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09-20-2011, 04:01 AM
and the Starvation Response
Cardio, Calories, and the Starvation Response
Most of the time, when someone decides that they want to lose fat, they inevitably head for the nearest fad diet. However, 95% (closer to 100%) of the time, these fad diets fail. The reason they fail is because exercise is rarely incorporated into the program. In order to lose fat, there must be a deficit of calories in the diet. In other words, your body must use more calories than you eat in order to use its fat stores for energy. This seems simple enough; however, it becomes a bit more complicated. There are two ways a calorie deficit can be accomplished. The first one is to eat fewer calories. The second one is to use more calories (exercise). The best way to accomplish fat loss without hitting a plateau and failing is a combination of both. You must eat less calories and burn more calories. If you try to accomplish a calorie deficit only by eating less calories, then you're body thinks it's starving, and will go into a "starvation mode" where it lowers its metabolism in order to prepare for a period of little food (this is more than likely a protective response from years ago when food actually did become scarce, unlike today). Another reason that the metabolism is lowered is because when there is a period of little food, your body tries its best to protect the brain. The brain always requires glucose (carbohydrates that are in the body) to run; however, glucose can not be stored in the body. Therefore, the only way for the body to get glucose is to eat its own muscle (muscle can be converted to glucose) - which lowers your metabolism and causes the starvation response. So, the body accomplishes two things by eating its own muscle: it provides glucose for the brain and causes your body to require less food, since less muscle equals a lower metabolism. When the starvation response is elicited, you smack into the fat loss plateau and the fad diet fails.
When you incorporate exercise into your routine, your body feels more comfortable with not lowering your metabolism. If you are exercising frequently, then your body thinks, "I'm actually doing something, so there is probably an abundance of food now, and I shouldn't worry too much." Therefore, the starvation response is mostly avoided. Two important forms of exercise to produce this affect are weight training and aerobic exercise (cardio). However, nike air jordan, this article is mostly about cardio.
The goal of cardio is to burn calories while avoiding the starvation response. Many times when you mention "exercise" or "cardio", people immediately get negative thoughts in their head about the extreme difficulty of doing such exercise, but these thoughts are misguided. Cardio gets easier as your body adapts, is very rewarding, doudoune moncler, and can even be fun.
How Cardio Becomes Easier While Still Burning the Same Amount of Calories
As you do cardio more and more, you body begins to adapt and become better at performing the same work, but with less perceived effort. The body becomes able to move nutrients and oxygen around faster because you build new capillaries, the cells produce more mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell), air jordan chaussure, your heart becomes more powerful, your body produces more blood, abercrombie & fitch, and a host of other adaptations that would cover a whole textbook. The main thing to note here is that you still burn the same amount of calories, even after your body adapts and cardio becomes easier. However, with your new, more adapted body, you will be able to accomplish exercise that burns even more calories resulting in even more fat loss. For instance, in order to burn 300 calories, you would have to walk for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. In contrast, jogging for about 25-30 minutes (the amount of time will vary depending upon your speed) will burn 300 calories. Obviously, the last one is more practical unless you just have a huge amount of time on your hands. Walking also doesn't elicit the endorphin high that running/jogging does either (discussed later).
The Overload Principle
When you begin a cardio program, your first goal should probably be to adapt to the point where you can burn a sufficient amount of calories. This involves the overload principle. The overload principle is simple: in order to initiate adaptations within your body you must exercise with either a greater intensity, duration, or frequency. Depending upon the type you decide to overload (intensity, duration, or frequency), you will adapt to that type. For instance, if you want to run faster in the same amount of distance, air jordan, you should run faster, and your body will adapt to that. If you want to run farther, you should run farther, air jordan basket, and your body will adapt to that. There is a high degree of specificy that goals along with this principle, but that is the topic for another article. Pretty much, the overload principle reveals that doing the same routine every time without trying to push yourself harder will result in no adaptations. For instance, if you do the same aerobics tape everyday, then your body will never adapt any further - since there is no need for it to. However, if you were to get a more advanced tape and do it, this would initiate an adaptation in your body, but then you would have to find an even harder tape to initiate any further adaptations. Keep in mind though, if you decide to stay at the same level of fitness and do the same routine, then you will still burn the same amount of calories, and if your goal is just fat loss this may be a potential option for you.
