, [mm - dd - yy] as the \the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time.
(d) time the system clock set command
1 function: set or display system time.
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: time [hh: mm: ss: xx]
4 use Description:
(1) omitted [hh: mm: ss: xx], shows the system time and prompts for a new time, you can not modify directly press Enter, [hh: mm : ss: xx] as \implementation, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time.
(e) mem view the current memory status command
1 Function: Displays the current memory usage
2 types : external command
3 formats: mem [/ c] [/ f]
[/ p]
4 Instructions:
(1) selection of / c parameter list into conventional memory and cmb length of each file also shows the usage of memory space and the largest available space;
(2) selection of / f parameters are listed in the remaining bytes of the current size of conventional memory available in the area and umb and size;
(3) optional / m parameter shows the module memory to address, size and nature of the module;
(4) selection / p parameter specifies the output more than one screen, pause for the user to view.
(VI) msd display system information command
1 function: display system hardware and operating system status.
2 types: external command
3 formats: msd [/ s]
4 Instructions:
(1) selection of / i parameter, does not detect the hardware;
(2) optional / b parameter to black and white start msd;
(3) selection / s parameter, the system displays the concise report.
ping command Detailed
under the ping command for the windows I believe we have been familiar, but can ping function to the greatest people have and not many,
lebron james jerseys, of course, I can not say I play the most important function ping, ping and I often use this tool only, but also summed up some small experience, and now share with you.
I ping command to refer to the help of the instructions for everyone to talk about my use of the techniques used when ping, ping only installed the tcp / ip protocol before it can use:
ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count ] [[-j computer-list] | [-k computer-list]] [-wz timeout] destination-list
-t ping the specified host until see statistics and continue - type control-break; to stop - type control-c.
stop ping the local host, until you press control-c .
This feature has no special skills, but can be used in conjunction with other parameters, will be mentioned below.
net use \ \ ip \ ipc $ \/ user: \locally h:
net use h: \ \ ip \ c $ after landing the other mapping c: to the local for the h:
net use \ \ ip \ ipc $ / del to delete ipc link
net use h: / del to delete the other to the local maps for h: mapping
net user username password / add to create a user
net user guest / active: yes active guest user
net user to see what users
net user account name to view the account properties
net localgroup *** istrators username / add the \added s in the plural
net start see what services are open net start service name to enable the service; (such as: net start telnet,
net start schedule) net stop service name to stop a service
net time \ \ target ip see each other time
net time \ \ target ip / set time and set the local computer \target ip \\ ip see what other open shared LAN
net config display system network settings
net logoff disconnect shared
net pause service were suspended a service
net send ip \type and information
net share local open view shared
net share ipc $ open ipc $ share
net share ipc $ / del to delete ipc $ share
net share c $ / del to delete c: shared
net user guest 12345 guest user login with the password for later 12345net password password to change the system login password
netstat-a view which ports are opened, used
netstat-annetstat-n Show network connection port commonly used
netstat-annetstat-v View the ongoing work of
netstat-p protocol in cases of: netstat-p tcq / ip view the use of a protocol (see tcp / ip protocol usage)
netstat-s view is the use of all the agreements
nbtstat-a ip one of the other 136-139 port open, then you can see each other last logged in user name (the user name before 03) - Note: The parameter-a to capitalize
tracert - parameter ip (or computer name) tracks routing (packet), parameters: \
ping ip (or domain name) to the other host to send the default size of 32 bytes of data, parameters: \; \
ping-t-l 65550 ip death ping (send a file larger than 64k, and has become the ping of death ping)
ipconfig (winipcfg ) for windows nt and xp (windows 95 98) See the local ip address,
ipconfig available parameters \t to the tree-line list shows the process (an additional tool for the system, the default is not installed in the installation directory of the support / tools folder)
kill-f process name add-f parameter After the forced closure of a process (an additional tool for the system, the default is not installed in the installation directory of the support / tools folder)
del-f file name parameter after the adding-f to delete read-only file, / ar, / ah, / as, / aa, respectively, to delete read-only, hidden, system, archive file, / ar, / ah, / as, / aa deletion except that read-only, hidden, system , other than the archive file. For example, \command
command as follows:
shutdown.exe-a cancel shutdown
shutdown.exe-s off
shutdown.exe-f to force close the application.
shutdown.exe-m \ \ computer name control of the remote computer.
shutdown.exe-i Display the graphical user interface, but it must be the first parameter Shutdown.
shutdown.exe-l log off current user.
shutdown.exe-r Shutdown and restart.
shutdown.exe-t time setting off the countdown.
shutdown.exe-c \
such as your computer to shut down in 2400, you can choose \\If you want to countdown the way off, you can enter \
If you want to cancel, you can enter in the running \Also enter \
to Windows 2000 also achieve the same effect, can be copied to the system directory System32 Shutdown.exe under
eg: shutdown.exe-s-m \