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Old 08-19-2011, 05:30 AM   #1
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Default asics australia shoes 路人接住坠楼女童骨折续 女童

  医生说,不过还是非常感谢接住妞妞的吴菊萍,如果不是她伸手接住,妞妞可能当场就没希望了,现在送到医 院,至少还有抢救的时间和活下去的希望。

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  事发前,这两家人不认识。吴菊萍住在滨江白金海岸23栋10楼,坠楼的女童住在22栋10楼,两户人家 虽相隔两个楼道,但素未谋面。

  妞妞的妈妈就是一位医护人员,她特别知道医生说的这些话意味着什么,作为母亲,她也最能切身体会妞妞此 时受的苦难。前天,妞妞的妈妈没有戴眼镜,昨天,她双眼红肿,脸颊也红了,挪一点地方都要妹妹和外婆搀扶, 一点力气也没有了。

  每个孩子都是家长的心肝宝贝,希望昏迷中的妞妞赶紧好起来,让救你的吴阿姨、爸爸妈妈和所有关心你的读 者松一口气。
  省儿保非常重视这位小病人,全院集中了最强力量来抢救妞妞。昨天上午,浙江省卫生厅厅长和副厅长打电话 给省儿保副院长龚方戚,要求医院竭尽全力救治妞妞。龚院长昨天一早来到医院召集各科医生会诊,从早上到晚上 ,为妞妞做了5次专家会诊,出动了全院相关科室的主任。
  再过了一个多小时,监护室里的医生把妞妞爸妈叫进去谈病情。从高高的玻璃窗上看到,医生说了什么,妈妈 忽然瘫倒在地上,爸爸赶紧去扶,也“哇哇”哭出声来……说了大约二十多分钟,医生左手扶妈妈右手搀爸爸把两 人送出病房。
  金院长把绑带拆开,一层层纱布去除后,吴菊萍的手臂露了出来。看着女儿的手臂明显变形、肿 胀,Cheap Air Jordan Spizike 儿子重病父亲捐肾 退休母亲为持家再就业,妈妈的眼睛刷地红了。
  省儿保龚院长和主任们表态,一定用上最好的设备、最好的专家全力救治妞妞,希望妞妞能尽快好起来,创造 医学上的奇迹。
  昨天中午,吴菊萍的病房里走进一位中年男子。男人情绪激动地向吴菊萍自我介绍:我是你所救 女孩的叔叔。
  妞妞的生命体征也十分不稳定,妞妞的心脏、肺受损,已经无法自主呼吸,全靠呼吸机维持;血压不稳定,上 下压分别只有50和30毫米汞柱,而正常人的血压为140/90毫米汞柱;昨天,妞妞一直处于昏迷中。

妞妞父母抱在一起等待医生告知女儿的最新消息许康平 摄

  他说,妞妞目前在省儿保重症监护室里,情况不大好,Womens Nike Shox,她爸爸妈妈走不开。全家人让我做个代表来看望您,感谢您救我们家孩子。如果不是你伸手,孩子就没有活的机 会了,现在,还有抢救的时间……
  路人接住从10楼坠落孩子致手臂骨折 孩子幸存

  第二关是骨头愈合关。人的手掌向上翻下,手臂也会跟着旋转,依靠的就是桡骨以尺骨为轴心旋转。她的尺骨 多段粉碎性骨折,使手臂里的尺骨和和桡骨间有一些小骨头碎片。这些小碎骨块可能在尺骨和桡骨间的缝隙里慢慢 长起来,万一把缝隙填满了,就会影响她手臂的旋转功能。这些都可能给接下去的手术带来麻烦。

  为什么前天入院的时候她会叫妈妈?医生说脑部挫裂伤在24小时之内引发脑水肿,脑袋的问题这时候才能看 出来,孩子的脑部组织非常娇嫩,就像一块豆腐,从高空坠下,好像是在高速公路上急速刹车,这块豆腐很容易碎 掉。


