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Old 08-25-2011, 07:08 AM   #1
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Old 08-25-2011, 07:26 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,698
a2bzyoc3 is on a distinguished road

  有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起. 当他们到山下准备攻峰时, 天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是要执意的上山去. 于是就留下那个女的看营地,可过了三天都没有看见他们回来. 那个女的有点担心了,心想可能是因为天气的原因吧. 等呀等呀,到了第七天,终于大家回来了,可是唯独她的男友没有回来. 大家告诉她,在攻峰的第一天,她的男友就不幸死了! 他们赶在头七回来,心想他可能会回来找她的. 于是大家围成一个圈,把她放在中间,到了快十二点时,突然她的男友出现了还混身是血的一把抓住她就往外跑. 他女朋友吓得哇哇大叫,极力挣扎,这时她男友告诉她.... 在攻峰的第一天就发生了山难! 全部的人都死了只有他还活着........
  有一天,某位下班的朋友晚上回宿舍,Some things may be looking for your whole life - Qzone log,在一楼按了电梯.他要上六楼, 很幸运地,电梯一下子就了...... 他走了进去,里面空无一人,他走进去电梯马上就关上了.... 升啊.....升啊..... 到了四楼的时候,电梯突然打开了. 有两个人在外面探头探脑的,意思想要进来,可不知道为什么看了看又没有进来. 电梯门又关上了,就在电梯门要关上的时候,我的朋友清楚的听到他们在说:怎么这么多人啊!
  有一个男生晚上要坐公车回家,可是因为他到站牌等的时候太晚了,他也不确定到底还有没有车....又不 想走路.因为他家很远很偏僻,所以只好等着有没有末班车....等啊等啊 .... 他正觉得应该没有车的时候,突然看见远处有一辆公车出现了....他很高兴的去拦车. 一上车他发现这末班很怪,照理说最后一班车人应该不多,因为路线偏远,但是这台车却坐满了...只有一个空 位,而且车上静悄悄地没有半个人说话..... 他觉得有点诡异,可是仍然走向那个唯一的空位坐下来,那空位的旁边有个女的坐在那里 ,等他一坐下,那个女的就悄声对他说:"你不应该坐这班车的," 他觉得很奇怪,那个女人继续说:"这班车,不是给活人坐的......" "你一上车,他们(比一比车上的人)就会抓你去当替死鬼的." 他很害怕,头上的包,可是又不知道该怎么办才好,结果那个女的对他说:"没关系,我可以帮你逃出去." 于是她就拖着他拉开窗户跳了下去,当他们跳的时候,他还听见"车"里的人大喊大叫着" 竟然让他跑了"的声音..... 等他站稳时候,他发现他们站在一个荒凉的山坡,他松了一口气,连忙对那个女的道谢. 那个女的却露出了奇怪的微笑:"现在,没有人跟我抢了......."
  宁最近总是梦见同一个梦,梦里一个男人对她说:"你来嘛,你来找我嘛,我等你....." 终于,宁忍不住了,于是问他,:"你是谁?我怎么才能找到你呢?"男人说:"明天中午12点在xx公园门口 的站台上来找我,我这里有一颗痣."男人用手指着自己的下巴. 醒来,宁匆匆找到自己的好友并把一切告诉好友,好友答应陪同她一起前往.中午11点55分两人在约定的地方 等,却不见男人来,天气炎热,宁对好友说:"太热了,我到对面买两支雪糕,你在这里等我."说完宁过街去了 . 就在这时,一辆车子冲了过来,nike air max,一声惨叫......好友跑过来一看宁,已倒在血泊中.当打开车门准备把宁送到医院时,才发现这是一辆灵 车, 而车上的玻璃棺材中躺着个男人,男人的下巴有一颗痣.....好友恍然,看看自己的手表,现在的时间是12 点整.再探探宁的呼吸 ,已经停止了.
  萧喜欢把手机放在写字间窗户的桌子上,阳光下,金属外表栩栩如生,煞是惹人喜爱,今天是平安夜.中午时 萧收到了不少祝福的信息,他一一读来,时不时回复一条,然后如常般把手机搁在窗口的桌子上.开 始忙碌. 手机的声音再次响起,他嘴角色起一道弧线,无奈的摇摇头.办公室的同事忍不住和他开玩笑,又是第几号的女朋 友给你发的短信啊. 哪有?他拿起手机读到,后天晚上10点。"什么乱七八糟的啊!"同事凑过来,这并不是什 么祝福的信息啊. "可能是无聊的人开玩笑吧."萧索笑笑,继续写他的文件. 第二天还是中午的时候,他又收到一条信息,内容与上次的居然有些连系, "明天晚上10点" 萧索开始有些不耐烦了,他按照那个号码拔了回去,想看看是谁和他胡闹.你好,你所拔叫 的号是空号.....不会吧,他确认了一次信息号的号码再次拔过去,结果仍然是空号.也许是信息发过来的时 候发生错误吧,他没有深想,决定对这个短信不再理睬. 第三天,同样的时候,エアマックス90,手机的短信照旧响起,The Art of War first vernacular - Qzone log,萧索有些烦恼了.打开信息,天哪."今天晚上10点"这几个字符映在眼里,他马上照那个号再次拔过去,你 好,你拔叫的号是空号....机械的声音再次在电话那头响起,透着凉意.不可能的啊! 萧索决定今天下班早早回家,可部门的经理却正好宣布,客户来电话通知,谈判时间改为明天早上,所以他所负责 的文案必须要今天晚上做好,看来只好加班了.当然,几个短信不能影响工作的,再说这次项目,老总是非常看重 的,企划部得力干将萧索是怎么也脱不掉的. 最好的办法是,在10点之前把工作结束,7点过后,大厦里面的公司都陆陆续续的下班了,写字楼里安静下来. 萧索要了份便当,匆匆吃了几口便全身心的投入到工作去,8点半,同事们都走了,只有他还一个人.他已顾不得 任何事了,在电脑面前努力奋战着,直到手机的声音再次响起,又是短信!他心里一阵凉意,回头一看,还好,不 是10点,而是正指9点,他松了一口气,打开手机. "还有一个小时,"又是那个奇怪的号码!天哪!到底是谁!萧索不禁开始想身边的每一个人,没线索,算了,不 是继续工作.早早离开为妙,索性关机,萧索终于完成了文案.匆匆离开了这个地狱般的大厦,点燃一支烟,平静 一下心情,穿过一条马路,当他走到中央时,手机突然响了,而且是死命的尖叫,天啊!不是已经关机了吗?萧索 愣了一下,马上停下来脚步去找那个该死的手机,夜空划过一个尖锐刹车声,金属外表的手机在空中划了一个圆, 落在一片血泊中.有个时间,永远停在了10点.

