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Old 08-20-2011, 10:34 AM   #1
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Default 监狱长传奇人生因为贪污悲剧收场

  开始的一年里,王鲁岩也确实任劳任怨。其间因为他拼命工作,两次犯心脏病入院,都是劳累过度所造成的。 但是随着时间的推移,“王鲁岩好像变了一个人”。
  2006年6月,年已55岁的王鲁岩走上齐州监狱监狱长的领导岗位。监狱系统有个不成文的规定,监狱长 任职年龄不超过56岁。
  1980年,王鲁岩成为渤海农场副场长。在他的带领下,农场首次扭亏为盈,并获得了历史空前的大丰收。 1982年农场职工每月平均工资只有40元,每人分到至少2000元的奖金。当丰收的职工乐呵呵地拿着钱问 王鲁岩:“场长,这么多钱,女子学跆拳道压腿时被教练压骨折,可怎么花啊?”王鲁岩笑着说:“到城里转一圈,就知道怎么花了。”



  王少杰向办案人员说,知道叫他去,肯定又得花钱,但是让去就得去,只好答应了。碍于自己的工程款还没有 结算,王少杰咬着牙送给王鲁岩2万元购房卡。案发后,王少杰对办案人员说,这次购房卡的2万元,王鲁岩没提 借字,也没提过还钱的事。
  直到2008年春天,王鲁岩等不及了,他直接约王少杰一起去济南看房,还带上了自己的妻子 和外甥女。
  可没过多久,王鲁岩就把钱退还了康平。后来康平一直没有收回这次送煤的货款,多次向王鲁岩要,王只是托 辞“少不了你的钱”迟迟不付。

  一名办案人员告诉记者,他们在调查时了解到,2006年7月王鲁岩出任齐州监狱监狱长,他上任第二天, 反映他有各种问题的大字报就贴满了齐州监狱内外。在他当监狱长这两年间,先后四次被贴大字报,其中一次甚至 从齐州监狱贴到了山东省监狱管理局。

  2006年,陕西省煤炭经销商康平(化名)通过朋友介绍,给齐州监狱送煤。当时康准备了1万元现金送到 王鲁岩办公室,王推辞一下就收下了。
  调查所了解到的情况,让办案人员也很意外,因为他们印象中的王鲁岩和这个频频被职工抗议的人,似乎是完 全不沾边的两个人。

  这时王鲁岩的父母已经调回山东,母亲为此专门到部队上找他谈,希望他复员后到济南工作,supra skytop tuf black。此时山东建设兵团已撤销,知青们也陆续返城了。他仍然不为所动,母亲流着泪离开了部队。1975年4月, 王鲁岩复员回到山东,回到了他曾经劳动过的农场。他跟战友和家人说:“当年我当兵走的时候说过,复员后我还 要回农场,我一定守信用……”



  他的父母重新恢复工作后,到农场来探望他。在农场狭窄的土路上,乘坐在小车里的母亲和背着一大捆干柴的 王鲁岩碰了个对面,母亲竟然没认出自己的儿子。
  2009年12月23日,经德州市检察院提起公诉,德州市中级法院一审判决,以受贿罪判处王鲁岩有期徒 刑三年,缓刑五年,并没收赃款、上缴国库。宣判后,王鲁岩表示上诉。德州市检察院提请山东省检察院抗诉,二 审中王鲁岩撤诉,山东省检察院撤回抗诉。2010年8月,得到山东省高级法院裁定准许,德州市中级法院的刑 事判决依法发生法律效力。
  2008年6月16日,55岁的王鲁岩调任山东省监狱任正处级调研员。此前他是山东省齐州监狱的监狱长 ,住在齐河县监狱所在地的家属区。就在他准备往省城济南搬家的这天清晨,他家里的一辆轿车被人砸了,风挡玻 璃碎了一地。
  2007年下半年,supra black blue,随着齐州监狱收押犯人的增多,监狱的配套设施需要进一步扩建,改扩建生产车间、监室摆在了王鲁岩的面前。 由于监狱地理位置的特殊性,监狱的基建项目从没有进行过招、投标,男子谎称放炸弹向政府索千万,让谁干全是王鲁岩一个人说了算。


  “没有一个人的生活道路是笔直的,没有岔道的。有些岔道口,譬如政治上的岔道口,事业上的岔道口,个人 生活上的岔道口,你走错一步,可以影响人生的一个时期,也可以影响一生。”读过《创业史》的人,大概记得柳 青这段话。齐州监狱原监狱长王鲁岩就是在即将离开领导岗位时,因贪欲走错了步。

