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Old 05-28-2011, 08:11 PM   #1
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Default 《山居秋暝》参考教案

  中国是一个诗歌的国度。唐朝是一个诗的时代。它不仅在诗体上创造出五七言近体诗(绝句和律诗),完善了 七言古体诗,还孕育了一个灿若明星的庞大诗人群体。其中除了李白、杜甫、白居易三颗才贯古今,风华绝代、光 耀千秋的明星外,还有多如恒沙河石的才华横溢的诗人,王维便是其中熠熠闪光的一颗。今天,我们一起走近王维 ,走近他空灵的诗歌世界。
  1.作者简介:王维(701―761),字摩诘,官至尚书右丞,世称王右丞,唐代山水田园诗人。他的诗 歌可分为前后两个时期。以王维40岁左右为界。前期有积极的人生态度和政治抱负,热情,开朗,雄心勃勃。他 在这时期创作的政治诗和边塞游侠诗,洋溢着青春朝气和理想光芒,饱含情韵。到后期他先后隐居于终南山和辋川 别墅,写了大量山水田园诗。他又喜绘画,苏轼赞他“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有 诗。” 后代研究王维的学者亦称其为“诗佛”。这种称谓意在说明王维的诗歌中充满禅机和佛老思想,同时也表达了后人 对王维在唐代诗坛崇高地位的肯定。
  源于老庄哲学,成于晋陶渊明手笔,继于大谢(谢灵运)小谢(谢眺),盛于唐代王(王维)孟 (孟浩然)。
  山水田园诗以描绘秀丽的山光水色,和谐的田园生活为主要内容,寄托了作者因怀才不遇,或愤世嫉俗,或厌 恶官场,而宁愿隐身山林,无拘无束的生活愿望。
  1.苏轼曾经这样评价过王维的诗:“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画,观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”仔细阅读这首诗, 看看作者描绘了几幅画,并用散文化的语言来描绘每一幅画面。
  第一幅“空山新雨后,天气晚来秋”――初秋的傍晚,山雨初霁,万物一新,树木繁茂, 空气清新,高山寂静,宛若世外桃源。
  第二幅“明月松间照”――暮色苍茫,皎洁的明月升上了天空,银色的月光透过松树的虬枝翠叶,星星点点地 洒落下来。(静景)
  第三幅“清泉石上流”――清清的泉水淙淙地流泻于山石之上,在月光辉映之下,宛若一条洁白的绸布闪闪发 光、随风飘荡,这是多么幽美的意境啊!(动景)
  第四幅“竹喧归浣女”。竹林里传来一阵银铃般的笑声,那是一群勤劳淳朴的山村姑娘刚洗完衣服,披着月光 笑盈盈地归来了,也许她们正为什么开心的事儿在竹林里嬉戏追逐着,笑闹声传出翠竹林外。 (动景)
  第五幅“莲动下渔舟”――密密的荷叶纷纷倒向两旁,莲花摇动,水波荡漾,原来是顺流而下的渔舟正轻盈地 穿过荷花丛,弄乱的荷塘月色,划破了大山的宁静。
  2.每一幅画面就象电影中的一个镜头,womens nike air max,把这些镜头连起来就是山中的整个景致。这些景色给你什么感觉?
  画面总合:空山雨后的秋凉,松间明月的清光,石上清泉的声音,浣衣村女的笑声,渔舟穿过荷丛的动态,和 谐完美地融合在一起,有声有色,有景有人,有静有动,构成了清新秀丽的乡村生活图景。
  王国维曾经说过“一切景语皆情语”,作者描写了那么美丽恬然的山中景色,所要表达的是一种怎样的感情呢 ?
