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10-02-2011, 08:06 PM
Illustrator Saturday – Sarah Chalek « Writing and Illustrating
I graduated from Syracuse University with a BFA in illustration in 2010. Shortly after graduation, I got my first freelance job as a children's book illustrator. The book, "It's Almost Time", written by Debbie Bernstein LaCroix and published by Kane Miller, is in stores now. For the past nine months, I have been a storyboard/concept artist at The Studio NYC, a visual communications studio. At the studio, I collaborate with 23 talented illustrators, animators, and directors to create art for the advertising and animation industries. I am learning animation and visual effects software, and hope to work on a feature animation someday. My favorite medium is watercolors. I have been painting with watercolors since childhood, under the instruction of Joel Popadics at the Ridgewood Art Institute in New Jersey. My paintings have been featured in the American Watercolorists Magazine's Cover Contest, and the Society of Illustrators' Student Show. Up until my senior year of college, my portfolio was a mixed bag of watercolor portraits and landscapes, and printmaking work. One of my professors, Roger De Muth, told me I needed to pick a direction and focus on getting a job. I chose to direct my illustrations towards the children's book market. It suited me well because I love kids and like painting animals, not that every children's book is an animal book, but it worked. Also, children's book publishers seem to like watercolor paintings. Since working at The Studio, I made the transition from watercolors to Photoshop. I still enjoy painting with watercolors in my free time, but Photoshop is more conducive to animation because of the layers. Is It’s Almost Time, your first published picture book? It’s Almost Time is my first, and only, published picture book so far. How did you get <a href="http://www.ghdonsaleonline.com/ghd-2010-new-purple-indulgence-p-8.html"><strong>ghd precious</strong></a> your first book contract? I got the book contract by sending out postcards. I sent 1 postcard each to 50 different publishers. A couple weeks later, I got an email from Kane/Miller Book Publishers asking “Have you done any sort of professional children’s book illustration? (And another question, I suppose: Would you like to?)”. It was extremely lucky. You shared your thumbnail sketches for It’s Almost Time. How many steps did you go through before you got to the finished thumbnails? Before I made the thumbnails, before I even got the manuscript or contract, my editor asked me to send sketches of animals interacting with clocks. I sent one page of sketches with sweet scenes like a mother monkey rocking a baby monkey on the pendulum of a clock. The other page was completely chaotic; a horse in race-car patterned pajamas waking up to a room full of alarm clocks going off. She liked the that one. I was fortunate to have a lot of freedom making the illustrations. There are very few words in the book, so the pictures tell a lot of the story. I got to choose which animals would interact with the clocks. I chose the horse because of that first sketch I made (I’ve always like horses too), and the bird because it was small and could fly through the scenes. Before I made the thumbnails I gathered most of my reference photos. I went to Sutton Clock Shop and Fanelli Anique Timepieces in NYC. The owners were really nice and let me take pictures of all the clocks. I gathered animal photos online. I might have done even rougher thumbnails first with just geometric shapes to lay out the composition. I didn’t show or save those though. Do you use any special materials when you start working on an illustration? Type of paper, pencils, sprays, etc.? When I painting with watercolors I use Dailer Rowney paints and 300 lb hot pressed Arches paper. I don’t think the brand matters all that much. I stick to what I’m used to because “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. 300 lb paper does make a big difference though. Did you sell your artwork or illustrations, before your first book? In high school I actually had a small business painting dog portraits. In college, I sold a couple of portraits (of people). In the year after graduating from college I focused completely on children’s books, and then I got a job as a storyboard artist. I haven’t had much time to paint for myself since my full time job, but I’m trying. Do you ever mix materials, such as watercolor and ink or watercolor with digital? I mix watercolor and Photoshop a lot. Sometimes just to re-touch my watercolor paintings, and sometimes I scan watercolor textures and drop them into my Photoshop paintings. I know a lot of artists scan their sketches and paint over them in Photoshop. I do that at home, but it’s unnecessary at work because I am able to sketch on the Cintiq. Sometimes when I’m feeling adventurous I paint oils over acrylics, but it’s been a long time since I made an oil painting. I don’t like cleaning the brushes. How do you promote yourself? I promote myself by sending out postcards, going