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Old 05-17-2011, 07:10 AM   #1
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Default 被索债时的表现

自然因果律的释放,冤亲债主的启动,其实都有一个"山雨欲来风满楼"的预兆时期.在预兆期内都会在受报者的 身内和报身的周围,呈现出多种前兆性现象和反应.这一现象在法界中是一种道法的制约与规定.也就是说,对于 既往作恶今生为恶不多、不重的人.在道的法则中,都安排有一个预警期.提示、警告果报承受者,令其自省、自 悟、自觉,告诫果报承受者:你已经面临果报,这是最后的警示与警告,给你一个最后的悔悟忏悔化解的机会.如 果再不正确面对,忏罪化因,那么果报就要你自己全部承担和领受了
自然因果律的释放,冤亲债主的索债寻报,会在我们身内和报身环境周围,呈现出哪些预警期的征兆呢?依据许多 大德的观察与总结进行综合分析,这些前期的预警征兆,可归纳整理成十三个方面.将这些散在的征兆和经验集约 起来分析,非常值得每一个修行实践者掌握和应用.我们归纳列举如下
由于冤亲债主全是负态空间信息体,人在睡眠中最容易感知它们的活动,它们逼近受报者身心磁场的信息最容易在 梦中接受到,因此受报者常会作各种恶梦.这些梦境,如果懂得易理万象,都不难分析出对应于受报者的哪些系统 和原因.
恶梦常是恶因正式释放前最重要的预警信息,如果能够高度重视,也就不容易错机失缘,并且将恶因化解于萌芽状 态之中.
冤亲债主在正式开始讨报之前,为了方便讨报,为了在讨报过程中不受外界的干扰和阻止,常常会非常关注受报者 周围的各种善缘,想方设法阻止和切断受报者一切可能的外援力量和关系.将受报者可能存在的、能够帮助受报者 化解恶因,渡过苦厄的一切"贵人",全都加以隔断和阻止.
这其中就包括受报者的亲人、友人、同修、老师等等.阻断师缘,破坏受报者与亲人、友人以及同修之间原本存在 的融洽关系,使受报者善缘皆失,孤掌难鸣,乖乖地引颈受报.
人是一手提罪一手携福来到人世间."消罪增福"就是人生应当恪守的生存原则.如果人们不惜福,消福无度,增 业无忌.也就可能在福报未尽之前,恶报就要提前释放.在这种情况下,债主们有权封闭受报者还未曾花光的福报 ,阻断福报的展开应用.在这种封闭福报措施展开以后,本来修行求佛很灵验,有求必应,一修就灵.可是此时却 再也不应,苦修也不灵.业障像巨山一样挡在前行的路上,难以逾越.追求财富丰盈,却偏遇大破其财;追求名位 攀升,却无端失去名位;追求事业成功,却屡战皆败;追求感情遂愿,却感情反复受挫;追求家庭美满幸福,家庭 却矛盾重重甚至破碎.
修行者在此期间,事故频出.吃素念佛功德效果及能量,全都被业力挡住,造成看似吃素念佛无效的表象.这类情 况也是社会上业障较重的人,误以为学佛是骗人的迷信的把戏,浅尝即辄止就会放弃实践.只有志宏愿坚者,勤行 不辍者,高度重视者,才能冲破这种业力对福报的封闭,获得新一层次的初步解脱.
福报的封闭,能够使当事人诸事不顺,事事皆不如意,志难展愿难伸,烦恼无穷尽,意志消沉低迷,忧郁悲观无信 心,甚至令人生不如死.索报者将受报者或者逼向自杀的危境,或者彻底摧毁受报者生命健康的防线,轻松地进行 最后的索报和讨债偿还.
受报者在业报释放前,如果运用各种占卜、寺观抽签、通灵预测.不论是受测或者替别人预测,只要诚信,一般都 很准确.但是在预警期内,由于阴动为先,冤亲债主会在阴的隐态场中进行严重干扰和阻断.那么,不论是求卦问 签还是替人预测,全都会完全改变,错误率和失误率皆成家常便饭.即使是通灵者,也会失灵和不灵.而且,如果 受报者在此期间及时警觉到是业力干扰,及时进行忏罪消业,那么就会很快恢复正常.所谓业障消除即有灵,以及 顺畅通灵,就是此意.

