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08-15-2011, 10:20 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 614
MS-DOS is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, which means by the United States provided by Microsoft DOS operating system. In Windows 95 before, DOS is the IBM PC and compatible with the most basic, and MS-DOS personal computer is the most commonly used DOS operating systems.
MS-DOSDOS the origin of the dos version of each period a Glance DOS (Disk Operating System) of the composition (1) BIOS module (2) IO. SYS Module (3) MSDOS.SYS module (4) COMMAND. COM module (5) bootstrap DOS file and directory 1) File Concept 2) identifies the file 3) wildcard 4) Complete Directory Tree DOS command (a) MD - create a subdirectory (b) CD - change the current directory (c) RD - Remove subdirectory command (d) DIR - Display disk directory command (e) PATH - path set command (f) TREE - displays the disk directory structure command (g) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command (h) command with the DOS disk operating class network status check command to view the Trojan basic MS-DOS MS-DOS-based system consists of an MBR (hard disk only MBR, floppy no MBR, boot sector at sector 0 of track , the content is slightly different with the hard disk MBR) of the BOOT file boot loader and three modules. The three modules are input-output module (IO.SYS), document management module (MSDOS.SYS) and command interpreter module. (However, in the MS-DOS 7.0, MSDOS.SYS was changed to the startup configuration file, the function of IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS added) In addition, Microsoft is also MS-DOS system, the retail package by adding a number of standard external program (ie external command), this together with the internal command built up a relatively complete disk operating time interactive environment. For a variety of MS-DOS commands, see MS-DOS command list. MS-DOS users can edit the boot disk in the root directory of the two system files to achieve the purposes of control system configuration, they are CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, IO.SYS CONFIG.SYS to load will view hardware, specified driver is automatically contained in the AUTOEXEC.BAT batch command. General use of MS-DOS command line interface to accept user commands, but in the later versions of MS-DOS, DOS programs can also call the corresponding DOS interrupt to enter graphics mode, that is, the graphical interface program under DOS. Earlier versions of MS-DOS does not support FAT32, long file names and big hard drive. Start from MS-DOS 7.0, in particular MS-DOS 7.10 version of the full support of those already. The origin of DOS end of the first in 1979, Seattle Computer company developed its first chip based on 8086 operating system CP/M-86, improved after the launch of the QDOS, and in 80 years launched at the end of the 86-DOS 0.3 version, Bill Gates bought at very low price sale of 86-Dos operating rights. April 1981, Seattle Computer officially released version of 86-DOS v1.0, Microsoft in July in the year to 86-Dos copyright and all other powers buyout, and renamed it MS-Dos released to the market. This is Microsoft's first successful fortune which operating system products. MS-DOS is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, which means by the United States Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) provides disk operating system. In Windows 98 before, DOS is a PC-compatible personal computer equipped with the most basic, and MS-DOS is the most widely used PC-compatible DOS. The most basic system consists of a MS-DOS MBR-based boot loader, and three of the BOOT file module. The three modules are input-output module (IO.SYS), document management module (MSDOS.SYS) and command interpreter module. In addition, Microsoft is also MS-DOS system, the retail package by adding a number of standard external program (ie external command), this internal command (ie commands executed by the interpreter) built up with the times a disk operation relatively complete human-computer interaction environment. Initially, including early WINDOWS Win95 systems, including just under a DOS Shell graphical applications. The dos version of each period a Glance 1981, MS-DOS 1.0 listing, Microsoft and IBM, the IBM sales of P
MS-DOS startup command line interface
C bundle to install DOS on sale to support 16k memory and 160k of the 5-inch floppy disk. Expensive in hardware, software is not for people to pay attention to the times, Bill Gates as Microsoft's central figure, very far-sighted grasp this excellent opportunity. In 1982, support for double-sided disk. 1983 MS-DOS 2.0 released with the IBM XT, extended the order, and began to support 5M hard disk. In the same year released the 2.0 version 2.25 for a number of bug fixes. 1984, MS-DOS 3.0 added support for new IBM AT, and began to provide support for some LAN capabilities. In 1986, MS-DOS 3.2 supports 720K 5-inch floppy disk. In 1987, MS-DOS 3.3 supports the IBM PS / 2 device and 1.44M 3-inch floppy disk, and to support other language character sets. In 1988, MS-DOS 4.0 DOS Shell increased operating environment, and some other enhancements and updates. In 1991, MS-DOS 5.0 release, an increase of DOS Shell function, enhanced memory management, and macro functions. 1993, MS-DOS 6.x added many GUI programs such as Scandisk, Defrag, Msbackup so, increase the disk compression and enhanced support for Windows. In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0 added support for long file names, air force one shoes, LBA support for large hard disk. This version of DOS is not sold separately, but embedded in Windows 95. MS-DOS 7.1 after the full support FAT32 partition, big hard drives, large memory support, support for four years to solve the problem. In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0, Windows 95 build. Are all subsequent versions of Windows built-in command line, in V86 mode. August 1996, MS-DOS 7.1. In 2000, MS-DOS 8.0, MS-DOS in the last one. Because Microsoft saw the dawn of Windows, then give up DOS. DOS (Disk Operating System) the composition of the MS-DOS using the module structure, which consists of five parts: ROM the BIOS modules, IO. SYS module, MSDOS. SYS module, COMMAND. COM module and the boot process. (1) BIOS module in the PC board has a ROM chip that the system self-test program in there, nike air force one high, CMOS setup program and the basic input output program (BIOS). BIOS is a set of procedures and parameters table, which is part of the program invoked by a group of interrupt-driven programs, parameters and parameters given the address of peripherals. BIOS is the computer hardware and operating system interface between the operating system through which to manage the computer hardware resources. (2) IO. SYS module IO. SYS is the MS-DOS and ROMBIOS the interface between the procedures. It is done with the system ROM BIOS and device management. (3) MSDOS.SYS module MSDOS. SYS used to implement document management, including file management, directory management, memory management functions. It functions in the form of calls the user and the MS-DOS-level interface between the program. (4) COMMAND. COM module COMMAND. COM's main function is responsible for receiving, identification, interpretation and implementation of user input from the keyboard, MS-DOS commands. (5) boot program boot program called A system disk should contain: boot record, IO. SYS, MSDOS. SYS and COMMAND. COM modules. DOS files and directories 1) concept paper files is recorded in the storage medium (such as disk, CD-ROM) on a collection of related information. 2) file identifies the drive letter + path + file name (1 to 8 of the characters) + extension (1-3 character represents the type of file) 3) wildcard character * starting from that location on behalf of one or more legal characters ;? on behalf of any of the location of a legal character. 4) DOS directory tree using a tree directory structure. Consists of a root directory and subdirectories formed several layers. The directory structure of files same name one can solve the problem, that is, different directories can contain the same file or directory name; Second, to address the root directory of the file number and the limited capacity of the problems posed. Find a subdirectory in a file, to use the directory path. There are two ways to specify the path: the absolute path and relative path. Absolute path starting from the root directory to the file directory path. For example, to find the two subdirectories UCDOS DATA subdirectory under the README. TXT file, absolute path is: UCDOS DATA. The path of the first Relative path starting from the current directory to the file directory path. Does not specifically refer to the current directory path specified in the DOS command under the directory handling. For example, the system prompt is: DOS Command Complete (a) MD - create a subdirectory 1. Function: Create a new subdirectory 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: MD [drive:] [path name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) is built in the current directory. Example: (1) the root of the C drive to create a subdirectory named FOX; (2) FOX subdirectory and then create the USER subdirectory. C: > MD FOX (C drive in the current drive to create a subdirectory FOX) C: > MD FOX USER (FOX subdirectory in the directory and then create a USER) (b) CD - 1 to change the current directory . Function: Display the current directory 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: CD [drive:] [path name] [directory name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If you omit the path and directory name, displays the current directory; (2) where the level directory. Example: (1) to enter into the USER subdirectory; (2) back from the USER subdirectory to a subdirectory; (3) returns to the root directory. C: > CD FOX, USER (USER subdirectory into the subdirectory FOX) C: FOX USER> CD .. (back on a root directory) C: FOX> CD (to return to the root directory ) C: > (c) RD - remove directory commands 1. Function: remove the disk from the specified directory. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: RD [drive:] [path name] [directory name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) subdirectory must be empty before removal, that need to enter the subdirectory, use the DEL (delete the file command) to delete the empty file subdirectories, and then go back to the previous level directory, with the RD command to remove the the directory itself; (2) can not remove the root directory and the current directory. Example: Requires the C-FOX USER subdirectory under the directory to delete, as follows: Step one: first delete the file USER subdirectory empty; C: > DEL C: FOX USER *.* Cap Second step, remove the USER subdirectory. C: > RD C: FOX USER (d) DIR - Display the disk catalog order 1. Function: Display the contents of the disk directory. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: DIR [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ A [[:] attributes]] [/ C] [/ D] [/ L] [/ N] [/ O [[:] Categories property ]] [/ P] [/ Q] [/ S] [/ T [[:] time]] [/ W] [/ X] [/ 4] 4. Usage: / A display with the specified properties file. Read-Only file attribute H R D directory Hidden files A Files ready for archiving S System files - said / C in the median file size display thousands separators. This is the default value. With /-C to disable display separator. / D-type with the same width, but the files are listed by category column. / L Uses lowercase. / N New long list format, in which the file name in the far right. / O listed in the order file with the classification. Sort the N by name (alphabetic) S By size (from small to large) E By extension (alphabetic) D by date / time (from first post) G Group directories first - reverse order of the prefix / P in each After the suspension of the information screen. / Q Display the file owner. / S displays the specified directory and all subdirectories. / T control the display of characters used to classify the time domain. A time of C last access time to create time to write the last time W / W with a wide list format. / X show a non-8.3 file names generated short names. Format is / N format, the short name inserted before the long name. If no short name is blank in its place. / 4 years with a four-digit display (e) PATH - set the command path 1. Function: The device search path for executable files, only the file is valid. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: PATH [drive 1] directory [drive letter path names 1 2 :]], ...} 4. Instructions for use: (1) when running an executable file, DOS will first search for the file in the current directory, if found, run the; if can not find the file, according to the path set PATH command, one by one in order to search for the file to the directory; (2) PATH command in the path, if two or more, all paths with a semicolon 1:] [path 1] [letter 2:] [Path 2] ... (to set the search path for executable files) PATH: (abolition of all paths) PATH: (shows the current path established) (vi) TREE- - Display disk directory structure commands 1. Function: Displays all the directory path on the drive and the directory of all file names. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: TREE [drive:] [/ F] [> PRN] 4. Instructions for use: (1) the use of / F parameter shows all directories and directory of all documents, omitted, only display the directory, the files do not show directory; (2) use> PRN parameters, listed in the directory put and the file name in the directory printout. (G) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command 1. Function: the entire directory and its subdirectories and files subordinate to delete. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DELTREE [drive:] 4. Usage: This command can be the next step will be directory and all files, subdirectories, but the lower subdirectories be deleted, and regardless of file attributes as hidden, system or read-only, as long as the file is deleted directories Next, DELTREE are treated equally, according to delete worthwhile. Be careful when using! ! ! (H) Class disk operations command (a) FORMAT - disk formatting commands 1. Function: to format the disk, track, and sector classification; also check whether the entire disk with defective tracks, filling mark of bad sectors; create the directory area and the file allocation table, so that preparations for DOS disk ready to receive . 2. Type: External command 3. Format: FORMAT [/ S] [/ 4] [/ Q] 4. Instructions for use: (1) command after the drive letter is not the default, if the hard disk formatting, such as the following tips will be: WARNING: ALL DATA ON NON - REMOVABLE DISK DRIVE C: WILL BE LOST! Proceed with Format (Y / N)? (Warning: All data in the C drive, will be lost, really want to continue to format it?) (2) if the format of the floppy disk, then the following prompt: Insert mew diskette for drive A; and press ENTER when ready ... (A-insert a new disk drive, ready to press the Enter key.) (3) use [/ S] parameters, will DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and copied to the disk, so that the disk can serve as a DOS startup disk. If selected / S parameters, formatted disk only to read and write information on drums, and not as the startup disk; (4) use [/ 4] parameters, 1.2MB floppy drive in high-density low-formatted 360KB density disk; (5) use [/ Q] parameters, a quick format, this parameter will not be re-divided pious and the magnetic disk sector, only the root directory of the disk, boot sector file allocation table, and clear into the blank, Therefore, the format is faster. (6) use [/ U] argument that an unconditional format, which destroy all data on the original disk. Without / U, was safe format, nike air force 1 high, first create an image file then save the old FAT table and root directory, if necessary, restore the original data can be UNFORRMAT. (B) UNFORMAT resume formatting commands 1. Function: misuse of to format the disk to recover lost data. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: UNFORMAT [/ L] [/ U] [/ P] [/ TEST] 4. Usage: used to be The root directory or subdirectory is deleted and the disk file system sector (including the FAT, root directory, BOOT sector and partition table) is damaged, it can be used to rescue UNFORMAT. (1) selection / L parameter list to find the subdirectory name, file name, date of great filial piety and other information, but does not really do FORMAT work. (2) selection / P parameters of the report will be displayed on the screen (including the / L parameter information generated) and also sent to the printer. Run-time screen displays: Use this parameter screen will display: (5) selection / PSRTN; repair partition table. If the drive to add / P, / L, / TEST one, are equivalent to using the / U parameter, UNFORMAT be Note: UNFORMAT for just FORMAT the disk, you can fully recover, but if done after FORMAT write other data, the UNFORMAT can not complete save data. UNFORMAT is not a panacea, the use of UNFORMAT FAT and root directory will rebuild, so it also has a high risk, loss of improper operation may be expanded, if only accidentally deleted a few files or subdirectories, only need to use UNDELETE enough. (C) CHKDSK - Check the current state of the disk commands 1. Function: Display disk status, memory status, and specify the path of the specified file number is not continuous. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: CHKDSK [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ F] [/ V] 4. Instructions for use: (1) use [file] parameter, the disk shows the files take up the case; (2) The Commission [/ F] parameters, correct disk found on the specified logic error; (3) use [/ V] parameters, air force one low nike, showing all the files on the disk and path. (D) DISKCOPY - Copy command a whole plate. Function: Copy the format and content of the same floppy disk. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DISKCOPY [letter 1:] [drive 2:] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If the target disk is not formatted, the system will automatically copy the selected format. (2) If the target disk on the original file, then copy will be lost. (3) If the copy is a single drive, the system will prompt a timely replacement of the source and destination drive, please pay attention to distinguish between operation source and destination disk. (E) LABEL - create the disk label commands 1. Functions: create, change, delete the disk label. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: LABEL [drive:] [volume name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) to establish the label named label name, if the default for this parameter, the system prompt type the label name or asked to delete the original volume name; (2) the volume name from 1 to 11 characters. (F) VOL - Display the disk label commands 1. Features: View disk volume label. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: VOL [drive:] 4. Instructions for use: drive letter is omitted, display the current drive label. (G) SCANDISK - testing, repair disk commands 1. Function: To detect the disk's FAT table, directory structure, file system, if there are problems, and to detect problems and fix them. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: SCANDISK [letter 1:] {[letter 2:] ...} [/ ALL] 4. Instructions: (1) SCANDISK for hard drives and floppy disks, you can specify more than one disk or use a [/ ALL] parameter to specify all of the disk; (2) can automatically detect the disk occurs in the cross-connect, lost clusters, and directory structure of logical errors and fix them. (H) DEFRAG - re disk commands 1. . Function: finishing disk, remove disk fragments. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DEFRAG [drive:] [/ F] 4. Instructions for use: use / F parameter, the file exists to eliminate debris disk, and adjust the disk file arrangements to ensure that there is no gap between files. Thus speeding up the read the disk speed and save disk space. (Ix) SYS - system copy commands 1. Function: the current drive DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and sent to the specified drive. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: SYS [drive:] file manipulation class command (a) COPY command to copy the files 1. Function: Copy one or more files to the specified disk. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: COPY [source disk] [path] [target disk] [path] [destination file name] 4. Instructions: (1) COPY the way the file copy the data file, copy destination disk must be formatted before; (2) the copying process, the target disk the same file name, source file, old files will be replaced; (3) When copying files, you must first determine the objectives as there is enough space, otherwise it will appear; insufficient error message that is not enough disk space; (4) allows the use of file name wildcard can also copy the number held files; (5) COPY command in the source file name must be pointed out, can not be omitted. (6) replication, the target file name with the same name as the source file, called + + ... + [target drive] [path] ; (9) the use of COPY command, but also from established on the keyboard input data file format is as follows: COPY CON [drive:] [path] ; (10) Note: COPY command using the format, source file name and target file name must be available between Grid! (B) XCOPY - Copy command directory 1. Function: Copy the specified directory and all files in the directory with the directory structure. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: XCOPY [source disk:] [source path name] [Target drive:] [destination path name] [/ S] [/ V] [/ E] 4. Instructions: (1) XCOPY is a COPY of the extension, the directory can be specified together with copies of files and directory structure, but can not copy hidden and system files; (2) use the source drive, target path name the source, source at least specify a file name; (3) The selection / S when the source directory and its subdirectories for all files COPY. Unless you specify the / E parameter, or / S will not copy empty directories, if not specified / S parameters, then XCOPY copy only the files source directory itself, without involving a subdirectory under it; (4) selection / V parameters, copy of all sectors of a more experience, but the speed will be reduced. (C) TYPE - Display the contents of the command file 1. Function: display ASCII code file. 2. Type: Internal command. 3. Format: TYPE [drive:] [path] 4. Instructions for use: (1) shows the ASCII text file consisting of code, yes. As the file extension, which displays the contents can not be read, no real meaning 2; (2) the order can only be displayed once the contents of a file can not use wildcards; (3) If the file has an extension, the extension must be written on; (4) When the file is longer, no less than a screen display, you can press the following format; TYPE [drive:] [path] | MORE, MORE for the split screen show command, use these parameters will be suspended when the full screen, press any key will continue to appear. (5) If you need to print out the contents of the file, use the following format: TYPE [drive:] [path] > PRN At this point, the printer should be online. (D) REN - file rename command to 1. Features: change the file name 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: REN [drive:] [path] Instructions for use: (1) can not add new file name before the drive letter and path, because the command can only replace the same file on the disk file name; (2) allows the use of wildcards to change a file name or extension. (E) FC - file comparison commands 1. Function: To compare the similarities and differences between files, and lists different place. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: FC [drive:] [path name] [drive:] [pathname] [filename] [/ A] [/ C] [/ N] 4. Instructions for use: (1) selection / A parameters for the ASCII code comparison mode; (2) selection / B parameters for the binary comparison mode; (3) selection / C parameter, the case is the same character as the character. (4) selection / N parameter, comparing the ASCII code mode, the display differences at the line number. (F) ATTRIB - modify file attributes commands 1. Function: to modify the properties of the specified file. (File attributes see 2.5.4 (b) of the file properties section) 2. Type: External command. 3. Format: ATTRIB [filename] [+ R |-R] [+ A |-A] [+ H |-H] [+ S |-S] [/ S] 4. Instructions for use: (1) use + R parameter, specify the file set to read-only attribute, so that the file can only be read, not write or delete data; use-R parameters, remove read-only property; (2) selection + A parameter file is set to file attributes; use-A parameter, remove the file attributes; (3) + H parameter selection, co-ordination for the hidden file attribute; use-H parameters to hidden attribute; (4 ) selected + S parameters, set the file system properties; use-S parameter, remove the system properties; (5) selection / S parameters of the current directory and all subdirectories for the setup. (G) DEL - Delete File Command 1. Function: delete the specified file. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: DEL [drive:] [path] [/ P] 4. Instructions for use: (1) selection / P parameters, the system asks if you really want to delete before delete the file, without using this parameter, it is automatically deleted; (2) the command does not remove the property is hidden or read-only file; (3) in the file name can use wildcard characters; (4) To delete all the files on the disk (DEL *.* or DEL.), will be prompted to: (Are you sure?) (Are you sure?) If the answer is Y, then delete, answer N, then cancel the deletion. (H) UNDELETE - Undelete Command 1. Function: Restore accidentally deleted the command 2. Type: External command. 3. Format: UNDELETE [drive:] [path name] [/ DOS] / LIST] [/ ALL] 4. Instructions for use: UNDELETE can use the (1) selection / DOS parameters recorded under the directory to restore the remaining files. Because the file is deleted, the directory file name recorded in the first cut will be replaced by a character E5, DOS E5 beginning of the file that is based on the follow-up of the characters and their wish to restore the files to find, so, UNDELETE will ask the user to enter a character, filled so that the file name. However, this character not the same as the original, only the rules consistent with DOS file name can be. (2) use / LIST only (3) selection / ALL automatically recovered files will be fully recovered, but not one by one to ask the user to use this parameter, if UNDELTE use the directory to the left of the record file recovery, it will automatically select a character to file were filled, and it is not the same as with the existing file name, nike air force 1, the preferred order of selection of characters :#%-- 0000123456789A ~ Z. UNDELETE files also have to establish the function of protective measures, beyond the scope of this course, please use these functions the reader access to the DOS manual. Seven other commands (a) CLS - clear screen command a function: remove all displayed on the screen, the screen cursor in the upper left corner. 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: CLS (b) VER command a view system version features: Displays the current system version 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: VER (c) DATA command 1 date set function: set or display the system date . 2 Type: Internal command 3 format: DATE [mm-dd-yy] 4 use: (1) omitted [mm-dd-yy] display system date and prompted new date, you can not simply press the Enter key to modify , air force one high, [mm-dd-yy] as the Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time. (D) TIME system clock set to command a function: to set or display system time. 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: TIME [hh: mm: ss: xx] 4 use: (1) omitted [hh: mm: ss: xx], shows the system time and prompts for a new time, you can not change press enter key, [hh: mm: ss: xx] as implementation, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time. (E) MEM command to view the current memory status of a feature: Displays the current memory usage two types: external command 3 Format: MEM [/ C] [/ F] [/ M] [/ P] 4 use: (1) optional / C parameter lists into conventional memory and the length of each file CMB, but also shows the usage of memory space and the largest available space; (2) selection / F parameters are listed in the remaining bytes of the current size of conventional memory and the UMB and the size of the area available; (3) The selection / M parameter shows the module uses memory to address, size and nature of the module; (4) selection / P parameter to specify when the output of more than one screen, pause for the user to view. (F) MSD command information display system 1 functions: display system hardware and operating system status. 2 types: external command 3 format: MSD [/ S] 4 use: (1) use / I parameter, does not detect the hardware; (2) selection / B parameter, in black and white start MSD; (3) selection of / S parameters, the system displays the concise report. Network-related commands commonly used DOS, Arp: Display and modify the This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use the arp-a [inet_addr] [-N [if_addr]] arp-d inet_addr [if_addr] arp-s inet_addr ether_addr [if_addr] Parameters-a by asking the TCP / IP Displays the current ARP entries. If you specify inet_addr, the computer only displays the specified IP and physical addresses. -G and-a the same. inet_addr decimal point mark to add the specified IP address. -N displays the network interface specified by the if_addr ARP entries. if_addr need to modify the address specified interface IP address translation table (if any). If not, will use the first applicable interface. -D delete the specified item from the inet_addr. -S add entries in the ARP cache, the IP address and physical address inet_addr ether_addr association. Physical address separated by a hyphen 6 hexadecimal byte given. Use dotted decimal IP address of the specified tag. Item is permanent, that is, after the expiration of the timeout delete items from the cache automatically. ether_addr specify the physical address. -------------------------------------------- Finger running the Finger service Specify the system displays information about the user. Remote system output according to different variables. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. finger [-l] [user] @ computer [...] parameter-l display information in long list format. user Specifies the user to obtain relevant information. Omit the user parameter to display the specified information for all users on the computer: @ computer ----------------------------------- --------- Ftp the files to the FTP service is running from a remote computer or FTP services running on the remote computer to transfer files (sometimes called the daemon). Ftp can be used interchangeably. Click the This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. Ftp is a service that, once started, will be created in which a child can use the ftp command environment, sub-commands by typing quit the environment from the child to return to the Windows 2000 command prompt. When the ftp sub-environment is running, it is representative of the ftp command prompt. ftp [-v] [-n] [-i] [-d] [-g] [-s: filename] [-a] [-w: windowsize] [computer] parameter-v Suppresses remote server response. -N disable automatic log on to the initial connection. -I send multiple files to close interaction prompts. -D enable debugging, displayed in the client and the server for all ftp commands passed between. -G Disable file name group, which allows local file and path names use the wildcard character (* and?). (Please refer to the online The parameter spaces are not allowed. Use this switch instead of redirection (-A data connection in the bundle to use any local interface. -W: windowsize override the default send buffer size is 4096. computer to connect to the remote computer to specify the computer name or IP address. If specified, the computer must be the last line of argument. -------------------------------------------- Nbtstat the diagnostic command NBT (TCP / IP on a NetBIOS) display protocol statistics and current TCP / IP connection. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. nbtstat [-a remotename] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval] Parameters-a remotename listed using the name of the remote computer The name of the table. -A IP address using the remote computer's IP address and lists the name of the table. -C given the IP address of each name and lists the contents of the NetBIOS name cache. -N Lists local NetBIOS names. -R remove all the NetBIOS name of the name cache, reload Lmhosts file. -R lists the Windows network name resolution name resolution statistics. Configured to use WINS in the Windows 2000 computer, this option returns to the radio or WINS to resolve the name and registration number. -S displays the client and server sessions, only the IP address listed by the remote computer. -S Display the client and server sessions. Try to convert the remote computer using the IP address of the host name of the file. interval to re-display the selected statistics, pausing between each display interval in seconds. Press CTRL + C to stop re-display statistics. If omitted, nbtstat prints the current configuration information once. -------------------------------------------- Netstat displays protocol statistics and current The TCP / IP network connections. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p protocol] [-r] [interval] Parameters-a Displays all connections and listening ports. Server connection is usually not displayed. -E Displays Ethernet statistics. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the-s option. -N display in digital format, the address and port number (instead of trying to find the name). -S displays statistics for each protocol. By default, the display TCP, UDP, ICMP and IP statistics. -P option can be used to specify the default subset. -P protocol shows the protocol specified by the protocol connection; protocol can be tcp or udp. If with the - s option with the use of display statistics for each protocol, protocol can be tcp, udp, icmp, or ip. -R display routing table contents. interval to re-display the selected statistics, pausing between each display interval seconds. Press CTRL + B to stop re-display statistics. If omitted, netstat will print the current configuration information. -------------------------------------------- Ping verification and remote computer connection. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j computer-list ] | [-k computer-list]] [-w timeout] destination-list parameter-t Ping the specified computer until interrupted. -A to address resolution for the computer name. n count Send count the specified number of ECHO packets. The default value is 4. -L length send messages that contain the specified amount of data by the length of ECHO packets. The default is 32 bytes; maximum is 65,527. -F to send the packet, Packets will not be the gateway route segment. -I ttl the -V tos to -R count in the count can be specified at least one station, up to 9 computer. -S count Specifies count metric specified timestamp. -J computer-list specified by computer-list list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can be separated by the middle of the gateway (routing sparse source) IP to allow the maximum number is 9. -K computer-list specified by computer-list list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can not be separated by intermediate gateways (strict source route) IP to allow the maximum number is 9. -W timeout Specifies the timeout interval, in milliseconds. destination-list Specifies ping the remote computer. -------------------------------------------- Rcp on Windows 2000 computers and Remote shell daemon running rshd copy between systems. rcp command is a connection command, issued from a Windows 2000 computer, the command can also be used for other transmission in the two running rshd copy files between computers. rshd daemon can use the UNIX computer, and in Windows 2000 can not be used, so only Windows 2000 computers can be used as an order of the system involved. Remote computer must also be provided by running the rshd rcp utility. rcp [-a |-b] [-h] [-r] source1 source2 ... sourceN destination parameter-a specify the ASCII transfer mode. This mode will be in the outgoing file carriage return / line feeds into carriage return, line feed in the incoming file will be converted to carriage return / line feed. This mode is the default transfer mode. -B specifies binary image transfer mode. Did not perform carriage return / line feed conversion. -H transfer Windows 2000 computer is marked as hidden attribute the source file. Without this option, specified in the rcp command line the effect of hidden files and file does not exist. -R will be the source of the contents of all subdirectories recursively copied to the target. source and destination must be a directory, although even if the source is not a directory, use the-r can work. But there will be no recurrence. source and destination must have the format [computer [. user]:] filename. If you omit the [computer [. User]:] section, the computer will assume that the local computer. If you omit the [. User] section, will use the currently logged on Windows 2000 user name. If you use a fully qualified computer name that contains a period (.) Delimiter, you must include [. User]. Otherwise, the last part of the computer name will be interpreted as the user name. If you specify multiple source files, the destination must be a directory. If the file name is not to UNIX forward slash (/) or Windows 2000 system, the backslash () begin with, it is assumed relative to the current working directory. In Windows 2000, which is an order of the directory. In the remote system, this is the remote user's login directory. Period (.) That the current directory. Using the remote path escape character (, -------------------------------------------- Rexec running the REXEC service run commands on a remote computer. rexec command before running the specified command to verify the user name on the remote computer, only to install the TCP / IP protocol before they can use this command. rexec computer [-l username] [-n] command to run the specified command parameter computer remote computer. -L username Specifies the user name on the remote computer. -N Redirect the input of rexec to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. -------------------------------------------- Route control network routing table. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. route [-f] [-p] [command [destination] [mask subnetmask] [gateway] [metric costmetric]] Parameters-f Clears all gateway routing table entry. If this parameter is used in combination with a command, the routing table will be removed before running the command. -P add command with the parameters used, the system will route between the persistence of the boot process. By default, the system restarts without reservation route. When used in conjunction with the print command to display a list of registered persistent routes. Ignore all the other routes are always the order of the corresponding persistent. Specify the following command a command. Print print route add command to add the purpose of routing the routing change delete to delete an existing route destination Specifies to change the computer to send command. mask subnetmask designated route entry associated with the subnet mask. If not specified, will use gateway Specifies gateway. The network database called Networks Hosts file and the name of the computer name in the database file all the destination or gateway are referenced using the symbolic name. If the command is print or delete, destination and gateway can also use wildcards, you can omit the gateway parameters. metric metric costmetric assigned integer (from 1 to 9999) in calculating the fastest, most reliable, and (or) use the cheapest route. -------------------------------------------- Rsh running the RSH service run commands on a remote computer. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. rsh computer [-l username] [-n] command to run the specified command parameter computer remote computer. -L username Specifies the remote computer using the user name. If omitted, the logged on user name. -N Redirect the input of rsh to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. -------------------------------------------- Tftp transfer files to is TFTP service is running or from a remote computer running TFTP service on the remote computer to transfer files. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. tftp [-i] computer [get | put] source [destination] parameter-i Specifies binary image transfer mode (also known as In binary image mode, the file one byte by one byte to literally move. When sending binary files using this model. If you omit the-i, the file will be ASCII mode transfer. This is the default transfer mode. This mode will convert the EOL characters carriage return and UNIX-PC carriage return / line feed. Should be used when sending a text file in this mode. If the file transfer is successful, data transfer rate. computer designated local or remote computer. put the file on the local computer to the remote destination file on the computer source. get a file on the remote computer to send to the destination file on the local computer source. If the files on the local computer to the remote file-two files on the computer file-one, please specify the put. If the remote computer to send the file to a remote file-two files on the computer file-one, please specify the get. Because the tftp protocol does not support user authentication, the user must log on the remote computer and the file must be written. source Specifies the file transfer. If the local file is specified as -, then the remote file on stdout to print out (if available), or from stdin (if placed) to read. destination Specifies the location of the file to. If you omit the destination, will assume the same name with the source. -------------------------------------------- Tracert diagnostic utility of the contains different survival time (TTL) value of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets to the target, to determine the route used to reach a goal. To forward packets at least until the TTL decrement 1, the necessary path for each router, TTL is a valid hop count. TTL on a packet reaches 0, the router should be Tracert sends the TTL of 1 echo packets, and in the subsequent process each time you send TTL incremented by 1, until the target response or the maximum TTL to determine the route. Routing by checking the intermediate routers send back the However, some routers silently expired TTL values include underground transmission of data packets, and tracert can not see. tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j computer-list] [-w timeout] target_name parameter / d specifies not to address resolution for the computer name. -H maximum_hops search target specified maximum number of hops. -J computer-list specifies the sparse along computer-list source routing. -W timeout Wait timeout specified response time the number of microseconds. target_name target computer's name. DOS, restore registry command on the 5 Scanreg / restore DOS command to view network status with the investigation Trojan Start → Run → enter CMD, click OK to enter this (netstat-an) command to copy inside the brackets into the CMD window, then back to vehicle operation. Divided into four parts: proto (connections), loc aladdress (local connection address), foreign address (the address of the connection and local), state (the current port status). For more information about this command, we can identify the computer in the end have not been installed trojan, what procedures have not been monitored, and thus to maintain the security of their systems. [1] entry for more Atlas Atlas References 1
Using DOS command to check trojan
http://article.wxiu.com/system/winxp/200903/06-5256. html
Further reading: 1
IT computer network
A Short History of MS-DOS: http://www.patersontech.com/Dos/Byte/History.html
new DOS era http://wendos.mycool.net/
DOS cabin http://risky.ik8.com/
Open Category: operating systems, DOS, MS-DOS ,86-Dos, CP/M-86 me to perfect the
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MS-DOS is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, which means by the United States provided by Microsoft DOS operating system. In Windows 95 before, DOS is the IBM PC and compatible with the most basic, and MS-DOS personal computer is the most commonly used DOS operating systems.
MS-DOSDOS the origin of the dos version of each period a Glance DOS (Disk Operating System) of the composition (1) BIOS module (2) IO. SYS Module (3) MSDOS.SYS module (4) COMMAND. COM module (5) bootstrap DOS file and directory 1) File Concept 2) identifies the file 3) wildcard 4) Complete Directory Tree DOS command (a) MD - create a subdirectory (b) CD - change the current directory (c) RD - Remove subdirectory command (d) DIR - Display disk directory command (e) PATH - path set command (f) TREE - displays the disk directory structure command (g) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command (h) command with the DOS disk operating class network status check command to view the Trojan basic MS-DOS MS-DOS-based system consists of an MBR (hard disk only MBR, floppy no MBR, boot sector at sector 0 of track , the content is slightly different with the hard disk MBR) of the BOOT file boot loader and three modules. The three modules are input-output module (IO.SYS), document management module (MSDOS.SYS) and command interpreter module. (However, in the MS-DOS 7.0, MSDOS.SYS was changed to the startup configuration file, the function of IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS added) In addition, Microsoft is also MS-DOS system, the retail package by adding a number of standard external program (ie external command), this together with the internal command built up a relatively complete disk operating time interactive environment. For a variety of MS-DOS commands, see MS-DOS command list. MS-DOS users can edit the boot disk in the root directory of the two system files to achieve the purposes of control system configuration, they are CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, IO.SYS CONFIG.SYS to load will view hardware, specified driver is automatically contained in the AUTOEXEC.BAT batch command. General use of MS-DOS command line interface to accept user commands, but in the later versions of MS-DOS, DOS programs can also call the corresponding DOS interrupt to enter graphics mode, that is, the graphical interface program under DOS. Earlier versions of MS-DOS does not support FAT32, long file names and big hard drive. Start from MS-DOS 7.0, in particular MS-DOS 7.10 version of the full support of those already. The origin of DOS end of the first in 1979, Seattle Computer company developed its first chip based on 8086 operating system CP/M-86, improved after the launch of the QDOS, and in 80 years launched at the end of the 86-DOS 0.3 version, Bill Gates bought at very low price sale of 86-Dos operating rights. April 1981, Seattle Computer officially released version of 86-DOS v1.0, Microsoft in July in the year to 86-Dos copyright and all other powers buyout, and renamed it MS-Dos released to the market. This is Microsoft's first successful fortune which operating system products. MS-DOS is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, which means by the United States Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) provides disk operating system. In Windows 98 before, DOS is a PC-compatible personal computer equipped with the most basic, and MS-DOS is the most widely used PC-compatible DOS. The most basic system consists of a MS-DOS MBR-based boot loader, and three of the BOOT file module. The three modules are input-output module (IO.SYS), document management module (MSDOS.SYS) and command interpreter module. In addition, Microsoft is also MS-DOS system, the retail package by adding a number of standard external program (ie external command), this internal command (ie commands executed by the interpreter) built up with the times a disk operation relatively complete human-computer interaction environment. Initially, including early WINDOWS Win95 systems, including just under a DOS Shell graphical applications. The dos version of each period a Glance 1981, MS-DOS 1.0 listing, Microsoft and IBM, the IBM sales of P
MS-DOS startup command line interface
