Nov. 8, 2006 -- Critics of low-carbohydrate diets claim that they promoteheart ailment, but an of the first studies apt survey the long-term effects oflow-carb eating suggests otherwise. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health detected not certify of anassociation among low-carbohydrate diets and additional cardiovascular hazard,even when these diets were high in saturated beast fats. Low-carb eating even seemed apt be protective opposition center disease whenvegetables were the main sources of portly and protein in the diet. The learn, which appears tomorrow in the New England Journal ofMedicine, embodied nearly 83,000 woman nurses in the Nurses' Health Studywho provided careful message approximately their eating patterns once per annual formore than 20 years. The nurses were no asked apt emulate any particulardiets. A clear information from the research was that extreme diets, which severelyrestrict both fats alternatively carbohydrates, are not the best choices forcardiovascular disease hindrance, researcher Thomas L. Halton, ScD, tellsWebMD. Pros and Cons "Neither a quite low-fat diet or a very low-carbohydrate diet proved tobe ideal," he says. "There were pros and cons to either of thesediets." Low-fat diets are along meaning cheap in saturated fats, which is good as theheart, Halton says. But they too tend to be higher in cultivated carbohydrateslike sugar and white flour, which spike blood sugar levels. "Americans tend to pick the bad carbohydrates," he says. "Sothe benefits of eating lower measures of saturated portly and cholesterol areoffset to some degree by the penniless quality of the carbohydrates theyeat." The maximum protective diet, in terms of heart disease risk, was alow-carbohydrate that was also low in saturated fats and cholesterol wherevegetables were the chief sources of fats and protein. "The vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet combined the best functions oflow-fat and low-carbohydrate eating
Pandora Earrings," Halton says. Following this diet was related with a 30% reduction in center diseaserisk over 20 years. "The quality of fat and carbohydrate is more major than thequantity
Jewelry Stores," says study researcher Frank Hu, MD, PhD. "A heart-healthydiet ought embrace healthy types of fat and carbohydrates." The Glycemic Load Hu was talking approximately carbohydrates that are slow to become to sugar, orso-called low-glycemic-load foods. Most fruits, vegetables
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Bvlgari Sale, and nuts have low glycemic loads.Refined pearly flour and sugar, for well as white rice and potatoes, have highglycemic loads. Women in the study whose diets had the highest glycemic loads had a 90%increased risk of developing heart diseaseduring the 20 years of follow-up
Jewellery Stores, compared with women whose diets had thelowest glycemic loads. "This is equitable an study, but the discoveries recommend that eating ahigh-glycemic-load diet may be even more noxious than eating a diet that ishigh in saturated fat and cholesterol," Halton says. Frank Sacks
Pandora Bracelets, MD, also studies diet and heart disease risk at the HarvardSchool of Public Health, but he was not involved with the study by Halton andcolleagues. His research also suggests that retinue a strictly low-fat diet is lessprotective opposition heart disease than following a diet that includes fat fromvegetable sources favor olive and canola oil. He is currently assessing the cardiovascular risks and benefits of some ofthe maximum warmhearted subserved advertisement diets
Links Of London Jewelry, including Atkins, the South BeachDiet, and the Zone. "One problem with very restrictive diets is that human don't stay onthem very long," he says. "It doesn't stuff how good they are or howprotective they are if folk don't follow them."
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