  在知青办工作期间,王鲁岩一面积极给来访知青做工作,一面协助省委研究制定了一系列解决知青、兵团战士 实际困难的文件和政策,使最后留在农场的知青全部返城。

  “当时大概6点左右,砸的动静很大,车被砸后‘呜呜’地响着报警,我们都听见了,当时就有人议论是齐州 监狱的职工砸的。”在齐州监狱家属区,有知情人士这样告诉记者。

  2007年冬季,想到尽快结清货款,今后要想送煤还要依靠王鲁岩监狱长,康平给王鲁岩送去了现金1.5 万元。这一次王鲁岩再也没有推辞,心安理得将钱收下了。“我给王鲁岩送了1.5万元之后,他接着安排财务给 了我一部分煤款,剩余煤款让财务给我转了账,然后他告诉我开始送第二批煤”,康平交代,他随后又给齐州监狱 送煤500吨,这笔生意就持续做下来了。
  2007年12月,王鲁岩想着在济南买套房子,以备回济南有个落脚点。他多次向王少杰提出借钱买房子, 王少杰没理会。济南的房价可不是个小数目,王少杰心疼。
  其貌不扬、出手大方、身穿名牌,路虎、宝马随驾左右,接近王鲁岩的人士分析,正是王少杰款爷的阔绰做派 ,深深刺痛了王鲁岩的神经,让他心理开始失衡。和王少杰接触多了,王鲁岩也就不再局限于吃吃喝喝了。他先是 向王少杰借钱买轿车,王少杰碍于自己的工程还没完,勉强借给了他。
  去往齐州监狱的路坎坷不平,路两侧是一望无际的大平原。因为刚播种完冬小麦,一眼望去更显得一马平川。 去监狱采访的路上,一名办案人员开玩笑地对记者说:“这里天然就是个劳改农场,1万多亩地啊,不用怕犯人跑 了,就算跑了也根本没处藏身。”



  办案人员把厚厚一摞检查出示在记者面前,asics gel,打印纸、信纸、笔记本上撕下来的纸,不论写在什么纸上,王鲁岩的字迹一点都不潦草,通篇几乎 没有修改,north face online outlet



  也正是一个人说了算,才有机会结交那些想从监狱承揽工程大赚一笔的人。王少杰2002年在临沂市某镇任 副镇长、副书记,2005年辞职,2006年创建建筑工程公司任总经理。2007年他通过同学介绍认识了王 鲁岩,承揽了给齐州监狱修建监舍、老干部活动场所、装饰装修等工程。


  “文革”一开始,王鲁岩的父母受到批斗,他从学校到了济南市五七黄河农场,17岁就成了一名知识青年。 带着“黑五类”帽子的王鲁岩拼命工作,成了山东生产建设兵团知青中“一不怕苦,二不怕死”的先进典型,他的 事迹和传说传遍了山东省建设兵团。


  在齐河,王鲁岩算是一位“名人”。1951年4月出生的王鲁岩是省城济南的高干子弟,若不是此次案发, 在大多数人眼中,他仍是那么个怪人――放着大城市的舒服日子不过,偏偏喜欢在农村种地。山东省档案局编纂出 版的《怀望遥远的青春――山东知青档案实述》一书中记录了王鲁岩的事迹,他在当年是响当当的知青先进典型。 当年他的所作所为是现在许多人不能理解的。

  回到农场的王鲁岩从一名普通农业工人做起,由于工作出色,1976年被任命为山东渤海农场二分场场长。 同年9月,中共山东省委任命他为山东省委知识青年上山下乡办公室党组副书记、常务副主任。
  据齐州监狱劳资科的同志介绍,2008年王鲁岩在齐州监狱的月薪接近5000元,一年算下来不包括奖金 、福利也有近6万元的收入,他调到山东省监狱后,月薪7000余元,全年各种福利加起来得有十几万元,按道 理他应该不缺钱,现在为了几万元丧失了原则,非常可惜。

  齐州监狱分两个关押点,正常情况下关押1500名犯人,生活、冬季取暖,都需要大量的煤炭。因此能给监 狱送煤,成了煤炭经销商挖空心思的事。
  1979年,王鲁岩又一次向省领导写出辞职报告,要求重回农场。因为只有他的未婚妻听他的话没有返城, 正在农场等着他归来。这次领导批准了他的要求,王鲁岩重新回到了农场。这时的渤海农场,除了他的未婚妻外, 已经没有知青了。他们在农场安了家。

  经过初步了解,王鲁岩在单位配有专车,此次被砸的这辆轿车的车主是王鲁岩的女儿,MBT Men's Fanaka GTX,而王的女儿长期在新加坡居住,并不实际使用这辆车。
  山东省齐河县检察院驻齐州监狱检察室的检察官注意到这一情况,他们立即向检察长何万国作了 汇报。

  1987年,山东省监狱局将渤海农场的犯人迁到六一农场(现在的齐州监狱),农场管理人员和家属一并迁 走。王鲁岩这才和老婆孩子离开工作了近20年的渤海农场。

  1971年底,农场推荐工农兵学员上大学,王鲁岩被推荐到山东大学。但他坚决不去,立志要在农场坚持工 作。1972年12月,他响应号召应征入伍来到福建服役。在部队他依然像在农场一样,样样走在别人前面,3 年服役期满部队准备给他提干,他又拒绝了,坚持重返农场。

  1984年,渤海农场划归了山东省监狱管理局,成了劳改单位。王鲁岩被派往山东警官学校学习。因为学习 优秀,表现突出,他毕业时学校提出让他留校任教,4名男子头裹白线套抢劫超市被抓,王鲁岩照例是拒绝,他第四次回到了农场。

新浪独家稿件声明:该作品(文字、图片、图表及音视频)特供新浪使用,未经授权,任何媒体和个人不得全部或 部分转载,the north clothing

  “他看起来心态很平静,没有一丝不安,思路很清晰,交代问题也很配合,什么问题、什么原因、具体怎么回 事,他都能自圆其说。”办案人员向记者介绍说,“王鲁岩配合到什么程度,就是你问他一个问题,他都主动要求 写一份检查,关押期间他写了得有上百份检查,谁谁送了他多少钱他没有收,谁的钱他收了又退了等等,一笔一笔 都写得很清楚,有时候他想起什么事来还主动向我们办案人员要纸,他都写出来。”

  与此同时,关于王鲁岩家如何买了这辆轿车的传闻,在齐州监狱干部职工内部也传得沸沸扬扬――线索逐渐汇 集到给齐州监狱修建监舍的山东临沂某建筑公司总经理王少杰(化名)的身上,王鲁岩涉嫌受贿的问题浮出了水面 。不久,齐河县检察院批准由齐河县公安局对王鲁岩执行刑事拘留。