冤亲债主在预警期内,常常运用潜移默化的影响力,作用于受报者的魂魄和心智两大先天与后天系统.使受报者心 性出现紊乱,个性发生反常性改变,见识颠倒,判断错位,思想偏激,亢奋与消沉交作,负面思考判断上升,正念 正识锐减.典型者甚至举止言行都发生怪异不群.
由于冤亲债主在隐态运用有害能量进行侵袭渗透干扰受报者的心性两大系统,那么,对于那些嘴皮子道,光说不修 的空谈者的作用将会更加严重.因为这一类人在冤亲债主的眼中全都是属于所谓"明白人"(实际上还是对法界规 律糊涂).他们就有可能产生幻视、幻听,深陷神迷和神狂之境,贡高我慢,目中无人,使人望而生畏,趋而远避 .这样也就有利于冤亲债主顺利展开索报讨债.
冤亲债主在预警期内,常常如老子所揭示的:"将欲拾之,必故张之;将欲弱之,必故强之".但是,债主们的" 张之"、"强之",都是张扬受报者的负面性格,将受报者禀性中最顽劣的部分加以助长扩张,将平时并不显眼的 不良习性加以增强和放大.使受报者的内环境和外环境迅速弱化,以利于它们下一步彻底地、轻松地加以收拾.受 报者不正常以及不健康的生活习惯,在此阶段内逐步表现明显,并且难以克服.例如不良的睡眠习惯、饮食习惯, 以及不良的嗜好,越想改变反而变得越加困难.这些现象的背后,就存在着债主们的支持与阻碍,使禀性难移,习 性难改.
冤亲债主在正式开始全面索报以前的预警期中,常常是先夺其生气.因为气行则血行,气血调和则健康.丢失生气 ,则血滞,抵抗力锐减.因为受报者的生气逐步被夺,受报者就会出现各种精神疲惫,精力不支,入不敷出,容易 疲劳,神精衰弱,失眠多梦,等等各种亚健康的体质状态.甚至出现各种无名病痛,以及医院检查也难以确诊的各 种有症状无病名的奇怪疾病,这种现象有时甚至会困扰受报者的心身多年而不退,最后才转为实症,展开正式索报 .
冤亲债主在预警期内,有时债主们常常采用旁敲侧击的方法来提示和警告受报者.例如,它们经常将负面影响力作 用于受报者最关心的亲人身上,通过这些亲人的怪异事件和意外事件,以及性情突变等等现象进行示警.示警期较 长的事例中,还可能造成整个家庭"家运"的大滑坡.
冤亲债主也可能先采用薄惩示警的方式,提醒、警告和宣示:我马上要正式索取重大债务了!这一类薄惩示警现象 ,经常是使受报者本人或者其亲人,发生一些或大或小的意外,例如轻微的车祸,无故摔跌,划破皮肉,血光小灾 ,物件损毁等等意外事件.
冤亲债主运用隐态能量,为受报者制造逆境,打击受报者的信心和志气,使其意志颓靡.受报者可能在短期内接二 连三地遭遇到重大的倒霉事件,或者诸事不顺,受外界莫名的欺压挤迫,受人冤枉,令人委屈,使受报者内心受到 严重打击,意志崩溃,或者忍无可忍,难以自持自制,产生错误判断和决策以及行动,继而达到报应 显现.
受报者由于在预警期内身场与体内的阳气迅速减弱,阴气上升,使受报者的心身容易接近太极弦线,直接感受到负 态空间的客观存在性,以及捕捉到负态空间中的一些场境.受报者即使平时坚决不相信,但是一旦进入了负境昭示 的状态中,就会不可避免地产生一些奇怪的际遇.眼前可偶尔看到隐隐约约、似有似无的图形景象:不经意时眼角 扫到人或动物的立体图形或者黑影,这些异形大都一闪而消失无踪.集中精力再想看清楚时已经没有可能.有的人 可能会常常觉得自己旁边有人或其他东西在跟随着,似乎有一双无形的眼睛盯着自己毫不放松,或者在光天化日之 下无端地毛骨悚然,偶见惊心胆战的鬼影.