Just Get Started!
If you haven? done any cardio for a while, you should obviously start out small. Start out with just a brisk walk, then intermittent jogs while you are jogging, then finally, you will be able to jog the whole time, and then increase your times/speed to the point where you are happy. The hardest part is really just to start doing something. Once you get your momentum going by exercising for the first time, even if you have to start out small, you have already accomplished the hardest part.
Your Body's Reward to You: An Endorphin High
In addition to burning off unwanted fat, doing cardio gives you something called an "endorphin high". This all natural high induces a feeling of well-being, relaxation, improvement in mood, and increase in your ability to think more clearly. It's theorized that this is the reason why many long distance runners are "addicted" to running - they love the high they get afterwards! Once you've experienced one of these, you're even more likely to continue your regime and therefore continue to burn off fat.
Cardio in the Morning?
Although calories are the most important thing when considering fat loss; you must also realize that not all calories are created equal. When you wake up in the morning, you body is low on something called glycogen. Glycogen is essentially another word for stored carbohydrates in the body. When exercising, glycogen is a more preferred fuel source to the body in comparison to fat. Your body always uses a mixture of glycogen and fat to run, but the ratio is many times dependant upon the availability of these fuel sources. So, when your body is low on glycogen in the morning, abercrombie and fitch france, it is forced to burn fat at a higher ratio than if you had just eaten. Therefore, doing cardio in a fasted state will burn more fat than doing it in a non-fasted state. In one study, the researchers concluded that this method can burn 17% more fat in comparison to if you had just eaten (1). Another study agrees with this by stating, "our results support the hypothesis that endurance training enhances lipid oxidation (lipid oxidation means the burning of fat) in men after a 12-h fast at low relative exercise intensities" (2). If you decide to perform cardio in the morning, remember to drink lots of water before-hand (you'll be dehydrated after waking up), and if you want the extra fat burning response, you'll have to avoid breakfast until after you're done.
Another reason to exercise in the morning is due to the fact that it will allow you to be in a better mood and to think more clearly for the rest of the day due to the endorphin high. You are also probably more likely to perform cardio in the morning in comparison to the afternoon when you could just blow it off because you are "too tired".
Make Sure You're Hydrated
Before starting on your new cardio regime, make sure you are properly hydrated. Water increases your capacity to think and exercise more efficiently. Water is required for nearly every reaction inside of your body. Most people walk around in a state of semi-dehydration. Exercising can cause you to get dizzy and pass-out (this author has experienced this), suffer a heat injury, or in severe cases, cause death. Ever had that thick, cotton-like feeling in your mouth while exercising? Cotton-mouth is an obvious sign that you are dehydrated; if you ever get cotton-mouth while performing aerobic exercise, please realize that you could be performing much better and reducing your risk of experiencing dehydration's nasty side effects if you only had drank more water beforehand. It is best to drink water throughout the day rather than only around the time you exercise.
One sure fire way to get you pumped up and associate cardio with something positive is to listen to some music before and while doing it. You'll be surprised at how much better you perform and how much more fun cardio seems.
As stated before, the hardest part about a cardio regime is starting. Remember to incorporate the overload principle when trying to cause an adaptative response, to stay hydrated, and to listen to music while performing your cardio regime. Also, you may even decide that you want to perform your cardio in the morning to feel good and be able to think more clearly for the rest of the day and to burn even more fat. Once you get passed that point and experience some of cardio's effects such as fat loss without hitting a plateau, a feeling of accomplishment, and that awesome endorphin high, moncler quincy, you'll become addicted. However, no exercise routine is complete without the proper support from an intelligent nutritional program; for more information on this, click this link about weight loss.