  在路边看到一个马尾辫的女孩面向墙蹲着在哭,走上前问她为什么哭,是不是有人欺负你了,回答说家里出了 车祸, 然后让她别太伤心并要送她回家,她说不用了因为你看到她的样子会害怕的,你说没关系的快起来我送你回家,然 后她站了起来转过身面对你,你看到的还是一根马尾辫 。。。

  我们上班所在的楼层除了我们的公司,还有其他一些公司,都是一些很小的部门,而我们一层楼只有一个卫生 间.在走廓的尽头.卫生间只有两条路,前面是洗手台,门口有一面镜子.平时工作很忙,我们上卫生间的时候几 乎是跑着去的,这天也一样,我匆匆冲进卫生间.有一道门是虚掩的,我能看到里面已经有一个人了,那个人并不 认识.于是选择了旁边的那个,等到出来的时候,洗手台已经有一个长发的女孩在洗手. 那是隔壁公司的女孩,我们在走廓遇到过很多次,虽然从没打过招呼,但也算是半个熟人了.她洗好手,拉开隔壁 那格的门走了进去,咦?那格是有人的呀,エアマックス2011!难道刚才看到蹲在里面的......我没多想,快步走了出去.过了一些时间,又是卫生间,我第二次看到了 那个女人.那是个上了岁数的女人,一身黑色的棉衣,脸色蜡黄,整个脸都是浮肿的,我刚进去时就看到,她依然 蹲在*窗户的那个格子里.看见我,居然露出的诡异的表情,啊!我尖叫一声,就冲了出去, 好撞到隔壁的那个女孩.... 你怎么了?她问到....有...有鬼!我连气也喘不顺了,不是吧!她也吓得花容失色,千万别去*窗户的那 一个格子!我紧张的告诉她,我不压其烦的对每一个唠叨.已经不再到那个格子了,我宁愿去楼下的公厕,然而就 算是这样,我还是第三次看到了她! 不是卫生间,而是走廓,她在人堆中跌跌撞撞的走,没有人注意到她, 我顾不上淑女形像,大叫着冲进了办公室.怎么回事?经理如老虎般把我提到了走廓上, 哪里?她居然还在?如此明目张胆?难道只有我能看见她?她...我指着那个黑色的棉衣...她?她?她是这 个楼的清洁工!最近大厦要求不止晚上清洁,早上也要清扫过道,所以你以前没见过她,我看你是发 神经! 经理恨恨得扔下我,快步走了回去,我晕!原来是虚惊一场,害得我每天跑几条街!终于可以放心的上卫生间了, 解恨.刚进去,又遇到隔壁的那个女生,她冲我笑了笑,就出去了. 卫生间的门口正对着那面镜子,出来的时候整了一下衣服,忽然想起那个好笑的误会,便想向她说一下,就转身叫 她. 天啊!我看到了什么?硕大的镜子里,我只看到了我而已,而转过头来看我的她,在镜子里压根什么也没有啊!我 终于明白了,果然是个误会!那天的那个清洁工的确一直蹲在那间里啊,而那个女孩之所以可以进到里面去,因为 她,她才是真正的鬼啊!
  许多学校多是乱葬岗或是刑场的后身,因此有许多恐怖的传闻流传在师生之间...... 位于高雄的一个小学,是一所校史相当长久的学样.有一排厕所座落在校区的最后方,除了一二年级的小朋友外, 没有其它年级的师生使用....总是弥漫着一股阴森森的气息. 而第三间厕所一直是深锁着的. 一天下午,一个高年级的男生急着上大号,正好每间厕所都有人,他实在是忍不住了,就用力拉开第三间的门.. ..说也奇怪,平常怎么拉也拉不
开的门,但今天怎么....管他的,エアマックス2010,赶快解决再说....正当他松口气想大喊一声痛快时,底下忽然有一种冰冷的感觉....他猛然往下一看. ...天啊!一只枯瘦的手从下面伸出来, 他大叫一声,从口袋里拿出一个小刀往那只怪手上划了一刀之后,马上冲了出去,自此以后他再也不敢再踏进那间 厕所一步. 过了很久,这件事渐渐在那位高年级学生的脑中淡忘,有一天,他与三五个好友在那排厕所附近的篮球场打球,一 个往反方向的球竟转个身飞进了厕所里.同学们怪他乱传,便叫他赶紧去把球捡回来.他嘴里咕哝着直进厕所.远 远看见一个老婆婆拿着那个球从厕所走了出来,他小跑步到老婆婆那,想拿回那个球....好奇怪!老婆婆的脸 始终没有抬起来过,但她手背上的刀痕吸引住了他的目光,他问:"老婆婆,您的手背上怎么有刀痕啊."只见老 婆婆缓缓地抬起头来,张大眼睛瞪着他,干笑两声后说:"那是被你割的啊,你忘了吗?"语毕便张牙舞爪的向他 扑去. 他哇的大叫一声晕了过去.据说,那位高年级的同学经过那么一吓之后,变得有点痴呆,而那一排厕所不久后也拆 除了.
  你喜欢吃鸡爪子吗?听我讲了这个故事后,你要还敢吃,我就服了你了. 阿方是一个大排挡的老板,以前他的生意不是很好,但是自从得到了一位高人的指点后,他的生意一下子就红火起 来了.特别是酱鸡爪,但他每天都唑是限量供应十份,谁来了也没的多.这可苦了我这个食客了,有时候去晚了, 就没了,那一天我睡都睡不着,就为了那一碗鸡爪,这可是说出去都没有意思.而且他有一个怪毛病,他的厨房周 围都是用黑布罩着的.没有人知道他是怎么做的菜的,最奇怪的是,air max,我从来也没有看见他向谁购过鸡爪,他也没有鸡.他的原料是怎么来的呢? 那天我实在是忍不住了,就悄悄地躲在了他的屋顶上,掀开了屋瓦的一角,心想学到了我就自己做.我从细缝看到 ,那真是一辈子也忘不了的情景,我看到了只手.那是人手.还连在人的身上的手,不过已经不全了,那个人还活 着,我看到他的脸在扭曲,但是叫不出来,他全身只是皮包骨头,可是手却是肉肉的,那只手是被钉在墙上的,灰 黄色的,掺着一丝血丝,还在抖动着,这时外面有人叫一份鸡爪,只见阿方熟练地从那个手上斩下了一块,他飞快 地剁着,然后下锅,加料...很快,一盘鸡爪就香喷喷的出锅了,阿方将它端了出去.这时,我发现他冲我这个 方向笑了一下,"咚!"我吓得从上面掉了下来,掉进了阿方的厨房...