to events, entering contests, and posting art on my website and blog. Last year I was a member of the SCBWI, and I have had a couple clients find me though their website. I’ve held back on the promotion lately because I am doing plenty of illustration at my full time job. When did you start painting? Do you come from a creative family? Any other illustrators in your family tree? I’ve been painting since pre-school with a crayola watercolor set. I remember I was really reluctant to replace the crayola set with professional quality paint in middle school. I’m stubborn about things like that. In middle school I took watercolor classes with Joel Popadics at the Ridgewood Art Institute in New Jersey. Then in high school I took summer classes at FIT and RISD. My high school also offered AP art classes which I took. I studied illustration at Syracuse University under many great professors there. There are no professional artists in my immediate family, but my Grandma is a very good painter. She does amazing palette knife oil paintings and needlepoint work. She taught me how to mix colors with crayons when I was a kid. Do you have an artist rep.? No, I don’t have a rep. Tell us about Kane/Miller Book Publishers. Kane/Miller Book Publishers is a division of EDC Publishing, specializing in award-winning children’s books from around the world. They are known for taking books from other countries and bringing them to the U.S., but as of recent, they are publishing new books by American writers. They are located in San Diego, so all of our correspondence has been through e-mail. I haven’t met the author, Debbie Bernstein LaCroix, either because she lives in Iowa. We started corresponding on facebook once the book was complete. The next three illustrations all have bears. Are these part of a book? The illustrations with bears are part of a book dummy that I made last year. I wrote a story about a bear who fights her instinct to hibernate and stays awake all winter to paint a masterpiece on the walls of her cave. I created sketches for the whole book <a href="http://www.ghdonsaleonline.com"><strong>ghd online</strong></a> and a few finished paintings, and sent the story to publishers. Although I got nice feedback, none wanted to pick it up. I was going to revise the story, but other projects took over. Maybe I will revisit this in the future. You titled this illustration below, Budapest. Is that where it was done? Budapest was one of the cities I visited on spring break in 2009 when I was studying abroad in Italy. I loved all the places I traveled to, but didn’t feel as though I could live permanently in any of them…until I got to Budapest. I felt instantly at home. My ancestors are from Budapest and it’s a great city with thermal baths, caves, beautiful architecture, and amazing food. It also happened to be Hungarian Independence Day while I was there, so I had great reference photos of the parade. My painting professor in Italy gave us an assignment to do a piece relating to “home”, so I painted this. It’s funny because the painting was exhibited in Italy and people kept telling me I got the flag wrong because the Hungarian flag is the same colors horizontally. I absolutely love the giraffes. In fact from the moment I first saw this illustration, it has been on my mind. What was your inspiration for the illustration? Will is be part of a book? Thank you! My senior year of college I had a really broad assignment to illustrate animals playing musical instruments. I had a bunch of ideas that I sketched out, and I liked the giraffes best because of the way the sousaphones wrap around their necks. It was purely visual and a lot of fun to make. You mention that you have made the change from Watercolor to Photoshop. Of the illustrations you sent, which ones were painted digitally? I think all of the illustrations I sent you were painted with watercolors. The newer work on my blog is mostly Photoshop. All of the illustrations from It’s Almost Time were done in watercolors. I retouched them in Photoshop only to fix mistakes. For example, my Dad is very mathematical and he looked at the first spread with the gears and said “these gears could never work!” He was right. They made no sense. Rather than re-do the entire painting, I just painted over a couple of the gears in Photoshop, so they look like they can spin now. I really like the textures in a watercolor painting and it’s hard to replicate digitally. It’s also easier on my eyes to stare at a paper instead of a screen all day. Mostly, I was attached to the idea of having one original, hard copy of my artwork. I’m getting over that attachment though because Photoshop has so many benefits. It’s faster and easier to make changes, and having everything on a separate layer makes it easy to animate the illustrations later. Do you have a graphic tablet? If so which one and do you use it with graphic software other than Photoshop? How big is it? Do you think bigger is better? I work full time now at The Studio, NYC with six other illustrators and many animators. All of the illustrators use Cintiq tablets. I’m spoiled now. It’s really hard to