Look at their expressions, and their eyes, the eyes are not the players he is familiar with, suddenly, ShangLin heart suddenly becomes gloomy.
ShangLin finally understand what they doing, he doesn't understand, to a player, a team, all the people will become so, or you really make them feel detest!
Looked at his pain, ShangLin YanYuFeng grey to calm your own voice, way: "YanYuFeng, you're good, look, this team do not seem to me is the head coach, but you, so good! I quit!"
The event, the crowd emphasised, even plateau, also stare blankly live.
"Want me to change tactics, not yet who can do it, since you think I come when the manager is a great mistake, that's no problem, I meet your requirement, from now on, I ShangLin is no longer sunnorth ShiErZhong coach,
复件 (108) 1254 (2)!" ShangLin jilt finish this sentence, drop body and then walk.
The players stare blankly,
复件 (132) 011, thought will encounter to a strict to lambaste, but unexpectedly coach was so calm.
ShangLin took eye everybody, turned down his stat sheet, see while since gu's way: "dozen become so, I already have nothing to say, if scold you'll useful,
DRE BEATS TOUR, if use what one beautiful victory to the to motivate you,
Dre Beats Studio (Red) Special Edition High Definition Power, and use of words, I have already said export."
The team dumb sound wordless listen.
"You underestimate the opponent's outbreak ability,
复件 (114) 1254 (2), but opponents and caught us
The old MianRuSiHui daring players that or bewildered expression, YanYuFeng already feel tide!
A loud whistle sounded, ShangLin helpless proposes suspended requirements.
Sunnorth rest, and full table in the dead, like the atmosphere not breath is depressing, boring, but that big of gasps, still can let people know, this is a group of the living.
"All sit down and have a rest!" ShangLin light way.
The players stare blankly, thought will encounter to a strict to lambaste, but unexpectedly coach was so calm.
ShangLin took eye everybody, turned down his stat sheet, see while since gu's way: "dozen become so, I already have nothing to say, if scold you'll useful, if use what one beautiful victory to the to motivate you, and use of words, I have already said export."
"Business coach, business manager!" ShiGuang shouted, and get back up.
"How can you be so stupid! If traders coach really quit, I can tell you, I also quit,
mens mbt, you yourself to play the national contest!" The heart WangXueChao gas anger lambaste up, then turned around, also caught up.