  后来王鲁岩把这辆轿车落在女儿名下,但知道这辆车来历的监狱职工无不气愤,加上对王鲁岩武断专横、说一 不二工作作风的反感,于是发生了文章开始的砸车事件。
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Old 08-20-2011, 10:35 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 1049782027 at 18:44 on May 12, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

dressed with a good first color
1, red with white, black, blue, gray, beige, gray.
2, pink with purple, gray, dark green, white, beige, brown, navy blue.
3, orange-red with white, black, blue.
4, yellow with purple, blue, white, brown, black.
5, brown with beige, yellow, brick red, blue, green, black.
6, green with white, beige, black, dark purple, taupe, gray brown.
7,belstaff leather, dark green with pink, light purple, apricot, dark purple, blue and green.
8, blue with white, powder blue, red sauce, gold, silver, olive green, orange, yellow.
9,belstaff jackets outlet, light blue with white, red sauce, light gray, purple, gray blue, pink.
10, purple with pale pink, gray blue, yellow-green, white, purple, silver gray, black.
11, purple with blue, pink, white, black, purple, dark green.
in color, the clothes must pay attention to the overall color balance and color harmony. Usually light-colored clothing balance does not occur, the next dressed in the dark is not much problem, if it is dark upper body, lower body light, shoes to play an important role in the balance, it should be more appropriate dark
12, the same color is the same or similar range of colors, from shades of brightness changes in the depth of color produced. If neutral colors with the same color may be silver-gray corduroy jacket, white shirt and a dark flannel skirt soot, soot from the dot printed silk foundation, black high heels, black mesh stockings, silver and white woven fine grid canvas bags and so on. Note the same color with color and color difference between the brightness can not be too close nor too far, such as brightness contrast of black and white too, you need to transition to gray. The tone for the transition, may be extended to backpacks, belts, scarves and other ancillary accessories. With the same color, the best to have deep, medium and light three levels of change. Compared with less than three levels of monotonous, too many layers are easy to produce the effect of red tape loose.
colored clothing with similar skills

similar color that is similar to the color, such as red and orange, orange and green, yellow and green, green and purple and so on. And compared with the same color clothing, similar to the changes in color with a little more, but the overall effect is also very coordinated and integrated. For example, the green girl wearing a bronze loose sweaters, pea green, light yellow, sky blue, black and iron gray cloth composed of divided skirt, belt, wearing white sandals for spring or summer at the turn. Again, black silk shirt, printed with orange, yellowish brown, gold or brown tea, consisting of thin strips of gray plaid, worn with black trousers, Chahe leather belt, also very beautiful.
Second, we must pay attention to situations.
men to wear clothes with

6 a: a meeting, or formal wear is better. sober suit color and mix it with the wrong color shirt and tie and do not be too eye-catching Caixing ! best choice to go with plain. modification should also pay attention to detail ~ ah ~ if it is black shoes should never wear white socks!

two: a small house would be, still the main suit, the color Well ~ you can fashion some bright points can also be a tie Oh ~ ~ wear pants or shoes, the choice of styles and colors can change slightly.

three: do not go out, so the thing to wear appropriate leisure more, plus vest shirt, looks good gentleman, ah, hot, long-sleeved shirt can be worn inside. casual shoes, watches in the regulation of both compared with the body! ok out!

four : to participate in working out outside a small dinner party, since they are acquaintances, so the dress need not be too cautious. striped pants a little increase in activity, the choice should not be too fancy bracelet.

Five: Weekend! wearing body Cowboy relax now,belstaff uk! shirt or choose eye-catching t-convex case, compare the best shirt. hyun just bought a mobile phone quickly!

Six: finally able to rest, if you want to go shopping. wear full youth casual wear purse ~,belstaff outlet! ha ha,belstaff coat!

also pay attention to his body.
body lean men:
wear a suit: pinstripe suit fabric without the use of plaid, jacket and trousers in contrasting colors to wear suits more than a good, wide-collar double-breasted style is more right for you,belstaff sale, the buck head shoulder pads, a pocket flap, all this can be for you to add a broad sense, marked with a silk tie is best to moderate or vertical small triangular pattern, if possible, together with a lapel vest, so your body more thick. A clear line of pants and bends fold. With wide belts and platform shoes, you can add real sense of weight. Specifically, the following five points: 1, absolutely do not wear black and almost black coat, or become increasingly skinny people should wear color expansion clothing, the color choice of gray, taupe, light gray, etc., to increase the sense of expansion. 2, twill fabric to pattern the better way, a large grid is also a good soft texture of the hair texture of the cloth can be considered the first place, the most Do not choose a good straight lines. 3, a small chest of the men should wear tight clothes and bust, so full of clothes can hold, so that chest look wider. If you think a small chest big chest to wear the clothes to look a little fat, it would be wrong, but makes large clothes appear to be more thin. If the person wearing thin body suit, it is best to wear three-piece suit, because the vest to wear flat, narrow upper body can become rich. 4, when the color with clothing, coat and shirt, or coat and trousers to form between the more intense the color contrast. This increase in width from the feel, people look thick point. 5, if the wearing of knitted garments can choose horizontal stripes, but not choose vertical stripes. Wide ties should be selected, the color should be bright. In order to make the face look a corresponding wide temples can stay too thick hair more fullness.