  22栋和23栋两座大楼连为一体,却因为不同的电梯上下楼,两年来,多少次吴菊萍一家和妞妞一家进进出 出,两家人却没有说过话,甚至毫无印象。

  说着说着,他对着吴菊萍跪下了。吴菊萍的老公小陈赶紧上前,asics kayano womens,使劲把他拽起来,对他说“没啥,没啥,不用这样的。”
  妞妞的情况很危急,随时都有生命危险。前天晚上,医院已经为妞妞做了开腹手术,查看脏器的受损情况,发 现脾脏、肝脏、胃都有穿孔;肺有挫裂伤,形成血气胸,不能自主呼吸;肾有挫裂伤,导致血尿和全身肿胀,可能 要做血透;四肢骨折,尤以左侧的手臂和大小腿为重;心脏、脑子和脊柱性命攸关的脏器也有损伤。妞妞身上叫得 出来的脏器几乎都受到损伤。妞妞从10楼坠下,虽说被好心人接住,但是孩子娇嫩的脏器还是受到很大冲击,像 被震碎了一样,burberry mens coats
  视频:女子接住从10楼坠落孩子 病床上接受采访

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  从昨天上午8点到晚上8点,吴菊萍接受了18家媒体的采访。有中央电视台,jordan shoes on sale,有新浪网,也有浙江各地的媒体。吴菊萍说话说着说着喉咙就哑了,妈妈心疼地喂她喝水。

  金院长说,医院尽全力帮吴女士医治好,本周内出手术方案,Cheap Jordan 8 Shoes 46名农民工工资被拖欠 打出条幅称愿意当裸

  昨天18:15,妈妈接到一个电话,是从重症监护室里相熟的医生那里打来的,low ventilation max 95 womens 贵州夫妇驾车两个月途经14国抵达英国伦敦,妈妈听一句,哭着嗯一句,最后“嚯”地冲到铁门前面,“咚咚”敲铁门,“妞妞正在抢救!妞妞啊!”众人赶 忙拉住她,哭声一片,爸爸半跪在妈妈身前,“都是我不好啊,我那天不出差就不会出这样的事啊… …”
  记者 王真 通讯员 王雪飞

  记者 张姝
  你想和妞妞妈妈说什么吗?吴菊萍想了想说:“希望她能坚强,我们一起给孩子更多的力量,撑过这一两天时 间。”

  每当重症监护室有医生护士出来,大家都拥上去,问妞妞怎么样,妞妞好不好。直到昨晚9点半,省儿保专家 召开了一个短会,对家属和一直等在外面的媒体公布妞妞的情况。

  妞妞叔叔走后,吴菊萍对我说:“张记者,我现在没有办法去儿保看女孩,孩子有什么消息你要告诉我。现在 最大的心愿就是孩子能好起来,我不需要对方回报我们什么。”

  坐在另一端的奶奶俯身抽泣,一直说自己不好,如果不出去晒棉被,妞妞就不会爬上窗台;外婆念着老天爷保 佑,旁边有人让她保重身体,她拉着人家说:“你知不知道,我们家妞妞多少乖,大家回来,她都帮我们拿拖鞋换 上,真的很聪明,什么都晓得。”
  这时,富阳市中医骨伤医院金登峰副院长和裘晓冬医生进门给吴菊萍换药。全家人自动散开,留 出空间。

  吴菊萍疼得哭出了声。金院长捏了下她手臂的皮肤,有弹性的。安慰她说:还好的,肿胀比想象中好很多,看 来治疗效果出来了。

 > 相关报道:
  更棘手的是,妞妞的腹腔感染严重。出事的时候大概是妞妞吃完午饭后半个小时,食物没来得及消化,妞妞坠 楼,脏器破损,食物进入脏器,引起严重感染。医生说,手术的时候,甚至能看到孩子肚子里的蛋花 汤。