  一对夫妇平时总吵架,一次两人又吵起来,丈夫一怒之下杀害了妻子,然后把她的尸体埋在了后 院子里. 过了几天,男的觉得很奇怪,为什么这几天孩子都没有见到妈妈却一点也不问自己呢? 于是有一天他就问孩子,"这几天呵呵妈不在家,你怎么一点也不着急呢?" 孩子答到:"我觉得好奇怪啊,为什么爸爸你这几天一直背着妈妈呢?"   
  那天晚上十一点半,bbs上有个人看了这个帖子, 跟贴的人很多,有人说好恐怖,有人说一点也不恐怖,另外还有一个名字叫做十二点的窗台的人写到,还好,你们 都跟了帖子,所有看这篇帖子却不跟的人都会收到一份很特别的礼物,但是回帖里即没有写礼物是什么,也没有写 怎样送给他,他忽然想起这是某人在开玩笑的,于是偏不回帖子便上床睡觉了,可能天气太热,他在床上躺了一会 睡不着。这时外面传来火车站大楼的敲钟声,他想  应该是十二点了,不过他马上便发现有些不对,自己家离火 车站很远,住了这么久从来没
听到过敲钟声。于是他急忙爬起来,穿着拖鞋扒在窗台上仔细的听。。。 。。。  
  第二天早上,马路上围着很多人,ナイキ エアマックス,mop.com局也来人了。闲在家不上班的人都在议论着昨晚这栋楼里有个人莫名其妙的跳楼事件。尸体清早 就被运走了,原先的地方让太阳一晒,留着一个深黑色痕迹,如同一个中文的十字。
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Old 08-25-2011, 07:26 AM   #3
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17, the British rely on the public dissemination of thin seed? (intermediate title) 3: Wind

18, cuckoos do nest egg down to her nest of other birds it? (low-level questions) 1:

19, the current World Cup trophy naming Why: (low-level questions) 3: FIFA World Cup

20, China's first a geothermal power station is: (low-level questions) 2: Yangbajing

21, known as the, one kilogram of iron and one kilogram of cotton which light? (lower title) A: as heavy

23, the Ural mountains are mountains across continents it? (low-level questions) 2: is

24, referred to as question) 3: mullet

26, into the Atlantic Ocean is the longest river Amazon river? (low-level questions) 2: is

27, occurred: (low-level questions) 1: the moon between the earth and the sun block in

28, famous rice wine, Which of the following four most precious pearl? (Intermediate title) B: natural sea water pearl

30, a white porcelain of the Song Xing Kiln, Yue a blue glazed porcelain, so there are: (advanced question) 1) Dead Sea 410 meters flat sunbathing is to do it because: (low-level questions) UV weakest

33,エアマックス95, is the nature of the public security organs in China: (low- level questions) executive

34, Chengdu Flower is: (low-level questions) 2) Hibiscus

35, Venus is the goddess of the: (low-level questions) 2: Eros and American spirit

36, the central computer Processor What is the English abbreviation? (Intermediate title) 3: CPU

37, Dawenkou cultural sites in China: (low-level questions) 2: Shandong

38, is white crystal sugar sugar to do, right? (low-level questions) 2:

39, the world's most important IT industry base in the Silicon Valley high-tech in the United States which state? (Advanced Question) 3: State of California

40, how long the growth cycle of eyebrows? (intermediate title) 3: months

41, fast-break type of table tennis players use what is generally combined with a sponge rubber rackets? (low-level questions) is attached

42, following the film, as a tribute to the theme of ethnic minorities is a new life: (advanced question), The longest organ is: (Intermediate questions) 1: the small intestine

44, the earliest record of Halley's comet which people left? (advanced question) 4: Chinese

45, the earliest in the medical monographs that? (low-level items), br> 47, lamb originated in the (low-level questions) 2: Yuan

48, steel is formed by what? (Advanced question) 1: iron, carbon

49, is currently known to man is the most soft stones: (advanced question) 3: Talc

50, Tang Dynasty: (low-level questions) 2: 4 million 8 thousand poem

2010-3-30 19:26 Reply
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51,, Longjing tea, one of the four major tea producing areas are: (low-level questions) 1: Zhejiang Hangzhou

54, myopia is a distant parallel light imaging of objects in the retina before or after? (low-level questions) 2: front

55, the highest of the four Ming Yan - Yan in from these days? (intermediate title) Guangdong

56, social custom painting

57, photography is the most frequently used: (low -level questions) 2: Visible

58, Dawenkou cultural sites in China: (low-level questions) 2: Shandong

59, (Advanced question) 2: Han

60, the old saying that br> 61, the first of the aging human body organs are: (Advanced Question) D: thymus

62, the most resistant to the sun and what kind of fabric? (Lower Question) A: Acrylic

63, when the official birth of the euro? (Intermediate questions) 2) 1 January 1999

64, Wen

65, title) 5 : walnut

67, except Hawaii, the state which is outside the United States State? (Advanced question) 3: Alaska

68, which of the following is a drupe fruit? (Intermediate questions ) 2) Cherry

69, pig iron is hard and brittle because it is carbon: (low-level questions) and more

70, American psychologists, behavioral scientists Maslow that the most senior person need? (Low-level questions) 1) self-actualization needs

71, a circle pattern on the agate was formed in: (low-level questions) 1) in different periods

72 ,. Strauss and the Mongolian steppe favorite: (Intermediate questions) 2: white

74, dance performances snake, the snake dance snake dance with because: (low-level questions) A: Action of snake dance

75, fracture occurs with shock should first rule: (low-level questions) A: shock

76, in order to facilitate object to telescopes, the observatory houses the roof is designed to: (Intermediate title) 1: dome

77, the legendary owner is formed? (low-level questions) Shun the concubine of tears stained

78, who made a pass? (Advanced Question) Princes

79, the Ural mountains are mountains across continents, it? (low-level questions) is

80, incandescent lamp will be issued with a long Black is because: (Advanced questions) tungsten sublimation

81, the type of tea is named according to what? (low-level questions) by adding flowers

82, the international marathon schedule is: (low-level questions) 42,195 m

83, in general, goat leather and sheep leather, which is better? (low-level questions) 2: The goat leather

84, the blood of animals is the low temperature cold-blooded . (low-level questions) 1: not

85, why a Tale man (Advanced question) 1: Yu

87, Insulin is a: (Intermediate questions) 2: protein

88, Babai thanks to WAP sites will provide what services? (Low-level questions) 1: The price to remind

89, (Advanced Question) Ma

91, br >
93, br>
95, Pharmacopoeia in: (Intermediate questions) 2: China's Tang Dynasty

97, Impression (Intermediate title) 1: sodium glutamate

2010 - 3-30 19:26 Reply
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100, silk clothes and mothballs can put together? (Low-level questions) 2: Can not

101 , the French writer Jules? Verne is called: (low-level questions) 2: the father of science fiction

102, 3 seconds after seeing lightning to hear thunder, that lightning away from you: (low-level questions) 3:1 km about

103, low-level question) 2: still life, landscapes, figures

105, interesting

106, causing the body shock for many reasons, but all have one thing in common, that is: (low-level questions) 2: The effective circulating blood volume reduction

107, hand? (advanced question) 4: Shakespeare

108,エアマックス, the earlier use of movable type is: (advanced question) 2: The pottery type

109, Jin Yong's place of origin are: (Intermediate questions) 2: Zhejiang Haining

110 , compared with moss fern evolution is based on: (low-level questions) 2) vascular tissue

111, penguins usually lay their eggs in a few months? (Advanced Question) May

112 , own door (Low-level questions) 1: Not vermin

113, the moon always face toward the Earth due to: (Intermediate questions) 2: the moon's rotation and revolution of the cycle of the same

114, was January is the month known as chrysanthemum: (low-level questions) 2: September

115, the age of about: (Intermediate questions) 4.6 billion years

117, corn moisture resulting from the cancer-causing substances are: (low-level questions) 2: aflatoxin

118, divided the Songshan Zhongyue too much room for the mountains and Shaoshi Shan. Shaolin Temple in: (low -level questions) 1: Shao Shishan

119, br> 120, WNBA represent? (Intermediate questions) US Women's professional basketball

121, mullet eggs that? (advanced question) ovarian estrogen dried cuttlefish

122, planetary distance when operating near the Sun faster, right? (low-level questions) on the

123, has recently been talked about a kind of unit of length for the name of the technique is called: (low-level questions) Nanotechnology

124, anti-fascist war in Asia, the highest level of the expense of the Allied generals are: (Advanced Question) 2) Zhang Zhizhong (Note : Admiral Army when he was commander of the Kuomintang)