1. Brehm, B.A., and Gutin, B. Recovery energy expenditure for steady state exercise in runners and non-exercisers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. (1986) 18: 205.
2. Bergman, BC, Brooks, GA. Respiratory gas-exchange ratios during graded exercise in fed and fasted trained and untrained men. Journal of Applied Physiology. (1999) 86: 2.
You can find tons more information on these topics by clicking this link about weight loss.
" based on a classical folk legend of China.
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it took him more than 10
09-20-2011, 04:19 AM
PlayStation, Japan's Sony (Sony) Sony Computer Entertainment subsidiary of SCEI home video game console, which has become the most famous family travel products.
rich history of promoting the game to different specifications of the main microprocessor comment graphics processing units sound processing unit memory CD-ROM Drive CD-ROM hardware features of Post Bar Photos History PlayStation (abbreviated: PS), Japan's Sony (Sony) Sony Computer Entertainment subsidiary of SCEI on December 3, 1994 sale of the home electricity
as the console. There was competition with the PlayStation Sega Saturn (SEGA Saturn), and Nintendo's Nintendo 64 and so on. For third-party manufacturers through the strategic game, the final few games on the PlayStation in the absolute advantage in this business for a war victory. PSone Sony Corporation of Japan in September 14, 2000 release of a game, is the miniaturization of PlayStation version. It is the PlayStation as the basis of the external power supply such as transformation, making the host volume only the original 1 / 3 size. PSone can also be an external liquid crystal display (sold separately), so that the car matched the power of words to be in the car for the game. In addition, Sony has sold over a component called the Mobile Power One, it can provide the host for the PSone and a half to three hours of power, so completely as to Shouzhang Ji PSone to use. Playstation earliest concept development began in 1986. From the beginning Nintendo NES try to use the optical disc storage technology, but the media
have many problems. The physical structure of its own characteristics to the media are easily damaged, and there was the danger of illegal copying. Nevertheless, while on CDROM / XA after the publication of technical details, Nintendo still had interest in its technology. CDROM / XA standard is co-sponsored by the SONY and Philips, Nintendo decided to develop cooperation with SONY Super Nintendo CDROM using an external drive, and temporarily named In fact, Nintendo chose to SONY, the main reason is due to a SONY and Nintendo in the results between the non-stop lobbying, he is healthy Kutaragi, who later known as the through an impressive display of technology that Nintendo decided to buy SONY 8-channel ADPCM audio processing chip technology, But SONY plans to develop another one Also compatible with Nintendo games, and close to the home console trademark SONY. This host not only to use the Super Nintendo cartridge family, but also supports the use of the new CDROM SONY proprietary format - This format will also be used in the SONY plans to borrow from the external drive for the Nintendo the opportunity to develop this sector into the game, and replace the current Nintendo dominated the gaming market. In 1991, Nintendo has scheduled the CES show in June published However, when Hiroshi Yamauchi read the Nintendo and Sony in 1988 after the signing of the agreement, he found that if the continued implementation of the plan, then, Nintendo will cooperate completely lost the initiative, and loss of the existing game market share. He believes that such an agreement could not accept. So he secretly stopped all Area without notifying the case of SONY, Nintendo of America president Howard • Lincoln canceled a scheduled day at CES was held at 9 am in the presentations to the outside world said they are working with Philips to develop an external drive Super Nintendo news, announced a Nintendo and SONY plans to give up before the R & D results. In fact, before that, Lincoln and Arakawa has been secretly flying real Philips headquarters in Europe and immediately reached