C bundle to install DOS on sale to support 16k memory and 160k of the 5-inch floppy disk. Expensive in hardware, software is not for people to pay attention to the times, Bill Gates as Microsoft's central figure, very far-sighted grasp this excellent opportunity. In 1982, support for double-sided disk. 1983 MS-DOS 2.0 released with the IBM XT, extended the order, and began to support 5M hard disk. In the same year released the 2.0 version 2.25 for a number of bug fixes. 1984, MS-DOS 3.0 added support for new IBM AT, and began to provide support for some LAN capabilities. In 1986, MS-DOS 3.2 supports 720K 5-inch floppy disk. In 1987, MS-DOS 3.3 supports the IBM PS / 2 device and 1.44M 3-inch floppy disk, and to support other language character sets. In 1988, MS-DOS 4.0 DOS Shell increased operating environment, and some other enhancements and updates. In 1991, MS-DOS 5.0 release, an increase of DOS Shell function, enhanced memory management, and macro functions. 1993, MS-DOS 6.x added many GUI programs such as Scandisk, Defrag, Msbackup so, increase the disk compression and enhanced support for Windows. In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0 added support for long file names, air force one shoes, LBA support for large hard disk. This version of DOS is not sold separately, but embedded in Windows 95. MS-DOS 7.1 after the full support FAT32 partition, big hard drives, large memory support, support for four years to solve the problem. In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0, Windows 95 build. Are all subsequent versions of Windows built-in command line, in V86 mode. August 1996, MS-DOS 7.1. In 2000, MS-DOS 8.0, MS-DOS in the last one. Because Microsoft saw the dawn of Windows, then give up DOS. DOS (Disk Operating System) the composition of the MS-DOS using the module structure, which consists of five parts: ROM the BIOS modules, IO. SYS module, MSDOS. SYS module, COMMAND. COM module and the boot process. (1) BIOS module in the PC board has a ROM chip that the system self-test program in there, nike air force one high, CMOS setup program and the basic input output program (BIOS). BIOS is a set of procedures and parameters table, which is part of the program invoked by a group of interrupt-driven programs, parameters and parameters given the address of peripherals. BIOS is the computer hardware and operating system interface between the operating system through which to manage the computer hardware resources. (2) IO. SYS module IO. SYS is the MS-DOS and ROMBIOS the interface between the procedures. It is done with the system ROM BIOS and device management. (3) MSDOS.SYS module MSDOS. SYS used to implement document management, including file management, directory management, memory management functions. It functions in the form of calls the user and the MS-DOS-level interface between the program. (4) COMMAND. COM module COMMAND. COM's main function is responsible for receiving, identification, interpretation and implementation of user input from the keyboard, MS-DOS commands. (5) boot program boot program called A system disk should contain: boot record, IO. SYS, MSDOS. SYS and COMMAND. COM modules. DOS files and directories 1) concept paper files is recorded in the storage medium (such as disk, CD-ROM) on a collection of related information. 2) file identifies the drive letter + path + file name (1 to 8 of the characters) + extension (1-3 character represents the type of file) 3) wildcard character * starting from that location on behalf of one or more legal characters ;? on behalf of any of the location of a legal character. 4) DOS directory tree using a tree directory structure. Consists of a root directory and subdirectories formed several layers. The directory structure of files same name one can solve the problem, that is, different directories can contain the same file or directory name; Second, to address the root directory of the file number and the limited capacity of the problems posed. Find a subdirectory in a file, to use the directory path. There are two ways to specify the path: the absolute path and relative path. Absolute path starting from the root directory to the file directory path. For example, to find the two subdirectories UCDOS DATA subdirectory under the README. TXT file, absolute path is: UCDOS DATA. The path of the first Relative path starting from the current directory to the file directory path. Does not specifically refer to the current directory path specified in the DOS command under the directory handling. For example, the system prompt is: DOS Command Complete (a) MD - create a subdirectory 1. Function: Create a new subdirectory 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: MD [drive:] [path name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) is built in the current directory. Example: (1) the root of the C drive to create a subdirectory named FOX; (2) FOX subdirectory and then create the USER subdirectory. C: > MD FOX (C drive in the current drive to create a subdirectory FOX) C: > MD FOX USER (FOX subdirectory in the directory and then create a USER) (b) CD - 1 to change the current directory . Function: Display the current directory 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: CD [drive:] [path name] [directory name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If you omit the path and directory name, displays the current directory; (2) where the level directory. Example: (1) to enter into the USER subdirectory; (2) back from the USER subdirectory to a subdirectory; (3) returns to the root directory. C: > CD FOX, USER (USER subdirectory into the subdirectory FOX) C: FOX USER> CD .. (back on a root directory) C: FOX> CD (to return to the root directory ) C: > (c) RD - remove directory commands 1. Function: remove the disk from the specified directory. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: RD [drive:] [path name] [directory name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) subdirectory must be empty before removal, that need to enter the subdirectory, use the DEL (delete the file command) to delete the empty file subdirectories, and then go back to the previous level directory, with the RD command to remove the the directory itself; (2) can not remove the root directory and the current directory. Example: Requires the C-FOX USER subdirectory under the directory to delete, as follows: Step one: first delete the file USER subdirectory empty; C: > DEL C: FOX USER *.* Cap Second step, remove the USER subdirectory. C: > RD C: FOX USER (d) DIR - Display the disk catalog order 1. Function: Display the contents of the disk directory. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: DIR [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ A [[:] attributes]] [/ C] [/ D] [/ L] [/ N] [/ O [[:] Categories property ]] [/ P] [/ Q] [/ S] [/ T [[:] time]] [/ W] [/ X] [/ 4] 4. Usage: / A display with the specified properties file. Read-Only file attribute H R D directory Hidden files A Files ready for archiving S System files - said / C in the median file size display thousands separators. This is the default value. With /-C to disable display separator. / D-type with the same width, but the files are listed by category column. / L Uses lowercase. / N New long list format, in which the file name in the far right. / O listed in the order file with the classification. Sort the N by name (alphabetic) S By size (from small to large) E By extension (alphabetic) D by date / time (from first post) G Group directories first - reverse order of the prefix / P in each After the suspension of the information screen. / Q Display the file owner. / S displays the specified directory and all subdirectories. / T control the display of characters used to classify the time domain. A time of C last access time to create time to write the last time W / W with a wide list format. / X show a non-8.3 file names generated short names. Format is / N format, the short name inserted before the long name. If no short name is blank in its place. / 4 years with a four-digit display (e) PATH - set the command path 1. Function: The device search path for executable files, only the file is valid. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: PATH [drive 1] directory [drive letter path names 1 2 :]], ...} 4. Instructions for use: (1) when running an executable file, DOS will first search for the file in the current directory, if found, run the; if can not find the file, according to the path set PATH command, one by one in order to search for the file to the directory; (2) PATH command in the path, if two or more, all paths with a semicolon 1:] [path 1] [letter 2:] [Path 2] ... (to set the search path for executable files) PATH: (abolition of all paths) PATH: (shows the current path established) (vi) TREE- - Display disk directory structure commands 1. Function: Displays all the directory path on the drive and the directory of all file names. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: TREE [drive:] [/ F] [> PRN] 4. Instructions for use: (1) the use of / F parameter shows all directories and directory of all documents, omitted, only display the directory, the files do not show directory; (2) use> PRN parameters, listed in the directory put and the file name in the directory printout. (G) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command 1. Function: the entire directory and its subdirectories and files subordinate to delete. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DELTREE [drive:] 4. Usage: This command can be the next step will be directory and all files, subdirectories, but the lower subdirectories be deleted, and regardless of file attributes as hidden, system or read-only, as long as the file is deleted directories Next, DELTREE are treated equally, according to delete worthwhile. Be careful when using! ! ! (H) Class disk operations command (a) FORMAT - disk formatting commands 1. Function: to format the disk, track, and sector classification; also check whether the entire disk with defective tracks, filling mark of bad sectors; create the directory area and the file allocation table, so that preparations for DOS disk ready to receive . 2. Type: External command 3. Format: FORMAT [/ S] [/ 4] [/ Q] 4. Instructions for use: (1) command after the drive letter is not the default, if the hard disk formatting, such as the following tips will be: WARNING: ALL DATA ON NON - REMOVABLE DISK DRIVE C: WILL BE LOST! Proceed with Format (Y / N)? (Warning: All data in the C drive, will be lost, really want to continue to format it?) (2) if the format of the floppy disk, then the following prompt: Insert mew diskette for drive A; and press ENTER when ready ... (A-insert a new disk drive, ready to press the Enter key.) (3) use [/ S] parameters, will DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and copied to the disk, so that the disk can serve as a DOS startup disk. If selected / S parameters, formatted disk only to read and write information on drums, and not as the startup disk; (4) use [/ 4] parameters, 1.2MB floppy drive in high-density low-formatted 360KB density disk; (5) use [/ Q] parameters, a quick format, this parameter will not be re-divided pious and the magnetic disk sector, only the root directory of the disk, boot sector file allocation table, and clear into the blank, Therefore, the format is faster. (6) use [/ U] argument that an unconditional format, which destroy all data on the original disk. Without / U, was safe format, nike air force 1 high, first create an image file then save the old FAT table and root directory, if necessary, restore the original data can be UNFORRMAT. (B) UNFORMAT resume formatting commands 1. Function: misuse of to format the disk to recover lost data. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: UNFORMAT [/ L] [/ U] [/ P] [/ TEST] 4. Usage: used to be The root directory or subdirectory is deleted and the disk file system sector (including the FAT, root directory, BOOT sector and partition table) is damaged, it can be used to rescue UNFORMAT. (1) selection / L parameter list to find the subdirectory name, file name, date of great filial piety and other information, but does not really do FORMAT work. (2) selection / P parameters of the report will be displayed on the screen (including the / L parameter information generated) and also sent to the printer. Run-time screen displays: Use this parameter screen will display: (5) selection / PSRTN; repair partition table. If the drive to add / P, / L, / TEST one, are equivalent to using the / U parameter, UNFORMAT be Note: UNFORMAT for just FORMAT the disk, you can fully recover, but if done after FORMAT write other data, the UNFORMAT can not complete save data. UNFORMAT is not a panacea, the use of UNFORMAT FAT and root directory will rebuild, so it also has a high risk, loss of improper operation may be expanded, if only accidentally deleted a few files or subdirectories, only need to use UNDELETE enough. (C) CHKDSK - Check the current state of the disk commands 1. Function: Display disk status, memory status, and specify the path of the specified file number is not continuous. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: CHKDSK [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ F] [/ V] 4. Instructions for use: (1) use [file] parameter, the disk shows the files take up the case; (2) The Commission [/ F] parameters, correct disk found on the specified logic error; (3) use [/ V] parameters, air force one low nike, showing all the files on the disk and path. (D) DISKCOPY - Copy command a whole plate. Function: Copy the format and content of the same floppy disk. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DISKCOPY [letter 1:] [drive 2:] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If the target disk is not formatted, the system will automatically copy the selected format. (2) If the target disk on the original file, then copy will be lost. (3) If the copy is a single drive, the system will prompt a timely replacement of the source and destination drive, please pay attention to distinguish between operation source and destination disk. (E) LABEL - create the disk label commands 1. Functions: create, change, delete the disk label. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: LABEL [drive:] [volume name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) to establish the label named label name, if the default for this parameter, the system prompt type the label name or asked to delete the original volume name; (2) the volume name from 1 to 11 characters. (F) VOL - Display the disk label commands 1. Features: View disk volume label. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: VOL [drive:] 4. Instructions for use: drive letter is omitted, display the current drive label. (G) SCANDISK - testing, repair disk commands 1. Function: To detect the disk's FAT table, directory structure, file system, if there are problems, and to detect problems and fix them. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: SCANDISK [letter 1:] {[letter 2:] ...} [/ ALL] 4. Instructions: (1) SCANDISK for hard drives and floppy disks, you can specify more than one disk or use a [/ ALL] parameter to specify all of the disk; (2) can automatically detect the disk occurs in the cross-connect, lost clusters, and directory structure of logical errors and fix them. (H) DEFRAG - re disk commands 1. . Function: finishing disk, remove disk fragments. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DEFRAG [drive:] [/ F] 4. Instructions for use: use / F parameter, the file exists to eliminate debris disk, and adjust the disk file arrangements to ensure that there is no gap between files. Thus speeding up the read the disk speed and save disk space. (Ix) SYS - system copy commands 1. Function: the current drive DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and sent to the specified drive. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: SYS [drive:] file manipulation class command (a) COPY command to copy the files 1. Function: Copy one or more files to the specified disk. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: COPY [source disk] [path] [target disk] [path] [destination file name] 4. Instructions: (1) COPY the way the file copy the data file, copy destination disk must be formatted before; (2) the copying process, the target disk the same file name, source file, old files will be replaced; (3) When copying files, you must first determine the objectives as there is enough space, otherwise it will appear; insufficient error message that is not enough disk space; (4) allows the use of file name wildcard can also copy the number held files; (5) COPY command in the source file name must be pointed out, can not be omitted. (6) replication, the target file name with the same name as the source file, called + + ... + [target drive] [path] ; (9) the use of COPY command, but also from established on the keyboard input data file format is as follows: COPY CON [drive:] [path] ; (10) Note: COPY command using the format, source file name and target file name must be available between Grid! (B) XCOPY - Copy command directory 1. Function: Copy the specified directory and all files in the directory with the directory structure. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: XCOPY [source disk:] [source path name] [Target drive:] [destination path name] [/ S] [/ V] [/ E] 4. Instructions: (1) XCOPY is a COPY of the extension, the directory can be specified together with copies of files and directory structure, but can not copy hidden and system files; (2) use the source drive, target path name the source, source at least specify a file name; (3) The selection / S when the source directory and its subdirectories for all files COPY. Unless you specify the / E parameter, or / S will not copy empty directories, if not specified / S parameters, then XCOPY copy only the files source directory itself, without involving a subdirectory under it; (4) selection / V parameters, copy of all sectors of a more experience, but the speed will be reduced. (C) TYPE - Display the contents of the command file 1. Function: display ASCII code file. 2. Type: Internal command. 