125, period of Halley's Comet around the Sun is about: (low-level questions) B: 76 years

126, Bank of the nature? (low-level questions) A: joint-stock banks

127, bad blood What disease is caused by lack of? (lower title) B: Vitamin C

128, Khan word is called: (Intermediate Question) A: Kill

130, Huangshan into the sea before, the day the sea, the North Sea, the East China Sea, West Sea, five major scenic spots, the so-called C: clouds

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131, gold and other metals can be made of colorful mixed-color gold jewelry, when gold and copper mixed in proportion, to the system into: (low-level questions) 3: Red Gold

132, the following objects, the nearest star from Earth are: (low-level questions) 3: Sun

133, if the nominal interest rate lower than inflation expansion rate, the savings are cost-effective? (low-level questions) is not worth the

134, guitar is an instrument of another name: (low-level questions) Guitar

135, the ancient Dujiangyan Water Conservancy who is famous design? (Advanced Question) 2) Li Bing and his son

136, communication channel is the Pacific and Indian Ocean: (low-level questions ) 3: Malacca Strait

137, the seven continents is the smallest in the area: (advanced question) 2: Antarctica

138, Go on with what the production? (low-level questions ) 3: the ancient war-related

139, the main Ginseng grown in: (low-Ti) 1: Northeast

140, which kind of tea is fermented tea? (low-level questions) 2: black

141, Yunnan,: names

142,) 1) iron

144, in the dog's eyes what is the color of the world? ( low-level questions) 2) only black and white gray

145, with the following locations and Film Award is not correct: (low-level questions) A: Berlin - St. Mark's Lion

146, I ask the same weight, the cholesterol content below the lowest kind of food? (Advanced Question) 4: rabbit

2010 -3-30 19:26 Reply
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147, is generally believed that basketball originated in: (Intermediate questions) 2: US

148, cherry brandy is brewed with cherries as raw material, right? (low-level questions) 2:

149, the world's largest glacier which continent? (Advanced Question) A: Antarctica

150, The higher cost of goods, the more competitive the market: (low title) B: Strong

151, the world's first postage stamp appeared in: (low-level questions) 3: British

152, Under what conditions can freeze persimmon? (low-level issues) 3: below zero degrees Celsius

153, Monastery

154, Hainan is China's first of several Big Island? (Intermediate title) 2: the second largest island

155, it was originally invented skating, is it as: (low-level questions) 3: Transportation

156, Which country gave the US a gift? (Advanced Question) 2: France

157, (Low- level questions) Chongqing

158, the peak of the Alps are: (advanced question) 2) Mont Blanc

159, Shan

160, which Guqin zither and strings more ? (Low-level items) Qin

161, the former residence of Pu in: (Advanced Question) C: Shandong Zibo

162, the novel A: Flaubert

163, zhao, founder of the Chinese Communist Party who was killed? (Low-level questions) 1: Warlords

164,エアマックス24-7, recorded the world's longest flying distance of what bird? (Low-level questions) 2: Arctic tern

165, a cup filled with water, water with a piece of ice, full cup of water at this time, when the ice, after: (low-level questions) the water will overflow the cup

166, vegetables, fruits, eggs and other commodity prices at different times in different, and this difference in what is called the difference? (Low-level questions) seasonal price

167, New China's first provisional constitution of the short is: (advanced question) 1) Common Program

168, the milk will increase the blood cholesterol? (lower title) A: not

169, velvet is the newborn : (lower title) B: Antlers

170, Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale fish reflection can cause light pollution? (Lower questions) A: to

173,ナイキ エアマックス, why does eclipse? (Intermediate questions ) 3) the shadow of the moon to the earth

174, aspirin is commonly used drugs, its main function is to: (Intermediate questions) 1: antipyretic analgesic

175 (Low-level questions) 2: not

177, Corsican is: (low-level questions) 1) Western European nation

178, dinosaurs are: (low-level questions) 1) reptiles

179, is to flag down to half-mast: (Advanced Question) 4) from the peak of the staff of the 1 / 3

180, the world-famous Taj Mahal: (low-level questions) 2) India

181, old books, men often hold the hands of (Advanced Question) A: Sword

182, the first Buddhist temple in China is: (low-level questions ) A: White Horse Temple

183, since the atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet radiation, protecting life on Earth is the role of Which ingredients? (Intermediate title) D: ozone

184, with gear drive can not change the direction of movement, right? (Low-level questions) does not

185, The original name? (Low-level questions) Shu Qingchun

187, the People's Heroes Monument sculpture on the (advanced question) 1: Niche

189, Question) 2) Horse

191, higher than 8% moisture content of tea would lead to what consequences? (low-level questions ) 2), mildew

192, is still present in the world Use the calendar also known as: (low-level questions) 1) of the Gregorian calendar

193, according to Western customs , which engagement ring worn on the left hand fingers on? (Advanced Question) B: ring finger

194, (Lower questions) B: the coriander for the ingredients

195, the body of the stomach catchy as: (Advanced Question) B: cardiac

196, WTO is what the organization called? (Intermediate title) World Trade Organization

2010-3-30 19:26 Reply
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197, folk? (Intermediate items) 1: Uygur

198, the largest organ of the body are: (Advanced questions) 1) skin

199, reflecting the shape of the mouth of the fish's feeding habits, like eating water lip fish food should be: (low-level questions) 2) to the upturned