draw with my Intuos at home after using the Cintiq at work all day. The Cintiq at work is the biggest one Wacom makes. I would say bigger is better. When the screen is small, you have to zoom in too much and I like to be able to see the whole picture while I’m painting. I use only Photoshop for digital painting. I’ve never experimented with Corel Painter because we use Photoshop at The Studio. I’m pretty capable with After Effects now, and I’m learning Maya, Nuke, and Mari simultaneously. Any tips that would help illustrators who want to try transition to digital. My advice to illustrators wanting to transition to digital is to be very patient and don’t get frustrated. Learning new software can be slow, so you need to have a positive attitude even when it’s not working. Sometimes I think “what’s the point of learning this now when there are high school students who are already better at this software than me?” That’s like saying “What’s the point of waking up in the morning if people in Japan are already awake?” Just do it. Also, do your own project. Don’t just follow tutorials. When you’re working on your own project, you run into unexpected problems and you learn more. Learn the lingo and Google all your questions. Creative Cow is very helpful. A Dummies book is nice to have too. Where do you see you career going? More children’s books? More animation? Something else? Both? Right now I feel like I am trying to learn ten <a href="http://www.uggsalebootsshop.com/ugg-classic-short-metalic-c-103.html"><strong>ugg black boots</strong></a> things at once. My goal is to work on a feature animated film some day, hopefully with The Studio. Another children’s book would be great to do also. Making a cockroach look cute is difficult. I hate cockroaches, so I was hesitant to do this project at first. I think if I came across this one though, I wouldn’t be so scared. They are illustrations for a charming story by Kim Gelnaw. You sent a few caricatures. Did you do them for a magazine? No, unfortunately they were never in a magazine. A couple years ago, I interned at MAD Magazine and the Art Director, Sam Viviano, is a great caricature artist. I asked him to teach me to draw caricatures, and he said I should start by drawing everyone in the office. It was a really intimidating task, especially when I had to draw Sam, but I discovered I like caricatures. I kept going for a while and painted the cast of 30 Rock. Outside of art, my interests include food, baking, whistling, dogs, and traveling. During college, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy for a semester. I lived with a retired couple who had a passion for cooking and cooked amazing three course Italian dinners every night. Jealous? Side story: I tried to bake them an apple pie on the last night as a thank you, but it proved more difficult than expected. I knew the supermarket wouldn't have Crisco, so I had looked up online how to say "vegetable shortening" in Italian. I found a website that said "Vegetable shortening: vedi sotto" and jotted it down. However, "vedi sotto" really just meant "scroll down", and an alternate meaning is "look under", as in "look under my dress", so when I went to the supermarket asking "where is…look under my dress!" I quickly had a huge crowd of concerned Italians gathered around me. One old man said "I will call my English friend to help!" and pretty soon they were all passing me cell phones with Englishmen on the line to try to figure out what I needed. Needless to say, they don't have vegetable shortening in Italy. They don't have pie tins either. The pie turned out a mess and when I told my host mother I wanted to bake for her reaction was just "why?". I enter a pie baking competition every year now and always lose, but I won't stop. I am on a mission to bake the perfect pie. I have an 8 year old Shih Tzu named Buster. He lives with my parents in New Jersey since I moved to an apartment in Astoria, New York last June. I miss having a dog, though not too much because at The Studio we have three dogs: a Havanese, a Belgian Shepherd, and a Dachshund. One of the most random things I pride myself on is my whistling ability. A few months ago I made my debut as a professional whistler when I was asked to whistle the song of an evil sparrow for an animated short we are making. So, you could say I am an illustrator AND a professional whistler. Hope you enjoyed visiting with Sarah as much as I did. Which one is your favorite? You can see more of Sarah’s work at www.sarahchalek.com Talk tomorrow, Kathy
10-02-2011, 08:32 PM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Posts: 3,776
pokoje nad morzem stegna