consensus - that is a cooperative initiative Nintendo can fully grasp the agreement. 9:00's CES is no doubt of the reported news is shocking. Not just for those who visited the exhibition, it is more in the eyes of the Japanese color with betrayal: a Japanese company blamed the other Japanese companies and their competitors in Europe, cooperation, which is in the Japanese business community can not imagine things. Nintendo plans for cooperation with the announcement after the collapse, SONY once to consider the suspension of their R & D programs, but health Kutaragi continued lobbying, company executives ultimately decided to continue the program and make it a brand new host. Nintendo made the decision to co-contract to the U.S. for violating the federal claims court and ask SONY, Paul Smith Flip Flop, SONY attempt to prevent the development plan. But the Federal Court rejected the last request of Nintendo. Thus, in October 1991, a new game console has finally been born in this world, and he is the PlayStation. To promote the PlayStation in December 3, 1994 launch in Japan first, followed in September 9, 1995 launch in the United States, September 29, 1995 launch in Europe. In the United States, SONY launch each game as Toshinden, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Philosoma, Wipeout and Ridge Racers are very popular, almost all SONY and Namco games are pushing the sequel. The issue price in the U.S. market: US $ 299.00 [2], after the price was the successor of PS 2 is used. PlayStation able to use many unique advertising campaign to arouse interest in many plays when the game's release is full of ads ambiguous content, the fever caused by many players argue, the most famous advertising campaigns, including Enos Lives and Enos These ads were considered to be an attempt to eliminate the people playing games in video game market has never been tested by Sony have concerns. It hosts a very popular game that produced the so-called PlayStation games on the more famous, and so on. To May 18, 2004, Sony sold a total of 1 million units Playstation and PSone console. As of September 2006, sold a total of 79.02 million, a total of 961 million sets of the game (released in different regions account for the different versions of the game.) PlayStation logo designed by a Manabu Sakamoto, who is also a Sony VAIO computer products of the logo. Rich on the PlayStation video game industry as one of the products in the oldest full pop for 11 years. March 23, 2006, Sony officially announced that they stopped production of all types of PlayStation. The first difference is actually a new version of the revision in early 1996 to deal with Playstaion overheating complaints. Sony appearance and technical indicators do not change, but the abolition of the Japanese version of the interface in the left side of the RCA. Parallel interface is also not commonly used to control manufacturing costs removed. Laser head is also slightly improved. Many players have had the video jumps and noise situation. Many people say that the machine upside down to read the disk, or to solve the problem, it was a direct tapping machine. This problem has earlier Playstation2 above, read the disk performance of the famous error. September 2000, Sony released a redesigned smaller host, called the PSone. The original Playstation in Japan is called Sony released in Japan in 2003 when the PS2 system, called the PSX. Playstation is now officially referred to as the Comments on the tenth anniversary of PlayStation release, the Italian branch of Sony's ad for sale angered the Vatican. Ad shows a man appears to be Jesus, wearing a button on the PlayStation logo (□, X, O, Δ) consisting of the crown, in front of the camera smiling. Italian below the ad read, After the incident, Sony decided to withdraw all advertising and cancel printing. Many consumers also can find PlayStation CD-ROM information on the laser repeatedly moving the laser track (laser track) unhappy, because for a long time this CD will burn easily, resulting in longer load times and other Loading problems. Users in order to remedy this defect, turn the console to the vertical, so that the laser reads the data from the opposite track. While this can immediately solve the problem, but will burn across the track, means that it must always be replaced. Many consumers were forced to buy the PlayStation to replace multiple parts damaged due to this defect. The problem seems to be resolved in the PlayStation 2, but easy to damage the laser mechanism is still the main source of the problem Sony console. Sony Computer Entertainment sufficient to provide technical support to users in question, as long as the console has not been opened. Specifications CPU: R-3000A 32BIT RISC CPU (33.8688 MHz) operation speed: 30MIPS Memory: 28Mbit (main RAM16Mbit, VRAM 8MBIT, sound RAM 4Mbit) Display Resolution: 256x224 (maximum 640x480) maximum number of hair color: 16,770,000 colors were special Function: Zoom, swing, distortion, multi-reel, effects, modeling clay, up to a screen color with significant activities in 4000, 36 million polygons per second Sound: PCM 24-way audio signal sampling frequency