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Old 05-15-2011, 12:08 AM   #1
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Default 翻新是中华民族的灵魂

  素质教导是一个全新的教育,是教育史上一次历史性奔腾。它终极到达:开发学生潜能,培养学生立异。在地 舆教学中,我采取新鲜机动的教法,激发学生兴致,结合地图导学,讲练结合,经由摸索研讨实际,发明了“四— 四—一”的教养方式,即“四倡导、四激励、一翻新”,即培养学生思维能力,造就学生设想能力,培养学生反馈 能力,培育学生写作才能。最大限度的施展出学生的潜能,培养学生的创新能力。
  提倡兴趣学习,鼓励说猜谜语,salvatore ferragamo sale,培养学生思维能力。学生对谜语感兴趣,老师时常脱口说谜语,并启发引诱,长此以往,学生就能 编出谜语来。
  开端,我领导学生把新村乡各村编成谜语。刚建山庄(新村),满岭枫树(洪山),锅底朝上(黑山),赤布 飘飘(红旗),长期和平(永安),情感深沉(友情、友好)。接着,把延寿各乡镇编成谜语。钢都(安山),增 书(加信),绿水(青川),长岭(寿山),长江(延河);两个师(六团),金沙江(玉河);里边小溪(中和 ),旷野安静(安然)等。当前,每碰到县名、市名、省名,师生就用谜语说出来。县名:长命百岁(延寿),六 指一短(五常);女扮男装(木兰),肖红故乡(呼兰);赵氏好汉(尚志),客人来郡(宾县);井底之蛙(依 兰),金代京都(阿城);富饶村落(巴颜),两市相连(双城)。上游下游(同江),明澈见底(明水);兽王 老家(虎林),驴骡呜叫(呼玛);一路顺利(安达),憧憬光亮(爱辉);英模嘉会(集贤),良朋交情(友谊 );文化北京(德都),京城稳固(北安)等。市名:开国仪式(大庆),她正妙龄(伊春);海上绿州(青岛) ,边塞战火(烟台);春回大地(姑苏),惊涛骇浪(宁波);金银铜铁(无锡),沟渠不浅(深圳);一路安全 (旅顺),保护治安(保定);来信收到(开封),略知一二(三明);遵守信用(遵义),长久和平(延安); 花王之河(牡丹江),栋梁之材(佳木斯);大家笑你(齐齐哈尔),黑色油田(克拉玛依)等。哥哥明白(昆明 ),姐姐领巾(包头);军人男士(武汉),第一夫人(太原);爸妈都胖(合肥),永远健康(长安);红日如 金(贵阳),日落西山(沈阳);宇宙天河(银川),广阔地区(广州);水边人家(杭州),及时行乐(福州) ;芳香海湾(香港),海边窗户(澳门);北方落伍(南昌),北京建国(成都);北方稳定(南宁),北方充裕 (济南);广州建都(南京),欧州稳定(西宁);四季花开(长春),瓜果之城(兰州);大洋张嘴(海口), 宝岛省会(台北);千里戈壁(长沙),高原明珠(拉萨);笑你客人(哈尔滨),翼王城市(石家庄);青色城 市(呼和浩特),精美牧场(乌鲁木齐)等。省市:双喜临门(重庆),甘霖雨露(天津);船出江口(上海), 背景明显(北京)。冬风吹(云南),座上宾(广西);两双鞋(四川),东南北(西藏);墨水河(黑龙江), 里藏史(内蒙古);神州大治(宁夏),万里宁静(辽宁);黄金宝地(贵州),碧波万顷(青海);暴风遇阻( 台湾),泰岳主人(山东);座上主人(广东);锤炼身体好(福建)帽上带五星(安徽);满山优质树(吉林) ,水暖鸭先知(江苏)。……
  就这样,联合教材内容,学生编出很多谜语。说它多大有多大,日月星辰全包容,无人知它始跟终,不左右和 高低(宇宙)。形体圆,水面蓝,能自转、载河山(地球)。不是蓝球不是蛋,用手一推它就转,别看它的个子小 ,载着江山让你看(地球仪)。容千山万水,纳四面八方,藏中外名城,装铁路航行(舆图)。四海之内,养育人 类,结出硕果,世间名贵(土地)。万物之源,陆海空轮回,三种身体,体型健全(水);遍环球,海洋流,海洋 住、空中游(水)。一物到处见,家族一大片,防风又蓄水,建造显才华(森林)。此物很硬,浑身有棱,熔炉是 水,成品冷凝(铁矿石)。玄色固体,沉睡地里,焚身放热,焚烧本人(煤)。液体可贵,地下沉睡,采出分类, 机器进胃(石油)。地下成长,身材含氧,一用就着,石油一堂(天燃气)。个子小、力气大、铀石身,能爆炸( 核能)。个大高空破,家住河汉系,间隔太遥远、发光照大地(太阳)。夜间工作,东升西落,有圆出缺,黑白交 织(月亮)。一物性格燥,大陆陆地爆,平时还温柔,战时就嚎叫(风);一物脾气燥,海洋陆地爆,治服利用它 ,发电见功效(风能)。废料到处见,利用益无穷,放进沼气地,发电能做饭(生物能)。废物到处见,应用益无 限;放进沼气池,发电能做饭(生物能)。地球已有六十亿,一直寻找新住地;散布热带和文温带,住进月球创奇 观(人口)。有的联片有的成线;高下相间,都能立站(山、山脉)。中华母娘、发祥天堂,外形像多少,渤海入 洋(黄河)。
  提倡质疑难难,鼓励勇敢料想,培养学生想象能力。一个好故事,往往能给学生带来启发,留下美妙印象,毕 生受益。