  不断有病友从隔壁房间里来看望吴菊萍一家。一位病人坐在她爸爸身边聊天,问他:“你知道吗,女儿万一没 有接住孩子,反倒砸到脑袋了,会死的啊。”吴爸爸愣住了,停了一会儿说,那也是先救了再说啊。难道不救吗。 女儿只是碰巧遇上了,别人遇上也会救的。

  昨天下午,浙江省儿童医院住院部二楼重症监护室门口聚了二三十人,大家都是来看妞妞的,妞妞的家里人、 妈妈的同事、爸爸的同事,大部分人站在重症监护室的铁门门口,不停朝里面看,坐都不肯坐。门口一排椅子上堆 着几包被子毯子,前天晚上,妞妞一家人都在走廊里过的夜。
  吴菊萍,1980年出生的嘉兴王江泾小镇姑娘。自2009年起,她就和老公租住在白金海岸23栋10楼 。间隔她家仅数十米之外,住着白金海岸22栋10楼的妞妞一家。
  妈妈的同事、爸爸的领导来了好几拨。有几位领导说得很对:奶奶、外婆等年纪大的人先回家,在家里等消息 ,都在医院,asics australia shoes,你哭我哭,大家越来越伤心;妞妞的事情已经出了,家长要坚强,要做好所有的打算,自己的身体 不要累垮。
  关于妞妞的伤情,快报旗下大家健康网(www.djjk.cn)和新浪微博的“都市快报”今天将实时关 注。

  妈妈闭上眼睛,已经说不出话来,爸爸勉强说了几句,大家全哭了。妈妈瘫坐在椅子上,昏过去了……外婆赶 紧给妈妈喂水,喂不进去,“女儿啊,你自己要撑牢啊,妞妞是你的女儿,她在里面加油,你要在外面给她加油啊 ,不能自己倒下。”过了一会儿,妈妈才逐渐睁开眼睛,呜呜大哭。

  金院长说:“按照正常生理反应,今天的肿胀应该更厉害,明天是高峰。接下来,吴女士有两道难关要过。第 一关,出血肿胀关。她是多段粉碎性骨折,使得手臂远端的供血很差,可能带来骨难愈合。出血比凝血快,可能使 皮肤张力高,mbt sport 2 sale,带来水泡。我们已经用了中药秘方帮助她消肿止血,目前看,情况都在预料掌握内。
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Old 08-19-2011, 05:31 AM   #2
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341307 2005 年 12 月 29 日 11:38 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Audio Digital
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g8m8n2yf is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08-19-2011, 05:32 AM   #3
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341281 2009 年 12 月 31 日 15:05 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1, if time could turn the clock back, I will have another life with you, not too much money, preoccupied with food market every day, for the hair papers, professional title and got into fierce arguments with people, but also for his daughter does not consider good school and anxious. Perhaps that is the kind of happy life, and I did not realize before. Song Siming

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13, not to mention What is done can not be undone, you are now the rice boiled popcorn, people still run run away. Old Lee

14, literature? Literature is the parsley on the fish. Coriander fish look better. No fish, you eat a plate of parsley forever? - \What kind of man you married is what life. Even if I am a bitch, but also single-handedly trained Su Chun. - \A dollar can bring you joy, you can also bring you sorrow. A dollar is very small, the money can be a hidden energy. I do not know that a dollar today will not be a dollar after it? - \Do you know what love is? Love is a woman's trick men cheat, what I put my heart to you, you always have me. What he did not, so the net say sweet, what is the use? That these useful? You have to really have a skill, a man love a woman, what are the first mention, first brought a stack of money, so this woman a sense of security, and then sent to a house, at least you later on this woman , although the loss of her heart, but the body covered. Now that man, this is the man to do things. Otherwise, why do you married? Also enough to eat, that a bride are you doing? That together with your wife involved? Called love of the suffering involved? That this love I'd rather not. - \If we had, I do not hate to leave this gorgeous city illusory, not reluctant to embrace love crispy, and I firmly that the town return to their own, I at least now the Deputy Commissioner of the hybrid. # # # Yeah people to leave their homes, saying was right, rather be beheaded, not to Pteris. Stumble, ah, slipped ah. - \forced, if she went out a car, go home with servants, give me face to see it? In the big cities full of material comforts, she is willing to follow me, nothing of such a person, I should be grateful to her, her tolerance,red wing shoes outlet, love her, make her happy. - \Go have a saying ah, call first to hand it to first to hand, would rather give up some small gains and losses, it is important that the overall situation. - \