of 44.1KHz, and the same CD music Development Environment: C language, has a rich library to develop easily main microprocessor MIPS R3000A-compatible (R3051) 32 位元 33.8688 MHz RISC chip, the chip is running LSI Logic Corp. manufactured by SGI technology licensing. The chip also contains changes in engine geometry, and data decompression engine. Features: 30 MIPS operating performance Bus bandwidth 132 Mbit / s 4 kB instruction cache data cache 1 kB (non-linked, as long as rapid mapping 1024 bytes SRAM) graphics processing unit separate from the chip and CPU, and handle all of the 2D graphics, and includes 3D polygons. Features: up to 16.7 million colors resolution from 256 × 224 到 640 × 480 frame buffer to adjust the color wheel does not limit search to find the maximum number of 24-bit color depth to the sound processing unit features: the ability to handle ADPCM sources raised to 24 channels and 44.1 kHz sampling rate a number of PS2's games (11) to the performance of digital effects include: tone adjustment Envelope Echo Digital reverberation can handle 512 Mbit to the sample waveform support MIDI devices PC file name format:. PSF Memory Main Memory: 2 Megabytes video RAM: 1 Megabyte Audio Memory: 512 Kilobytes CD-Rom Buffer: 32 Kilobytes read-only memory storing the operating system: 512 Kilobytes PlayStation memory card with 128 Kilobytes of space in a EEPROCD-ROM Drive CD-ROM features: original only read a single rate, then the device has been replaced by the two-speed, maximum read speeds of up to 300 KB / s meet the XA Mode 2 CD-DA (CD Digital Audio) The greatest feature of the hardware features of PS (advantage) is its superior image processing capabilities, PS join a dedicated 3D processor, running at speeds up the image 30MIPS (millions of calculations / second), a second for 36 million to the multilateral line calculus, PS, 3D chip advanced graphics workstation is a standard a dedicated chip, the war was the second time machine (in fact, only the PS and SS seems to struggle against them ...) in the strongest image of a host PC at the time was not that kind of personal computer as the card can PS comparable to the 3D chip, and the PS can only match the senior-level computer workstation, PS is working principle of using the workstation machine works, is to image processing to the special device More Photos of Friends of Post Bar album it blew (213) Games wallpapers (87) ShiningHearts (76) Games Mito (12) entries Atlas Atlas more extended reading: 1
http://asia.playstation. com / hk / chs
Open Category: Entertainment, games, sony, ps, I have to perfect the Sony
09-20-2011, 04:20 AM
PlayStation, Japan's Sony (Sony) Sony Computer Entertainment subsidiary of SCEI home video game console, which has become the most famous family travel products.
rich history of promoting the game to different specifications of the main microprocessor comment graphics processing units sound processing unit memory CD-ROM Drive CD-ROM hardware features of Post Bar Photos History PlayStation (abbreviated: PS), Japan's Sony (Sony) Sony Computer Entertainment subsidiary of SCEI on December 3, 1994 sale of the home electricity
as the console. There was competition with the PlayStation Sega Saturn (SEGA Saturn), and Nintendo's Nintendo 64 and so on. For third-party manufacturers through the strategic game, the final few games on the PlayStation in the absolute advantage in this business for a war victory. PSone Sony Corporation of Japan in September 14, 2000 release of a game, is the miniaturization of PlayStation version. It is the PlayStation as the basis of the external power supply such as transformation, making the host volume only the original 1 / 3 size. PSone can also be an external liquid crystal display (sold separately), so that the car matched the power of words to be in the car for the game. In addition, Sony has sold over a component called the Mobile Power One, it can provide the host for the PSone and a half to three hours of power, so completely as to Shouzhang Ji PSone to use. Playstation earliest concept development began in 1986. From the beginning Nintendo NES try to use the optical disc storage technology, but the media
