Portraits created by ant body .
true religion straight, July 15 According to Taiwan Portrait. To complete his vision , he bought the live ants to the ant farm , after their poison , and then enclosing resin body , completed the painting
It is understood that painting was inspired Chris Truman and his brother from childhood memories of being bitten by red ants , the western painting little boy is his younger brother Chris Truman Brisbane 6 years old Looks like. Chris Truman said that the original meaning of the painting is to have people reflect on the killing animal life , but in the creative process,
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Chris Truman described , he spent light water purchased ant poison , and then processed through the body enclosed in a special resin adhesive tweezers to piece together the way into the painting. It is understood that the site would take several years to complete the work , the highest bid to the tens of thousands of U.S. dollars have recently been sold to professional purchasing peculiar creation of the