  在地理教学中,我常常给学生讲带有启示性的故事。学习《日界限》时,我给学生讲了一个双胞胎的故事。有 一位妊妇,在船上生了一对孪生千金,成果在日期上盘算,妹妹却比姐姐大了一岁,这是什么原因?登时,全部学 生兴趣盎然,急于想晓得原因。学习《地球》时,一个学生问:地球有多大岁数了?一个学生答:地球有50亿岁 了。我说:在过50亿年,地球性命将会终止,你们觉得危急吗?到那时,你们多大岁数了?学生听后大笑。通过 讲故事,激发了学生的智趣,使学生积累、自编了良多故事。学习《黄河》时,学生报告了对于《黄河》的传说故 事。很早以前,河水很清,因为流经黄土高原,河水才变黄了,所以黄帝时给它起了河名叫“黄河”。黄河蕴育了 中华民族。这时,一位学生大胆假想,把黄河水从兰州邻近引入渭河,截弯取直,不流经黄土高原,减少泥沙,根 治下游地上河。这种主意固然是雏形,然而却属于创造性思维、想象,值得鼓励。顿时,全班响起了热闹的掌声。 这样,培养了学生创造、想象能力。
  提倡积累知识,勉励收集材料,培养学生反馈能力。知识在于积聚,智慧在于勤恳,聪慧在于好思。知识丰盛 ,人生丰智。
  在教学中,我引导学生收集、积累、收拾关于地理方面的谜语、故事、传说、诗歌、成语、趣名、雅称、歌谣 、歌曲等知识。下面,我把学生收集有关黄河文化知识进行整顿。在黄河流域发明的人类文化遗址有:旧石器文化 遗址、新石器文化遗址、青铜器文明遗迹等。黄河流域有许多历史都城:夏向阳城(今河南登封),商朝于亳(今 河南商丘),西汉长安(今陕西西安),宋朝(东京)汴梁(今河南开封),东汉洛阳等。黄河流域有许多古战场 :如昆阳古战场,官渡古战场,牧野古战场,巨鹿古战场等。黄河流域的主要石窟有:云岗石窟、龙门石窟、麦积 石窟、敦煌莫高石窟等。与黄河有关的故事有:大禹治水、巨鹿之战、马可·波罗眼中的黄河等。
  与黄河有关的成语有:“爱憎分明、河清海晏”等。“若明若暗”指泾水清、渭水浊、泾水流入渭水时,清浊 两股水很清楚。“河清海晏”指黄河水清了,大海也安静了。这两个成语都阐明森林的作用,环境掩 护的主要性。
  与黄河有关的俗语,“跳进黄河洗不清。”黄河是世界上含泥沙最多的河流,每立方米均匀含泥沙约为36千 克。泥沙颗粒很细,使河水变黄,这可能是黄河得名的起因吧!为此,咱们要增强环境维护,植树种草,绿化大地 ;使山净水秀,河清海晏。
  李白“君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。”“黄河落天走东海,万里学人襟怀间。”“欲渡黄河冰 山川,将登太行雪满山。”
  王之涣“黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。”“白日依山近,黄河入海流,欲穷千里目,更上 一层楼。”
  黄河――发源巴颜喀拉山,注入山东渤海湾。流经四形九省区,河口孟津做分端。湟洮汾渭四支流、水利工程 龙小三。塑造平原灌农田,五千五百山海牵。
  如古代的:五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳;会当凌绝顶,一览众山小(泰山);有眼不识泰山;不识庐山 真面目;驾长车踏破贺兰山阙;燕山雪片大如席。…… 古代的:五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙澎湃走泥丸;更喜岷山千里雪;横空降生莽昆仑;六盘山上顶峰;截断巫山云雨, 高峡出平湖;钟山风雨起苍黄;庐山飞峙大江边。……
  沂蒙山好风光,red wing work,劈开太行山,阿里山的姑娘美如水。……
  长年积雪(长白山),平川练功(武夷山),岭上滑冰(雪峰山),东岳活动(太行山);高空大岭(天山) ,不见阳光(阴山),劳动比赛(秦岭)。……
  国泰民富兴安岭,始皇故乡在秦岭;逶迤细浪是五岭,攀登珠峰摩天岭;生涯甜美上甘岭,旅游胜地八达岭; 想去欧洲过葱岭,到了澳洲分水岭。……
  山不在高,有仙则名。祖国山河绚丽,名山繁多残暴。只有留意察看,到处都有名山。下面,请 看:
  景色美景有名山:泰山天下雄,华山天下险,黄山天下奇,峨眉天下秀,青城天下幽,喜马天下大,珠峰天下 高;桂林山水甲天下,长江三峡世绅士。
  革命老区著名山:巨人家乡红韶山,创业地盘井岗山;艰难跋爬大雪山,革命圣地宝塔山;挺进中原大别山, 壮士激情狼牙山;军民蜜意沂蒙山,浴血奋战凤凰山;蒋家消亡紫金山。
  你的毕生有名山:老家寄籍武夷山,诞生处所武当山;名字就叫太行山,神色如同长白山;柳叶细毛峨眉山, 浓眉大眼天目山;少年练功在蒿山,cheap ghd straighteners,勤奋学习象恒山;艰苦锤炼进庐山,助人为乐上梁山;青年探险去西岳,雷峰精力如泰山;谈情说爱姑娘山,结 婚旅游观黄山;打算生养九华山,夫妻团圆雁荡山,mbt footwear;中年奋发贺兰山,品味厚味凤凰山;飞向太空上天山,攀缘珠峰喜马山;古稀休闲完达山,采摘灵芝昆仑山;走 进仙境普陀山,想当和尚五台山;游遍神洲赏名山,歌颂祖国好河山。
  提倡整理演绎,鼓励编写书面语,培养学生写作能力。写是学生综合能力的体现。学生对说顺口溜感兴趣,先 生及时引导学生编写地理术语,综合写作,进步能力。
  学习《世界气温》时,学生编出:地球母亲真偏心,同是儿女不平均;赤道两侧太酷热,两极永远是冰身。学 习《南亚印度》时,学生说出:印度人民文明,讲求礼仪德行,待人慷慨热情,真挚喜好和平。