petite how to dress, dress with a small body of law
petite you are not being made for the nice note of what to wear it, to tell you a secret: the length and width allows you pants The figure does not seem so thin thin. Including a variety of reasons, including genetic make our body looks a bit thin thin, in the dressing with the choice of the relatively narrow space, no way! But you do not forget, dress can change a person's overall image, take a look at these beautiful women wearing wide-leg pants are feeling, you will find that it is also suitable for you.

light-colored cardigan can improve short-short shirt waist
can reduce the upper body from the visual proportion to the overall lengthening effect. Under the waist to the chest position to improve, extend the length of the lower body. Light gray short cardigan / MORGAN, black logo halter top / PIN KO

eye-catching small bag under his arm to focus attention and increase upper body striking degree. Black patent leather satchel / MANGO, black vest / MORGAN, beige knit cardigan / TOM BOY

small exposed ######y low V-neck T-shirt shirt
increase the area of exposed skin , ###### appeal to sight improvement. V-neck connecting the shoulder lace, ######y style surge. V-neck tunic / PINKO, gray velvet high-heeled shoes / air

light fluttering chiffon scarves
optimal length to the waist. With the wind flowing chiffon texture, so the upper body more light. Black silver knit tops / b + ab (it), pink scarf / MANGO

simple necklace design simple style
choose an area not too much is too large, the proportion of visually lengthen the upper body, long necklace / PILGRIM, white wool cardigan / b + ab (it), purple sleeveless shirt / b + ab (it), high-heeled shoes / air

choose the proportion of elongated lower body

sure to choose high heels shoes, can increase the proportion of the perfect body.
classic pointed high-heeled shoes high-heeled shoes can be elongated foot from the tip, so that a sense an extension of slender legs. Gold tip shape allows more momentum. Gold high-heeled shoes / air

experience the beauty of

clothes can give a woman a variety of curves, which is still the most beautiful X-shaped, set off a woman's slim, slender figure, a woman full taste.
should spend more time and energy to the mix in the clothing, not only allows you 20 to 10 models with clothes to wear clothing, but also to exercise their own aesthetic tastes.
select excellent material warm coat, the sweater or shirt to wear thin, so that the principles of international dress will be more popular.

elegant dress with gentle taste, but for mature urban women, the most fundamental is the noble and calm.
Black is the color of the city forever, but if you look not very good is best to avoid adding the gray color but not too bright either jump, do not pick who is the appropriate choice.
looking for their own skin color, we must pay attention to the body garment is worn on their own, not white or black models hangers.

they say: beauty is such
dress with a standard type:
female height was 168 cm. Neck, shoulders, torso, chest, waist, thighs, buttocks and legs next to the meat and so on, must have a perfect ratio. Such standards are good-looking body what to wear. Harmonious in color matching can be worn under the premise of any popular fashion.
Second, the gourd-type:
like gourd body like the chest, hips sleek, slim waist, curvy, very ######y. The body of the people who wear low necklines, tight waist mini skirt or character skirt suits, better material to soft close, it is very ######y, plump and feminine dress. If you wear a large gourd-type tall fluffy dress, will detract from a lot of charm. Overall this figure is what to wear nice clothes.
three, slender type:
slim, medium or small breasts, buttocks, thin, flat, next to no fat on the abdomen and thighs. This body should be relatively easy to dress, but to avoid low-waist trousers or tights. For wearing a pleated skirt, loose suit, loose pleated trousers.
four pears Type:
upper body, shoulders, chest, thin, small body of the abdomen, hips, shape like a pear. Because the relationship between abdominal obesity, increased waist often formed, which is turned into a short upper body. For loose suits, designed to avoid the attention of the waist. Second, the coat should be loose, to cover the buttocks is appropriate length, pleated pants coupled with large jacket, and very able to beautify the body. Avoid tight pants, wide leather belt, skirt or pleated skirt pumping fine.
five, leg bags Type:
many hip and thigh fat, looks like next to hang up in the thigh as the two bags. This body should absolutely avoid tights, so will only expose shortcomings. Pleated skirt wearing style simple or trousers, brightness and color text color choices with lower dark. Try to focus on upper body, wearing the colorful silk, jewelry or decoration, not suitable for clothing are: knee-high boots, tight shirts, big plaid, or behind thick horizontal stripes pants pocket .
six, Jiao small:
height of 155 cm below the charming small, no matter what body part. Due to length constraints, the range of clothing may be higher or robust changes in body size is much smaller. Johnson put on a small person who thought towering high heels, or comb the hair, you can make the tall and slim, it is vain to. And will look funny or out of tune. The best dressed is towards clean, concise, straight line design. Vertical line skirt, straight trousers system, from head to toe wearing the same color family or plain clothes, fitted jackets are all so charming small people seem relaxed. Large cloth material, thick fabrics, too many colors, baggy clothes, large lotus leaf, tights, etc., should be avoided.
above describes some of the knowledge of clothes, in fact, every hole tomorrow are learning, dress is a very profound scientific, hope you are beautiful and glorious day!
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Old 08-20-2011, 10:35 AM   #3
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Reprinted from 634411279 at 13:27 on August 30,belstaff uk, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
silver 20 15 14 0
gold 5 15 65 0
Beige 5 5 15 0
highlighted gray 5 5 3 0
gray 2,516,160
in the gray 50 37 37 0
100 68 10 25
Deep Purple Deep Purple Red 85 95 10 0
water color 60 0 25 0
lemon 5 18 75 0
dark 20 100 80 5
orange 5 100 100 5
5 50 100 0
orange brown 45 65 100 40
pink 5 40 5 0
graphic design business cards commonly used in production size