3. Format: TYPE [drive:] [path] 4. Instructions for use: (1) shows the ASCII text file consisting of code, yes. As the file extension, which displays the contents can not be read, no real meaning 2; (2) the order can only be displayed once the contents of a file can not use wildcards; (3) If the file has an extension, the extension must be written on; (4) When the file is longer, no less than a screen display, you can press the following format; TYPE [drive:] [path] | MORE, MORE for the split screen show command, use these parameters will be suspended when the full screen, press any key will continue to appear. (5) If you need to print out the contents of the file, use the following format: TYPE [drive:] [path] > PRN At this point, the printer should be online. (D) REN - file rename command to 1. Features: change the file name 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: REN [drive:] [path] Instructions for use: (1) can not add new file name before the drive letter and path, because the command can only replace the same file on the disk file name; (2) allows the use of wildcards to change a file name or extension. (E) FC - file comparison commands 1. Function: To compare the similarities and differences between files, and lists different place. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: FC [drive:] [path name] [drive:] [pathname] [filename] [/ A] [/ C] [/ N] 4. Instructions for use: (1) selection / A parameters for the ASCII code comparison mode; (2) selection / B parameters for the binary comparison mode; (3) selection / C parameter, the case is the same character as the character. (4) selection / N parameter, comparing the ASCII code mode, the display differences at the line number. (F) ATTRIB - modify file attributes commands 1. Function: to modify the properties of the specified file. (File attributes see 2.5.4 (b) of the file properties section) 2. Type: External command. 3. Format: ATTRIB [filename] [+ R |-R] [+ A |-A] [+ H |-H] [+ S |-S] [/ S] 4. Instructions for use: (1) use + R parameter, specify the file set to read-only attribute, so that the file can only be read, not write or delete data; use-R parameters, remove read-only property; (2) selection + A parameter file is set to file attributes; use-A parameter, remove the file attributes; (3) + H parameter selection, co-ordination for the hidden file attribute; use-H parameters to hidden attribute; (4 ) selected + S parameters, set the file system properties; use-S parameter, remove the system properties; (5) selection / S parameters of the current directory and all subdirectories for the setup. (G) DEL - Delete File Command 1. Function: delete the specified file. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: DEL [drive:] [path] [/ P] 4. Instructions for use: (1) selection / P parameters, the system asks if you really want to delete before delete the file, without using this parameter, it is automatically deleted; (2) the command does not remove the property is hidden or read-only file; (3) in the file name can use wildcard characters; (4) To delete all the files on the disk (DEL *.* or DEL.), will be prompted to: (Are you sure?) (Are you sure?) If the answer is Y, then delete, answer N, then cancel the deletion. (H) UNDELETE - Undelete Command 1. Function: Restore accidentally deleted the command 2. Type: External command. 3. Format: UNDELETE [drive:] [path name] [/ DOS] / LIST] [/ ALL] 4. Instructions for use: UNDELETE can use the (1) selection / DOS parameters recorded under the directory to restore the remaining files. Because the file is deleted, the directory file name recorded in the first cut will be replaced by a character E5, DOS E5 beginning of the file that is based on the follow-up of the characters and their wish to restore the files to find, so, UNDELETE will ask the user to enter a character, filled so that the file name. However, this character not the same as the original, only the rules consistent with DOS file name can be. (2) use / LIST only (3) selection / ALL automatically recovered files will be fully recovered, but not one by one to ask the user to use this parameter, if UNDELTE use the directory to the left of the record file recovery, it will automatically select a character to file were filled, and it is not the same as with the existing file name, nike air force 1, the preferred order of selection of characters :#%-- 0000123456789A ~ Z. UNDELETE files also have to establish the function of protective measures, beyond the scope of this course, please use these functions the reader access to the DOS manual. Seven other commands (a) CLS - clear screen command a function: remove all displayed on the screen, the screen cursor in the upper left corner. 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: CLS (b) VER command a view system version features: Displays the current system version 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: VER (c) DATA command 1 date set function: set or display the system date . 2 Type: Internal command 3 format: DATE [mm-dd-yy] 4 use: (1) omitted [mm-dd-yy] display system date and prompted new date, you can not simply press the Enter key to modify , air force one high, [mm-dd-yy] as the Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time. (D) TIME system clock set to command a function: to set or display system time. 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: TIME [hh: mm: ss: xx] 4 use: (1) omitted [hh: mm: ss: xx], shows the system time and prompts for a new time, you can not change press enter key, [hh: mm: ss: xx] as implementation, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time. (E) MEM command to view the current memory status of a feature: Displays the current memory usage two types: external command 3 Format: MEM [/ C] [/ F] [/ M] [/ P] 4 use: (1) optional / C parameter lists into conventional memory and the length of each file CMB, but also shows the usage of memory space and the largest available space; (2) selection / F parameters are listed in the remaining bytes of the current size of conventional memory and the UMB and the size of the area available; (3) The selection / M parameter shows the module uses memory to address, size and nature of the module; (4) selection / P parameter to specify when the output of more than one screen, pause for the user to view. (F) MSD command information display system 1 functions: display system hardware and operating system status. 2 types: external command 3 format: MSD [/ S] 4 use: (1) use / I parameter, does not detect the hardware; (2) selection / B parameter, in black and white start MSD; (3) selection of / S parameters, the system displays the concise report. Network-related commands commonly used DOS, Arp: Display and modify the This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use the arp-a [inet_addr] [-N [if_addr]] arp-d inet_addr [if_addr] arp-s inet_addr ether_addr [if_addr] Parameters-a by asking the TCP / IP Displays the current ARP entries. If you specify inet_addr, the computer only displays the specified IP and physical addresses. -G and-a the same. inet_addr decimal point mark to add the specified IP address. -N displays the network interface specified by the if_addr ARP entries. if_addr need to modify the address specified interface IP address translation table (if any). If not, will use the first applicable interface. -D delete the specified item from the inet_addr. -S add entries in the ARP cache, the IP address and physical address inet_addr ether_addr association. Physical address separated by a hyphen 6 hexadecimal byte given. Use dotted decimal IP address of the specified tag. Item is permanent, that is, after the expiration of the timeout delete items from the cache automatically. ether_addr specify the physical address. -------------------------------------------- Finger running the Finger service Specify the system displays information about the user. Remote system output according to different variables. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. finger [-l] [user] @ computer [...] parameter-l display information in long list format. user Specifies the user to obtain relevant information. Omit the user parameter to display the specified information for all users on the computer: @ computer ----------------------------------- --------- Ftp the files to the FTP service is running from a remote computer or FTP services running on the remote computer to transfer files (sometimes called the daemon). Ftp can be used interchangeably. Click the This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. Ftp is a service that, once started, will be created in which a child can use the ftp command environment, sub-commands by typing quit the environment from the child to return to the Windows 2000 command prompt. When the ftp sub-environment is running, it is representative of the ftp command prompt. ftp [-v] [-n] [-i] [-d] [-g] [-s: filename] [-a] [-w: windowsize] [computer] parameter-v Suppresses remote server response. -N disable automatic log on to the initial connection. -I send multiple files to close interaction prompts. -D enable debugging, displayed in the client and the server for all ftp commands passed between. -G Disable file name group, which allows local file and path names use the wildcard character (* and?). (Please refer to the online The parameter spaces are not allowed. Use this switch instead of redirection (-A data connection in the bundle to use any local interface. -W: windowsize override the default send buffer size is 4096. computer to connect to the remote computer to specify the computer name or IP address. If specified, the computer must be the last line of argument. -------------------------------------------- Nbtstat the diagnostic command NBT (TCP / IP on a NetBIOS) display protocol statistics and current TCP / IP connection. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. nbtstat [-a remotename] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval] Parameters-a remotename listed using the name of the remote computer The name of the table. -A IP address using the remote computer's IP address and lists the name of the table. -C given the IP address of each name and lists the contents of the NetBIOS name cache. -N Lists local NetBIOS names. -R remove all the NetBIOS name of the name cache, reload Lmhosts file. -R lists the Windows network name resolution name resolution statistics. Configured to use WINS in the Windows 2000 computer, this option returns to the radio or WINS to resolve the name and registration number. -S displays the client and server sessions, only the IP address listed by the remote computer. -S Display the client and server sessions. Try to convert the remote computer using the IP address of the host name of the file. interval to re-display the selected statistics, pausing between each display interval in seconds. Press CTRL + C to stop re-display statistics. If omitted, nbtstat prints the current configuration information once. -------------------------------------------- Netstat displays protocol statistics and current The TCP / IP network connections. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p protocol] [-r] [interval] Parameters-a Displays all connections and listening ports. Server connection is usually not displayed. -E Displays Ethernet statistics. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the-s option. -N display in digital format, the address and port number (instead of trying to find the name). -S displays statistics for each protocol. By default, the display TCP, UDP, ICMP and IP statistics. -P option can be used to specify the default subset. -P protocol shows the protocol specified by the protocol connection; protocol can be tcp or udp. If with the - s option with the use of display statistics for each protocol, protocol can be tcp, udp, icmp, or ip. -R display routing table contents. interval to re-display the selected statistics, pausing between each display interval seconds. Press CTRL + B to stop re-display statistics. If omitted, netstat will print the current configuration information. -------------------------------------------- Ping verification and remote computer connection. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j computer-list ] | [-k computer-list]] [-w timeout] destination-list parameter-t Ping the specified computer until interrupted. -A to address resolution for the computer name. n count Send count the specified number of ECHO packets. The default value is 4. -L length send messages that contain the specified amount of data by the length of ECHO packets. The default is 32 bytes; maximum is 65,527. -F to send the packet, Packets will not be the gateway route segment. -I ttl the -V tos to -R count in the count can be specified at least one station, up to 9 computer. -S count Specifies count metric specified timestamp. -J computer-list specified by computer-list list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can be separated by the middle of the gateway (routing sparse source) IP to allow the maximum number is 9. -K computer-list specified by computer-list list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can not be separated by intermediate gateways (strict source route) IP to allow the maximum number is 9. -W timeout Specifies the timeout interval, in milliseconds. destination-list Specifies ping the remote computer. -------------------------------------------- Rcp on Windows 2000 computers and Remote shell daemon running rshd copy between systems. rcp command is a connection command, issued from a Windows 2000 computer, the command can also be used for other transmission in the two running rshd copy files between computers. rshd daemon can use the UNIX computer, and in Windows 2000 can not be used, so only Windows 2000 computers can be used as an order of the system involved. Remote computer must also be provided by running the rshd rcp utility. rcp [-a |-b] [-h] [-r] source1 source2 ... sourceN destination parameter-a specify the ASCII transfer mode. This mode will be in the outgoing file carriage return / line feeds into carriage return, line feed in the incoming file will be converted to carriage return / line feed. This mode is the default transfer mode. -B specifies binary image transfer mode. Did not perform carriage return / line feed conversion. -H transfer Windows 2000 computer is marked as hidden attribute the source file. Without this option, specified in the rcp command line the effect of hidden files and file does not exist. -R will be the source of the contents of all subdirectories recursively copied to the target. source and destination must be a directory, although even if the source is not a directory, use the-r can work. But there will be no recurrence. source and destination must have the format [computer [. user]:] filename. If you omit the [computer [. User]:] section, the computer will assume that the local computer. If you omit the [. User] section, will use the currently logged on Windows 2000 user name. If you use a fully qualified computer name that contains a period (.) Delimiter, you must include [. User]. Otherwise, the last part of the computer name will be interpreted as the user name. If you specify multiple source files, the destination must be a directory. If the file name is not to UNIX forward slash (/) or Windows 2000 system, the backslash () begin with, it is assumed relative to the current working directory. In Windows 2000, which is an order of the directory. In the remote system, this is the remote user's login directory. Period (.) That the current directory. Using the remote path escape character (, -------------------------------------------- Rexec running the REXEC service run commands on a remote computer. rexec command before running the specified command to verify the user name on the remote computer, only to install the TCP / IP protocol before they can use this command. rexec computer [-l username] [-n] command to run the specified command parameter computer remote computer. -L username Specifies the user name on the remote computer. -N Redirect the input of rexec to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. -------------------------------------------- Route control network routing table. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. route [-f] [-p] [command [destination] [mask subnetmask] [gateway] [metric costmetric]] Parameters-f Clears all gateway routing table entry. If this parameter is used in combination with a command, the routing table will be removed before running the command. -P add command with the parameters used, the system will route between the persistence of the boot process. By default, the system restarts without reservation route. When used in conjunction with the print command to display a list of registered persistent routes. Ignore all the other routes are always the order of the corresponding persistent. Specify the following command a command. Print print route add command to add the purpose of routing the routing change delete to delete an existing route destination Specifies to change the computer to send command. mask subnetmask designated route entry associated with the subnet mask. If not specified, will use gateway Specifies gateway. The network database called Networks Hosts file and the name of the computer name in the database file all the destination or gateway are referenced using the symbolic name. If the command is print or delete, destination and gateway can also use wildcards, you can omit the gateway parameters. metric metric costmetric assigned integer (from 1 to 9999) in calculating the fastest, most reliable, and (or) use the cheapest route. -------------------------------------------- Rsh running the RSH service run commands on a remote computer. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. rsh computer [-l username] [-n] command to run the specified command parameter computer remote computer. -L username Specifies the remote computer using the user name. If omitted, the logged on user name. -N Redirect the input of rsh to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. -------------------------------------------- Tftp transfer files to is TFTP service is running or from a remote computer running TFTP service on the remote computer to transfer files. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. tftp [-i] computer [get | put] source [destination] parameter-i Specifies binary image transfer mode (also known as In binary image mode, the file one byte by one byte to literally move. When sending binary files using this model. If you omit the-i, the file will be ASCII mode transfer. This is the default transfer mode. This mode will convert the EOL characters carriage return and UNIX-PC carriage return / line feed. Should be used when sending a text file in this mode. If the file transfer is successful, data transfer rate. computer designated local or remote computer. put the file on the local computer to the remote destination file on the computer source. get a file on the remote computer to send to the destination file on the local computer source. If the files on the local computer to the remote file-two files on the computer file-one, please specify the put. If the remote computer to send the file to a remote file-two files on the computer file-one, please specify the get. Because the tftp protocol does not support user authentication, the user must log on the remote computer and the file must be written. source Specifies the file transfer. If the local file is specified as -, then the remote file on stdout to print out (if available), or from stdin (if placed) to read. destination Specifies the location of the file to. If you omit the destination, will assume the same name with the source. -------------------------------------------- Tracert diagnostic utility of the contains different survival time (TTL) value of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets to the target, to determine the route used to reach a goal. To forward packets at least until the TTL decrement 1, the necessary path for each router, TTL is a valid hop count. TTL on a packet reaches 0, the router should be Tracert sends the TTL of 1 echo packets, and in the subsequent process each time you send TTL incremented by 1, until the target response or the maximum TTL to determine the route. Routing by checking the intermediate routers send back the However, some routers silently expired TTL values include underground transmission of data packets, and tracert can not see. tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j computer-list] [-w timeout] target_name parameter / d specifies not to address resolution for the computer name. -H maximum_hops search target specified maximum number of hops. -J computer-list specifies the sparse along computer-list source routing. -W timeout Wait timeout specified response time the number of microseconds. target_name target computer's name. DOS, restore registry command on the 5 Scanreg / restore DOS command to view network status with the investigation Trojan Start → Run → enter CMD, click OK to enter this (netstat-an) command to copy inside the brackets into the CMD window, then back to vehicle operation. Divided into four parts: proto (connections), loc aladdress (local connection address), foreign address (the address of the connection and local), state (the current port status). For more information about this command, we can identify the computer in the end have not been installed trojan, what procedures have not been monitored, and thus to maintain the security of their systems. [1] entry for more Atlas Atlas References 1
Using DOS command to check trojan
http://article.wxiu.com/system/winxp/200903/06-5256. html
Further reading: 1
IT computer network
A Short History of MS-DOS: http://www.patersontech.com/Dos/Byte/History.html
new DOS era http://wendos.mycool.net/
DOS cabin http://risky.ik8.com/
Open Category: operating systems, DOS, MS-DOS ,86-Dos, CP/M-86 me to perfect the
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MS-DOS is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, which means by the United States provided by Microsoft DOS operating system. In Windows 95 before, DOS is the IBM PC and compatible with the most basic, and MS-DOS personal computer is the most commonly used DOS operating systems.
MS-DOSDOS the origin of the dos version of each period a Glance DOS (Disk Operating System) of the composition (1) BIOS module (2) IO. SYS Module (3) MSDOS.SYS module (4) COMMAND. COM module (5) bootstrap DOS file and directory 1) File Concept 2) identifies the file 3) wildcard 4) Complete Directory Tree DOS command (a) MD - create a subdirectory (b) CD - change the current directory (c) RD - Remove subdirectory command (d) DIR - Display disk directory command (e) PATH - path set command (f) TREE - displays the disk directory structure command (g) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command (h) command with the DOS disk operating class network status check command to view the Trojan basic MS-DOS MS-DOS-based system consists of an MBR (hard disk only MBR, floppy no MBR, boot sector at sector 0 of track , the content is slightly different with the hard disk MBR) of the BOOT file boot loader and three modules. The three modules are input-output module (IO.SYS), document management module (MSDOS.SYS) and command interpreter module. (However, in the MS-DOS 7.0, MSDOS.SYS was changed to the startup configuration file, the function of IO.SYS MSDOS.SYS added) In addition, Microsoft is also MS-DOS system, the retail package by adding a number of standard external program (ie external command), this together with the internal command built up a relatively complete disk operating time interactive environment. For a variety of MS-DOS commands, see MS-DOS command list. MS-DOS users can edit the boot disk in the root directory of the two system files to achieve the purposes of control system configuration, they are CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, IO.SYS CONFIG.SYS to load will view hardware, specified driver is automatically contained in the AUTOEXEC.BAT batch command. General use of MS-DOS command line interface to accept user commands, but in the later versions of MS-DOS, DOS programs can also call the corresponding DOS interrupt to enter graphics mode, that is, the graphical interface program under DOS. Earlier versions of MS-DOS does not support FAT32, long file names and big hard drive. Start from MS-DOS 7.0, in particular MS-DOS 7.10 version of the full support of those already. The origin of DOS end of the first in 1979, Seattle Computer company developed its first chip based on 8086 operating system CP/M-86, improved after the launch of the QDOS, and in 80 years launched at the end of the 86-DOS 0.3 version, Bill Gates bought at very low price sale of 86-Dos operating rights. April 1981, Seattle Computer officially released version of 86-DOS v1.0, Microsoft in July in the year to 86-Dos copyright and all other powers buyout, and renamed it MS-Dos released to the market. This is Microsoft's first successful fortune which operating system products. MS-DOS is short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, which means by the United States Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) provides disk operating system. In Windows 98 before, DOS is a PC-compatible personal computer equipped with the most basic, and MS-DOS is the most widely used PC-compatible DOS. The most basic system consists of a MS-DOS MBR-based boot loader, and three of the BOOT file module. The three modules are input-output module (IO.SYS), document management module (MSDOS.SYS) and command interpreter module. In addition, Microsoft is also MS-DOS system, the retail package by adding a number of standard external program (ie external command), this internal command (ie commands executed by the interpreter) built up with the times a disk operation relatively complete human-computer interaction environment. Initially, including early WINDOWS Win95 systems, including just under a DOS Shell graphical applications. The dos version of each period a Glance 1981, MS-DOS 1.0 listing, Microsoft and IBM, the IBM sales of P
MS-DOS startup command line interface
C bundle to install DOS on sale to support 16k memory and 160k of the 5-inch floppy disk. Expensive in hardware, software is not for people to pay attention to the times, Bill Gates as Microsoft's central figure, very far-sighted grasp this excellent opportunity. In 1982, support for double-sided disk. 1983 MS-DOS 2.0 released with the IBM XT, extended the order, and began to support 5M hard disk. In the same year released the 2.0 version 2.25 for a number of bug fixes. 1984, MS-DOS 3.0 added support for new IBM AT, and began to provide support for some LAN capabilities. In 1986, MS-DOS 3.2 supports 720K 5-inch floppy disk. In 1987, MS-DOS 3.3 supports the IBM PS / 2 device and 1.44M 3-inch floppy disk, and to support other language character sets. In 1988, MS-DOS 4.0 DOS Shell increased operating environment, and some other enhancements and updates. In 1991, MS-DOS 5.0 release, an increase of DOS Shell function, enhanced memory management, and macro functions. 1993, MS-DOS 6.x added many GUI programs such as Scandisk, Defrag, Msbackup so, increase the disk compression and enhanced support for Windows. In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0 added support for long file names, air force one shoes, LBA support for large hard disk. This version of DOS is not sold separately, but embedded in Windows 95. MS-DOS 7.1 after the full support FAT32 partition, big hard drives, large memory support, support for four years to solve the problem. In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0, Windows 95 build. Are all subsequent versions of Windows built-in command line, in V86 mode. August 1996, MS-DOS 7.1. In 2000, MS-DOS 8.0, MS-DOS in the last one. Because Microsoft saw the dawn of Windows, then give up DOS. DOS (Disk Operating System) the composition of the MS-DOS using the module structure, which consists of five parts: ROM the BIOS modules, IO. SYS module, MSDOS. SYS module, COMMAND. COM module and the boot process. (1) BIOS module in the PC board has a ROM chip that the system self-test program in there, nike air force one high, CMOS setup program and the basic input output program (BIOS). BIOS is a set of procedures and parameters table, which is part of the program invoked by a group of interrupt-driven programs, parameters and parameters given the address of peripherals. BIOS is the computer hardware and operating system interface between the operating system through which to manage the computer hardware resources. (2) IO. SYS module IO. SYS is the MS-DOS and ROMBIOS the interface between the procedures. It is done with the system ROM BIOS and device management. (3) MSDOS.SYS module MSDOS. SYS used to implement document management, including file management, directory management, memory management functions. It functions in the form of calls the user and the MS-DOS-level interface between the program. (4) COMMAND. COM module COMMAND. COM's main function is responsible for receiving, identification, interpretation and implementation of user input from the keyboard, MS-DOS commands. (5) boot program boot program called A system disk should contain: boot record, IO. SYS, MSDOS. SYS and COMMAND. COM modules. DOS files and directories 1) concept paper files is recorded in the storage medium (such as disk, CD-ROM) on a collection of related information. 2) file identifies the drive letter + path + file name (1 to 8 of the characters) + extension (1-3 character represents the type of file) 3) wildcard character * starting from that location on behalf of one or more legal characters ;? on behalf of any of the location of a legal character. 4) DOS directory tree using a tree directory structure. Consists of a root directory and subdirectories formed several layers. The directory structure of files same name one can solve the problem, that is, different directories can contain the same file or directory name; Second, to address the root directory of the file number and the limited capacity of the problems posed. Find a subdirectory in a file, to use the directory path. There are two ways to specify the path: the absolute path and relative path. Absolute path starting from the root directory to the file directory path. For example, to find the two subdirectories UCDOS DATA subdirectory under the README. TXT file, absolute path is: UCDOS DATA. The path of the first Relative path starting from the current directory to the file directory path. Does not specifically refer to the current directory path specified in the DOS command under the directory handling. For example, the system prompt is: DOS Command Complete (a) MD - create a subdirectory 1. Function: Create a new subdirectory 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: MD [drive:] [path name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) is built in the current directory. Example: (1) the root of the C drive to create a subdirectory named FOX; (2) FOX subdirectory and then create the USER subdirectory. C: > MD FOX (C drive in the current drive to create a subdirectory FOX) C: > MD FOX USER (FOX subdirectory in the directory and then create a USER) (b) CD - 1 to change the current directory . Function: Display the current directory 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: CD [drive:] [path name] [directory name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If you omit the path and directory name, displays the current directory; (2) where the level directory. Example: (1) to enter into the USER subdirectory; (2) back from the USER subdirectory to a subdirectory; (3) returns to the root directory. C: > CD FOX, USER (USER subdirectory into the subdirectory FOX) C: FOX USER> CD .. (back on a root directory) C: FOX> CD (to return to the root directory ) C: > (c) RD - remove directory commands 1. Function: remove the disk from the specified directory. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: RD [drive:] [path name] [directory name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) subdirectory must be empty before removal, that need to enter the subdirectory, use the DEL (delete the file command) to delete the empty file subdirectories, and then go back to the previous level directory, with the RD command to remove the the directory itself; (2) can not remove the root directory and the current directory. Example: Requires the C-FOX USER subdirectory under the directory to delete, as follows: Step one: first delete the file USER subdirectory empty; C: > DEL C: FOX USER *.* Cap Second step, remove the USER subdirectory. C: > RD C: FOX USER (d) DIR - Display the disk catalog order 1. Function: Display the contents of the disk directory. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: DIR [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ A [[:] attributes]] [/ C] [/ D] [/ L] [/ N] [/ O [[:] Categories property ]] [/ P] [/ Q] [/ S] [/ T [[:] time]] [/ W] [/ X] [/ 4] 4. Usage: / A display with the specified properties file. Read-Only file attribute H R D directory Hidden files A Files ready for archiving S System files - said / C in the median file size display thousands separators. This is the default value. With /-C to disable display separator. / D-type with the same width, but the files are listed by category column. / L Uses lowercase. / N New long list format, in which the file name in the far right. / O listed in the order file with the classification. Sort the N by name (alphabetic) S By size (from small to large) E By extension (alphabetic) D by date / time (from first post) G Group directories first - reverse order of the prefix / P in each After the suspension of the information screen. / Q Display the file owner. / S displays the specified directory and all subdirectories. / T control the display of characters used to classify the time domain. A time of C last access time to create time to write the last time W / W with a wide list format. / X show a non-8.3 file names generated short names. Format is / N format, the short name inserted before the long name. If no short name is blank in its place. / 4 years with a four-digit display (e) PATH - set the command path 1. Function: The device search path for executable files, only the file is valid. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: PATH [drive 1] directory [drive letter path names 1 2 :]], ...} 4. Instructions for use: (1) when running an executable file, DOS will first search for the file in the current directory, if found, run the; if can not find the file, according to the path set PATH command, one by one in order to search for the file to the directory; (2) PATH command in the path, if two or more, all paths with a semicolon 1:] [path 1] [letter 2:] [Path 2] ... (to set the search path for executable files) PATH: (abolition of all paths) PATH: (shows the current path established) (vi) TREE- - Display disk directory structure commands 1. Function: Displays all the directory path on the drive and the directory of all file names. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: TREE [drive:] [/ F] [> PRN] 4. Instructions for use: (1) the use of / F parameter shows all directories and directory of all documents, omitted, only display the directory, the files do not show directory; (2) use> PRN parameters, listed in the directory put and the file name in the directory printout. (G) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command 1. Function: the entire directory and its subdirectories and files subordinate to delete. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DELTREE [drive:] 4. Usage: This command can be the next step will be directory and all files, subdirectories, but the lower subdirectories be deleted, and regardless of file attributes as hidden, system or read-only, as long as the file is deleted directories Next, DELTREE are treated equally, according to delete worthwhile. Be careful when using! ! ! (H) Class disk operations command (a) FORMAT - disk formatting commands 1. Function: to format the disk, track, and sector classification; also check whether the entire disk with defective tracks, filling mark of bad sectors; create the directory area and the file allocation table, so that preparations for DOS disk ready to receive . 2. Type: External command 3. Format: FORMAT [/ S] [/ 4] [/ Q] 4. Instructions for use: (1) command after the drive letter is not the default, if the hard disk formatting, such as the following tips will be: WARNING: ALL DATA ON NON - REMOVABLE DISK DRIVE C: WILL BE LOST! Proceed with Format (Y / N)? (Warning: All data in the C drive, will be lost, really want to continue to format it?) (2) if the format of the floppy disk, then the following prompt: Insert mew diskette for drive A; and press ENTER when ready ... (A-insert a new disk drive, ready to press the Enter key.) (3) use [/ S] parameters, will DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and copied to the disk, so that the disk can serve as a DOS startup disk. If selected / S parameters, formatted disk only to read and write information on drums, and not as the startup disk; (4) use [/ 4] parameters, 1.2MB floppy drive in high-density low-formatted 360KB density disk; (5) use [/ Q] parameters, a quick format, this parameter will not be re-divided pious and the magnetic disk sector, only the root directory of the disk, boot sector file allocation table, and clear into the blank, Therefore, the format is faster. (6) use [/ U] argument that an unconditional format, which destroy all data on the original disk. Without / U, was safe format, nike air force 1 high, first create an image file then save the old FAT table and root directory, if necessary, restore the original data can be UNFORRMAT. (B) UNFORMAT resume formatting commands 1. Function: misuse of to format the disk to recover lost data. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: UNFORMAT [/ L] [/ U] [/ P] [/ TEST] 4. Usage: used to be The root directory or subdirectory is deleted and the disk file system sector (including the FAT, root directory, BOOT sector and partition table) is damaged, it can be used to rescue UNFORMAT. (1) selection / L parameter list to find the subdirectory name, file name, date of great filial piety and other information, but does not really do FORMAT work. (2) selection / P parameters of the report will be displayed on the screen (including the / L parameter information generated) and also sent to the printer. Run-time screen displays: Use this parameter screen will display: (5) selection / PSRTN; repair partition table. If the drive to add / P, / L, / TEST one, are equivalent to using the / U parameter, UNFORMAT be Note: UNFORMAT for just FORMAT the disk, you can fully recover, but if done after FORMAT write other data, the UNFORMAT can not complete save data. UNFORMAT is not a panacea, the use of UNFORMAT FAT and root directory will rebuild, so it also has a high risk, loss of improper operation may be expanded, if only accidentally deleted a few files or subdirectories, only need to use UNDELETE enough. (C) CHKDSK - Check the current state of the disk commands 1. Function: Display disk status, memory status, and specify the path of the specified file number is not continuous. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: CHKDSK [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ F] [/ V] 4. Instructions for use: (1) use [file] parameter, the disk shows the files take up the case; (2) The Commission [/ F] parameters, correct disk found on the specified logic error; (3) use [/ V] parameters, air force one low nike, showing all the files on the disk and path. (D) DISKCOPY - Copy command a whole plate. Function: Copy the format and content of the same floppy disk. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DISKCOPY [letter 1:] [drive 2:] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If the target disk is not formatted, the system will automatically copy the selected format. (2) If the target disk on the original file, then copy will be lost. (3) If the copy is a single drive, the system will prompt a timely replacement of the source and destination drive, please pay attention to distinguish between operation source and destination disk. (E) LABEL - create the disk label commands 1. Functions: create, change, delete the disk label. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: LABEL [drive:] [volume name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) to establish the label named label name, if the default for this parameter, the system prompt type the label name or asked to delete the original volume name; (2) the volume name from 1 to 11 characters. (F) VOL - Display the disk label commands 1. Features: View disk volume label. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: VOL [drive:] 4. Instructions for use: drive letter is omitted, display the current drive label. (G) SCANDISK - testing, repair disk commands 1. Function: To detect the disk's FAT table, directory structure, file system, if there are problems, and to detect problems and fix them. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: SCANDISK [letter 1:] {[letter 2:] ...} [/ ALL] 4. Instructions: (1) SCANDISK for hard drives and floppy disks, you can specify more than one disk or use a [/ ALL] parameter to specify all of the disk; (2) can automatically detect the disk occurs in the cross-connect, lost clusters, and directory structure of logical errors and fix them. (H) DEFRAG - re disk commands 1. . Function: finishing disk, remove disk fragments. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: DEFRAG [drive:] [/ F] 4. Instructions for use: use / F parameter, the file exists to eliminate debris disk, and adjust the disk file arrangements to ensure that there is no gap between files. Thus speeding up the read the disk speed and save disk space. (Ix) SYS - system copy commands 1. Function: the current drive DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and sent to the specified drive. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: SYS [drive:] file manipulation class command (a) COPY command to copy the files 1. Function: Copy one or more files to the specified disk. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: COPY [source disk] [path] [target disk] [path] [destination file name] 4. Instructions: (1) COPY the way the file copy the data file, copy destination disk must be formatted before; (2) the copying process, the target disk the same file name, source file, old files will be replaced; (3) When copying files, you must first determine the objectives as there is enough space, otherwise it will appear; insufficient error message that is not enough disk space; (4) allows the use of file name wildcard can also copy the number held files; (5) COPY command in the source file name must be pointed out, can not be omitted. (6) replication, the target file name with the same name as the source file, called + + ... + [target drive] [path] ; (9) the use of COPY command, but also from established on the keyboard input data file format is as follows: COPY CON [drive:] [path] ; (10) Note: COPY command using the format, source file name and target file name must be available between Grid! (B) XCOPY - Copy command directory 1. Function: Copy the specified directory and all files in the directory with the directory structure. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: XCOPY [source disk:] [source path name] [Target drive:] [destination path name] [/ S] [/ V] [/ E] 4. Instructions: (1) XCOPY is a COPY of the extension, the directory can be specified together with copies of files and directory structure, but can not copy hidden and system files; (2) use the source drive, target path name the source, source at least specify a file name; (3) The selection / S when the source directory and its subdirectories for all files COPY. Unless you specify the / E parameter, or / S will not copy empty directories, if not specified / S parameters, then XCOPY copy only the files source directory itself, without involving a subdirectory under it; (4) selection / V parameters, copy of all sectors of a more experience, but the speed will be reduced. (C) TYPE - Display the contents of the command file 1. Function: display ASCII code file. 2. Type: Internal command. 3. Format: TYPE [drive:] [path] 4. Instructions for use: (1) shows the ASCII text file consisting of code, yes. As the file extension, which displays the contents can not be read, no real meaning 2; (2) the order can only be displayed once the contents of a file can not use wildcards; (3) If the file has an extension, the extension must be written on; (4) When the file is longer, no less than a screen display, you can press the following format; TYPE [drive:] [path] | MORE, MORE for the split screen show command, use these parameters will be suspended when the full screen, press any key will continue to appear. (5) If you need to print out the contents of the file, use the following format: TYPE [drive:] [path] > PRN At this point, the printer should be online. (D) REN - file rename command to 1. Features: change the file name 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: REN [drive:] [path] Instructions for use: (1) can not add new file name before the drive letter and path, because the command can only replace the same file on the disk file name; (2) allows the use of wildcards to change a file name or extension. (E) FC - file comparison commands 1. Function: To compare the similarities and differences between files, and lists different place. 2. Type: External command 3. Format: FC [drive:] [path name] [drive:] [pathname] [filename] [/ A] [/ C] [/ N] 4. Instructions for use: (1) selection / A parameters for the ASCII code comparison mode; (2) selection / B parameters for the binary comparison mode; (3) selection / C parameter, the case is the same character as the character. (4) selection / N parameter, comparing the ASCII code mode, the display differences at the line number. (F) ATTRIB - modify file attributes commands 1. Function: to modify the properties of the specified file. (File attributes see 2.5.4 (b) of the file properties section) 2. Type: External command. 3. Format: ATTRIB [filename] [+ R |-R] [+ A |-A] [+ H |-H] [+ S |-S] [/ S] 4. Instructions for use: (1) use + R parameter, specify the file set to read-only attribute, so that the file can only be read, not write or delete data; use-R parameters, remove read-only property; (2) selection + A parameter file is set to file attributes; use-A parameter, remove the file attributes; (3) + H parameter selection, co-ordination for the hidden file attribute; use-H parameters to hidden attribute; (4 ) selected + S parameters, set the file system properties; use-S parameter, remove the system properties; (5) selection / S parameters of the current directory and all subdirectories for the setup. (G) DEL - Delete File Command 1. Function: delete the specified file. 2. Type: Internal command 3. Format: DEL [drive:] [path] [/ P] 4. Instructions for use: (1) selection / P parameters, the system asks if you really want to delete before delete the file, without using this parameter, it is automatically deleted; (2) the command does not remove the property is hidden or read-only file; (3) in the file name can use wildcard characters; (4) To delete all the files on the disk (DEL *.* or DEL.), will be prompted to: (Are you sure?) (Are you sure?) If the answer is Y, then delete, answer N, then cancel the deletion. (H) UNDELETE - Undelete Command 1. Function: Restore accidentally deleted the command 2. Type: External command. 3. Format: UNDELETE [drive:] [path name] [/ DOS] / LIST] [/ ALL] 4. Instructions for use: UNDELETE can use the (1) selection / DOS parameters recorded under the directory to restore the remaining files. Because the file is deleted, the directory file name recorded in the first cut will be replaced by a character E5, DOS E5 beginning of the file that is based on the follow-up of the characters and their wish to restore the files to find, so, UNDELETE will ask the user to enter a character, filled so that the file name. However, this character not the same as the original, only the rules consistent with DOS file name can be. (2) use / LIST only (3) selection / ALL automatically recovered files will be fully recovered, but not one by one to ask the user to use this parameter, if UNDELTE use the directory to the left of the record file recovery, it will automatically select a character to file were filled, and it is not the same as with the existing file name, nike air force 1, the preferred order of selection of characters :#%-- 0000123456789A ~ Z. UNDELETE files also have to establish the function of protective measures, beyond the scope of this course, please use these functions the reader access to the DOS manual. Seven other commands (a) CLS - clear screen command a function: remove all displayed on the screen, the screen cursor in the upper left corner. 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: CLS (b) VER command a view system version features: Displays the current system version 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: VER (c) DATA command 1 date set function: set or display the system date . 