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Old 04-03-2011, 08:51 AM   #1
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Default 《游戏人生》内测前的先容------社区联合mmorpg+养成

现在制造社区游戏的公司是越来越多,哪么这块蛋糕到底有多大?在中国市场的存活率有多久?是否合适中国的市 场现在还是无从得悉.
然而现在有一种多元素融合的游戏为社区游戏开拓了一条新的前途,也就是像《游戏人生》这样的多元素融会.固 然可能这种情势是个适度阶段,但是无非又是为玩家带来一种新的体验.
网游2.0的概念最早见于欧美《第二人生Second Life》中,其定义是,由开发者架构游戏框架,定义游戏规矩,玩家创造大批的游戏内容,并在经济系统中交 易、获利,构成良性发展的游戏轮回.差别于传统网游1.0那种由玩家遍历已经设计好的游戏玩点的模式,网游 2.0的凸起之处在于其两大重点:用户创造内容(UGC)和玩家亲手设计(DIY).对厌倦了旧式网游的玩 家来说,网游2.0给他们带来的冲击非同小可.
"在建设游戏架构的时候,我们首要斟酌的,就是如何将网游2.0的概念渗透到游戏的每个角落中去,让玩家能 真正休会网游2.0的乐趣.《游戏人生》的四大亮点就是基于这样的构想设计出来的."《游戏人生》主策划A den在谈到游戏中的天赋技能、武器改造、精灵兽、玩家创造四大亮点系统时这样答复.
《游戏人生》的无职业设计,在MMORPG类网游中实属首例.不了传统职业,取而代之的是天赋技能.天赋技 能共有五种系:攻打系、生存系、精灵系、帮助系、特别系.其中每个系又有20多种技能.玩家通过进级获得必 定的技能点,在游戏中可以根据自己的须要学习不同的技能.据主策划介绍,这样的设计不仅能让玩家的自主性大 大进步,还能防止某类职业在游戏中横行无忌的情形出现.
"每个玩家都有自己对武器的奇特看法,所以在兵器设计方面,我们决议将自动权还给玩家."主策划以为,在以 往的良多游戏中,武器根本上都只有官方预先设计好的几种挑选,在游戏里遍目所及都是统一款武器,缺少个性. 而《游戏人生》的武器改革系统,恰是针对这一景象设计出来的.在这个游戏里,你可以正儿八百的打造极品武器 、做一位武器名匠,也可以施展恶搞禀赋,supra tuf,制作出举世无双的"生化武器",将对手砸个瓜皮满头.
在谈到宠物系统时,主策划Aden表现,《游戏人生》的精灵兽系统将让QQ宠物这块"鸡肋"彻底失去市场, 比QQ宠物好玩不止百倍.那么《游戏人生》在这方面到底有什么独到之处呢?《游戏人生》主策划给出的是四个 字:复杂多变.据懂得,《游戏人生》具备八大系共三百种基础精灵兽,300*300=90000种的交配合 成成果,每只精灵兽都存在三阶不同状态,再加上到达级别属性的雌雄精灵兽能通过合成跟交配取得珍稀度高甚至 从未涌现的全新精灵兽,让参加封测的玩家为之猖狂,而如何收集实现300种精灵兽图鉴,也成了玩家津津有味 的重要任务.游戏人生》的精灵兽让你享受比QQ宠物更切实的快感,精灵兽不再是一个衬托,不再是一只纯洁耗 费你心血钱的花瓶.而是你忠诚的战役伴侣、生涯搭档,甚至是让你成为明星的夸耀资本.通过收集、驯养让精灵 兽进阶,通过学习各种战斗技能令这些小可恨不断成长,不断强盛,通过学习各种生活技巧让它们帮你赚取人生的 第一桶金,还可以通过替他们打扮让你的呈现艳光四射!!无怪乎主策划Aden在说出"庞杂多变"时脸色如斯 自负了.