have many problems. The physical structure of its own characteristics to the media are easily damaged, and there was the danger of illegal copying. Nevertheless, while on CDROM / XA after the publication of technical details, Nintendo still had interest in its technology. CDROM / XA standard is co-sponsored by the SONY and Philips, Nintendo decided to develop cooperation with SONY Super Nintendo CDROM using an external drive, and temporarily named In fact, Nintendo chose to SONY, the main reason is due to a SONY and Nintendo in the results between the non-stop lobbying, he is healthy Kutaragi, who later known as the through an impressive display of technology that Nintendo decided to buy SONY 8-channel ADPCM audio processing chip technology, But SONY plans to develop another one Also compatible with Nintendo games, and close to the home console trademark SONY. This host not only to use the Super Nintendo cartridge family, but also supports the use of the new CDROM SONY proprietary format - This format will also be used in the SONY plans to borrow from the external drive for the Nintendo the opportunity to develop this sector into the game, and replace the current Nintendo dominated the gaming market. In 1991, Nintendo has scheduled the CES show in June published However, when Hiroshi Yamauchi read the Nintendo and Sony in 1988 after the signing of the agreement, he found that if the continued implementation of the plan, then, Nintendo will cooperate completely lost the initiative, and loss of the existing game market share. He believes that such an agreement could not accept. So he secretly stopped all Area without notifying the case of SONY, Nintendo of America president Howard • Lincoln canceled a scheduled day at CES was held at 9 am in the presentations to the outside world said they are working with Philips to develop an external drive Super Nintendo news, announced a Nintendo and SONY plans to give up before the R & D results. In fact, before that, Lincoln and Arakawa has been secretly flying real Philips headquarters in Europe and immediately reached
consensus - that is a cooperative initiative Nintendo can fully grasp the agreement. 9:00's CES is no doubt of the reported news is shocking. Not just for those who visited the exhibition, it is more in the eyes of the Japanese color with betrayal: a Japanese company blamed the other Japanese companies and their competitors in Europe, cooperation, which is in the Japanese business community can not imagine things. Nintendo plans for cooperation with the announcement after the collapse, SONY once to consider the suspension of their R & D programs, but health Kutaragi continued lobbying, company executives ultimately decided to continue the program and make it a brand new host. Nintendo made the decision to co-contract to the U.S. for violating the federal claims court and ask SONY, Paul Smith Flip Flop, SONY attempt to prevent the development plan. But the Federal Court rejected the last request of Nintendo. Thus, in October 1991, a new game console has finally been born in this world, and he is the PlayStation. To promote the PlayStation in December 3, 1994 launch in Japan first, followed in September 9, 1995 launch in the United States, September 29, 1995 launch in Europe. In the United States, SONY launch each game as Toshinden, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Philosoma, Wipeout and Ridge Racers are very popular, almost all SONY and Namco games are pushing the sequel. The issue price in the U.S. market: US $ 299.00 [2], after the price was the successor of PS 2 is used. PlayStation able to use many unique advertising campaign to arouse interest in many plays when the game's release is full of ads ambiguous content, the fever caused by many players argue, the most famous advertising campaigns, including Enos Lives and Enos These ads were considered to be an attempt to eliminate the people playing games in video game market has never been tested by Sony have concerns. It hosts a very popular game that produced the so-called PlayStation games on the more famous, and so on. To May 18, 2004, Sony sold a total of 1 million units Playstation and PSone console. As of September 2006, sold a total of 79.02 million, a total of 961 million sets of the game (released in different regions account for the different versions of the game.) PlayStation logo designed by a Manabu Sakamoto, who is also a Sony VAIO computer products of the logo. Rich on the PlayStation video game industry as one of the products in the oldest full pop for 11 years. March 23, 2006, Sony officially announced that they stopped production of all types of PlayStation. The first difference is actually a new version of the revision in early 1996 to deal with Playstaion overheating complaints. Sony appearance and technical indicators do not change, but the abolition of the Japanese version of the interface in the left side of the RCA. Parallel interface is also not commonly used to control manufacturing costs removed. Laser head is also slightly improved. Many players have had the video jumps and noise situation. Many people say that the machine upside down to read the disk, or to solve the problem, it was a direct