  学习中国地理时,学生编出许多顺口溜。《中国的疆域》,九百六十排第三,FendiBelts,货色南北四点间,二万一八十五六,渤黄东南太平边。《中国的行政区划》,三级政区省县乡,七位字史山河江 ,三十四个省单位,名简核心表四方。我国三十四个省级名称:两湖广河山,二宁内陕甘;三海福吉安,四江北重 天;西四云贵湾,港澳新团聚。《中国的人口》,第一十三亿,西少东浓密,特色大与快,二晚二生计。《中国的 民族》:民族大家庭,五十六股绳;汉族九十一、分布中和东;少族在边境,壮满回苗蒙。《中国的地形》,西高 东低三阶梯,昆祈山南横断西;大太巫雪二三界,深谷盆丘平原低。《主要山脉》:三撇三横一弧形。兴安太行巫 雪峰,长白武夷台山中;天山阴山北连横,昆仑秦岭居当中,南岭喜马南卧龙;分布犬牙交错型,形成骨架高低平 。《气温分布和温度带》:气温分布不平均,冬季南北温差深,夏委南北都高温,寒中暖温亚热带,青藏高原气象 分。《降水》:降水法则东南早,东南雨多西北少,全年集中夏秋季,年际变更真不小。《天气特点》,季风尚候 冷热喜,大陆气温高低比;庞杂多样动动物,雨热同期作物起。《中国的河流》:河流走向东西多,注入海洋外流 河;黑辽黄淮长珠太,怒雅印度北冰额。水量汛冰含沙量,内流最大塔里河;珠江汛长水丰硕,京杭六省五江河。 《长江》:发源青藏唐古山,注入东海六千三;流经三区十一省,宜昌湖口做分端;六大支流五湖泊,上游水能建 葛三。《黄河》:巴山五五渤海湾,四区九省河孟端;湟洮汾渭龙小三,塑灌哺养河水甘。《土地资源》:土地资 源太宝贵,爱护利用不旷废;平丘高盆山五种,耕草林地三花缀。《游览业》:北京故宫八达岭,避暑山庄秦陵俑 ;长江三峡桂林水,苏州园林黄山美;杭州西湖日月潭,十大名胜美景全。……
  采用“四—四—―”方法,结合“地图导学、讲练结合”教法,凸起“新、活、趣”,达到减负,加政、增效 目标。即:减轻了学生累赘,增添了效力直观,加强了政治教育。学生做到:“乐学、趣学、会学”,高兴学习, 心里甘甜。课堂呈现:别开生面,面向全体学生,思维翻开,开发学生潜能。真正达到培养学生大胆思维,想象丰 富,感于创新的综合能力,学生综合素质有了显明提高。这样,为乡村中学进行全面素质教育增加了 丰富内涵。
  优化地理教法,培养学生创新。通过采用“四提倡、四鼓励、一创新”的教学办法,培养了学生思维、想象、 反馈、写作等综合能力,最终达到培养学生的创新能力
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Old 05-15-2011, 12:21 AM   #2
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Software program development involves creativity toolsSoftware developer's toolbox mainly contains efficiency tools such as programming workbenches,Tips on how to transform dvd to AVI format, compilers in addition to modeling gear - imagination tools tend to be unfortunately practically completely absent. Even software program science in addition to education offers paid very minimum attention to be able to creativity gear. Taking imagination tools in to active used software development is a key aspect in parenting software excellent and within creating practicing user suffers from in software program products. Software program modeling techniques and creativityHow complete current software program modeling techniques support imagination? Unfortunately present methods practically kill imagination. They power developers to be able to express ideas in the early start with lisenced users language levels paradigms in addition to concepts. Additionally ,Easy methods to transform dvd to AVI format, they tend to be able to resemble about how personal computers and