horizontal version: 90 * 55mm 85 * 54mm
vertical version: 50 * 90mm 54 * 85mm
side version: 90 * 90mm 90 * 95mm
IC card
three-fold Advertising
standard size: (A4) 210mm x 285mm
general brochure
standard size: (A4) 210mm x 285mm
file folder
standard size: 220mm x 305mm
Standard Size: 540mm x 380mm
standard size: 8 Open 376mm x 265mm
4 open 540mm x 380mm
standard size: 400mm x 285mm x 80mm
stationery note
standard size: 185mm x 260mm 210mm x 285mm
is the degree of paper:
787 �� 1092mm
opening number (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 781 �� 1086
2 open 530 �� 760 3 362 �� 781
4 open open open 390 �� 543 6 362 �� 390
8 open 271 �� 390
16 to open 195 �� 271
Note: The product size = Paper Size - generous trim size
850 * 1168mm
opening number (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 844 �� 1162
2 open 581 �� 844 3 387 �� 844
4 open open open 422 �� 581 6 387 �� 422
8 open 290 �� 422
Note: The finished size = paper size - trim size
common format size
(units : mm)
format Size: 787 x 1092
off: 736 x 520
4 open: 520 x 368
8 open: 368 x 260
16 open: 260 x 184
32 open: 184 x 130
Folio size (generous): 850 x 1168
off: 570 x 840
4 open: 420 x 570
8 open: 285 x 420
16 open: 210 x 285
32 open: 203 x 140
is the degree of paper:
787 �� 1092mm
opening number (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 781 �� 1086
2 open 530 �� 760
3 362 �� 781
4 open open open 390 �� 543
6 362 �� 390
8 open 271 �� 390
16 to open 195 �� 271
Note: The finished size = paper size -
generous trim size paper:
850 * 1168mm
opening number (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 844 �� 1162
2 581 �� 844
3 open open open 387 �� 844
4 422 �� 581
6 open 387 �� 422
8 open 290 �� 422
Note: The finished size = paper size - Trimming Size
16 open
generous: 210 �� 285
positive degree: 185 �� 260
8 open
generous: 285 �� 420
positive degree: 260 �� 370
4 open
generous: 420 �� 570
are degree: 370 �� 540
2 open
generous: 570 �� 840
positive degree: 540 �� 740
large: 889 �� 1194
Small: 787 �� 1092
information on newsprint newsprint
sizes: 547mm �� 392mm, 545mm �� 370mm
have the following common specifications
newsprint paper plate Size: 787 �� 1092 ����, 850x ll68 mm, 880x l230 mm.
Web Specifications: Width 787 mm, 1092 mm, 1575 mm; length of about 6,000 to 8,000 meters.
CD the size of the general design
1, inside pages: 123 * 126
2, bottom seal: 157 * 124
3, disc surface: outer _118, _36, or inner ring 25
digital enlargements to achieve satisfactory results:
Photo Specifications (inches) (cm) (pixel) digital camera type
1 inch 2.5 * 3.5cm 413 * 295
mug shot ID 390 2.2 3.3 * * 260
2 inch 3.5 * 5.3cm 626 * 413
small 2-inch (Passport) 4.8 * 3.3cm 567 * 390
5 inches 5x3.5 12.7 * 8.9 1200x840 pixels
6 more than 100 million inch 6x4 15.2 * 10.2 1440x960 pixels over 1.3 million
7-inch 7x5 17.8 * 12.7 1680x1200 200 million pixels or more
8 inch 8x6 20.3 * 15.2 1920x1440 pixels more than 300 million
10 inch 10x8 25.4 * 20.3 2400x1920 400 or more megapixel
12 inch 12x10 30.5 * 20.3 2500x2000 more than 500 million pixels
15 inch 15x10 38.1 * 25.4 3000x2000 600 million pixels
In addition, the digital film Do not worry about a few million pixels, just look at the number of pixels long side , 1200 5-inch
1400 a 6-inch, 1700 7-inch, and so on. . .
1 inch (refers to inches) = 2.54cm
we are talking about is the x-inch long side of the photo, such as 5-inch photo is long 2.54x5 = 12.7cm
12-inch is 2.54x12 = 30.5cm ,
8x12 is the long side of the 2.54x12 = 30.5cm, short side 2.54x8 = 20.3cm
3R refers to the paper,belstaff jackets outlet, 3R for the 89MM, 5R 3R usually refers to 127MM
3 * 5 is the 5 refers to 5-inch 5R * 7 is 7 inches long
R mean square (English is Rectangle), are considered the shortest side of Lei.
like 135 photos taken mostly washing machine into a 3R, 4R or 5R, If the 120 machine The 6X7 end of wash into the 3R photos, that it is no \6X6 end Hasselblad 120
out like a photo of the film because it is a positive square-type, if the photos are of the Quartet, such as \We do not love the line called 3R, but 3S or 5S, S representatives are four types (English is the Square).
digital camera photos are generally 4:3 ratio (the ratio of the display of our line), and enlargements of the photos are generally the ratio of about 3:2 (film negatives with the same aspect ratio), so talk about digital cameras, photo enlargements from the proportion of the general picture should cut to about 3:2, such enlargements out whole picture is just filled with paper. If you do not want to crop the photos, or recording the content is too full, there is no room for tailoring to the enlargements of the time had to leave a little white border around the sides.
example: Your photo is 1600 * 1200 the ratio is 4:3 while the 6-inch photos
15.2 * 10.2
that ratio is 3:2 if your photo does not cut, 4 : 3 ratio of 3:2 in the photo above the photo in the photo
can only stay a little white border on each side, like two sides added a white box (up and down without)
If you do not want to blank side photos can be cut off above or below certain,
make a 1600 * 1074 photograph of (1600/15.2 * 10.2 = 1074) so that 3:2 a,
just filled an entire 6-inch photo paper the.
8-inch photo size is 6 * 8 (15.2 * 20.3cm) ratio is 4:3, the majority of digital photo enlargements are just not cut
============ ============================================
common passport
1 Ӣ�� corresponding size 25mm �� 35mm
2 Ӣ�� 35mm �� 49mm
3 Ӣ�� 35mm �� 52mm
way permit 33mm �� 48mm
50mm �� 50mm
visa Japan visa 45mm �� 45mm
large two-inch 35mm �� 45mm
passport 33mm �� 48mm
graduates according 33mm �� 48mm
ID 22mm �� 32mm
license 21mm �� 26mm
Juzhao 60mm �� 91mm
digital camera and can print photos maximum size chart
500 million pixels effective 4,915,200 pixels 2560X1920. Washable photo size 17X13, 21-inch diagonal
400 million pixels effective 3,871,488 pixels 2272X1704. Washable photo size 15X11, 19-inch diagonal effective 3145728
300 million pixels, pixel 2048X1536. Washable photo size 14X10, 17-inch diagonal
200 megapixel effective 1.92 million pixels 1600X1200. Washable photo size 11X8, 13-inch diagonal
130 million pixels effective 1,228,belstaff coat,800 pixels 1280X960. Washable photo size 9X6,belstaff outlet, 11-inch diagonal
080 million pixels effective 786,432 pixels 1024X768. Washable photo size 7X5, 9 inches diagonal
050 million pixels effective 480,000 pixels 800X600. Washable photo size 5X4, diagonal 7 inches
030 million pixels effective 307,200 pixels 640X480. Washable photo size 4X3, 5 inches diagonal
5-inch photos (3X5), using 800X600 resolution on it
6-inch photos (4X6), using 1024X768 resolution
7-inch photos (5X7), using 1024X768 resolution
8-inch photos (6X9), using 1280X960 resolution
********************** **************************
According to the current accepted standard, photo size requirements are more stringent proof of
1 Ӣ��according to the size should be 3.6 cm �� 2.7 ����;
2 Ӣ�� proved according to the size should be 3.5 cm �� 5.3 ����;
5 inches (the most common photo size) photo size should be 12.7 cm �� 8.9 ����;
6 inches (more common international photo size) photo size is 15.2 cm �� 10.2 ����;
7 inches (enlarge) photo The size is 17.8 cm �� 12.7 ����;
12 inch print size is 30.5 cm �� 25.4 cm.
normal error should be 1 to 2 mm or so, if the \
*********************************************** ******
common photo size photo specifications (inches) (cm) (pixel) digital camera type
1 inch 2.5 * 3.5cm 413 * 295
mug shot ID card 390 * 3.3 * 2.2 260
2 inch 3.5 * 5.3cm 626 * 413
small 2-inch (Passport) 4.8 * 3.3cm 567 * 390
5 inches above the 5x3.5 12.7 * 8.9 1200x840 pixels
6-inch 100 million 6x4 15.2 * 10.2 1440x960 pixels more than 1.3 million
7-inch 7x5 17.8 * 12.7 1680x1200 200 million pixels or more
8 inch 8x6 20.3 * 15.2 1920x1440 pixels more than 300 million
10 inch 10x8 25.4 * 20.3 2400x1920 400 million more than pixel
12 inch 12x10 30.5 * 20.3 2500x2000 more than 500 million pixels
15 inch 15x10 38.1 * 25.4 3000x2000 600 million pixels
******************* *******************************
photo size and print size of the control (resolution: 300dpi)
Photo Size (inches) print size (cm)
10x15 25.4x38.1
10x12 25.4x30.5
8x10 20.3x25.4
6x8 15.2x20.3
5x8 12.7x20.3
5x7 12.7x17.7
4x6 10.1x15.2
3.5x5 8.9x12.7
1. ID (22mm * 32mm)
2. driver's license (22mm * 32mm)
3. black and white small one inch (22mm * 32mm)
4. color small one inch (27mm * 38mm)
5. color big inch (40mm * 55mm)
6. ordinary passport (33mm * 48mm )
photo size in inches, 1 inch = 2.54cm 9 * 6 is
22.54cm * 15 `24cm own content with it, if it is negative, then there is no washing of this size, and can only be called Master enlarged to 10-inch photo size and then cut