21, Well, to coax the living, that is a small woman. So this woman ah, a three-year-old you ever know, is not deceived a few words to flatter a live, in front of a pile one thing, it will become a top priority. The woman, ah, as you have a child, she is not a woman, she is a mother first, then she is the head wolf. Look at women obedient, submissive, it is not grown, but also need to worship, but also spiritual support. Once she became a long, mind living to do, say what is what, you do not tolerate any slightest bit of her opposition. - \Which girl do not want to have a lipstick? What women do not want to share a house and a man? - \Wanted to be fighting positions, once occupied, is obtained. Soon, it will retreat. The woman's possession, it is eating bacteria, spider web expansion, the expansion of cotton candy, it is the long years, little by little, until finally you are completely accounted for, so that you can not avoid being annexed outright out. If you've seen the rust on copper, to see what I mean. Copper men and women is the rust in the end, the color of copper rust will all cover positions total loss ah. - \do this, especially for unrelated people. You and Becks are not wrong, wrong is your experience and your life experiences have not let you see through this. - \She can not say these words. Why is she ashamed of her own to know. The first few months, but also pure and lofty standing here, morally speaking money back to people. May be a few days,red wing mens boots, and climbed over his head down, hold people's legs. Pathwalker, since sooner or later you have to cast aside, Why did not children to associate bulldog attitude it? - \International metropolis, is a stage, all the focus, exposure will be gathered in the spotlight where the audience can see is the gorgeous spectacular side. But it's not dressed according to the place, even if there is dust, or even dead rat, and who will pay attention to it? - \But the death of those people? As early as the fish were fed the sea. - \on happiness.
Guo algae: do you think has substance, will have a spirit ah.
Song Siming: no. Spirit to be more powerful. But the spirit of the road leading to a lot of material is part of it. Do you know why the drug will bring happiness? Because a number of drugs directly stimulate the central nervous system. You do a suction side of the brain pleasure there will be flashed on the chart nerve spark. Of course, other things will also have such a spark, but more directly as drugs. So we have to say no to drugs, because once that ultimate happiness can be so simple to get it, you will not get through the efforts of other pleasure and interest. If each person's happiness can be so simple, you will go looking for love? You will also work hard? You will also feel sad because you have lost it? Will not. - \This strange relationship like a magnet, in front of your relative, when hard to resist; in the back after the body, but also expect to be pulled into the magnetic field. - \and in ######. - \

