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Old 04-16-2011, 03:20 AM   #1
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Default 大学生求爱遭拒杀女同窗续 受害者母亲网上追忆



  雅雅,妈妈的乖女儿,妈妈想你呀,你听到妈妈的召唤吗?我想你呀,妈妈不能没有你呀,你那么仁慈、单纯 却惨遭毒手,几十刀呀,刀刀砍在你的身上,也砍在了妈妈的心上呀。你死得太惨了呀,没有你我该怎么活呀,你 是妈的盼望,你是妈妈的性命,你是妈妈的所有,妈妈爱你,妈妈想你呀。

  你恨妈妈吧,是妈妈没有保护好你,让你遭遇那么大的疼痛,妈妈真的受不了呀,妈妈想来陪你,你素来都很 依赖妈妈,从没有离开过妈妈,妈妈想你呀,你回来看看妈妈吧……

  雅雅,你回来看看妈妈吧,妈妈想像你小时候一样抚摩着你的头,亲着你的脸,不你妈妈活不了呀……(母亲 怀念女儿原文节录)



  宣判后,杨诗雅的母亲看上去精神状况较差,没有接收采访。但在杨诗雅的网上纪念馆里,记者发明了几篇杨 妈妈发表的纪念文章,行文中十分悲愤,堪称字字含泪、声声啼血,令人动容。

  在写于杨诗雅遇害第14天的《一个痛失爱女的妈妈悲切地呼唤》中,杨妈妈回想,杨诗雅从小就怕见血,有 时不警惕手被刀划伤流血,她就会大叫着“妈妈,我手流血了呀,快点呀妈妈”。“能够想像,当你被凶手砍伤后 ,无助地向人群呼救时是何等的苦楚和无助……想必那一刻你也必定在呼唤妈妈,妈妈没有掩护好你……”另外一 篇文章中写着“几十刀呀,刀刀砍在你的身上,也砍在了妈妈的心上呀。”

  杨妈妈说,她把女儿带到这个世界上20年,女儿就是她的生命、她的一切。跟着诗雅一每天成长,女儿现在 反而成了她的依附。诗雅平时经常懂事地说:“妈妈,放假了我给你烧饭,我给你做好吃的,cheap ghd,妈妈,我是你的电脑老师。”杨妈妈曾经开玩笑说老了到敬老院去,诗雅立刻答复:“那怎么行,妈妈,有我照 料你,你就释怀吧!”

  在被害人杨诗雅家所在小区里,清洁工们有时半夜还听到杨诗雅母亲的哭声,撕心裂肺,清洁工也陪同默默流 泪……昨日,当得知凶手被判死刑时,邻居都长舒了一口气。事发后,小区对杨的妈妈给予了特别关照,前来探望 的人必需登记并征求杨诗雅的妈妈赞成,否则一律拒绝。物管的杨经理称,杨诗雅的妈妈很坚强,宣判结束后,她 没有直接回家,而是直接到单位持续上班,agatha de la prada



  昨日下战书4时许,记者来到江北区杨诗雅家所在小区。保安得知记者来意以后说:“她妈妈已经很伤心了, 请不要容易去打搅了。”物管杨经理委婉谢绝了记者的恳求。记者得知,整个宣判进程,杨经理跟几名保安一直陪 在杨诗雅妈妈身旁,对她进行全方位的维护。

  在法庭里,他们找了最靠前的地位坐下,杨经理就坐在杨诗雅妈妈的旁边。“她一直在发抖、流泪!”杨经理 称进法庭后,她没有接受任何媒体采访,而是直接到旁听席上,没有说一句话,眼睛直直盯着审判席 。

  法官进入法庭后,杨诗雅的妈妈开始流泪,坐在椅子上全身发抖,时而缓和喘气。法官宣读判决书时,她牢牢 捉住椅子,最后时刻还屏住了呼吸。宣判结束得知对方死刑以后,诗雅的妈妈没有一点愉快。杨经理称,她只轻描 淡写地说了一句:“看到这个人死了才干给我女儿一个交代!”本来,她担忧被告方会上诉,判决结 果有变。