photo size
1X1.5 (1 inch) 3.9 inch 2.6 * 2.5 * 3.5
1.5X2 (2 inches) 3.5 3.8 * 5.1 inch large * 5.0 Small b 3.5 * 4.5
5 * 3.5 (5 inch / 3R) 12.70 * 8.89
6 * 4 (6 inch / 4R) 15.24 * 10.16
7 * 5 (7 inch / 5R) 17.78 * 12.70
8 * 6 (8 inch / 6R) 20.32 * 15.24
10 * 8 (10 inch / 8R) 25.40 * 20.32
10 * 12 (12 inch) 25.40 * 30.48
12 * 14 (14 inch) 30.48 * 35.56
12 * 16 (16 inch) 30.48 * 40.64
14 * 18 (18 inch) 35.56 * 45.72
16 * 20 (20 inch) 40.64 * 50.80
20 * 24 (24 inch) 50.80 * 60.96
24 * 30 (30-inch) 60.96 * 76.20
24 * 36 (36 inch) 60.96 * 91.44
digital camera can print photos size chart
Digital enlargements to achieve satisfactory results:
Photo Specifications (inches) (cm) (pixel) digital camera type
1 inch 2.5 * 3.5cm 413 * 295
mug shot ID card 390 * 260 3.3 * 2.2
2 inch 3.5 * 5.3cm 626 * 413
small 2-inch (Passport) 4.8 * 3.3cm 567 * 390
5 inches 5x3.5 12.7 * 8.9 1200x840 pixels
6 100 million more than 6x4 inches 15.2 * 10.2 1440x960 pixels above the 1.3 million
7-inch 7x5 17.8 * 12.7 1680x1200 200 million pixels or more
8 inch 8x6 20.3 * 15.2 1920x1440 pixels more than 300 million
10 inch 10x8 25.4 * 20.3 2400x1920 400 million pixels or more
12 inch 12x10 30.5 * 20.3 2500x2000 more than 500 million pixels
15 inch 15x10 38.1 * 25.4 3000x2000 600 million pixels
In addition, the digital film Do not worry about a few million pixels, just look at the number of pixels long side, 1200 a 5-inch
1400 a 6-inch, 1700 7-inch, and so on. . .
horizontal version: 90 * 55mm 85 * 54mm
vertical version: 50 * 90mm 54 * 85mm
side Version: 90 * 90mm 90 * 95mm
IC card
three standard size folding advertising
: (A4) 210mm x 285mm