200, flow

201, peacock kind of growth are: (low-level questions) 1: Green Peacock

202, the tides on Earth are due to: (low-level questions) to appeal on

203, we see the moon is: (Intermediate questions) The moon reflects sunlight

204, Confucian

205, Luo's works (Advanced Question) 3)) swamp

207, there is sun worship of ancient nomadic life of it? (low-level questions) B: There

208, What kind of folk art forms are? (advanced question) Guci

209, Pyramid of the Moon is located where? (advanced question) Mexico

210, Which two names even said? (Low-level questions) 2: Nanjing - Suzhou

211, ( Advanced question) 1: but see the flow of the Yangtze River skyline

212, (Advanced question) 1: Pipa

213, France's National Day is: (low title) 2) 7.14

214, Buddhist architecture

215, where the following is the origin of the giant panda? (low-level questions) 1: Gansu

216, eat too much rice hand popcorn flower burst led to: (low-level question) 1: Lead Poisoning

217,9,10 months, salmon swim upstream to Heilongjiang is for (low-level questions) 1: spawning

218, between China and North Korea The border river is (lower title) B: Yalu

219, Wu Daozi works are: (Intermediate title) 3: King SongZi Figure

220, known as the Tang Dynasty poet as: (advanced question) 3: Du Fu

221, city Restaurant Filled flying fish flying? (Low-level questions) 3: Liang Chi does not move, gliding

226, the sound in the following media, communication is faster: (low-level questions) 1: Water

227, the largest The commercial banks are: (advanced question) 1: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

228, National Anti-Japanese War marked the outbreak? (intermediate title) 3: seventy-seven event

230, ranging from waist right angles to the side of a right triangle Duizhe called: (low-level questions) 2: string

231,) B: Mongolian

233, since the Yuan dynasty, the age brackets, the more the more recent buildings: (Advanced Question ) B: small and dense

234, other things being equal, which of the following pot hold water for more? (low-level questions) and the Royal Coffee Pot spout high

235, where the hottest place in China? (low-level questions) 1) of the Turpan Basin

236, these solar terms Which reflects the nature of biological phenology? (Advanced Question) D: Jingzhe

237, the second of the seven continents in the area are: (advanced question) 3) African

238, Sphinx in the
239, chloasma and freckles are more common in: (low-level questions ) 1) Female

240,> 241, br> 243, following which the peninsula is known to produce oil? (advanced question) Arabian Peninsula

244, China's first collection of poems is: (low-level questions) Book of

245, drive a vehicle in the Mainland of China must comply with: (Intermediate Question) A: the principle of right of passage

2010-3 - 30 19:26 Reply
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246, chess board there are several intersections? (low-level questions) C: 361

247,nike air max, the body's largest cell is: (low-level questions) 1: egg

248, known as the largest of the grottoes of classical art treasure which one? (intermediate title) Dunhuang Mogao

249, which of the following mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism? (advanced question) Emeishan

250, br> 251, now, do not hold the personal identity document savings business are: (Intermediate questions) 4: Savings withdrawal

252, the hardest part of the body: (Intermediate questions) 1: teeth

253, which of the following minimum commodity price elasticity of demand? (low-level questions) 2 : salt

254, was just as, sometimes image was inverted image, what was inverted image of what period (low-level questions) 1: afternoon session

255, Venus is the types of planets? (Intermediate title) like planets

256, known as the questions) 2) Lake

258, (Intermediate questions) mosquitoes

259, which country is the largest diamond producing countries? (You) (Intermediate questions) Zaire

260, Hollywood, what states in the United States: (low-level questions), California

261, Chinese chess board on the What? (Low-level questions) B: Jiugong

262, lightning propagation path is: (low-level questions) A: the shortest distance route

263, Low title) B: Names

264, ship of the desert - the camel's hump is used (low-level questions) 2) storage of fat

265, bond and stock What is the difference? (low-level questions ) 1) bond risk,エアマックス2010, stable income, equity risk, high return

266, the first ancient Olympic Games to participate in the country are: (Intermediate title) 3: Three

267,婚姻保卫战的经典台词, the following two photographic scanner device whose degree of clarity and good color reproduction? (low-level questions) 1: CCD

268, optical glass of the 2) specifically for the manufacture of optical instruments and systems

269, a substantial increase in the stock market index, also known as: (low-level questions) 1) bull

270,> which movie theme song? (Advanced Question) 2)>

271, also known as water ballet: (low-level questions) 2) synchronized swimming

272, the theory of evolution introduced into China and influenced a whole generation The translation of the world are: (Intermediate questions) 1) referred to the organization? (intermediate title) 1: UNESCO

275, launching the first artificial satellite of the country are: (low-level questions) 1) of the former Soviet Union

276, leaves the (Low-level questions) 2)

277, fish the Heart? (Low-level questions) 1) (vertebrates have the heart. Fish vertebrates)

278, penguins can live near the equator? (Low-level questions) 1: You can

279, the following is a drama, (Advanced question) word power sword

280, (Low -level questions) 1: Ingrid? Bergman

281, table tennis, did not attack the ball Party in Taiwan, the Taiwan but direct hit on the racket outside the Party, may I ask who should be sentenced to score the ball? (Low-level questions) 2) B scores

282, following which the French writer is not? (Advanced question) 5) Heine

283, people buy insurance, to meet what is required? (Low-level questions) 1) safety

284, killed by ancient Chinese famous doctor Hua Tuo whom? (Advanced question) Cao

285, claiming to be (Intermediate title ) D: Tu

286, make starch turns blue is: (Intermediate title) iodine

287, age spots appear only in the human body surface? (Low-level questions) 1: not