  女儿失事后,杨诗雅的爸爸担心杨诗雅的母亲无奈蒙受打击,作出过激事情,便常常回“家”安慰照顾她。杨 经理称,他爸爸是一个好人,看起来也比较切实。事发以后,杨经理见过几回杨诗雅的爸爸,每次都 比较悲伤。


  死刑 这个结果我们满意

  昨日,凶手被判正法刑以后,网友们纷纭在网上发言。大家对审讯结果都比较满意。有的网友称,假如在他早 些时候强奸家庭老师时得到严惩,可能就不会去杀人。兴许因为原来犯罪没有受到重办,才滋生了他 继承犯法。

  少局部网友表现,他究竟只有19岁,该思考反省的应该是家长、学校、社会,今后要多关怀教育青少年。并 且要多检查自己的教育方法,以及自身对孩子的影响。

  市民张先生称,判决结果出来了,现在我们就应当反思,是什么让一个孩子走上了这条路?到底哪些方面能让 我们引认为戒。李女士也赞成张先生的见解,但她对此次判决是比较满意的,说既能让大家晓得此事的成果,也能 对受害人及家属一个抚慰。



  去年夏天,由于杨诗雅考上了大学,母亲带她去了深圳姑姑家玩。今年暑假原来她还要再去一次,并在事发前 几天给姑姑打了电话,现在却没有机遇了。


  姑父回忆,诗雅父母为了女儿倾泻了几乎全体血汗,送她学习跳舞,加入学校排球队,还训练长 跑。

  从小到大,诗雅家里不缺钱,但父母一直对她教导很严,使她善良、礼貌、听话、节俭,从不乱花钱。就是姑 父姑姑要给她买货色,诗雅也不要。给她的压岁钱,也是一手接过,另一手就交给妈妈。

  杨诗雅家以前住在观音桥的读书梁山上,从山下花一块钱就可以坐摩的到家门口,诗雅从来都抉择步行爬坡回 家,口袋里的零花钱却压得皱巴巴的。

  去年在深圳玩时,一家人去商场逛街,诗雅连psp也没玩过,看到这些离奇的东西,想买但又嫌贵。姑姑、 姑父乐意且有才能给她买,但只有妈妈说句不买,discount salvatore ferragamo handbags,杨诗雅就会走开。



  在法庭上,杨诗雅的同学以及热情市民也前来听取宣判,大家都说杨诗雅懂事、灵巧、能干。停止当前,大家 对裁决成果都比拟满足。

  2009年7月8日晚,当妈妈和舅舅、舅妈、妹妹把杨诗雅从学校接回家的第二天,诗雅说她还要到学校去 。当时杨妈妈问她去干什么?她说去借些书回来,准备在假期里好难看一下各方面的书,把英语再进步一下,还准 备把专业英语4级过了,预备将来过专业英语8级。

  果然,第二天诗雅就从学校提回一大包书,还说本人去征询了大三学姐未来专业发展方面的事。诗雅还谈了全 部假期的部署,筹备每周都到三峡博物馆去当任务讲解员。



  在杨诗雅所在小区里面,很多邻居提起此事都非常恼怒。“如许乖巧的女孩啊,没想到就这么去了!”街坊高 婆婆告知记者,诗雅固然平时话未几,但很懂礼貌,时常陪伴妈妈一起去买菜。杨经理说,晚饭后母女俩常常到小 区里漫步,邻居们都爱慕她有一个乖巧、英俊的女儿。保安称,杨诗雅的样子对比片上更美丽更温顺,全家人都比 较低调。

  “我们都不知道如何安慰她妈妈,只愿望她顽强,abercrombie hoody。”高婆婆称,事发以后,邻居们看到诗雅妈妈都以微笑面对。为了不让她妈妈伤心,邻居也缓缓避谈此事。宣判 结束后,大家都松了一口吻。



  “平时是她们母女两相依为命,两人住在小区里,如今,屋子变得空荡荡的。”杨经理称,“她很刚强,简直 不在外人眼前落泪。”杨诗雅的妈妈上放工时,看到邻居们都委曲给予微笑。

  保安在巡视时,对她家所在地点要专门进行检讨。杨经理称,她母亲已经瘦小了良多。“她常常偷偷痛哭,有 时甚至是清晨两三点钟!”一些干净工听到杨诗雅的母亲在深夜里失声痛哭,她们也随着伤心落泪。