common standard size brochure: (A4 ) 210mm x 285mm
file folder
standard size: 220mm x 305mm
standard size: 540mm x 380mm
Standard Size: 8 On opening 540mm 376mm x 265mm 4 x 380mm
standard size: 400mm x 285mm x 80mm
stationery note
standard size: 185mm x 260mm 210mm x 285mm
is the degree of paper:
787 �� 1092mm
Open the number of (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 781 �� 1086
2 open 530 �� 760
3 362 �� 781
4 open open open 390 �� 543
6 362 �� 390
8 open 271 �� 390
16 to open 195 �� 271
Note: The finished size = paper size -
generous trim size paper:
850 * 1168mm opening number (positive degree ) Dimensions (mm)
full 844 �� 1162
2 open 581 �� 844
3 387 �� 844
4 open open open 422 �� 581
6 387 �� 422
8 Open 290 �� 422
Note: Finished size = paper size - trim size
common format size
(unit: mm)
Folio Size: 787 x 1092
off: 736 x 520
4 open: 520 x 368
8 open: 368 x 260
16 open: 260 x 184
32 open: 184 x 130
Folio size (generous): 850 x 1168
off: 570 x 840
4 open: 420 x 570
8 open: 285 x 420
16 open: 210 x 285
32 open: 203 x 140
paper is the degree :
787 �� 1092mm
opening number (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 781 �� 1086
2 530 �� 760
3 open open open 362 �� 781
4 390 �� 543
6 open 362 �� 390
8 open 271 �� 390
16 to open 195 �� 271
Note: The finished size = paper size -
generous trim size paper:
850 * 1168mm
opening number (positive degrees) Dimensions (mm)
full 844 �� 1162
2 581 �� 844
3 open open open 387 �� 844
4 422 �� 581
6 open 387 �� 422
8 open 290 �� 422
Note: The finished size = paper size - trim size
16 open, generous: 210 �� 285
positive degree: 185 �� 260
8 open, generous: 285 �� 420
positive degree: 260 �� 370
4 open, generous: 420 �� 570
positive degree: 370 �� 540
2 open, generous: 570 �� 840
positive degree: 540 �� 740
full large: 889 �� 1194
Small: 787 �� 1092
information on newsprint newsprint
sizes: 547mm �� 392mm, 545mm �� 370mm common newsprint there are several specifications of flat paper specification: 787 �� 1092 ����, 850x ll68 mm, 880x l230 mm. Web Specifications: Width 787 mm, 1092 mm, 1575 mm; length of about 6000 ~ 8000 meters.
CD the size of the general design
1, inside pages: 123 * 1262,
bottom seal: 157 * 1243,
disc surface: outer _118,
inner _36 or 25 Digital enlargements to achieve satisfactory results:
Photo Specifications (inches) (cm) (pixel) digital camera type 1 inch 2.5 * 3.5cm 413 * 295
ID mug shot 3.3 * 2.2 390 * 260
2 inch 3.5 * 5.3cm 626 * 413
small 2-inch (Passport) 4.8 * 3.3cm 567 * 390
5 inches 5x3.5 12.7 * 8.9 1200x840 pixels
6 100 million or more 6x4 15.2 * 10.2 inch more than 1.3 million pixels 1440x960
7-inch 7x5 17.8 * 12.7 1680x1200 200 million pixels or more
8 inch 8x6 20.3 * 15.2 1920x1440 300 million pixels or more
10 inch 10x8 25.4 * 20.3 2400x1920 pixels
over 400 million 12 inch 12x10 30.5 * 20.3 2500x2000 more than 500 million pixels
15 inch 15x10 38.1 * 25.4 3000x2000 600 million pixels
In addition, the digital film Do not worry about a few million pixels, just look at the number of pixels long side, 1,200 5-inch 1400 6-inch, 1700 7-inch, and so on. . .
1 inch (refers to inches) = 2.54cm x inch we say is the long side of the photo, such as 5 inches is the length of 2.54x5 = 12.7cm12 inch photo is 2.54x12 = 30.5cm,
8x12 is a long edge 2.54x12 = 30.5cm,belstaff leather, refers to the short side 2.54x8 = 20.3cm3R paper,
3R for the 89MM, 5R 3R usually refers to 127MM 3 * 5 is the 5-inch
5R means 5 * 7 is the meaning of R 7-inch is rectangular (English is Rectangle), are considered the shortest side of Lei. Like most of 135 washing machine into a photo shoot 3R, 4R or 5R above, if the end of 120 washing machine into the 3R 6X7 photos, that it is no \inch X 5 inch \film is a positive square-type, if the photos are of the Quartet,belstaff online, such as \type (English is the Square).
digital camera photos are generally 4:3 ratio (the ratio of the display of our line), and enlargements of the photos is the 3:2 ratio is generally about (and film negatives the same aspect ratio), so talk about digital cameras, photo enlargements from the proportion of the general picture should cut to about 3:2, so that out of the photo enlargements is just full of whole paper. If you do not want to crop the photos, or recording the content is too full, there is no room for tailoring to the enlargements of the time had to leave a little white border around the sides. For example: Your photo is 1600 * 1200 the ratio is 4:3 and 6-inch photo is 15.2 * 10.2 that ratio is 3:2 if your photo does not cut, 4:3 pictures on 3: 2 of paper on each side of the photo above, left only a little white border, like on both sides of the white box add (up and down without) you do not want blank side of the photo can be cut off above or below a number of photographs and a 1600 * 1074's (1600/15.2 * 10.2 = 1074), which is 3:2, and just filled the entire 6-inch photo paper. 8-inch photo size is 6 * 8 (15.2 * 20.3cm) ratio is 4:3, the majority of digital photo enlargements are just not cut

