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Old 04-03-2011, 12:38 AM   #1
First Sergeant
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 160
defuqiao1 is on a distinguished road
Default paul smith underwear 走进天堂的裁缝 paul smith sho

 有一天,天气晴朗,仁慈的上帝想到御花园里散散心,于是带着所有使徒和圣人去了,只留下圣彼得留在天堂看 家。上帝临行前吩咐说在他外出期间不得有人进入天堂,于是圣彼得站在天堂门口守着。可不一会儿就听到有人敲 门,彼得问是谁,要干什么?“我是个可怜的、诚实的裁缝,请求让我进去,paul smith underwear。”一个平静的声音回答。“好一个诚实的人!”彼得说,“就像绞架上的小偷那样!你一直小偷小 摸,paul smith shop,还偷了别人的衣服,你进不了天堂。天父说他外出期间严禁任何人入内。”“行行好吧,”裁缝求道,“拣点桌 上掉下来的东西算不上偷,根本不值得一提。你看,我是个跛子,为了走到这儿来,我脚上已经打起泡来了,不可 能再走回去。我愿意干最脏最累的活,paul smith outlet shop,只求你让我进来。我会背孩子,给他们洗衣补衣、把他们玩脏的板凳擦干净,paul smith shoes sale。”彼得被他的话打动了,把天堂的门开了一条窄窄的缝,让瘦小的瘸腿裁缝溜了进来。彼得要他安安静静地坐在 门后角落里,以免上帝回来的时候发现了发脾气。可彼得一出门,他就充满好奇地到处走、到处看,把天堂各处都 看了个遍。最后他来到一个地方,paul smith mini bag,那里摆满了各种珍贵的椅子,其中有一把是纯金的,上面镶满了宝石,而且比其它椅子高多了,前面还有张脚凳 。上帝在家时就是坐在那张椅子上,观察地上所发生的一切的,paul smith purse。裁缝站在那儿,久久盯着那张椅子,根本没心再看别的东西了。最后他忍不住好奇地爬到那椅子上坐了下来。这 一下,他可看到了地上的每件事情了。他看到一个又丑又老的妇人在小溪边洗东西时将两条丝巾悄悄抽出来藏到一 边,裁缝一看气坏了,一把抓起金脚凳朝那老小偷砸了下去。他一看没法将那凳子拿回来放回原处了,赶忙悄悄从 椅子上溜下来,仍旧回到门后角落里坐着,装作没有动过的样子。
  天堂的主人上帝回来时没有发现门后的裁缝。可是当他坐到椅子上时,发现搁脚的凳子不见了。他问彼得凳子 哪儿去了,cheap paul smith shirts,彼得说不知道。上帝又问彼得有没有人来过。“没人到这儿来过,”彼得回答说,“只有一个跛脚 裁缝,paul smith cuff links,这会儿还在门后面坐着呢。”
  上帝叫人把裁缝叫来,问他是不是拿了那张凳子,放到哪儿去了?“殿下,”裁缝高兴地回答说:“我看到一 个老妇人在洗衣服的时候偷丝巾。我一气之下就把凳子砸下去了。”
  “你这个无赖!”上帝说,“假如我也像你那样判是非,你还有今天?假如我也像你那样判是非,这些椅子、 凳子甚至连叉子也该早扔没了。你不能再呆在天堂了,paul smith accessories,必须立刻出去。想上哪儿上哪儿吧,这里除了我,谁也没权治别人的罪。”
  彼得只好把裁缝带出天堂。裁缝的鞋子也破了,脚上全是泡,paul smith women wallet,只好柱着拐杖到那些好士兵寻欢作乐的“等候”处去了。
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Old 04-03-2011, 01:36 AM   #2
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ug2at5hh2jg is on a distinguished road

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2128362 2007 年 04 月 21 日 13:14 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Abstracts Selected
A young man repeatedly frustrated all the way to the Puji Temple, find a monk release attracted a round, depressed and said to him: \\monk brought the pot of warm water, release into the round caught a tea cup, then use warm water poured out, on the coffee table, a smile please young tea. Cup of water vapor emitted slightly, tea quietly afloat. Young people did not understand ask: \Young people drink a fine product, not help shaking his head: \with no hint of tea. \. Release round up, he took over a cup, put the tea, pour boiling water, then placed on the coffee table. Humble young man looked up and down a cup of tea in the ups and downs,pandora bracelets sale, the slightest scent hanging by a thread, hope and fluid. Young people want to go Duanbei

, Buddhism and fend off a round, but also bring water bottles into the boiling water line. Tea churn more powerful, more mellow ray wave rising more intoxicating fragrance, open to the Buddhist temple filled. Note release a total of five times round the water, the cup was finally over, and that a cup of tea and green, fragrant hand-side at the entrance refreshing.

release round with a smile asked: \, red brew of water different. \the release of tea fragrance. the world face in the crowd, do they not ups and downs of tea then? those without rain is like a warm brew of tea, only in the life of the surface float, simply soak not life sweet; and those who despite wind and rain man such as the strong that was boiling red brew tea, its ups and downs in the vicissitudes of the years, only that soak into the depths of the fragrance ah. \Fate is it not warm or hot pot of boiling water it? Ups and downs since the release of the tea itself, the fragrance, and life, and only suffered repeated setbacks and frustrations, it brings out the tenderness in that fragrance.
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