  女儿的事件虽然对母亲打击很大,但她仍旧能畸形高低班。“当初她的精力有些恍惚,没想到还会定期缴纳物 管费!”杨经理称,以前杨诗雅常陪同她妈妈前来缴纳物管费,现在看到她妈妈单独前来,大家的鼻子都是酸溜溜 的。“她妈妈很辛劳,将她拉扯大很不轻易。”



  杨经理告诉记者,前多少日被告人的家眷,通过友人率领来到他们小区内。得悉是对方身份以后,物管赶快劝 其分开。杨经理称,开端对方并不批准离开,他们只好拨打110报警求助,才将对方请出了小区,christian louboutin 2010。“对方的来意咱们并不明白,也不好猜想。”杨经理称,但他们保安不会容许外面的人前来骚扰业 主。

  本版稿件均由本报记者 卢勇刚 胡晓 采写 起源:重庆时报
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Old 04-16-2011, 03:20 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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a9bimi9o is on a distinguished road

in the but growing up in adversity, in the mature life experiences in the competition's. Wolf's becoming a wolf because it was born with a strong sense of . Sinister in their struggle against the competition grow confident in their eyes is always filled with a despot who but myself. Should be real strong as a wolf in any tough environment with ability to survive independently, and indomitable fighting spirit, the ability to withstand the test of frustration and never stop the enterprising spirit; should be like the wolf that insist status quo is not the same as a sheep meet to
But in traditional Chinese culture, the , derived from the Confucian culture, smear on the wolf. Wolf is not as we expected, or as some people demonize rendering so fierce terrible. There are many wolves who deserve our good quality human studies and learning. The quality of the basic characteristics of the wolf is in their Jieao Bu training, because Jieao Bu training, they will see the dignity and freedom and life is as important as their desire for freedom, for dignity, defend, and the resulting derived strong sense of responsibility, strict discipline, tight teamwork, tenacious fighting style, not afraid of any tough opponents temperament and together they created their strong style. Herdsmen known as the prairie wolf,
the other hand, our children, they are born to become a They grow up in good times, failing to self-centered, non-food and clothing to worry about difficult things without the experience. Although many people are made to order fathers envy of education, but many people do not expect to be strong parents. The so-called Many graduates have achieved a high level of education onto the job way to successive heavy defeat, confidence gone, they are afraid to face society, fear of competition, not to earn money to feed their own, but stay at home, Aging parents have their children continue to play for the beloved heat. Thus, many parents of the child's education is in serious errors.
so The book made the eighteen to study aspects of the wolf:
1, to encourage children to become strong
decide the fate mentality, wolves have become the powerful animal world, because it is keenly aware of birth Our society is in transition, like sheep, like the mentality of those high standards and strict requirements, like the wolf that insist
2, let the children learn independent living
independent capacity in the wolf just when the wolf will firmly let alone to perform the task, to hone the quality of the wolf should have the will. Wolf believes that to become a real wolf, you must have an independent capability to deal with all emergencies, or only a sheep waiting to be trampled upon.
but many of our parents were like doing the Children in such a comfortable home in the long-term growth, how to withstand the test of life and social storm?
3, let the children keep alive curiosity
wolf is the most curious animals. They will never ignore everything around, a bone, an antler, a wild cow, a small pine cones, even those who left the hiking camping backpack,mbt shoes chapa, the wolf will play carefully. As long as things of interest to them, will be playing again, to digest,Mbt beach, until the figure out Curiosity is an outstanding success and created the most important factor. Development of human society is because countless curiosity: curiosity, to explore numerous and found in exploring the mysteries, so as to continuously progress and development.
in early childhood, like the wolf is full of the same curiosity, want to get hold of things and understand. In the exam-oriented education environment, overriding the child's test scores. Parents, children tend to score other than the suppression of curiosity, this will be very easy to kill the child's interest and creativity, and even buried genius. Famous educator Erikson believes that children can not be the key to success in his earlier can be found, can not be noticed by parents, the attention. The test scores are not representative of the child's abilities, interests, improve the ability of children is the driving force is the cause of success.
4, to encourage children to compete
opportunities always favor those who are ready to compete, but the opportunities are often accompanied by risk. The wolf strong sense of crisis, always maintained a competitive state of affairs, a state of war, ready to meet the crisis. Result, they deal with the crisis, to cope with risks is very strong, often saved the day and defeat opponents. Parents to nurture children's sense of competition, urge them to seize the time, extensive learning, enhance the strength, competitive attitude is always ready to accept challenges, be strong like a wolf.
5, let the children learn to respect
only respect for opponents to fully understand the opponent. Wolf respect for opponents, so never play dubious battle for survival in the fierce competition, always beat a strong opponent. Real strong respect for the opponent,mbt shoes on sale, because only the strong opponents to prove the existence of the value.
parents must learn to respect the child. The former Soviet Union with the famous educator Mark Cohen once said: important method of education. Similarly, children in school should also be respected.
6, children free growth
free world is the strong survival of the soil, the parents put their children in order to develop a strong life, they should give them more free space. Young and restless children in the stage, eager to free their instincts, their parents care much whether their tight, they will find ways to break through these barriers and shackles, like the wolf in a cage, no matter what you give it delicious, they are always in a restless state, do not want to enjoy the