software program work, not on the way the people consider and respond. Typical case in point is UML -- Unified Modeling Vocabulary, which is a standard with regard to object-oriented modeling. UML is actually so intricate, technology, paradigm in addition to programming vocabulary oriented which only "UML professionals" will use the idea. UML essentially creates any wall among developers and various stakeholders avoiding collaboration in addition to communication. Liberating developers in the programming straitjacketIn that early levels of software program development, within ideation in addition to in specification, we want a considering tool instead of a modeling instrument. The intent behind computers in addition to software applications would be to make people's watching tv easier and much more comfortable. So now there must are present a individual and natural strategy to approach that development undertaking, or else i am making any disservice through doing things you might say we dislike. Mind mapping technique is definitely optimal strategy to free software program developers in the programming straitjacket. That inventor connected with mind routes, Tony Buzan, writes "I essential something which reflected that processes connected with nature in addition to how some of our brains effortlessly work instead of something which put us in the mental straitjacket through forcing us to operate against some of our natural design". Our neural understands graphical presentation less of a challenge and more quickly than textual presentation in the same matter. That is actually why men and women have generally used graphical business presentation to properly illustrate just what they signify. Pleasant styles, colors, photos, and symbols were always helpful to bring additional delight in addition to stimulate imagination further. Graphs may be used to study in addition to analyze present matters as well as to develop fully or partly new improvements. Unleashing developer's creativityMind mapping is an efficient way connected with unleashing that dynamic power in the brain. Even,Easy methods to transform dvd movie to AVI files, organic styles, radial hierarchy in addition to colors encourage ideation.