2 Type: Internal command 3 format: DATE [mm-dd-yy] 4 use: (1) omitted [mm-dd-yy] display system date and prompted new date, you can not simply press the Enter key to modify , air force one high, [mm-dd-yy] as the Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time. (D) TIME system clock set to command a function: to set or display system time. 2 Type: Internal command 3 formats: TIME [hh: mm: ss: xx] 4 use: (1) omitted [hh: mm: ss: xx], shows the system time and prompts for a new time, you can not change press enter key, [hh: mm: ss: xx] as implementation, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time. (E) MEM command to view the current memory status of a feature: Displays the current memory usage two types: external command 3 Format: MEM [/ C] [/ F] [/ M] [/ P] 4 use: (1) optional / C parameter lists into conventional memory and the length of each file CMB, but also shows the usage of memory space and the largest available space; (2) selection / F parameters are listed in the remaining bytes of the current size of conventional memory and the UMB and the size of the area available; (3) The selection / M parameter shows the module uses memory to address, size and nature of the module; (4) selection / P parameter to specify when the output of more than one screen, pause for the user to view. (F) MSD command information display system 1 functions: display system hardware and operating system status. 2 types: external command 3 format: MSD [/ S] 4 use: (1) use / I parameter, does not detect the hardware; (2) selection / B parameter, in black and white start MSD; (3) selection of / S parameters, the system displays the concise report. Network-related commands commonly used DOS, Arp: Display and modify the This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use the arp-a [inet_addr] [-N [if_addr]] arp-d inet_addr [if_addr] arp-s inet_addr ether_addr [if_addr] Parameters-a by asking the TCP / IP Displays the current ARP entries. If you specify inet_addr, the computer only displays the specified IP and physical addresses. -G and-a the same. inet_addr decimal point mark to add the specified IP address. -N displays the network interface specified by the if_addr ARP entries. if_addr need to modify the address specified interface IP address translation table (if any). If not, will use the first applicable interface. -D delete the specified item from the inet_addr. -S add entries in the ARP cache, the IP address and physical address inet_addr ether_addr association. Physical address separated by a hyphen 6 hexadecimal byte given. Use dotted decimal IP address of the specified tag. Item is permanent, that is, after the expiration of the timeout delete items from the cache automatically. ether_addr specify the physical address. -------------------------------------------- Finger running the Finger service Specify the system displays information about the user. Remote system output according to different variables. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. finger [-l] [user] @ computer [...] parameter-l display information in long list format. user Specifies the user to obtain relevant information. Omit the user parameter to display the specified information for all users on the computer: @ computer ----------------------------------- --------- Ftp the files to the FTP service is running from a remote computer or FTP services running on the remote computer to transfer files (sometimes called the daemon). Ftp can be used interchangeably. Click the This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. Ftp is a service that, once started, will be created in which a child can use the ftp command environment, sub-commands by typing quit the environment from the child to return to the Windows 2000 command prompt. When the ftp sub-environment is running, it is representative of the ftp command prompt. ftp [-v] [-n] [-i] [-d] [-g] [-s: filename] [-a] [-w: windowsize] [computer] parameter-v Suppresses remote server response. -N disable automatic log on to the initial connection. -I send multiple files to close interaction prompts. -D enable debugging, displayed in the client and the server for all ftp commands passed between. -G Disable file name group, which allows local file and path names use the wildcard character (* and?). (Please refer to the online The parameter spaces are not allowed. Use this switch instead of redirection (-A data connection in the bundle to use any local interface. -W: windowsize override the default send buffer size is 4096. computer to connect to the remote computer to specify the computer name or IP address. If specified, the computer must be the last line of argument. -------------------------------------------- Nbtstat the diagnostic command NBT (TCP / IP on a NetBIOS) display protocol statistics and current TCP / IP connection. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before it can use. nbtstat [-a remotename] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval] Parameters-a remotename listed using the name of the remote computer The name of the table. -A IP address using the remote computer's IP address and lists the name of the table. -C given the IP address of each name and lists the contents of the NetBIOS name cache. -N Lists local NetBIOS names. -R remove all the NetBIOS name of the name cache, reload Lmhosts file. -R lists the Windows network name resolution name resolution statistics. Configured to use WINS in the Windows 2000 computer, this option returns to the radio or WINS to resolve the name and registration number. -S displays the client and server sessions, only the IP address listed by the remote computer. -S Display the client and server sessions. Try to convert the remote computer using the IP address of the host name of the file. interval to re-display the selected statistics, pausing between each display interval in seconds. Press CTRL + C to stop re-display statistics. If omitted, nbtstat prints the current configuration information once. -------------------------------------------- Netstat displays protocol statistics and current The TCP / IP network connections. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p protocol] [-r] [interval] Parameters-a Displays all connections and listening ports. Server connection is usually not displayed. -E Displays Ethernet statistics. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the-s option. -N display in digital format, the address and port number (instead of trying to find the name). -S displays statistics for each protocol. By default, the display TCP, UDP, ICMP and IP statistics. -P option can be used to specify the default subset. -P protocol shows the protocol specified by the protocol connection; protocol can be tcp or udp. If with the - s option with the use of display statistics for each protocol, protocol can be tcp, udp, icmp, or ip. -R display routing table contents. interval to re-display the selected statistics, pausing between each display interval seconds. Press CTRL + B to stop re-display statistics. If omitted, netstat will print the current configuration information. -------------------------------------------- Ping verification and remote computer connection. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j computer-list ] | [-k computer-list]] [-w timeout] destination-list parameter-t Ping the specified computer until interrupted. -A to address resolution for the computer name. n count Send count the specified number of ECHO packets. The default value is 4. -L length send messages that contain the specified amount of data by the length of ECHO packets. The default is 32 bytes; maximum is 65,527. -F to send the packet, Packets will not be the gateway route segment. -I ttl the -V tos to -R count in the count can be specified at least one station, up to 9 computer. -S count Specifies count metric specified timestamp. -J computer-list specified by computer-list list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can be separated by the middle of the gateway (routing sparse source) IP to allow the maximum number is 9. -K computer-list specified by computer-list list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can not be separated by intermediate gateways (strict source route) IP to allow the maximum number is 9. -W timeout Specifies the timeout interval, in milliseconds. destination-list Specifies ping the remote computer. -------------------------------------------- Rcp on Windows 2000 computers and Remote shell daemon running rshd copy between systems. rcp command is a connection command, issued from a Windows 2000 computer, the command can also be used for other transmission in the two running rshd copy files between computers. rshd daemon can use the UNIX computer, and in Windows 2000 can not be used, so only Windows 2000 computers can be used as an order of the system involved. Remote computer must also be provided by running the rshd rcp utility. rcp [-a |-b] [-h] [-r] source1 source2 ... sourceN destination parameter-a specify the ASCII transfer mode. This mode will be in the outgoing file carriage return / line feeds into carriage return, line feed in the incoming file will be converted to carriage return / line feed. This mode is the default transfer mode. -B specifies binary image transfer mode. Did not perform carriage return / line feed conversion. -H transfer Windows 2000 computer is marked as hidden attribute the source file. Without this option, specified in the rcp command line the effect of hidden files and file does not exist. -R will be the source of the contents of all subdirectories recursively copied to the target. source and destination must be a directory, although even if the source is not a directory, use the-r can work. But there will be no recurrence. source and destination must have the format [computer [. user]:] filename. If you omit the [computer [. User]:] section, the computer will assume that the local computer. If you omit the [. User] section, will use the currently logged on Windows 2000 user name. If you use a fully qualified computer name that contains a period (.) Delimiter, you must include [. User]. Otherwise, the last part of the computer name will be interpreted as the user name. If you specify multiple source files, the destination must be a directory. If the file name is not to UNIX forward slash (/) or Windows 2000 system, the backslash () begin with, it is assumed relative to the current working directory. In Windows 2000, which is an order of the directory. In the remote system, this is the remote user's login directory. Period (.) That the current directory. Using the remote path escape character (, -------------------------------------------- Rexec running the REXEC service run commands on a remote computer. rexec command before running the specified command to verify the user name on the remote computer, only to install the TCP / IP protocol before they can use this command. rexec computer [-l username] [-n] command to run the specified command parameter computer remote computer. -L username Specifies the user name on the remote computer. -N Redirect the input of rexec to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. -------------------------------------------- Route control network routing table. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. route [-f] [-p] [command [destination] [mask subnetmask] [gateway] [metric costmetric]] Parameters-f Clears all gateway routing table entry. If this parameter is used in combination with a command, the routing table will be removed before running the command. -P add command with the parameters used, the system will route between the persistence of the boot process. By default, the system restarts without reservation route. When used in conjunction with the print command to display a list of registered persistent routes. Ignore all the other routes are always the order of the corresponding persistent. Specify the following command a command. Print print route add command to add the purpose of routing the routing change delete to delete an existing route destination Specifies to change the computer to send command. mask subnetmask designated route entry associated with the subnet mask. If not specified, will use gateway Specifies gateway. The network database called Networks Hosts file and the name of the computer name in the database file all the destination or gateway are referenced using the symbolic name. If the command is print or delete, destination and gateway can also use wildcards, you can omit the gateway parameters. metric metric costmetric assigned integer (from 1 to 9999) in calculating the fastest, most reliable, and (or) use the cheapest route. -------------------------------------------- Rsh running the RSH service run commands on a remote computer. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. rsh computer [-l username] [-n] command to run the specified command parameter computer remote computer. -L username Specifies the remote computer using the user name. If omitted, the logged on user name. -N Redirect the input of rsh to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. -------------------------------------------- Tftp transfer files to is TFTP service is running or from a remote computer running TFTP service on the remote computer to transfer files. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use. tftp [-i] computer [get | put] source [destination] parameter-i Specifies binary image transfer mode (also known as In binary image mode, the file one byte by one byte to literally move. When sending binary files using this model. If you omit the-i, the file will be ASCII mode transfer. This is the default transfer mode. This mode will convert the EOL characters carriage return and UNIX-PC carriage return / line feed. Should be used when sending a text file in this mode. If the file transfer is successful, data transfer rate. computer designated local or remote computer. put the file on the local computer to the remote destination file on the computer source. get a file on the remote computer to send to the destination file on the local computer source. If the files on the local computer to the remote file-two files on the computer file-one, please specify the put. If the remote computer to send the file to a remote file-two files on the computer file-one, please specify the get. Because the tftp protocol does not support user authentication, the user must log on the remote computer and the file must be written. source Specifies the file transfer. If the local file is specified as -, then the remote file on stdout to print out (if available), or from stdin (if placed) to read. destination Specifies the location of the file to. If you omit the destination, will assume the same name with the source. -------------------------------------------- Tracert diagnostic utility of the contains different survival time (TTL) value of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets to the target, to determine the route used to reach a goal. To forward packets at least until the TTL decrement 1, the necessary path for each router, TTL is a valid hop count. TTL on a packet reaches 0, the router should be Tracert sends the TTL of 1 echo packets, and in the subsequent process each time you send TTL incremented by 1, until the target response or the maximum TTL to determine the route. Routing by checking the intermediate routers send back the However, some routers silently expired TTL values include underground transmission of data packets, and tracert can not see. tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j computer-list] [-w timeout] target_name parameter / d specifies not to address resolution for the computer name. -H maximum_hops search target specified maximum number of hops. -J computer-list specifies the sparse along computer-list source routing. -W timeout Wait timeout specified response time the number of microseconds. target_name target computer's name. DOS, restore registry command on the 5 Scanreg / restore DOS command to view network status with the investigation Trojan Start → Run → enter CMD, click OK to enter this (netstat-an) command to copy inside the brackets into the CMD window, then back to vehicle operation. Divided into four parts: proto (connections), loc aladdress (local connection address), foreign address (the address of the connection and local), state (the current port status). For more information about this command, we can identify the computer in the end have not been installed trojan, what procedures have not been monitored, and thus to maintain the security of their systems. [1] entry for more Atlas Atlas References 1
Using DOS command to check trojan
http://article.wxiu.com/system/winxp/200903/06-5256. html
Further reading: 1
IT computer network
A Short History of MS-DOS: http://www.patersontech.com/Dos/Byte/History.html
new DOS era http://wendos.mycool.net/
DOS cabin http://risky.ik8.com/
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