Don't become Supermom if you don't have to. Allow others to help you during this wonderful time of pregnancy. If you have kids already, then let them do the dishes for a day. Have your husband take out the trash tonight.
You want to be comfortable during traveling time, whether riding in a car, on a bus or on a plane. Make sure you list all the places that you might stop for rest. Don't try to over plan or plan too much.
Caffeine can cause upset stomach and in some cases promote nausea especially during the first four months when morning sickness is at it's worse. Avoiding caffeine or moderating it during this time can help lessen these symptoms.
Folic acid, included in the prenatal vitamins, can help reduce certain birth defects.
This causes a protective build-up of skin under our feet where the bone prominence lies, as well as on the tops of the toes that are contracted up against shoes. Softening corns and calluses with a daily moisturizer and using a pumice stone or file after showering will help smooth them out. Avoid medicated corn pads, as they can burn the surrounding healthy skin. More severe corns and calluses may require professional trimming and padding, or even surgery to correct the underlying bone prominence.Nails are also part of the skin. Over time, nails can become thickened, malformed, and discolored. This may be due to a nail fungus, which can also cause pain and nail lifting. Nail fungus is difficult to treat, and infected nails are difficult to trim by oneself. Options for treatment include a prescription pill, specially formulated topical oils, or toenail removal. The nails can also look abnormal due to bruising or other medical conditions which can mimic nail fungus.
At one time or another mothers seem to become Supermom, avenger of kids, wife, chef and 24/7 house cleaner. The list goes on.
In culinary use, or in the kitchen (and the food), herbs are used in small portions or in a form that won't cause many problems. But some herbs can cause uterine contractions and can even harm the baby if taken in the right form and dosage. Avoid oils of herbs as these tend to be higher in concentration.
o Take Your Prenatal Vitamins
Avoid alcohol during nursing, as alcohol can be easily passed to the baby during breastfeeding. Even small amounts could harm the baby's growing systems.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause complications during and after birth. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS is a condition that can cause low birth weight, many physical deformities and mental retardation.
Nutrition is also important during pregnancy and the prenatal vitamins don't work alone. But they do help with energy levels and increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.
But don't think you must get maternity clothes to be comfortable. Jogging pants and sweat suits are possibilities.
o Don't Overdo It: Supermom Syndrome
o Avoid Alcohol
With a growing belly and a waist size, comfortable clothes and shoes during pregnancy are a must. But what is comfortable?
A good pair of tennis shoes or sneakers is ideal. Slip-on sneakers are ideal especially at the end of pregnancy for when the time actually comes, you want to be prepared and not have to worry about putting on your shoes and tying them.
Make a list of comfort items. Do you have a maternity pillow yet? There are several different types of pillows that can help ease discomfort during pregnancy. Some have a foam support. Some are double pillows that have a front for your ever growing belly and support your back.
Even small amounts of drinking alcohol can be bad for your health. It hasn't been proven otherwise. As soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, it is recommended to stop alcohol consumption at once.
Caffeine like most substances can cross the placenta, the set of blood vessels that help feed the baby. Moderate use is about three cups of coffee a day or six cans of caffeinated soda.
Learning meditation techniques and safe yoga practices can help in the process of relaxation. Ask your doctor which exercises might be good for you and your growing baby.
Smoking in general can cause health problems. Even if you don't smoke, being around someone who does smoke during your pregnancy can increase chances of health problems for you and your unborn child.
These vitamins have minerals and other substances that have been deemed vital in the health of your unborn baby. Some prenatal vitamins have a mild laxative that can help ease the constipation that some women have during pregnancy.
o Avoid Smoking
To treat dryness, you should moisturize the skin once or twice daily. Foot soaking is not necessary, and tends to dry out the skin even more by leaching vital oils. Avoid placing moisturizer in between toes, as this can increase the likelihood fungus will develop. If fungus does infect the foot skin, it will cause Athlete's foot. This condition creates redness and itching on the bottom of the feet or in between the toes, and needs medical treatment to destroy the invading fungus. Sometimes over-the-counter medication works well, and sometimes prescription medication is needed. Skin can also become thinner over time. Because of this, sores, scrapes, blisters or minor cuts may need medical attention as healing can take longer. The feet should be protected for this reason by wearing properly fitted shoes at all times.Corns and calluses are caused by pressure from bones as they squeeze overlying skin against your shoes or the ground. As we age, the natural fat pad in our feet slowly move and shrink, making bones more prominent.
o Travel in Comfort
o Avoid Caffeine
It's a good thing to tell your doctor if you are traveling anywhere. They may be able to give you tips.
A lightweight material clothing is best, something that breathes and allows flexibility. Most sections of department stores and chain stores have a maternity section with plus size clothes that are meant for pregnancy women.
Follow these previous tips and you will have a safe and comfortable pregnancy. It's time to relax and nurture the baby growing inside you.
o Wear Comfortable Clothes and Shoes
Pregnancy is a time for joy and an occasional relaxing day. Here are some practical tips on comfort and safety during this wonderful time.
Since studies have been inconclusive about whether caffeine is bad for you, it should be ################## or even avoided during pregnancy.
o Moderate Herbal Usage: If It's Not for Culinary Use
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Some herbal remedies are safe. Others are not. Talk to your health care provider about which herbs are safe during pregnancy.
Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, you can travel just about anywhere during your pregnancy. Planning ahead, as with any travel plans, is best.
Smoking narrows the blood vessels in the placenta and umbilical cord that delivers oxygen to your unborn baby. When this happens, it limits the amount of oxygen your baby gets. It can cause low birth weight and other health problems once the baby is born such as chronic wheezing and other lung problems.
Avoid places where smoking is prevalent including friends' homes. If your friend doesn't understand why show them statistics on smoking and the consequences to your unborn child. If your friend still doesn't understand, then try to keep limited exposure. Most friends will be very helpful even if they are a smoke-around-the-clock type person.
You probably don't want to wear high heels when you are pregnant. Perhaps early in the pregnancy you can, but once the weight is put on and the body is starting to feel the pregnancy it is doubtful that high heels would be comfortable especially when walking or traveling.