玩家创造体系作为《游戏人生》重头戏,gucci for men,也能够说是网游2.0的精华."只管增添了开发难度,但l把网游2.0完全地展当初玩家眼前r的信心终极 仍是让咱们保持了下来." 主谋划Aden先容,无论是个性十足的多功效家园,还是对接事实的网上商店,玩家都可以依据本人的爱好需要 进行设计."嗞嗞"冒着热气的火山口、幽邃可怕的"盘丝洞",你想住哪儿就住哪儿;安顿在宏大蜗牛壳里的饰 品店、一直喷涌着冰激淋的甜品屋,只有是你想得出的"招客"妙计就都能付诸实现!假如嫌"过家家"太没挑衅 性,玩家还可以上传自己设计的城市计划图,亲手打造自己的"魅力之都"mm是武侠世界里的仿古名都还是泰山 隐居的原始森林,你的城市你做主!还有丰盛的个性庆典、剧情义务等等,都可以通过《游戏人生》由玩家逐一发 明.
在过往的印象中,游戏里有不少模拟现实生活的货色存在:买卖道具的商店,存取游戏币的银行,说着情随事迁对 白的商店服务员hh然而无论游戏里的设施如何齐备,都只是对现实生活的名义"模拟"mm你在游戏里进行过什 么交易,都仅仅是对游戏里的你有影响,退出游戏后,你什么都无奈获得.
可是如果有一天,在游戏里看到的商品都是实在存在的商品,屋子也不再是模仿房子,而是能卖到真金白银的房子 hh这样方便的游戏生活,discount christian louboutin,可能存在吗?进入《游戏人生》,你就能马上体验虚拟对接现实的美好感到,mbt s!这样方便的游戏生活,可能存在吗?进入《游戏人生》,你就能马上体验虚拟对接现实的美妙感觉!
海内第一款网游2.0代表作《游戏人生》根据网游2.0的八大标准开发而成,具有"天赋技能、武器改造、精 灵兽、玩家创造"四大亮点系统,让你的网游生活惊喜无限.
网游2.0拥有八大尺度,虚拟现实对接(VRC)是其中的一大重点.所谓VRC,就是指在游戏内可以衔接现 实社会中的生活行动,包含了游戏与贸易的对接窗口.玩家在游戏中可以失掉现实生活的服务.例如,游戏中的商 店就是一家对接网上商店的"淘宝店".当实现了现实生活与虚构世界的对接后,游戏生活也就将成为现实生活的 一局部.
作为网游2.0的代表作,《游戏人生》将带你进入虚拟与现实并存的神奇之旅.在《游戏人生》里,你可以在自 己的企业大楼里预留一个会议室,在里面招集员工,进行按期会议;你可以每天跑到游戏里的证券交易所,亲自征 询相关业务,留心最新动态,便利地进行股票交易;你可以走走游戏里其他玩家开设的商店,看到喜欢的商品就将 它买下,多少天后什物就能送到你家;如果你是企业的负责人,还可以让员工在游戏里大派优惠券,让顾客在游戏 或现实生活中能享受到优惠折头;当然,你还能跑到游戏里的相关旅行社,获取一些最新的游览单张,还能就一些 旅游细节讯问一下在场的工作职员;你也可以跑到某一高等餐厅进行实地考核,选好自己心仪的地位并下订,晚上 你就能到该餐厅现实中的相应位置用餐hh《游戏人生》中的虚拟现实对接接口,能让你一尝"足不出户,万事办 妥"的方便生活!
《游戏人生》发挥出网游2.0独占的上风,充任了连通虚拟与现实的桥梁mm在丰富了游戏内涵的同时,还给宽 大企业、玩家开放了一扇便利之门.全部虚拟世界可以自动进化、自动升级、自动分工,完全仿真一个真实的现实 社会.在这个虚拟社会中,火石软件通过游戏的方法,提供众多的虚拟职业给人们体验,模拟人生阅历,实现每个 人心中的妄想,补充每个人心坎的遗憾,最终让所有的人幻想成真.这就是火石软件的斗争目的所在 .
中国第一款网游2.0代表作《游戏人生》,具有天赋技能、武器改造、精灵兽、玩家创造四大亮点,彻底推翻你 对网游的传统意识、让你尝试到新概念网游的好玩之处!网游2.0精髓玩家创造系统更能让你解脱"受制于人" 、左右难堪的日子,让你真正翻身做主人!在《游戏人生》中,家园系统将不再是一个华而不实、挂名"家园"的 平板道具,而是真真正正、完整意思上的家!通过玩家创造系统中的家园系统,你可以为所欲为地设计家园的形状 、陈设、功能,打造出一个舒心工笔、绝无仅有的家.
