Healing Purposely with Reiki | Alternative Medicine
Reiki can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. The energy of Reiki originates from the ultimate spiritual source. As such, it creates only the best results. Reiki is used to heal the spirit, mind,
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Use it to develop your talents. Improve yourself and everything else around you. These are just some of the practical applications of Reiki the moment you choose to be attuned to it.
Learning Reiki’s self-healing program requires practice. You also have to master several techniques. Know that each technique you learn may move you towards your goal or away from it. You have to use the right Reiki strategy all the time to attain self-healing. It is also possible to create a personal Reiki healing system that would benefit you entirely. Better results are expected if you work this way.
Use Reiki for self-treatments by allotting 30 minutes of your time to give treatments for yourself. You can use hand positions or the scanning technique. Focus on the areas that need healing most. You will be guided to those spots accordingly when the session starts. Feel the vibration as the energy goes up from your body. Contemplate your life’s activities while in this process of self-treatment. This way,
vibram five finger speed, the healing will have a fuller effect on you. This technique is mostly used to develop healthy attitudes. The procedure would also leave you with many creative ways and ideas on how you can possibly deal with your problems.
It is also possible to heal yourself in the company of others. Try to form a personal healing alliance with other Reiki self-healers to compound the effect of the treatment sessions. By healing yourself and others at the same time,
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As a group, discuss your needs and the particular areas that have to be healed. Meet every week or at least use distant Reiki to each other. Take every meeting seriously and just focus on its real purpose. Not only that this procedure is quite powerful. It also gives you a deeper meaning Reiki and its healing levels.
Use Reiki to enhance your prayers and affirmations. Repeat your prayer or affirmation to give thanks, especially if the goal that you’ve been hoping for has already been achieved or if healing had already happened. Pray or affirm with conviction everyday. This would help you greatly in your life’s endeavors.
To make sure that self-treatment occurs,
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