  在诗的结末里,诗人用\'随意春芳歇,王孙自可留\'来点明自己愿意留在山中的意思。翻成现代汉语就是 说,春夏两季的许多花花草草,如今都已经衰谢了。由他去吧(所谓\'随意\')!山中的隐士(所谓\'王孙 \',是泛指,也包括作者在内)完全能够欣赏这些迷人的秋景,用不着楚山去的。收束了全诗,并点出作者作诗 的用意。(简单介绍王维的生平)诗人厌恶污浊的官场,这里安静纯朴的生活是他的理想境界,他又深受佛道思想 的影响,所以选择隐居。后人称之为“诗意的生活”。
  主题:作者通过写美丽恬静的山中景色,所表达的是一种对于山水的留恋,对隐居生活的渴望以及洁身自好, 不与世俗同流合污的思想感情。(寓情于景,情景交融)
  辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪 王 维
  寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺�。 倚杖柴门外,临风听暮蝉。
  渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟。 复值接舆醉,狂歌五柳前。
  (3)诗中“接舆”是指春秋时楚国的一个隐士。“五柳”则是指_________(朝代)大诗人___ ____,其诗文代表作品有______________(任填一篇)。
  参考答案:(9分)(1)首联写山中秋景。“转”和“日”用得巧妙,转苍翠,表示山色愈来愈深,愈来愈 浓;山是静止的,着一“转”字,便凭借颜色的渐变而写出它的动态。日潺�,就是日日潺�,每日每时都在喧响 ;水是流动的,用一“日”字,却令人感觉它始终如一的守恒。寥寥十字,勾勒出一幅有色彩、有音响,动静结合 的画面。(4分)
  (3)东晋(或晋代) 陶渊明 《桃花源记》(或《归园田居》《饮酒》《五柳先生传》《归去来兮辞》等)(3分)
  《新唐书・王维传》:“别墅在辋川,地奇胜……与裴迪游其中,赋诗相酬为乐。”这首诗即与裴迪相酬为乐 之作。这是一首诗、画、音乐完美结合的五律。首联和颈联写景,描绘辋川附近山水田园的深秋暮色;颔联和尾联 写人,刻画诗人和裴迪两个隐士的形象。风光人物,交替行文,相映成趣,形成物我一体、情景交融的艺术境界, 抒写诗人的闲居之乐和对友人的真切情谊。
    “寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺�。”首联写山中秋景。时在水落石出的寒秋,山间泉水不停歇地潺潺作响;随 着天色向晚,山色也变得更加苍翠。不待颔联说出“暮”字,已给人以时近黄昏的印象。“转”和“日”用得巧妙 。转苍翠,表示山色愈来愈深,愈来愈浓;山是静止的,着一“转”字,便凭借颜色的渐变而写出它的动态。日潺 �,就是日日潺�,每日每时都在喧响;水是流动的,用一“日”字,却令人感觉它始终如一的守恒。寥寥十字, 勾勒出一幅有色彩,有音响,动静结合的画面。“渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟。”颈联写原野暮色。夕阳欲落,炊烟 初升,这是田野黄昏的典型景象。渡头在水,墟里在陆;落日属自然,炊烟属人事:景物的选取是很见匠心的。“ 墟里上孤烟”,显系从陶潜“暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟”(《归田园居之一》)点化而来。但陶句是拟人化的表现 远处村落上方炊烟萦绕、不忍离去的情味,王句却是用白描手法表现黄昏第一缕炊烟袅袅升到半空的景象,各有各 的形象,各有各的意境。这一联是王维修辞的名句,历来被人称道。“渡头余落日”,精确地剪取落日行将与水面 相切的一瞬间,富有包孕地显示了落日的动态和趋向,在时间和空间上都为读者留下想象的余地。“墟里上孤烟” ,写的也是富有包孕的片刻。“上”字,不仅写出炊烟悠然上升的动态,而且显示已经升到相当的高度。首、颈两 联,以寒山、秋水、落日、孤烟等富有季节和时间特征的景物,构成一幅和谐静谧的山水田园风景画。但这风景并 非单纯的孤立的客观存在,而是画在人眼里,人在画图中,一景一物都经过诗人主观的过滤而带上了感情色彩。那 么,诗人的形象是怎样的呢?请看颔联:
  “倚杖柴门外,临风听暮蝉。”这就是诗人的形象。柴门,表现隐居生活和田园风味;倚杖,表现年事已高和 意态安闲。柴门之外,倚杖临风,听晚树鸣蝉、寒山泉水,看渡头落日、墟里孤烟,那安逸的神态,潇洒的闲情, 和“策扶老以流憩,时矫首而遐观”(《归去来辞》)的陶渊明不是有几分相似吗?事实上,王维对那位“古今隐 逸诗人之宗”,也是十分仰慕的,就在这首诗中,不仅仿效了陶的诗句,而且在尾联引用了陶的典故 :
  “复值接舆醉,狂歌五柳前。”陶文《五柳先生传》的主人公,是一位忘怀得失、诗酒自娱的隐者,“宅边有 五柳树,因以为号焉。”实则,这位先生正是陶潜的自我写照;而王维自称五柳,就是以陶潜自况的。接舆,是春 秋时代“凤歌笑孔丘”的楚国狂士,诗人把沉醉狂歌的裴迪与楚狂接舆相比,乃是对这位年轻朋友的赞许。陶潜与 接舆──王维与裴迪,个性虽大不一样,但那超然物外的心迹却是相近相亲的。所以,“复值接舆醉”的复字,不 表示又一次遇见裴迪,而是表示诗人情感的加倍和进层:既赏佳景,更遇良朋,辋川闲居之乐,至于此极啊!末联 生动地刻画了裴迪的狂士形象,表明了诗人对他的由衷的好感和欢迎,诗题中的赠字,也便有了着落 。
  颔联和尾联,对两个人物形象的刻画,也不是孤立进行,而是和景物描写密切结合的。柴门、暮蝉、晚风、五 柳,有形无形,有声无声,都是写景。五柳,虽是典故,但对王维说来,模仿陶渊明笔下的人物,植五柳于柴门之 外,不也是自然而然的吗?