民间有个说法:"有福之人常吃药".这是说有的人经常小病小灾,经常服药治疗,反而一生都挺顺 遂,prada for women,没有大起大落的苦厄.他们业报的预警既经常,也较明显.而有的人却是在业报展现时,几乎没有什么典型明显 的征兆警示于前,比较突然地就迅速展开,导致受报者防不胜防,或者快速地一命鸣呼,或者一夜之 间倾家荡产.
重罪兆微,这是业报中的一个普遍现象.这种表象背后所潜藏的机理却十分值得世人重视.征兆微弱,稍纵即逝, 所反应的并不是报应轻微、弱小和可以轻松化解.相反表现出的是罪在难赦,这种现象提示的是冤亲债主不依不饶 .
冤亲债主中,有三大类:第一类是比较开明的,讨报是遵守自然的法则,欠债还钱,欠命抵命,天经地义,来找受 报者是一种必然,但是他们并不愿意无限期地冤冤相报,循环无期;第二类是处于中间状态,既要达到讨报的目的 ,同时又存在和解的愿望;第三类则是由于仇杀之恨,受苦之痛刻骨铭心,怨气结胸,定要报仇雪恨,以解怨气. 这种第三类情况本身,常常在负态空间内已经历数冤屈,早已获得冥中的"讨报令",又称之为"许可证".它们 的出现,也就常常是非常突然,而且不达目的誓不罢休.
修行者应当高度重视业报的征兆,一般而言,在刚开始修行方法时,如果业力并未展开,那么效果一定会较为迅速 地产生.一用就灵,一实践就有效.但是随着深入,这种现象会逐步地淡化.这种情况也就是"动有业魔作障缘" 的具体表现.如果修行者不能觉悟到和正确对待这种征兆与现象,就会产生退心倒志,这样最合符债 主们的愿望.
一般人根本难以认识到和承认自己累世罪业深重,不能正视"罪山业海"的提法,认为夸大其词.而不主动地将化 因消业纳入人生日程,或者马虎应付.这一类修行者就可能越修反倒麻烦事越多,负面打击性的反应也特别多.产 生不修还平静,一修从此麻烦多,方法的灵验性也锐减等情况.很容易使人丧失信心和正信.
吃素是断杀戒杀的开始,从此不再制造新的冤亲债主,避免各种疾病ZHAI难蔓延,建立一种全新 的健康生活.
每天念诵《地藏经》,在佛力的加持下,使读诵者累生累世的冤亲债主历代宗亲得到超拔,业障逐渐消除,身心、 家庭、事业等相应得到改善.
依《礼佛大忏悔文》忏悔,在佛前顶礼108次,真诚祈请88尊佛慈悲加持,至诚忏悔过去所造罪业、发愿断恶 行善,从心中消除罪障.
放生就是还债,还累生累世以来无数的杀债,还杀债最快的方法就是放生.人类遭受疾病、各种ZHAI难、诸多 不顺大多都是杀业所致.放生可以培养慈悲心,彻底断掉杀生习气.
每日起心动念要为别人着想,起一善念,这是心行一善.每日言谈举止中说一句有益的好话,这是口行一善.每日 身体力行中,做一件有益别人、有益社会的事,无论大小,这是身行一善.日积月累,身口意逐渐趋于纯善,这就 是我们往生西方极乐世界的善根福德因缘资粮.

佛菩萨能够视众生平等,修行者也在追求众生平等之境界.然,的确有"有情众生"与"无情众生"之说.但是, 可以告诉您:山、水、树木······的确也都在努力修行.所以,佛家还有一句话,叫"惜物",即不可以浪 费、不可以随意砍伐、不可以随意糟蹋东西.
说"众生平等",主要是直指人心,直指人类贪着、自私之心.是希望能够将所有的众生平等看待,能够将自己看 作众生中的一员.就是要达到一种慈悲、平等和无我的境界.