通过家园系统的屋宇创造系统,你可以对自己的房屋外观进行设计.如果你喜欢离奇刺激,可以把自己的家设计成 喷涌着滚烫熔岩的火山口、或者是长年冰封的风雪极地;如果你喜欢浪漫唯美,那不妨把家设计成花开满地的百花 谷,又或者香甜可恶的糖果屋;如果你爱好动感时尚,abercrombie and fitch store,也可以把小窝设计成炫光四射的热舞街区,或者名车林破的车展会场hh只要你乐意,就可以让你的家标新立异 、创意无穷,将你的个性完完整全秀出来!
有了美丽的外型当前,你就可认为你的家添置与众不同的"馅料"咯.通过家园系统的家具系统,你可以取舍购置 系统已经具备的家具,当然也可以抉择自己着手设计形状功能都别开生面的私产家具哦!上传一个张着大口的狮子 图像,再把它的功能设置为连接网络电视,一旦审批胜利,那么你的家立刻就可以领有一部威风八面的电视机,而 敬爱的TA也能通过它看到天天必追的港台持续剧了!又或者设计上传一个可以自动记载拜访人数的迎宾人偶、一 个可能发出全城播送的千里传声器hh最酷最炫的居家装备都能由你一手打造、独家发售!嗯?这些还不够?那就 请"高抬贵手",自己设计一套打上你唛头的系列家具如何?说不定你会因而一炮而红,创造降生界著名的品牌, 成为世界驰名的设计巨匠呢!
当然,如果你略懂一些游戏设计逻辑,那你可以通过游戏中供给的简易脚本编纂器让你的家园变得更丰硕智能了. 你可以把自己驯养过的精灵兽放到园子了,指派它们进行相干工作,你可以让你的房屋跟着时光推移变幻出不同的 色彩,你还能让铺在房子里的地毯在感应到客人来访时主动显示出欢送字眼,充足展示你的好客本质.你可以用你 想好的这些创意点子把你的家变得更温馨有趣,也可以本着"分享精力"把它们出卖给其余玩家,让他们感触一下 你的蠢才创意哦!
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Old 04-03-2011, 10:11 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,622
zr3o2b1a is on a distinguished road

2008 年 10 months, when he was 20 years old Mu Li Jinyuan was wounded in the cafe, followed by mental disorders. While schools, streets have a helping hand, but to his son for medical treatment is still living in poverty, by picking up waste Hydride family as the father feel the pressure. In order to save every dollar to his son medical treatment, Hydride reluctant bus, walk tens of miles a day round trip to the city's university canteen to his son,
Internet cafes are gang fights after his son suffering from mental illness

6 日 11 am, the town of Fort Square, leather, 52-year-old Hydride 佝偻着身子, a reporter standing in the cold waiting for to come. side of a low asbestos room area, one of which is less than 10 square meters of the residence he and his son.
22-year-old son was locked in the house, he slept soundly, door open, bark, roof window whistling of the wind, are not able to awaken him from sleep. Hydride said that in 2008, the son of a computer school in the city of software development. The original have computers at home, but was stolen by thieves. October 24, 2008, when his son was 4 at the Internet cafes were beaten meal, multiple injuries, the most serious is the brain were damaged. Then the police step in and get treatment a few days before his son, Chengde City in Hebei Province native pine Luanping County countryside, son 6 years old, his wife went to the neighbors killed in a car crash on his way matchmaking. In 2000, he heard Haozhaogongzuo coastal city, Dalian, came to work and has done construction work, hospital care workers. Unexpectedly, in 2006, working in Miaoling a nearby construction site, he sustained serious head injuries, skull fractures, tooth loss, suffered multiple injuries. Hydride mental and physical exhaustion in the relevant units to play with the injury claim lawsuit, my son suddenly was injured.
to put aside his own actions, seek explanation for his son around, but so far, his son has not been a corresponding compensation. He told reporters that his son is now the police are still dealing with things, >
father, the son grabbed a kitchen knife when cooking to kill him

interview with reporters outside the house, LI Jin Mu curled up in the air temperature is only about Tukang zero, the body is not flipping. The help of the Hydride, LI Jin Mu barely turned his head, awakened from a dreamless eyes can not see a trace of the young vitality.