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Old 05-28-2011, 08:13 PM   #2
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2124013 2008 年 12 月 11 日 14:57 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
Qu Machine
- which can be sub-word word for an explanation. The first is bent, the word total of four common explanations. First, it can be interpreted as bending, such as wit, bend your fingers will have meaning. Also impressed by Qu can also mean, as to yield to others. In addition Wat can also mean the wrong word as Liqu. Finally, reluctantly mean, if it contains the meaning of the word Qudachengzhao. Machine word is concerned, there are about three common explanations. The first is construed to operate and produce power conversion function devices such as computers, game consoles and other machines would take the word meaning. Another machine word resembles an aircraft, such as cabin, the aircraft position is that rather than other modes of transport. Finally, the machine word with the timing of the objective conditions, such as the timing of the word.
As for the \If this interpretation of the word Popular, is defined as the power of the poor were forced to yield. The explanation stems from the difficulty of some video games too, so that those who feel just like playing games that were to yield, \In addition, the \
Qu used as a verb, and as a reluctant solution. The machine was the object for game solutions.
When using this word as a popular term, examples are as follows: \In this case the strength of the poor are forced to yield, with the meaning of non-crime of war. In conclusion, this is not a random pile of buzzwords, the term comes from video games, video games refers to the difficulty is too high and can bend your knees, so \yield.
blown the whistle

- now \The first is \\As for the chicken, not refer to poultry chicken. Chicken in Cantonese in the short silver flute. In other words,pandora sale, \As for the interpretation of its catchphrase, was convener of the horse. \Blowing as a verb, while the chicken is interpreted as the Silver Whistle,pandora necklace, a noun,pandora jewelry, it is used as an object.
its popular usage, such as: \Convenor of the example they have a mean horse. Sentence is also a common word triad. In conclusion, this pile of words is not random. Because the role of the Silver Whistle blowing is caused by other people's attention, such as former police officers, when the chase criminals, they will come to the Silver Whistle blowing caused by the presence of people pay attention, or to gather the masses. Silver Whistle blowing
and convene as both the antecedents and consequences of the masses, it has a close relationship between the two. Popular usage is the direct effect of the Silver Whistle blowing hearts out, and will be extended to serve the people together convener horse. Be regarded as an expansion of meaning.
Liu Hua
- we can not literally \Because \As for its popular usage, sucked, \As for the term structure, because of \The popular usage, such as the earlier very popular singer by the twins of \
All in all, this catchphrase and not appropriate. Since Andy is a local guy, \Andy Lau as artists still active in the entertainment circle, it was able to spread these buzzwords. Andy quit the show business future after the buzz words are also grouped will disappear. Popular popular than others so this life is shorter.
old Li
- First, from the literal interpretation of the \And \If PC World is woven of grass raincoat. Literally the whole word can not be explained from the meaning of them. As for the catchphrase to explain the robbery. As for the term structure, it is an additional type. The old word for the position is not free morpheme, the word used as a prefix Li. And Li is the word is used as a verb. Examples of its use such as: \Do not move those hands and started to his line? . This refers to the word
Li PC World raincoats, and the interpretation of robbery does not have any relationship, the interpretation of non-extended, is the original style of the buzzwords. So people can not imagine the popular characters from the Li explained that the time of its popular nature unsustainable.
- from the literal interpretation of the word can be interpreted as potential activities under water, that means diving. In addition, the potential can be interpreted as hidden characters, such as the potential to sneak into the other. The \And its catchphrase is often not explain the appearance, rarely attend public places and activities. As for the term structure is verb-object structure. Potential as a verb, the water was the object. Popular usage of the term such as \
can be seen, \Diving is a potential in the water, not the body above the surface. Rather than the body of water exposed area of situation,pandora charm, as people do not attend the same public places, other people can not see them. This shows that this is the catchphrase of the semantic meaning of the expansion of the diving will be extended to this situation often does not show up. Therefore, no other instructions, most people will benefit from the interpretation of the words Popular think one of the true meaning.
from the \One is water down the rapids, like a waterfall down the rapids from the high state. The second is the diarrhea, such as diarrhea. As for the \The daily usage is as follows: \
All in all, the buzzword is not in line with the principle of creating new words. As the \inferred from its popular interpretation of the word diarrhea, can only rely on word of mouth alone to maintain its popularity, so this term is relatively difficult to use for long-lasting battle.