tapping machine. This problem has earlier Playstation2 above, read the disk performance of the famous error. September 2000, Sony released a redesigned smaller host, called the PSone. The original Playstation in Japan is called Sony released in Japan in 2003 when the PS2 system, called the PSX. Playstation is now officially referred to as the Comments on the tenth anniversary of PlayStation release, the Italian branch of Sony's ad for sale angered the Vatican. Ad shows a man appears to be Jesus, wearing a button on the PlayStation logo (□, X, O, Δ) consisting of the crown, in front of the camera smiling. Italian below the ad read, After the incident, Sony decided to withdraw all advertising and cancel printing. Many consumers also can find PlayStation CD-ROM information on the laser repeatedly moving the laser track (laser track) unhappy, because for a long time this CD will burn easily, resulting in longer load times and other Loading problems. Users in order to remedy this defect, turn the console to the vertical, so that the laser reads the data from the opposite track. While this can immediately solve the problem, but will burn across the track, means that it must always be replaced. Many consumers were forced to buy the PlayStation to replace multiple parts damaged due to this defect. The problem seems to be resolved in the PlayStation 2, but easy to damage the laser mechanism is still the main source of the problem Sony console. Sony Computer Entertainment sufficient to provide technical support to users in question, as long as the console has not been opened. Specifications CPU: R-3000A 32BIT RISC CPU (33.8688 MHz) operation speed: 30MIPS Memory: 28Mbit (main RAM16Mbit, VRAM 8MBIT, sound RAM 4Mbit) Display Resolution: 256x224 (maximum 640x480) maximum number of hair color: 16,770,000 colors were special Function: Zoom, swing, distortion, multi-reel, effects, modeling clay, up to a screen color with significant activities in 4000, 36 million polygons per second Sound: PCM 24-way audio signal sampling frequency of 44.1KHz, and the same CD music Development Environment: C language, has a rich library to develop easily main microprocessor MIPS R3000A-compatible (R3051) 32 位元 33.8688 MHz RISC chip, the chip is running LSI Logic Corp. manufactured by SGI technology licensing. The chip also contains changes in engine geometry, and data decompression engine. Features: 30 MIPS operating performance Bus bandwidth 132 Mbit / s 4 kB instruction cache data cache 1 kB (non-linked, as long as rapid mapping 1024 bytes SRAM) graphics processing unit separate from the chip and CPU, and handle all of the 2D graphics, and includes 3D polygons. Features: up to 16.7 million colors resolution from 256 × 224 到 640 × 480 frame buffer to adjust the color wheel does not limit search to find the maximum number of 24-bit color depth to the sound processing unit features: the ability to handle ADPCM sources raised to 24 channels and 44.1 kHz sampling rate a number of PS2's games (11) to the performance of digital effects include: tone adjustment Envelope Echo Digital reverberation can handle 512 Mbit to the sample waveform support MIDI devices PC file name format:. PSF Memory Main Memory: 2 Megabytes video RAM: 1 Megabyte Audio Memory: 512 Kilobytes CD-Rom Buffer: 32 Kilobytes read-only memory storing the operating system: 512 Kilobytes PlayStation memory card with 128 Kilobytes of space in a EEPROCD-ROM Drive CD-ROM features: original only read a single rate, then the device has been replaced by the two-speed, maximum read speeds of up to 300 KB / s meet the XA Mode 2 CD-DA (CD Digital Audio) The greatest feature of the hardware features of PS (advantage) is its superior image processing capabilities, PS join a dedicated 3D processor, running at speeds up the image 30MIPS (millions of calculations / second), a second for 36 million to the multilateral line calculus, PS, 3D chip advanced graphics workstation is a standard a dedicated chip, the war was the second time machine (in fact, only the PS and SS seems to struggle against them ...) in the strongest image of a host PC at the time was not that kind of personal computer as the card can PS comparable to the 3D chip, and the PS can only match the senior-level computer workstation, PS is working principle of using the workstation machine works, is to image processing to the special device More Photos of Friends of Post Bar album it blew (213) Games wallpapers (87) ShiningHearts (76) Games Mito (12) entries Atlas Atlas more extended reading: 1
http://asia.playstation. com / hk / chs
Open Category: Entertainment, games, sony, ps, I have to perfect the Sony
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