Holding his head with Hydride nearly as high, and his son as Shouguruchai said: infant baby.
cajole his son was asleep, Hydride said softly, his son behaved before, in 2007, Dalian, and he came to live with each other, I even tried to kill the time ... ... filling, to give him tons dumplings, and the surface, he suddenly fall ill, and grabbed a kitchen knife will cut me, I dodge, snatched the knife, to appease him one night, the dumplings are eaten into. p>
Mu Li Jinyuan uninterrupted disease recurrence, Hydride had to lock him in the house, Chong, meet, kicked me ... ...
years he has spent thousands of dollars, and his work in Dalian that point already overdrawn, he can only scavenging a living, to his son to buy medicine, but even so, because the treatment is not the system, particularly slow to recover his son.
xxviii, I found Ganjingzi charities for help, a staff member gave me a leather jacket, but also from his wallet and pulled out several hundred dollars to my New Year. street is to take care of him, the street leading 2,000 people gave him, after the leather village leaders, to give him twice the money, the children's school tuition refund will be 9000 yuan, also organized students to contribute ... ...

bed head placed two boxes of medicine, a box is a piece of olanzapine, another box is sertraline hydrochloride tablets, Hydride, said: twenty-eight the twelfth lunar month of last year to start eating, but also to adhere to the three or four days, not eating, I go to they do not give.
though the money solution to their temporary difficulties, but in order to cure his son, had to save every penny Hydride. Him to tell his two years of life, cars, Peizhexiaolian, facing the driver Zuo Yi ... ... a real pity to pack some food to take home to his son, did not think his son loves to eat.
Since then, he would walk every morning to the city's universities, students used to wait until noon meal, to Canoeing some leftovers, carry her back to his son dinner. go back and forth numerous.
plight and did not let the temporary loss of confidence in Hydride. Yesterday, the reporters once again contact Hydride, he was picked up along the leather town of Fort carton and beverage bottles, since the children sick, he was forced to quit the hospital care workers work, make money by scavenging a living. Son to fall asleep, he went to the annex scavenging children, the way in to the city of Dalian, he also brought a carry bag, pick up bottles, usually income of ten dollars a day to eight dollars.
during the Spring Festival, he picked up by fireworks tube, beverage bottles save about 200 items, but also in the neighborhood and enthusiastic people, with funding to open the original cobble together a psychiatric evaluation done for his son's travel expenses and other charges. Hydride said he ate almost does not matter, the key is to not give the child off the medicine, he also hopes to find a nearby odd jobs,gucci handbags, on their own ability to earn his son drugs.
now Hydride also hopes to get compensation for his son to get better treatment. In compensation, he's well-meaning people most want to help him in Dalian.
interview notes: Place the first interview about the newspaper, the morning of March 1, after the appointed time, he called and said the peninsula was not found the morning paper, go to the March Eighth Square. Such a long time, with reading glasses, panting Hydride came. 13:30 Because he should rush to open the original train, only a simple understanding of some cases, an appointment from the open-back, I went to his home interview.
3 6, came in low from the bus station asbestos room dirt road, he asked the reporters tired, he said he almost always go to the city is on foot, for the first time to the newspaper, it is not familiar with because of Dalian, the wrong way, to walk more than 20 kilometers. When I know that to see the press side, he should take seven or eight hours round trip took more than 140 miles, I really feel that can not forgive myself lazy. Also increasingly felt, he told reporters expectations and trust are heavy!
asbestos in the cold room to take the air leak, I was really realize that one or two steel children, what it means to him, if not lacking in that two dollars, he would ego of the driver smile apologetically Zuo Yi it? Perhaps, he is not willing every day Zuo Yi, so long as time permits, he will be dedicated to walking, picking up leftovers to his son to walk, see the press in order to walk ... ... write for interview notes, I suddenly found that walking is The father is the dignity of migrant workers, to his son, he will tough to be alive.
journalists to celebrate the new
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