temperature three times a literal interpretation of the meaning. One is neither hot nor cold, used to describe the climate, such as temperate, with the meaning of the greenhouse will be. The second is tempered smooth. Its meaning is never cold nor hot, not extreme temperature climate in the extension, such as gentle. The third is to review, such as knowledge and learn new words, there will be review of the mean. As for the catchphrase refers to the pursuit of the opposite ###### to explain. The daily usage is as follows: \Example of the \
In conclusion, the temperature of the meaning of the word might be defined as gentle, so tender was later extended to serve the people to tame. The catchphrase meaning the idea was put a gentle pursuit of the opposite ######, and the tame, meaning the temperature increase, so that ordinary people can also think of, without much explanation. In addition, the \Means the pursuit of the opposite ######, opposite ###### as toxic as a pestilence. This explains the aggressive heavy. Java

or literal interpretation of this word, \The second is interpreted as decline refers to any thing. If stocks? Down is that stocks? Decreased. As for the \One is that fragments, debris and so on. Such as bagasse, is that sugar cane debris. Another explanation refers to the sediment. Forced from the surface to explain the words \The structure of the words verb-object structure, or as a verb, Java is an object. However, from the \The application of methods such as: \
All in all, not because the meaning or residue from the original meaning cited is from, the buzzwords are original, so people can not or residue from the literal solution, speculate on the interpretation of the buzzwords, it is a popular time for the word natural short.
solely from the literal interpretation of \Interpretation of its buzzwords, it is the pursuit of the opposite ######,pandora bracelets sale, with another popular word \The popular usage, such as: \\pursuit of the opposite ###### just like a knife to cut each other. It extended into the pain of the knife modern love here. but did not make the argument accepted by the public. it is the trial \not been given its significance.
word so people can not imagine from the community to explain its popularity, making it difficult to maintain its buzzwords explained.
start literally, \general explanation. First is economic, historical and other means, such as crossing the road.
the other is beyond, beyond, such as too is that more than a job. The third is the transfer, such as the transfer is that the transfer funds to another account. As for the power words, you generally have two explanations. One is that natural phenomena such as lightning. Another is the phone, such as calls. The literal interpretation of the term refers to electronic communication. As for the interpretation of the word Popular, are interpreted to mean both men and women feel attracted to each other. its application methods such as: \\expanded. As most people think the intention from the words to explain its buzzwords, so such a relatively long life of buzzwords.
- the buzzwords from the above example, we can get Popular knowledge of the most prominent feature is its geographical and temporal. As part of the buzzwords of the word generation and local voice and culture is closely related to various factors, has been described above the \Popular popular area, it will only return to Hong Kong local, has not been accepted by the mainland and other places. In addition, due to the emergence and spread of some buzzwords, are subject to the trend of the fleeting effects. also the trend did not last long, So some of the buzzwords for the trend of the sky, the trend of the decline of its life Yiyin disappear.
As the trend of language class method can be broadly divided into four, namely, Blair said, the new use of old words, abbreviations and original four new words. First Blair said. People often will be some with a derogatory sense, the more negative terms, the use of the term refinement of the cover of. such as \\there are many young people between the code word, are similar to the method used to build the new buzzword. such as \unscrupulous insiders say it can. such as \language.
As new with old words, this type is the most common buzzwords. As mentioned before diving back in before the birth of his catchphrase meaning, the word long. and after that they would be using the \old meaning, renovation and reuse the meaning derived from the old new meaning to the words of this has become the new buzzwords. buzzwords of this type would constitute a new use of old words. Another example is the \refers to the replacement of hanging outside the movie theater publicity pictures, now extended from, construed for the opposite ######.
new use of such words is old buzzwords.
In addition, our common buzzword acronyms type. As the name implies, refers to the abbreviations of some of abbreviated words, such as word shrunk by two words, to become the new buzzwords. such as the recent very popular \The abbreviated come. their daily use such as: \\.
the last one is the original new words. Such words are usually created by the media. like a lot of TV or movies,pandora online, among the writers and actors to create their own from time to time some new buzzwords in order to create topics, resulting in publicity. such as the aforementioned \Popular popular new office is also relatively short life. As such buzzwords itself has no meaning, simply because of their popularity trend sky. So whenever the boom is back, these buzzwords will naturally not be used.
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