31, Guo algae: In fact I am a little like him, with him, very exciting.
Hai-Ping Guo: stimulating? What stimulated you? Stimulation of cheating you? People, ah, only in the young dare so profligate youth, so you get to my age you know, ah, there is an honest husband, with an obedient child, under the premise of a stable home, love it is in their own bed, not in someone's home in bed, worried that at any moment caught # # # is, what a happy thing. - \live a cautious life. To be honest, I was not qualified to teach you, because your such a way, I did not come. Hard to say, now this community is really hard to say, in the end what choice is right, what choice is wrong. Who's Road Well, who find their own path. Tired and not tired, good and bad, value and worth, others do not answer for you. So, I do not advise you, I just want it, you, do not be fooled by all the surface phenomena, including your relationship with David Beckham, including what your relationship with this song. When you are all the time quietly to think clearly. Do you want to clear, you know how to do it. OK? - \
Song: I'm worried ah its behalf, it is so slow, so small, so weak, the complex worlds required in the walk at their own pace, whoever the footsteps of an intention to step it will be flat, and I very reluctant.
Guo: I did not expect people like you so rigid, there will be such a soft heart.
Song: It should be said to be weak. In fact most of the time, we all like this, like a snail, carrying a heavy shell, slowly crawling. I sometimes wonder if the snail without a shell, it will fly like a bird in the sky? Or cruising in the water like a fish? But it is snails, can only crawl.
Guo: You know what? Asked the mother of a small snail problem, it asked why we were born, we should carry such a heavy hard shell? Mother said, because our body does not skeletal support, and slow climb, so we need a shell to protect our na. Asked a small snail, but it did not caterpillars sister bones, and slow climb, and why it will not carry such a heavy and rigid shell you? Mom said, because her sister could turn into a butterfly caterpillars Yeah, the sky will protect it. Snail said, it began to worm his brother will not turn into butterflies, then why it will not carry such a heavy and rigid shell you? Mother said, because the brother will drill soil earthworm, the earth will protect it. Snail cry, it said na we are so poor. The sky does not protect us, the earth does not protect us. Do you think how to answer it snail mother?
Song: how to answer it?
Guo: Mom says we have shells, we do not rely on weather does not rely on, we rely on their own. - \Specific to the actual, you need to have regular ###### life, you have to eat together every day, every day together to discuss things at home, sleeping in a bed, over the weekend to go out shopping. Otherwise, love is a shell of the rest. Love the end, only two roads, one is married, one is dead. - \- \- \The practice of this love of words, but the whole life. I ask you, do you really want to use your life to practice what you just blurted out the word love? - \. - \- \- \

41, seaweed, not me pessimistic. Facts have proved that, since ancient times, and only a pessimist only live longer. Remember my word, we do not rely on day to not rely on, rely on our own. - \love their men, to own the fish eye to his current wife clip. At that moment, the woman, such as the seaweed-like tears. - \My fame posts is my state of mind. Not arrogant because of the victory, not because of name section and haughty, not because of loss and destruction, not because of backwardness and impetuous. This point, it is difficult to achieve. - \- \never separated. - \to thinking about, how I save a little difficult to do so? Changes in the plan will never catch up fast, always a little bit of difference in that a little bit. - \Low when you should be happy because soon go high, but the high is very dangerous when in fact, you can not see coming trough. - \- \The flesh is very shameless shameless greed, the greed of the flesh before, the spirit will seem very small. I always think that money is only one way, but not as the ultimate goal, to do clean government easy, but won a good reputation after death. The officials do a good job is difficult, because your responsibility is not to blog a nice reputation for posterity, but to and really do something. Immune to the sound noble, is very foolish, do not know how flexible a person, a bad taste do not know how to meet people who can not survive in this world, if the world is drunk I alone am sober, so crazy is their own. Today's society, you do not know, and no background, only to be bullied were ah! . - \All our efforts, all expectations are just a house, this life is not too sad?

51, Haiping: The price is not high, only the higher, more constant, more and more

52, tmd this troubled world is really not fair, men do something beautiful is not beautiful one thing to speak must be beautiful; women are not dirty dirty work is one thing and act must be refined. This is the rules of survival ... ...

53, Su-Chun: how is Noodle? You can not improve the economic conditions permit about the quality of life ah? Haiping wound: Well, would you like? Su-Chun Wan luck: I want to eat - instant noodles!

54, Algae: an acre of land two cows, the wife and kids hot white picket fence, but you have to have land with cattle the land can ah have a wife to have children provoke Yes, even the farmers understand about the truth!

