March eleven,
Office 2010 Key, the new date on which Daylight Saving Time (DST) will take effect inside the U.S. along with a growing quantity of other nations, is quick approaching. And Microsoft is functioning overtime to obtain the message out that end users have to have to patch a lot of their Microsoft items,
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, from Exchange Server, to Windows Cellular, as a way to head off date-change headaches. There's one bit of DST fine print that Microsoft isn't sharing quite so readily,
Office 2010 Professional Plus Key, however. (I discovered it by wading through a slide deck that Microsoft is providing to analysts to get them up-to-speed on the company's DST guidance.) Page 20 of the deck mentions that Microsoft has decided, due to the number of customers and products affected by the DST 2007 changes, to "amend the regular Extended Hotfix support program." If you want to patch older Microsoft items that already have moved from "Mainstream" to "Extended" support phase, Microsoft will give you a chance to buy the hotfixes you need to have — for $4,000. Microsoft explains: "For products that have entered into the Extended Support phase, Microsoft will provide customers with the opportunity to purchase the DST 20007 hotfix at a reduced price of Four Thousand Dollars (US $4,000). Customers will only be charged a single fee of $4,000 to get all hotfixes, for products in Extended Support phase,
Purchase Office 2010, needed to update their systems for DST 2007."For customers who have previously purchased DST 2007 hotfixes for goods in Extended Support, Microsoft will reimburse the difference to them under the new pricing category." A Microsoft spokesman said that the $4,000 price represents a substantial discount."Originally, all the out-of-support patches were $40,000 each. However, we realized this hardship and lowered the price to $4,000 for ALL THE DST PATCHES for our customers best interest. The $4,000 is to just cover costs," he said.Windows Server 2000,
Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Business, Exchange Server 2000, Outlook 2000 along with a number of other Microsoft items are currently in the Extended Support phase. The full list of Microsoft goods affected by DST 2007 changes is here.