Oferujemy rodzajów pizzy na miejscu lub na wynos. W zalozona zostala tu pierwsza w Mragowie apteka, i istnieje az do dzien dzisiejszy. Dzieki tym walorom Kaszuby, nasze kwatery i wies Swornegacie to wymarzone miejsce dospedzenia urlopu oraz uprawiania sportów wodnych, splywów kajakowych, a takze turystyki pieszej nocleg i rowerowej. Nie przejmuj sie mamy dla Ciebie swietne rozwiazanie. W celu powrotu do galerii zdjec po wyswietleniu pojedynczego zdjecia, nalezy kliknac w zdjecie rymanow zdroj noclegi zima w miejscowosci Sokólka. Kiedy kupisz u nas materialy i akcesoria dachowe na Twój dach to masz pewnosc, ze sprzedajemy tylko i wylacznie sprawdzone przez lata towary, które posiadaja wszelkie atesty i normy budowlane, a takze solidne zaplecze gwarancyjne. Absolwentka fotografii wykona profesjonalne zdjecia slubne, oraz innych imprez okolicznosciowych w bardzo noclegi wolkowyja konkurencyjne cenie. Szukam mieszkania w Brzesku do wynajecia od wrzesnia. noclegi wolkowyja Szydlowiecki zamek to jedna z najpiekniejszych wczesnorenesansowych rezydencji magnackich w Polsce. Konstrukcje drzwi przesuwnych przejeto z prototypowego furgonu podwyzszonego. Na osadach z tego okresu bazuje szereg ujec noclegi wolkowyja wód podziemnych, dostarczajac wody wysokiej jakosci. Do dlaczego Zorman i Stojkovic trzymali swoje medale rymanow zdroj noclegi w dloniach oraz dlaczego ploccy kibice nie potrafia okazac szacunku wobec druzyny przeciwnej. Odbylo sie zebranie organizacyjne kwatera na którym podjeto . Calosc stanowi jeden z najpiekniejszych pomników polskiej literatury prawniczej, a poza tym jedyna prace zakrojona na tak wielka skale i zrealizowana do konca. Mozna wypozyczyc sprzet wodny jaki i rowery górskie. W itaj bowiem trafiles na z tlumaczen w lesznie jak i, wykonujemy profesjonalne Expresowe tlumaczenia przysiegle w lesznie w cenie zwyklych tlumaczen, co jest nie zwykla rzadkoscia, malo tego zalatwimy calkowicie za kompleksowa rejestracje. Legnica nalezy do jednych ze starszych srednich miast w naszym kraju i hotel Zlotoryjska idealnie pasuje do tego miasta wolkowyja noclegi w Polsce. Odebralem swietny medal i dyplom, po czym urlop ucalowalem moja najlepsza kibicke Emilie. Choc w wyjasnieniu brakuje danych liczbowych, do rych jestesmy przyzwyczajeni w naszych czasach, to wyjasniania zjawisk zwiazanych z , tani nocleg i Ksiezycem wydaje sie bardzo zblizony do lczesnego. W skromnym wnetrzu znajduja sie polichromie ukasza Smuglewicza. Nie wie ponadto zadnych inicjatywach, ani nie motele toleruje zadnego osoby, która próbowala rozwiazac jak to, po raz kolejny niezgodnie z prawda twierdzi pan . Sama praca nawet ciezka, nie jest tak wyczerpujaca jak jej organizowanie, szczególnie w schronisko sytuacji, kiedy nie ma jeszcze z kim i za co jej wykonac. Uniescie nie ma zabytków, jednak wypoczywajacy ochoczo spaceruja po miasteczku, majac w niedalekiej odleglosci plaze morska i jeziorna, jak równiez cudny noclegi wolkowyja zielony las. W przypadku trudnosci w zakupie wody nie gazowanej mozna pozbyc sie znacznej ilosci pecherzyków dwutlenku wegla przez wczesniejsze napelnienie szklanki woda i odstawienie jej na okolo pól godziny. Miasto lezy km na pólnoc od Torunia i km na zachód schronisko od Grudziadza. Obecnie produkcja naszej firmy wiaze sie z drzwiami drewnianymi okleinowanymi naturalnymi fornirami. Zobacz koniecznie pelna oferte naszych profesjonalnych gabinetów stomatologicznych w wolkowyja noclegi Trójmiescie.
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10-02-2011, 09:08 PM
Commander In Chief
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gory opawskie szlaki
Takiej sytuacja Rada przekazala swe agendy urlop wlasciwym organom panstwowym. Dobór hostingu to szalenie istotna domki oraz ciezka decyzja. Wplyw na slabsze noclegi wolkowyja wyniki bialostoczan niewatpliwie maja kontuzje kluczowych zawodników. Ostrovia to jeden ze slabszych zespolów ligi, w którym liderem jest. W obrebie zebów przednich od strony jezykowej stosujemy takze ruchy wymiatajace, z tym ze szczotka powinna byc ustawiona pionowo, obejmujac jednorazowo jeden zab. To najlepszy sposób aby kupic najlepsze produkty w miescie Kruszwica. Wawrzynca i Madonny z roku, których autorstwo przypisuje . hotel Albo co by sie stalo z autem i pasazerami, które akurat skrecalo na zakrecie kilka sekund wczesniej, prawdopodobnie by je skosil do bólu. fajne wczasy Dla naszego Klienta z branzy kwatery produkcyjnej poszukujemy osób na stanowisko Spawacz. Posiada wniez siec kanalizacyjna dostepna dla w pensjonat dztwie dla. Po czesci konferencyjnej uczestnicy zlozyli kwiaty na grobie Lutoslawskich w wanie wakacje Drozdowie i odmówili modlitwe w intencji zmarlych ziemian. Nie bardzo wiem jakie archetypalne skladniki chodzi. gory W przypadku rezygnacji przez zwyciezce z nagrody, Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo przekazania nagrody innemu wybranemu w tym celu . Mozdzer wielkim Artysta jest i basta wiec moze ubierac sie jak obiekty noclegowe chce. Z nowa partnerka lacza go wspólne zainteresowania i pasje. Podchodzil niesmialo i kwatery prosil podpis na bilecie. Piotrek zawsze byl jest i bedzie twardzielem nigdy sie nie poddaje i walczy noclegi rymanow zdroj do konca taka wlasnie mamy krew. Mimo ze naprzeciw siebie staneli urlop pretendent do awansu do ekstraklasy i beniaminek. Budowla wybudowana zostala w stylu gotyckim i kilkukrotna jego przebudowa nie zaburzyla oryginalnej kubatury kosciola. Dla zapalenców nietuzinkowych wakacji, propozycja warta uwagi moze stac atrakcje . Mieszczanie zyskali takze prawo polowu ryb w rzece na odcinku od Paczkowa rymanow zdroj noclegi do Kozielna.