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Old 05-17-2011, 07:11 AM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 13:35 on July 7th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Categories: Transshipment
closet has several pieces of clothes are yellow, with a total that is not clean! Now we finally know, and there are ways to deal with, very happy

(1) clothes will turn yellow, mostly due to weaker fluorescent agent, you want to restore white and bright clothing to have to find ways. Wash rice water + orange peel
simple and effective:
reserved orange peel and wash the rice into the water or the cooking pot, add water, it will rub them soaked in yellow clothes so you can easily restore white garments. Not only simple, like the market will sell the fluorescent whitening agent and does not damage the skin side effects of clothing, is worth a try in a good way.
yellow sweat stains produced by ammonia removal:
sweat produced by sweat, because it contains fat, sweat, easy to condense the fibers in the cloth, so the washing was added about 2 tablespoons of ammonia , soak a few minutes, scrub it, then washed with water,sunglasses hut, according to common washing procedures, you can remove the yellow stains myself!
(2) sometimes, white or light colored clothes will turn yellow color of the clothes the course of time, causing yellowing of white or light-colored clothing is mainly due to the secretion of human body fat, especially polyester fabric clothing, more yellowing. There are also washing the residual fertilizer residues (most notably the end of ketones found in flax fiber), if not clean, large clothes will turn yellow. For this phenomenon there are ways to get rid of, for example, washing clothes in the washing temperature, the extensive use of cleaning agents. A traditional approach is to yellowing of clothes hanging in the hot sun exposure, but before that should be yellow at the fresh lemon juice, add salt and gently rub.
Warning: be careful operation, avoid the use of chlorine bleaching agent. Spandex, silk, wool and other fabrics, contact with chlorine bleaching agent will make it more yellow.
(3) If you put a long white dress clothes will become yellow, yellow stains on the main constituents of proteins, spinach after the release of soluble proteins after boiling the ingredients oh.
1. bought a spinach, after a hot hot, the spinach and finish it, leaving only soup stand
2. will have a yellow stain in the place to put spinach in the water rub, soak for 10 minutes in the
3. picked up after soaking clothing, laundry procedures in the normal wash clothes. completed. Resumed the white clothing!
Laundry Tips Collection:
1, clean white, white socks
stubborn stains on white clothing is difficult to eradicate, this time after taking a lemon slice boil water put the white clothes to water immersion, you can wash about 15 minutes.
2, wash laundry for drying clothes sometimes smell
shall not be treated, there will be unpleasant sour sweat, take white vinegar mixed with water, soak a taste of clothes for about five minutes, and then in a ventilated place to dry clothes it!
3, clothes, pen and India to tackle the alcohol down
first fountain pen scratches on clothes, and every scratch on the coverage of alcohol must be uniform, the concentration of alcohol to use no less than 75% medicine with alcohol. The clothes on the back of the alcohol put the face, try not to touch the other side of clothing, or the imprint color ballpoint pen or may be transferred into other parts of the clothes. Washbasin with ordinary, half ready to basin of water, the next will be two full bottle of bleach poured in the water, notice must be a full two-bottle Caixing. Take along to do mixing, then add a little detergent, the amount of your own hands. Slightly even after mixing, so that washing powder to fully dissolve in water. Well, now clothes are soaked in water, time is twenty minutes. Time, and clean clothes,dior sunglasses, that mark is gone!
ball-point pen marks and the marks if it is heavier, after using the above method, if the surviving monuments, and finally add soap and gently rub with toothpaste, then rinse. (But non with open blisters!)
Clothing stained with ballpoint pen marks, there is another solution: that is, the clothes do not rush into the water, but the first wash with gasoline touches the part of the wash.
4, washing the clothes of a soy sauce stain
approach: the need to use sugar. First, where the water soaked with dirt, then sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar, hand rub. We can see part of the track has been stained with the sugar sauce, and then water washing can remove the stains.
Option two: the need to use baking soda. The white vest soaked in soy sauce stained the place painted soda stains, wash with water after 10 minutes, you can get rid of soy sauce stains.
three ways: the need to use fresh lotus root, lotus root with a knife to cut fresh, fresh lotus root juice applied to the track at the soy sauce, 10 minutes after washing in water, can remove soy sauce stains.