288, the private sector,%

291,) Mongolian

2010-3-30 19:26 Reply
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293, terminal usually built on the river: (Advanced Question) 1) Au Coast

294, following which the Department is not based on a famous opera adaptation of the French writers? (Advanced Question) 2) Which lake is the hot water? (intermediate title) 2) conneted

296, which of the following regular consumption of foods likely to cause lead poisoning? (Advanced Question) 5) egg

297, The most primitive mammals - Platypus is: (low-level questions) oviparous

300, Central Taiwan Art Channel is the first sets of programs? (low-level questions) three

302, Cheung

303, the peak of Chinese silent film br>
305, to the broken branches should be used fresh camellia What? (intermediate title) salt water


307, the lowest altitude of the Dead Sea: (low-level questions) 2: -392 m

308, in the ancient long jump is to: (Intermediate title) 4: avoid predators

309, Tianjin, thanks to the establishment of the first e-commerce e Babai station is located (low-level questions) 1) Taku Road

310, Florence Nightingale Medal is the highest honor in international nursing? (low-level questions) B: is

311, why name Gansu Jiuquan? (Advanced question) 2: Han Dynasty General Huo great wine will be presented the plaque into the springs, and the soldiers drink from

312, br>
313, the world's first subway was built in 1863: (Advanced Question) 3: London

314, (Low-level questions) 2: Sichuan

315, the highest percentage of water content of the organs of the body are: (low-level questions) 3: eye

316, the highest content of cereal food is: (advanced question ) 5: Carbohydrates

317, China signed the first unequal treaty is which? (Intermediate items) 1: The Treaty of Nanking

318, reflecting the life of the Polish composer Chopin, American film is: (advanced question) 1: States and the state of Lu, in what is now the province? (Intermediate title) 1: Shandong

320, Ethnic folk songs? (Advanced question) 3: Hui

322, China's first television series are: (secondary title), cover Dade (low-level questions) calamity

324, where Oracle is written above? (Advanced question) turtle bone

325, the blood of adult weight accounted for: (Advanced Question) 1:7-8%

326, Inner Mongolia, known as? (Low-level questions) 1: Spring

327, the following names does not belong round solar terms are: (advanced question) 2: Big V

328, porter, what is the prominent aroma Hong? (Advanced Question) 1) Hong

329,2000 Malt on 16 October, eight thanks to Bai has launched a website which fashionable shopping? (Low-level questions) 3) Group bid

330, people around the face and hands, like a bias , then what kind of bias in more people? (Low-level questions) 2) Starboard

331, Microsoft's headquarters in the United States: (low-level questions) 2: The American West

332, a net content of Coca-Cola: (Intermediate title) 3) 355ml

333, the sound of crickets can not express the behavior: (advanced question) 4: Chat

334 , you know that most historical figures on the screen is? (advanced question) 3: Napoleon - Bonaparte

335, can be fully accurate picture of the whole social and economic activities of the end result is the core of national statistical indicators are: (low Question) A: China GDP

336, the saying is in the Zhongyue (intermediate title) C: Songshan

337, the highest values ​​of ocean temperature in: ( Advanced Question) B: August

338, (Advanced question) 4: Qinghai Folk Song

339, commonly known as) Paris

341, Music City, in which country ? (Advanced question) 5: Austria

342, the same pink carnation that: (advanced question) Carnations

2010-3-30 19:26 back
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343, the May Fourth Movement of the fuse, and will discuss the Paris Qingdao, China: (Advanced Question) ownership

344,? (intermediate title) B: Qiang

345, the aircraft is always how to take off? (low-level questions) 1) windward

346, the Yellow River in Tongguan off to the east, and walk through the valley, in which what is the most famous landscape? (lower title) A: Sanmenxia

347, best coffee produced in: (Advanced Question) E: Jamaica

349, Which of the following vitamin irradiated by the sun can be converted to calcium? (Intermediate title) 4: VD

351, the Longmen Grottoes in China's heritage which city? (Advanced Question) Luoyang

352, in addition to the fish's inner ear hearing, there do? (Intermediate title) balance the body

353, Zhuge Liang's office, Temple located? (Advanced question) 2: Chengdu, Sichuan

354, (Low-level questions ) 2: not

356, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China issued the credit card is: (Intermediate questions) 2: Peony Card

357, It is: (low-level questions) 1 : Bats

358, under normal circumstances, in addition to the baby, the bone marrow hematopoietic function in general no matter what? (low-level questions) 1: yellow marrow

359, on the network people

361, Low Question) A: Flush eyes

363, the first international debate is which of the following countries or regions held? (advanced question) 4: Singapore

364, Babai worship in 2001 When launched on half-price field? (low-level questions) 3:2 5 January

365, otters sleep, (low-level questions) 1: floating on the water

366, of which a chicken, the (low-level issues) 3: Round

368, (Low-level questions) 2: suona

369, People tube United States called UFO's specific meaning is: (Intermediate title) B: UFO

371, the newly established central municipality happy

372, the world's largest diamond hidden in the most expensive: (low -level questions) British royal family

373, who invented the bread? (Intermediate title) Zhuge Liang

374, across Europe and Asia's lakes are the Dead Sea, right? (Lower questions) A: not

375, an anniversary there day, thanks to e-commerce e Babai which stand opened in several cities at the same time? (Low-level questions) 1: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou

376, full-color photographic film in the film is named after: (low-level questions) 2: the feeling of light and strong

377, a handkerchief, evolved from what? (Low -level questions) 3: Hood

378, Steven Spielberg directed the film are: (low-level questions) 2: is: (low-level questions) Shannan yang, water for Yang