55, algae: the greatest tragedy in life is to become the new love, old love, the impulse to become accustomed to

56, was once a place called the United States. An old man then, has three sons, the eldest son with two sons working in the city, he told the younger son had each other na, life in the country. The day it comes a man said to him, I can not put your son into the city to work. The old man said, no, absolutely not, you get out. The man said, if I'm in town for your son to find the objects, then take him away? Or the old man said, no, you get out. The man said, if I find the object you are, that is, your daughter is the future of Rockefeller's daughter, then you all right? The old man thought for a while, and finally it, let his son when the son Rockefeller this matter touched him, he agreed. A few days later, the man found the richest man in the United States, oil tycoon Rockefeller, said to him, I want to give your daughter to find an object you? Rockefeller said,red wing heritage boots, no, get out. The man said, if I give you find this son, the World Bank's vice president, you all right? Rockefeller agreed. A few days later, um, people who have found the World Bank president said to him, you should immediately appoint a vice president, this president laughed and said, can not, I have this vice president so much, why the appointment of one, and must be immediately it? The man said, if I let you this person is appointed Rockefeller's son, then you all right? President agreed, so the young man immediately became Rockefeller's son with the World Bank vice president. This story tells us that this young man does not matter how much skill, the key is to see how you match-making, how to operate, as long as the appropriate time, he can appear in this position on the line, then we do to Add Qindie his brother became, what you want, say. . - \Love my husband, daughter, Keren, their social status and respect. Woman to be my age, to live such a comfortable, not much. I have not any anger, I'd feel for you, hope you my age, but also to have as much stuff with me, rather than a mouse running across the street out carefully. I hope you know your future husband in the history of this bear, the baby still as you. . - \If a man is also your home so you can wave my sleeve not take a cloud? . - \woman with the money we save, we accumulate living room, sleeping with the husband we save, we feel bad for baby to play. You say we want to eat diligence and frugality, could not bear to wear, as one is home, what it meant, there is always Shuoshu we saved up to steal food, instead of spending other people, it is better to spend our own. - \People that are looking to the outside. I want is old, having a partner, the child has a father. However, now I know, I pay the ten years to get old after not have their own mutual support with the people towards the cemetery, but it is for others to do the awake. I spent the Ku Jin, willing to leave to future generations. Song Siming, you said you came back, I'll see your smelly face. Yes. Indeed, because I can not laugh. I wake up every morning, the pillow is wet, my heart is cold, the room is empty, then I'll come back groveling at your request you, please you, contractors like you? I can not. The two of us, good terms. I will not accuse you of how ruthless, how ungrateful, how fast and loose, because the woman of my age, early in the know, men are the same, when necessary stepping stone to a young, middle-aged when the need for booster in his later years when the need for root walking stick. I deserve to own a stepping stone. I can not complain. However, please do not mean on top of the ruthless, the division also shirk family responsibilities to my head. Do not love is not love, and talk about right and wrong, who talk about who is negative. But do not let the label affixed morality. . - \

61, every night, I sat at the window, looking out the lights, I would think: the city more wonderful ah, how many people there are that many kinds of lives, the lives of others I do not know And me? opened his eyes every day, there is a string of numbers jumped to mind: the mortgage or six thousand, two thousand and five food and clothing in degrees, slowly fifteen in kindergarten, six human contacts, transportation five hundred and eighty, the property management of three or four hundred, mobile phone charges two and a half, there are more than two gas utilities. That is, from my first breath since waking, and I stand to gain at least four hundred a day, at least, this is my cost of living in the city.
These figures forced me to not slack off all day, no time to ponder the next decade. - \get the tickets, which as I am, because to give up the principle and saving over ten years of struggle, I do not really convinced, sometimes I'm in doubt, I insist in the end the child is right or wrong? - - \I would like to not go will not work, want to stop and not work, I laughed when I said that this is our life, no time to reflect, there is no decision to just muddle their way of being pushed to the forward, when I was young the ideals on where to go?

