Moody's Cuts Greek Debt Rating Further
BY NATASHA BRERETON-FUKUI SINGAPORE—Moody's Investors Service Monday slashed the Greek government's debt ratings three notches deeper into junk territory, warning that the nation's newest bailout deal implies a temporary <a href=""><strong>wholesale lv handbags online from china </strong></a> sovereign default and sets a bad precedent in the 17-country <a href=""><strong>wholesale fashion lv handbags online from china </strong></a> euro zone. European Union leaders last week agreed to another €109 billion (156.5 billion) in official financing for Greece, combined with €37 billion from the private sector to roll over maturing debt. Moody's said Monday the program indicated that the likelihood of a distressed debt exchange <a href=""><strong>Tips on how to buy the right Juicy Wristlet Clutch- GANM timberland uk</strong></a> and a default on Greek government bonds was virtually 100%. The ratings agency raised the likelihood that private ...