marlboro cigarettes
The instructor should encourage students to review the relevant discussion in the text concerning aesthetic marketing research and then express their thoughts and feeling regarding the use of consumer research for these purposes. Considering this practices in light of the marketing concept should generate an interesting discussion.
The chapter mentions some instances where market research findings influenced artistic decisions, as when a movie ending was reshot to accommodate consumers’ preferences. Many people would most likely oppose this practice, claiming that books, movies, records, or other artistic endeavors should not be designed to merely conform to what people want to read
dr.dre headphones, see, or hear. What do you think?
Go to,, and How do these sites use music and hip-hop culture to sell their products? Do the approaches seem to alienate any of the various youth cultures? If so, how? What strategies does your group see? Which of these strategies seem to be the most effective? How can your group tell? Report your group’s findings to the class.
After reviewing these definitions with students, select various types of advertisement (e.g., TV, billboard, magazine, point-of-purchase, etc.) and ask students to express their views of advertising within this framework.
Due to increased competition and market saturation, marketers in industrialized countries are increasingly trying to develop Third World markets by encouraging people in underdeveloped countries to desire Western products. Asian consumers alone spend $90 billion a year on cigarettes, and U.S. tobacco manufacturers continue to push relentlessly into these markets. Cigarette advertising, often depicting glamorous Western models and settings, is found just about everywhere—on billboards, buses, storefronts
Monster Beats, and clothing. In addition, many major sports and cultural events are sponsored by tobacco companies. Some companies even hand out cigarettes and gifts in amusement areas—often to preteens. Should this practice be encouraged
good luck (94), even if the products being marketed may be harmful to consumers’ health (e.g., cigarettes) or divert needed money away from the purchase essentials? If you were a trade or a health official in a Third World country, what guidelines, if any, might you suggest to regulate the import of luxury goods from advanced economies?
Go to and Remember Don Johnson’s flamboyant style of clothing displayed on Miami Vice? Remember James Bond’s (007) tuxedos? Go to these Web sites to examine men’s informal and formal wear. What fashion trends do you see for this year? Are the fashion trends “new” or is a “retro” look “in”? How are marketers using these trends (if at all)?
Go to This unique furniture Web site allows the visitor to go on a virtual shopping trip via robotic cameras that display the store’s merchandise in real time. What do you think of this approach? Would it stimulate purchasing if you were in the market for furniture? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach?
Go to,,, and How do these organizations use reality engineering? What evidence does your group find that the technique is being used? Which site did your group find to be the most attractive? Why? Which site seemed to cross cultural lines in its appeal to the consumer? How did you know this? What evidence do you see of trends in entertainment? Do any of the sites advertise “virtual” experiences? If so, which ones and how do they do it? Report your group’s findings to the class.