Ideas tend to be presented visually to be a tree connected with topics in addition to their organizations. The notation fuels creativity through providing versatile way to dig right into a problem in addition to divide the idea into smaller sized parts in addition to solve all of them. The optimal option would be searched try really hard to and methodically utilizing iterations. As an alternative to solving one particular big, challenging problem, the builder solves a line small,The right way to convert dvd to avi, effortless problems. The data is produced similarly such as human brains through collecting items of details and associating all of them. The builder draws thoughts in routes using concepts in the real universe. The routes represent the decision - just how how everything behaves following on from the innovated software products becomes component to it. That maps comprise only that concepts,The right way to convert dvd to AVI files, which originate in the domain in the idea. The basis with regard to quality in addition to engaging consumer experience. Utilizing thought bursts in the course of brainstorming sessionsMind mapping is a quickest notation with regard to writing along ideas. A brainstorming staff can imagine their thoughts immediately when they get that inspiration. The radial construction allows that focus connected with thinking to advance quickly through one matter to a further. Visual mapping approach supports properly quick, demanding brainstorming training. The brain is most effective in a few - several minute bursts, so acquiring that surge of thoughts as rapidly as you possibly can is essential. Functioning communicationMind mapping notation is actually self-explanatory. No practicing understanding that visual presentations is necessary. Ideas tend to be instantly communicated in addition to shared by using everyone included. The buyer can examine developer's first documents, which often makes transmission between buyers and coders fast in addition to accurate. Developer may understand clients' needs and also the new solution shall be specified accurately reported by these demands. This is just what is essential in well-functioning item development -- direct,How you can transform dvd to AVI files, collaborative interview between buyers, developers and various interest groupings. Effective transmission and collaboration helps to ensure that requirements in addition to plans shall be complete, regular and pertinent. Specifying in addition to designingWith thoughts mapping approach the builder specifies in addition to solves real-world issues with real-world thoughts without misfortune into quagmire connected with paradigms,The way to convert dvd to avi, programming 'languages' and engineering that ordinarily occurs when browsing with traditional techniques. Technology selections could be made only in correct time in the development venture. Mind maps give you a smooth change from specs to software program implementations.
Programs are mainly implemented by using object-oriented 'languages'. The essential building obstruct of object-oriented use architecture is definitely object. Mind mapping provides a systematic way of object recognition - that developer on auto-pilot uses precise,The right way to transform dvd to avi, real-world things by selecting them in the maps. This ends up with robust in addition to maintainable use architectures. ConclusionsMind mapping is often a powerful notation with regard to innovating in addition to specifying software products. It work extremely well as any standalone method so programming happens directly influenced by visual routes. Or it could to end up being used to be a completing method as well as other progress methods. Mind mapping fits to an array of software progress processes through agile progress to a lot more formal techniques. Graphical notation utilised is organic and self-explanatory. The notation work extremely well without teaching. Everything appearing from the maps proceeds from the real-world. The notation can handle leveled considering, so which ideas in addition to innovations can often be presented to the right degree of accuracy. Product thoughts and innovations could be evaluated,How you can convert dvd to avi, ready-made and discussed efficiently. That graphing notation fuels persons in addition to teams within innovation. As well as software professionals also buyers, management, marketing and various interest groups will participate within innovation in addition to development. This results in quality,The right way to convert dvd movie to Avi data format, efficiency and practicing users suffers from, which will be the key variables for flourishing software organization.
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