tag graphic design digital camera photo paper size diagonal
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Old 08-20-2011, 10:53 AM   #4
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 848
ug6bt0zh4cg is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 841357223 at 10:54 on July 31, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Abstract

says: You're beautiful, I think I love you.
Water said: Fool, that's just a good feeling it.
says: Really, I kid you not.
Water said: I do not believe in love at first sight.
the days passed, the feelings of the water the fish are becoming increasingly Duhou.
says: I like you.
water: it is because you have adapted to me.
says: I like your taste.
water: it is because you have been accustomed to my presence.
few days later, the water should continue to travel.
says: I can not do without you.
water: a few days you will forget me.
says: No, I will not fall in love with the person besides you.
water: it is because you have not met the person except me.
Fish said: You are my everything.
Water said: You is not the only one.
Fish said: In the search for you in the end what?
Water said: only the sea is warm and my mind only.
Fish said: Can not you stay up for me?
Water said: No, once stopped, I became a backwater, we will never see the sea the same again.
says: then we can stand together and drive?
water: you can never catch up with my pace.
Fish said: Can you wait a little for me?
Water said: I only like surging.
says: Anyway, I have to accompany you to swim to the sea.
Water: Do not be silly, you are just a freshwater fish.
says: I do not want you face the storms of a person.
Water said: I would not be grateful to you.
says: I do not want to win your gratitude, I just want to be with you.
Water said: You know I can not fall in love with you.
Fish said: But you can not take away my right to love you.
Water said: You would only harm themselves.
water and fish through a river,belstaff sale, the fish only Half-Life.
says: I do not know how far you can stay.
Water said: Go home, this time not for you.
says: No, even at the last second, I will not give up.
Water said: You so stupid and lose yourself.
Fish said: Can you love a fool to try to accept it?
Water said: You know my heart is already occupied by the sea.
says: Why? You can not try to fall in love with me?
Water said: I believe that the sea is the only one.
fish and water through a river, the fish lives only a quarter.
says: If one day I'll be gone, what will you?
Water said: I will be sad, will be sorry.
says: What if the sea is gone it?
Water said: I will break my heart, will die with him.
says: Are we in daily life is also more than an illusion, but it?
water: just get along without feeling the extra memory.
says: that the sea does, you sure he will love you?
Water said: He is the dream of my life, I will not give up.
fish silent, silently walked the rest of the water to accompany the distance.
Finally, they went to the beach. Sea water to see her, but she is not only the sea.
Yes ah, the sea has a broad mind, broad enough to accommodate hundreds of rivers play in his arms, but no time to take into account the presence of water.
beside the sea water would not do one of many beauties, she decided to leave.
Then she remembered the fish, the fish has long been moribund.
says: I see the sea, he is so handsome and cool, only he was worthy of you.
Water said: but I think he was confusing.
fish: Do not worry, one day, the sea will find you and love you.
Water said: Maybe I'm wrong.
says: No,belstaff outlet, you are so in love with the sea.
Water: Once, there is also a man so in love with me,belstaff online, but I was ignored. You say, you say ah,
say you love me, say you want and I can tell together.
says: I do not want to give you a commitment that can not be honored.
Water said: Why can not you selfish?
fish: Do not love you is my right, I do not love is your obligation.
Water said: Why am I always so selfish, so stubborn? Why did not I fall in love with you earlier?
says: Do not say, so, I will go very disturbed.
Water said: Why do you always so good, it makes me feel ashamed.
says: forget me,belstaff leather, and then find a person worthy of your love.
water: Do not you love the most worthy of my people?
fish: Do not be silly, the day after, I can not accompany you.
Water said: I have missed too many days, I can not miss you.
says: do not.
Water said: I really love you.
says: I have tears, tears of happiness you see me yet? Oh,belstaff coat, I forgot, because I am in the water.
Water said: No! I feel, because now you in my heart.
fish happily closed his eyes,belstaff jacket, the arms in the water.
hear my voice ... ...
heartbreak concerned about the drift was not called stray
cry for companionship was not called to share the sorrow sorrow
not call someone to share the joy
pain is happiness .

Maybe everyone has their favorite people
others can
your favorite people together for various reasons some people can not be together

broadmindedness rights will not like the label
ug6bt0zh4cg is offline   Reply With Quote

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