A middle school student collapsed in the street, a passing vehicle enthusiastic officers not only to call them to come help, and leave the money to see a doctor.
yesterday, readers call the newspaper said Cui Qinglin, 22, 17 am, in the East Longhai Road intersection Ming Road and staged a touching scene, a middle school student collapsed in the street, an officer is not only enthusiastic about passing phone to contact the vehicle came to help, and leave the money to see a doctor. 17 am, I work out via East Road and the Longhai Road intersection and saw the north side of the bus schedule at the intersection of many people around, I saw the crowd, toting a shoulder bag the boy collapsed to the ground, twitching limbs, pale, looking fifteen-year-old, wearing a dress from the point of view, it should be middle school students. Endorsement of the package next to a girl, boy squatted helplessly look anxiously to him, and kept calling, but a little boy did not respond.
asking passers I know, the boy is waiting for the bus when the faint, the girl is his classmate.
Just then, out of a crowd dressed in uniforms of armed police officers do not see the ambulance arrived, he quickly took out his cell phone to contact the vehicle came to rescue the boy, and asked the boy's case .
120 arrived, learned that two students had no money, the officer pulled out a few hundred dollars upon their girls, and wrote his phone number that go to the hospital so what need of help to call.
behavior of officers moved in the presence of all the passers-by. Evening with the power I wish I could find to the kind officer.
on, when the ambulance rushed to the scene of a hospital is the city, perhaps through the hospital records of visits to find the good-hearted people.
call 120 TJ: You want to interview about the armed police officer who dedicated ah
yesterday, a city of 120 hospital medical staff said that the day does have such a patient visits , reported that a consultation phone is a man surnamed Liu. According to medical reports provided by telephone consultation, the reporter contacted Mr. Liu enthusiasts. Liu remember what happened two days ago:
students who are waiting for the bus when the faint, when he fell behind me. Boy wearing a dark blue jacket, his face pale. May be the first encounter such a thing, accompanied by female students frightened, crouched before him cry. I quickly dialed 120.
see the boy collapsed, passing people have around us, some people fainted in the boys help up, to pinch one medium simple first aid, some people call the 120, also suggested that girls must notify the the boy's home. Trembling girl called the number,
polo shirts, but has no answer, the girl vexation afraid I do not know what to do.
two fellow students, Zhoukou people to study in Zhengzhou, the same day back to school with them and other public transportation.
you do not write me, or to interview about the armed police officer who dedicated it! His 30-year-old, lanky, very enthusiastic. 120 has not come yet, he called for troops to contact the vehicle, would like to send students to the hospital for treatment.
20 minutes after the 120 arrived on the scene, as two students did not take cash, and that the officer took out a few hundred dollars to superimpose girl, so what the girls need to give him a call.
then loaded onto the truck to see medical personnel rushed to City, a boy to hospital for treatment, he was safely away.
I saw armed police officers wearing uniforms, badges on display a bar two weeks, wearing the badge on his chest read,
Doctor: Boy sudden seizures, the treatment will not cause illness, the evening was discharged back to school
16 am yesterday,
ralph lauren shop, a hospital emergency medicine in the city, when the doctor said Zhang Jingping admissions day, 17:24, the boy to the hospital by 120 ambulance, convulsions,
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ralph lauren uk, after a diagnosis of epilepsy. After treatment, did not cause illness, the patient left the hospital that night back to school.
reporters saw in the outpatient records, the boy named Li Mingyu, 15 years old this year, 47 students in Zhengzhou. According to the girl who accompanied the patient described in the afternoon, the two other buses ready to go to school,
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Subsequently, the reporter left according to medical records contact the phone call, but has been unable to connect.