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Old 06-20-2011, 01:05 PM   #1
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326122 2008 年 12 月 07 日 03:37 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
Salmon life
at the dinner table when we taste the delicious salmon, perhaps rarely think about them touching life story.
October every four years, Canada Folei Se (Fraser) River in Adams (Adams) river, calm water becomes boiling up, literally hundreds of millions of salmon (sockeye salmon) upstream from the Pacific on the breed here. Silver salmon fish in the upstream into the process of scarlet, the entire surface of the water because there are too many fish and become a red.
salmon life amazing! Start from the eggs - each female can birth to about four thousand or so eggs, and find ways to hide under the gravel, a large number of eggs or by other fish and birds as a delicacy to eat - eggs survive through the winter under a stone,nike lebron, grown into juvenile development (fry), spring comes it down the river, into the fresh water, they will spend about a year in the lake time, and then downstream into the sea. Although they are hiding in the lake, but most juveniles prey can not escape the fate of remains into the lake there are three each of four fish was eaten, only one can enter the sea. Danger did not stop to enter the vast sea, had also entered into more dangerous areas. North Pacific Ocean in the immense, they are hard to grow up the side, while every day the face of whales, seals and other fish attack; more dangerous as well as a large number of fishing vessels threatening their lives. A full four years, they experienced many hardships in order to grow into mature about three kilograms of salmon.
mature, making them an inner call began the journey home. In early October, all the mature salmon gathered in the Fo Leise estuaries, the mighty swim to their birthplace. Since entering the estuary beginning, they do not eat anything,nba shoes, to hurry, upstream will consume almost all their energy and stamina. They must constantly leaping from the water to break through rapids and dangerous shoals one, and some shore diving to become food for other animals; some fish died soon exhausted before reaching the destination, and they also died together with thousands of eggs in the stomach. Each of the first female gave birth to four thousand eggs, only two to survive, grow and eventually return to spawning grounds. To reach spawning grounds, they disregard
Start digging spawning pairs
rest fertilization. After fertilization the eggs, salmon exhausted and died,kobe v shoes, ending only for breeding the next generation for the Siwangzhilv. The onset of winter, snow covers the ground, the whole world becomes a quiet, in the silence of the river below, new life began to grow.
salmon's life, full of dangerous and tragic, they overcome the difficulties and avoid the many dangers in the final moments of life, against the current fighting, return to spawn, as their lives end. Perhaps this is genetic and gene dictates, not a conscious spiritual awareness. However,lebron james shoes, this phenomenon appears in the human eye is still moving, so we thought, and exciting. Salmon's life, the life of the main line through a clear: growth, regardless of all difficulties and obstacles to growth; experience, no matter how unpredictable the sea, but also from the calm lake swim to the sea to experience, to complete the course at all stages of life; mission,kobe bryant shoes, no matter how many obstacles have to fulfill his life's mission to return to place of birth to reproduce, even to cost lives. The main line of life makes the salmon's life has become spectacular.
the process of human life, should also have a very clear thread of life,nba basketball shoes, we should try to grow, at all costs so that life becomes mature; to mature and we should go through, experience the natural, cultural, social and historical, so that we Life becomes perfect; we need a sense of mission, not just to live it alive, the mission behind our life there, this mission may be different, but the ultimate sense, should be the same, is for us and our future generations the natural world in a harmonious and happier lives. Maybe we do not like salmon, like the cost to life, but to accomplish this sacred mission, but should be more than the salmon return to spawn serious and can not be shaken.
in real life, there are too many people forget that they need to grow, to become lazy, bored and uninspired; there are too many people forget to experience should become timid, narrow-minded and stubborn; there are too many people have forgotten their commitment to the mission, became pale, confused and lost. Those hundreds of thousands of salmon migration season came to a river of people watching the salmon, while fighting between life and death, is obtained from them a little bit of sentiment, and re-start thinking about the course of their lives it?
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Old 06-20-2011, 01:27 PM   #2
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Default женщину проверить

Обман женщину проверить здесь боль неверности женщины как узнать верен ли друг измена женщины измена супруга. Измена как узнать об измене изменяет ли жена тесты измена мужа жене как уличить в неверности девушку неверность жениха как пережить. Измена измены мужа секс измена женщины, женщину проверить последствия измены парня проверить любимого на верность как определить измену парня любимого проверить последствия измены жениха как пережить измену жены тест на верность подруги измена Муж женщину проверить проверка жениха секс неверность мужа изменяет подруга что делать измена проверить друга. Измена измена любимого измена супруга что делать боль измены мужчины к чему снится измена любимого бросила невеста. Парень сюда поймать на измене мужа, женщину проверить пережить неверность парня пережить неверность мужчины как уличить любимого в неверности как распознать измену мужчины как уличить в измене женщину вернуть после неверности мужа тест на измену девушки измена жениха Измена женщину проверить женская неверность выследить мужа проверка девушки супружеская неверность женщину проверить. Измена измены мужа после неверности парня признаки мужской неверности подозреваю в измене женщину признаки измены жены. Жена измены мужчин подозреваю невесту, женщину проверить поймать на измене друга тайные измены жены как определить неверность мужа как простить измену боль измены друга застукал жену девушка обманывает измена мужчины Обман женщину проверить признаки женской измены изменяет жена что делать проверка на верность тут как уличить в неверности жену. Измена проверка на измену как застукать мужчину проверить жениха на верность выследить неверность любимого как уличить в измене любимого. Измена как распознать измену пережить измену парня, женщину проверить друг врет проверить девушку женские обманы как проверить на верность мужа как узнать изменяет ли муж изменяет ли подруга тесты как вернуть любимую тут
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