my ideal was the flow of people rush to push this without a trace, is ah, I have the insisted that the principle of mind, determined young to be this child, by family, by work, by the house, tempered by real life is not left a little,,, - \two days to see some investment in my books, I also do not have much money invested, I just want to how I do this not to devalue the money,red wing shoes online, I guess that is all this panic in the city, we are worried , the resulting fear of losing, did not want to get owned, but then I found in a book called Buffett's words: always insist on the concept of value investing, he said that regardless of any age, any social any economic environment is always greater than the risk of speculative investment, he said that perhaps the short term, you might make a speculative profit a lot, but in the long term, speculation will result in any overall time But the investment is not all lost, as long as you adhere to the investment is value for money, eventually it will add value and fruitful, I think his remark quite justified, I understand that, as long as you have faith, pursuit, as long as you insist, you bound to drift too far from the line, done nothing wrong ,,,--\to import milk powder, diapers to name brand. out to be money, you pay the child a way, than China Mobile also hard ah! \With the selection with the conditions will be frenzied counterattack, they make up for missing that part. you think, ah Sentimental most people, the most depressed when the time is the most hormones,red wing heritage boot, anything you want, nothing, money no money, no position to position, the right not to be right, can hold a pretty good. can now spread the joy like a dog, the beast of prey off the rest of my life, once the conditions have been chosen, why not to have youth When the dream of it. \copies of glory, the glory of what he had to suppress a long time, it will not release sick... seaweed, but to show off his success of his first paragraph of it... Seaweed also keeps the say love him, this is really love you ? I think he's not a song I love,red wing shoes, is sung split the night, to find her a fun Suoyu all nodded. \Marriage is the element corner points. Marriage is leading a poor Youyanjiangcu tea. Marriage is to love the beautiful clawed, scars and stretch marks inside Xiu Xiu

69, some say he would not come to borrow money to buy a house with Haiping is selfish, in fact, to me, is to do can not, who put all their savings out of years of hard work to take people down though is the character of their own people not to press down, easy money can be difficult to borrow money, issue their own homes does not solve, this is the reality - \

71, many times, life was so disappointed in you can look forward to, but inadvertently missed the opportunity. - \

73, walked in rivers and lakes, there will always encounter a master.

74, do not rely on our days do not rely on their own land.

75, in the \- \- \- \- \May usually not aware of, but the crucial moment to jump out, make you feel. I always thought my love life have been bald. Su Chun trouble until I realized we both had the gifted in the same boat. Gan to say nothing of the same were definitely hard. - \so sad! - \

81, \Whenever your child experienced a rich, will not be fooled by the sight of these small favors, grateful to his whole life to take into account. you have more than 30, do not they also do not get it, There is no free lunch, how a person may not be asking for a good to you? He must have map, map of your body, your mind map. you and the seaweed is confused by his appearance. Yes, one person can mess with him in that position, must have a unique ability and means. But, no matter what his position, as long as the public man, he has been doing for the public. the power of his hand, Ye Hao, convenient both mean we give him . In other words, you enjoy that part of the help, in fact, had to belong to your own. Why is he like seaweed? he really like seaweed? No. not so much like seaweed, rather, he was enjoying the power of hands brought him glory. a person's honor if the release will be suppressed for a long time do not get sick. He is a officer of the men, who in the unit, in their own homes, are not too blatantly, to be obedient. So how do reflect their own success? algae, but to show off his only means of success, there will be no algae aquatic plants and coral. and seaweed it? she keeps say love him, this is true love? Song I do not love her, but the Song That split the night as a nod to the Suoyu asked for all the fun. your sisters, or experience is too shallow, see through, see through ah! I would put here! algae this life, there would be no good end. Although she is my daughter, I want her happy. But looking at her stubborn, but I can do. This is my mother's failure to do ah !\Haiping: Stocks still fall and rise, how the property market has been up to it, two days before the newspaper said, the property market may drop, immediately someone to speak out, and said Shanghai's property market is just entering the spring, but spring. . Have risen in such a way, which do not rise into the summer, and we do not all live? I'm not BS-ing! - \# # # in love with you. - \Seaweed suddenly realized one thing, that is fifty dollars and five hundred dollars underwear underwear essential difference: women and in ######. - Guo Song Siming algae to the mistress fees squandered