foster the children's discipline
7, the wolf is the wolf
disciplined family, any wolf in violation of discipline, are likely to be completely out of Wolf family. Respect for discipline because the wolves can do at any time in unison to form a group of combat capability. Discipline is not just an act, it should be a thinking, with this concept in order to put in any discipline into conscious action. Children have good discipline, not only can create a good learning from the atmosphere, but also can provide their own personal safety protection character.
8, let the children live
honest living environment is very complex wolves, their prey not only to face the test of lack of, in the hunt in the face powerful opponents in desperate resistance, as well as the risk of falling into the trap of mankind. But in this complex and hostile environment, the wolf still continue to instill ethical values ​​to future generations. The man is not always the case. Many parents confidently say, such a complicated modern society, children are too honest, and vulnerable to fraud. Children's safety than anything else, the reason why children do not acquiesce integrity, in order to enhance their self-protection.
fact, hurt their own way to avoid not lie, nor is deliberately avoided, but develop their own ability to protect themselves. The cost of sacrificing the integrity of the community may appear to avoid the
9, fostering children's communication skills
human than wolf far more than a misunderstanding, but there are a lot of people do not attach importance to communication between each other. Parents may wish to learn the practice of the wolf, often to communicate with the child, to understand children's ideas, while, let the children know their own ideas, I believe that intergenerational misunderstanding or conflict will soon be eliminated.
10, to encourage children to learn teamwork
wolf wolf in nature itself is not the most powerful animal, alone, tigers, lions, leopards, wild boar, bison than it powerful, but if it is group operations, Even wolves have shied away from the tiger met. A few scattered wolves, once together, it becomes a very powerful team. This is the power of solidarity. Everyone is a member of society, must learn and live in a certain collective, should contribute their collective responsibility which, so everyone should have the spirit of unity and cooperation. Parents educate their children do not ignore this.
11, the same sense of responsibility among children
wolf wolf wolves to survive, will work hard to fulfill their duties. In the wolf family, each own a wolf are aware of the importance of wolves, each member must be responsible for their own ethnic group. Their peers when faced danger, will not hesitate to ground before the rescue. For wolves, it is their duty to fulfill responsibilities.
credit and responsibility is always a pair of twin brothers, and only bear a large responsibility for possible establishment of a large credit. learn to be responsible for their actions. Only responsible for their own, are likely to be responsible to society and family, and make a difference.
12, to encourage children to like the attention to details like the wolf
The former Soviet Union with the famous educator Mark Cohen said: working life, let the children pay attention to every detail of life, see the real skill in the subtle. In fact, many successful parents educate their children are the details of daily life from the start of the.
13, like wolves do not educate their children drag
efficiency is the key competitive factors to determine the winner. Lead us not only to stall for time dragging the maker, but also victims. Not only affects the efficiency of drag, but also a hotbed of lies and excuses birth, is a hotbed breeding lazy. Parents raise children, we must think of ways to help children overcome the procrastination habit, never let the children become lazy because of procrastination, become commonplace because of laziness.
14, to cultivate children's patience, like the wolf in the examination-oriented education
environment, from a large extent, the children Competition is patience. Perhaps many of the children admitted to the University is not very smart, and perhaps many of the children admitted to the University of average intelligence, but because of different tolerance to each other, the ultimate results are vastly different. Achieved the most in love with those who can consistently do something the people, regardless of study, work, life, are like this. Parents educate their children, we must nurture a child a good patience.
15, training them to wolf's ability to
frustrated parents in a child to stumble, not only to teach them to learn how to correctly face and muster the courage and confidence to overcome difficulties, and even the children's foster and strengthen the child to face setbacks mental capacity and ability to cope.
16, so that children understand the world, there is no reason Thanksgiving
sub love. The strict sense, the lack of sense of gratitude child, no matter how well his ability, it is difficult to become a true sense of the strong. Parents want to put their child into a strong, must cultivate their sense of gratitude, gratitude parents, Thanksgiving society, nature Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving everyone.
17, let the children learn to cherish
wolf children learn to respect wealth, value of money, education, children learn to spend money to develop children's financial capability.
18, an example is the best education
parents are the first teachers of children, parents should strive to be the best example of a child.
wolf ###### education, children's education to become strong, if each parent is really hard to do, consistently do the children into strong life is by no means impossible.

