Louboutin just seriously surprised me. The label’s rendered me speechless, as a matter of fact. Note: this doesn’t count, because I am typing instead of talking. Honestly, if you were here, you’d see that I am totally unable to say a word out loud. Why? Simply put, it’s because of
Christian Louboutin shoes. And oh, hey, P.S., these are also on sale; Saks has them marked down from $750. That is a really big difference.The name of these shoes so does not give you enough of an idea of what they are. I mean, they’re camouflage,
christian louboutin black pumps, for goodness’ sake,
blue christian louboutin! Camouflage.
Christian Louboutin does camouflage. Oh em gee to the nth power.That’s what first captured my attention. I can’t say it enough. Camouflage! I know military fashion is in right now. Heck, I was just talking about it. But … camouflage. Wow.On the way back from a recent trip to New York City, I waited at LaGuardia for my flight home to Atlanta next to a woman wearing the
Christian Louboutin shoes that I love so much. After I forced myself to stop staring at her in unmitigated shoe-envy and restrained myself from tapping her on the shoulder to talk about her boots, I remembered that I was sitting in an airport, waiting to board a plane to yet another airport, one which is so big that I’ve nearly missed flights out of Atlanta because it takes so long to hoof it from security to your freaking gate, which is always the last one on the concourse, always. Wearing heels in that situation struck me as brave, to say the least.
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Christian Louboutin Pumps | 22.04.2011