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10-02-2011, 09:22 PM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
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pokoje goscinne sopotiera
Kajaki nadaja sie zarówno na wyjazd z dziecmi jak i studencka impreze po zakonczeniu wolkowyja noclegi sesji. W jest siedziba wojewody lubuskiego, natomiast w drugiej stolicy Zielonej rze kwatere wna ma sejmik dztwa wraz z marszalkiem. Pomieszczenia piwniczne i parterowe pelnie fajne wczasy byly gruzu i ziemi. Do kazdego mieszkania przynalezy ogródek powierzchni okolo mkw. W przeciwienstwie do poznanskiego Grunwaldu noclegi wolkowyja calkiem dobrze radza sobie pilkarze . Okolo godziny zalogi wyrusza na przelot mikrolotowy na trasie noclegi rymanow zdroj w. Dlatego tez kazdy turysta przemierzajacy Warmie i Mazury powinien odwiedzic te niewielka, a tak znaczaca pod rymanow zdroj noclegi wzgledem turystycznym, historycznym i regionalnym miejscowosc. Jezeli interesuje Panstwa kwatera nie tylko pogoda w Ponicach. Przebudowa drogi powiatowej numer 55 granica panstwa na odcinku Glinka dlugosci etap km, na odcinku mb budynku w Rajczy do budynku numer 31 na dzialce w oraz odcinku dlugosci mb skrzyzowania z ulica Górska w Ujsolach do budynku na dzialce w Indywidualnie podchodzimy do kazdego naszego kursanta maksymalnie koncentrujac sie na jego wyszkoleniu. Juz na samym poczatku spotkania do bramki motele rywali . Ten wynik Polka uzyskala w rozgrywanych w finskiej Keravie zawodach w podnoszeniu ciezarów. Naukowo potwierdzone i zweryfikowane wlasciwosci tonizujace srodka Phytochi powoduja, iz mozna go uzywac kwatera bez obaw wlasne zdrowie. Obszar ten ma charakter krajobrazu nizinnych dolin rzecznych. Celem projektu jest budowa w rymanow zdroj noclegi zabaw na terenach . Bedac w Trójwsi ciezko nie fajne wczasy odwiedzic Koniakowa i . W szpitalu zachodzil noclegi rymanow zdroj do mnie i pytal jak sie czuje jesli mial dyzur Ywot tego rodzaju wystaw jest przemijajacy i ograniczony zazwyczaj do kilku miesiecy. Znajduje sie w bezposrednim sasiedztwie strzezonego kapieliska, gdzie mozna skorzystac ze sprzetu kajakowego. noclegi wolkowyja Równiez niektóre punkty wulkanizacji trudnia sie sprzedaza opon zimowych. Celem kampanii jest zmniejszenie liczby zaginiec wsród Polaków wyjezdzajacych do pracy za granice. Polozenie naszej Przystani za rymanow zdroj noclegi Zapora w Smardzewicach na km Pilicy od ujscia to najlepsze miejsce do rozpoczecia kilkudniowych splywów w strone Wisly. W wyniku zdarzenia rymanow zdroj noclegi ranne zostaly trzy osoby informuje opolska policja. W latach Wzdowski byl wlascicielem wsi Bukowiec oraz Wolkowyja. Pilnie poszukuje pokoju do wynajecia w lub jego motele bliskich okolicach. Raport oceniajacy swobode dzialalnosci gospodarczej w województwie slaskim omówiono podczas czwartkowej konferencji prasowej w Katowicach. W roku wzniesiono inny gostyninski zabytek targowe, które sa obecnie zespolem sklepów.
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