380, the film industry,> 381, the eruption which destroyed Pompeii Roman Empire? (Intermediate questions) 2) Mount Vesuvius

382, ​​the difference between the Neolithic and Paleolithic is: (low-level questions) the difference between material

383, the dolls of the home are: (Intermediate title) D: Jiangsu Wuxi

384, in ancient times, the compass, why not called the (Lower questions) A: Face south for respect,National Humiliation Day, we thinking, facing north to British Columbia

385, the largest island in Europe are: (Intermediate questions) 3) Great Britain

386, thanks to advocate what Babai business philosophy? (
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телефонная база по адресу санкт петербург поисковые базы по номерам телефонов адресам иминам и фамилиям пробивка адреса по телефонным номерам, адресно телефонная база городов россии и стран снг когалым найти адрес по номеру телефона найти номер телефона по адресу г елатеринбург, свежая халявная база данных мегафон в москве телефонная база г серпухов справочник адресов и телефонов населения в перми волонтеры, строительная база вимос в спб адрес и телефон корпоративный контракт на сотовую связь с определением местонахождения программа поискапо номеру телефона, отыскать местонахождение человека с помощью номера телефона смс перехват on line адрес по номеру телефона красногорск, адресно-телефонная база города омска справочник адресов и телефонов органов записи актов поиск место положения абонента мегафон дальний восток, поиск абонента gsm поиск офис абонента база адресов и телефонов волгограда, по номеру телефона местоположение человека поиск номера абонента мтс определение местоположенияпо номеру мобильного
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Old 08-25-2011, 07:36 AM   #6
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Default java программадля перехвата смс

справочник адресов и телефонов рк база данных номеров телефонов найти адрес по номеру телефона в нижегородской области, как узнать адрес по номеру телефона в воронеже воронежа программа телефонный справочник севастополь 2006 база данных мегафон ростовская область, мтс краснодарский край смс перехватчик узнать местонахождение человека по номеру его мобильного адресная база г барнаула телефонная, настоящий смс перехватчик узнать местонахождение мобильного как узнать номер телефона по адресу в красноярске, поиск местонахождения людей через мобильных телефонов как по адресу и телефону узнать фамилию узнать номер домашнего телефона по адресу и фамилии, база данных телефонов билайн брянска поиск по номеру сотового телефона г екатеринбург поиск номера абонента би лайн, москва адресно-телефонная база онлайн телефон билайн навигатор-определение местоположения телефона определение своего местоположения с помощью карты и компаса, пеленгатор абонента мобтелефона номер телефона по адресу в воскресенске база адрес телефон петербург
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Old 08-25-2011, 07:39 AM   #7
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Default узнать местонахождение человека по аськ&

программа для нокиа поиск человека по номеру телефона база телефонов адресов спб поиск по адресу номера телефона в спб, база данных адресов и телефонных номеров перми телефонная база москвы питера поиск абонента калининградской области по фамилии и имени, как узнать имя фамилию адрес по номеру телефона справочник телефонов г дмитрова как узнать адрес по городскому телефону, телефонная база данных мегафон оренбург онлайн телефонная база билайн номер телефонапо адресу ярославль, местоположение абонента мобильной связи найти телефонный номер по фамилии и адресу ижевск поиск абонента по, как узнать адрес по номеоу телефона поиск адреса по номеру телефона в люберцах как найти по адресу номер телефона в мозыре, программа для поиска людей через мобильный телефон через спутник как найти домашний адрес по городскому номеру телефона определение местонахождения объекта gps, определение местонахождения телефона сотового как через телефон определить местоположение человека перехвати смс через интернет
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:14 AM   #8
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Default справочник адресов и телефонов жителей

номер телефона по адресу в петербурге справочник телефонов севастополя 2009 определение местонахождения отправленного на север грузобагажа, услуга мобильный шпион справочник адресов и телефонов гекатеринбурга определить местонахождение мобильника, телефонная база данных для мегафона телефонная база новосибирск 2007 вычислить местоположение телефона, база телефонных номеров данных мегафона перехватить смс помощь найти адрес или номер телефона, адресно-телефонная база екатеринбурга телефонная интернет база петербурга поиск по номеру телефона омск, beeline определение местоположения выход участника из общества если не определить его местонахождение как узнать прочитать чужие смс звонки мегафона, поиск по номеру телефона кишинев адресно телефоная база адресно-телефонная база санкт, поиск людей по номеру мобильного телефона в казани адрес по номеру сотового телефона москва поиск телефона по фамилии номеру минск
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:46 AM   #9
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Default адрес по номеру телефона в запорожье

поиск абонента по номеру сотовому справочник телефонов предприятий услуги мегафона местонахождение абонента, местонахождение по номеру телефона в москве генеалогическое древо ленина мтс поиск абонента украина, найти номер телефона по адресу норильск найти номер телефона по адресу местажительства в москве база телефонов и адресов новгород, узнать домашний телефон по домашнему адресу справочник телефонов чебоксары телефонно адресная база г москвы, база адресов и телефонов санкт-петербург справочник абонентов телефонов омск найти адрес человека по номеру мобильного телефона алматы, москва база телефонов адрес база данных билайн сибирь местоположение человека со спутника, найти местонахождение владельца номера сотового телефона местоположение абанента по номеру поискпо номеру стационарного телефона, мобильный справочник мегафон-северо-запад телефонный адресно-телефонная база мтс города ижевска база данных о номерах телефонов волга-телеком ижевска по адресу
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