85, any time, can not maximize profits, when you in the pursuit of maximum profit when, in fact, took its own way to the blocked . I think, a reasonable profit, can it! - \You love a person even in spirit, but the flesh is not loyal to him. The flesh is very shameless shameless greed, the greed of the flesh before, the spirit will seem very small. I always think that money is only one way, but not as the ultimate goal, to do clean government easy, but won a good reputation after death. The officials do a good job is difficult, because your responsibility is not to blog a nice reputation for posterity, but to and really do something. Immune to the sound noble, is very foolish, do not know how flexible a person, a bad taste do not know how to meet people who can not survive in this world, if the world is drunk I alone am sober, so crazy is their own. Today's society, you do not know, and no background, only to be bullied were ah!

88, capital markets are not the little people to play, but they act as a supporting role just happens to escape the fate.

89, when the people chose when up the ladder, we must discard a lot of minutiae.

90,25-year-old unmarried, promising!

91, algae: Buddha's past lives and 500 of the Review in order to exchange this life pass, past life Looking back 1000 to life in exchange for a year that we two are destined to meet you lie in bed, to how many times Looking back ah? Beckham: We two did not dry last generation what matter to patronize the back of the ~

92, marriage is the tomb of love. But I have to tell you, there is no grave, this marriage does not go past! And me! I am now digging its own grave. Seaweed ah, I really should not break your dream, you see the ugly scar of marriage. May be later than you had to see good, early wake up later than sorry. I tell you, love, love a woman that all men cheat trick. What is 'my heart to you, you'll always have me', it is a poverty-stricken pauper's legerdemain. What he did not, she said, sweet point. If a man love a woman, do not play virtual net, you love this woman, the first to give, and neither is your heart, not your body, one shot on a pile of tickets, so that women do not have to worry about the future Second, give it a house, at least not in a man's time, lost heart, the body is also covered. Hmmm, unfortunately, so I understand the time, too late. This world there are two poisonous weeds, one of Shakespeare, the other is Qiong Yao, the two men the worst place.

93, her house is her grave. This is her own say. The price is too expensive, she can not afford. Beckham said that because of greed Haiping was to buy a house of vanity. But I know she is not. A woman, even the marriage ceremonies do not care, marriage or no ring, do not buy a piece of jewelry, this woman is in any case can not be considered vanity. The house, for her, not living decorations, but it is a necessity, if not a house, she could not take his son to live with her son and can not be together. Beckham said that, I think too Haiping, heavy to more than their own lives, I can not help to solve this problem Haiping.

94, you think I am willing to bully him ah! he would like a man, and I want him as a Buddha for the! he is Article pig intestine, can not afford to pull all pulled. People every day, every day, and down! Who has never a little something to look forward to it! I have to rely on his son's life too! Him! Can rely on it? I really had a Sikou to their own sets of drilled!

95, Song Siming: every man will be mistakes, but the envy of youth into middle age, to the success of the admirers of the bear, to the summit of life Once again the pursuit of happiness.

96, algae, and I in this city, be rooted down. I believe that with my persistence, and with my efforts, I will eventually have on the day I want, and you? You are so young, so energetic, though you made mistakes, though you have failed, but it does not matter, because you're young you know? Because you're young, so you have plenty of time to correct the error and start again, I hope you courageous. Brave, OK? Believe in yourself, tomorrow will be good, be good. Haiping set out in that period of the last words of

97, Haiping: you smoke cigarettes to burn my life half a house!

98, Haiping: No wonder the bridal chamber, now more and more undesirable. It is filled with anger to vent in this disguise carrying red lanterns out of rush

99, Song Siming of algae: You are my ankles. . . The only thing I could get hurt, and is the deadliest place

100, Song Fu Chen Temple: greed is that people get too easy
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