the spirit of the wolf

brave,mbt lami sale, lonely, unity, and cruel ......
This is the wolf of the world ...
in this world, No right, not wrong.
only success.
no justice, no crime
only one purpose ....
life ......

before in human-dominated planet, the wolf is definitely one of the rulers of the earth ,
gunpoint, but in the human,mbt shoes clearance, the wolf - live with their blood to defend the dignity of

cry wolf is a means of transmitting information,
but more That when the shouts and mournful,
tell of life in desolation ...

blood, fell. the end of life,
only in this wizard's eyes,
We do not see begging and pity,
only aloof and indifferent .....

wolf's life is a life of fighting,
even if the body and soul will be separated,
The same calm,
students whom music is not dead, whom no fear ......

Wolf also warmth,
wolf pups care and special education methods Most humans can not and
brutal wolf-style training,
the wolf to become strong,
wolf in little coward ...

Wolves are monogamous,
public wolf great sense of responsibility,
wolf caring,
and single-mindedness,
faithful and not metaphor,mbt sports shoes sale, a common destiny which makes Tiantian Han
betrayal of love people > This makes the wolf in a hostile environment may continue to survive ...

wolf set in a cruel and wisdom,
a wolf, and his struggle to go through countless cruel,
in the wolf world, only that the strong ......

has a strict hierarchical relationship between the wolf and the superior ability of unity and cooperation,
be reflected prey to the courage and team spirit learn to be more and more areas .......

lone wolf, and wolves as dangerous,
the time when the wolf-man operations,
degree of super fierce,
every fatal attack only one purpose ---

Wolf Road,
not only the success or failure of moral,
lose and win, life and death is a wolf the only result of the belief,
wolf breaks against the silly things rarely do,
when the opponent is strong, will be rushed to the attack ....

Cry name,
is also a wolf wolf communication channels to vent their emotions,
Wolf also sad,
sunset every night, lonely time around,
high-pitched howling wolf sound will echoed in the valley .....

wolves are rarely fooled by the beautiful scenes,
calm and rational action,
the wolf as the ghostly killer, br> strange personality so very hard to detect prey,
often still revel in the beauty of the wolf population on to become the Lamb ..

harsh living environment,
determination to hone the character of the wolf,
always wait patiently for prey time,
never blindly attack,
looked in the eyes of the wolf leads people to feel faint and murderous face of terror ...

cowardly run away and give up the animals,
wolf - choice is singing ...

alternative tender ....

wolf food to mainly ungulates,
when the prey is sufficient,
wolf little harm livestock,
but when the food shortage,
to poultry and even humans will survive the wolf under the port,
the so-called wolf, wolves should be accurate, it is called ....

and wolves do not remain too close to the distance,
when the presence of prey when the contempt of the wolf,
often have been caught a wolf hunting has been away from the body .. life .....

This is the wolf of the world
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