5, washing clothes, clothes, rubs up against the paint paint
how to do it? Method is to wipe the sticky oil cooler parts of the paint, because the cool oil soluble substances contained in the paint, after the water to clean. If coated with water-soluble paint (such as water-soluble paint, latex paint) and home interior wall paint, a wash water that is lost in time; if nylon fabric with paint stains, rub lard can be painted, and then use detergent immersion, water drift net.
6, clean grass stains
you need to prepare one hundred grams of salt, while you also need to prepare 1000 grams of water. Pour water into container, mix by hand, stained with grass stains on the clothes into the pot, soak in salt water for 10 minutes. The clothes into the washing in water, and you will find that you can easily stubborn grass stains to wash out.
7, cleaning stained clothes
into the warm water in the washer, start washing machine rinse, add 84 disinfectant, Bangang bottles of water, add about a third of disinfectant, dilute, add clothes, covered with cover, rinse for about 25 minutes, 25 minutes after the fish clothing, clothes dry to restore the original color.
If you want to avoid the clothes do not fade, just bought a new back Yiyi, you must put some salt in the water (a bucket of water a teaspoon), washed with water to rinse immediately, do not soak too long, oh! Finally, do not in the sun exposure, sun Oh will dye degeneration. Should be cool, well ventilated place to dry.
8, clean blood
just addicted, they should immediately wash with cold water or dilute brine (disabled hot water, the blood that contains proteins, heat will be solidified, not easy to melt), then soap or 10% potassium iodide solution to clean;
white radish juice or mashed carrots can be mixed with salt to remove blood stains on clothing;
with 10% tartaric acid solution to wiping stain Department, and then cold water wash;
remove the blood stain with a detergent enzyme, the effect is very good;
longer if the stain can be used 10% or 3% hydrogen peroxide ammonia wiping dirty place, after a while, and then wash in cold water strong.
If still not clean, and then 10-15% of the oxalic acid wash, and finally rinse with water.
whether the new track, thing of the past, can be cleaned with sulfur soap rub.
with paint oil on blood on hand,oakley sunglasses 2011, stay for 15 minutes or so, then in the soap with water.
9,sunglasses 2011, easy to wash clothes on the moldy
The weather was hot air is humid, or when the season changed, easily washed clothes mildew points, especially the white dress, long on the moldy if it is very depressing thing.
does not matter, to deal with these moldy, there are many ways:
bean sprouts; the tender green sprouts on the moldy, hands rub hard, is not clean and some of it? Then rub some of the green bean sprouts came alive again, hum, a lot of color and light, and then twist, Hard work pays off, no moldy, the last and then rinse, ha ha, so simple and solved the problem;
clothing The mildew can be in the sun, after the mold clean hair brush, and then alcohol washed;
to be visible mold contaminated clothes soaked in soapy water into the thick, with soapy water out, the sun set sun for a while, repeated drying times, to be visible mold removed, then water drift net;
silk clothing available citric acid wash, cold water after bleaching;
hemp fabric mildew stains, use calcium chloride cleaning fluid;
wool can also be used mustard stains on the solution or borax (a bucket of water and add two tablespoons of mustard or two tablespoons of borax) cleaning;
soap with 2% alcohol solution (250 grams of alcohol within the plus-one the soft-soap flakes and stir well) to clean, and then use bleach 3-5% sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide to clean, and finally washing. This method is restricted to white clothing, thing of the past can be soaked in solution for 1 hour.
10, cleaning red, gentian violet
drug watermarks can be red wash with white vinegar, then rinse with water;
addition to contamination at the first red syrup soaked scrub with glycerol, and then ammonia soap repeated washing liquid, if adding a few drops of dilute acetic acid solution, then wash with soapy water, the effect is better;
processing gentian violet stains, a small amount of sodium hydrosulfite can be diluted with water, with a small brush dipped in the cleaning solution. Repeated scrubbing with sodium hydrosulfite and water until the addition to the net (gross sticky materials can be dyed clothing, silk materials and direct dye colors disabled Oh!!)
11,chanel sunglasses 2011, Yiyi cleaning plaster
sometimes rub on the plaster can be used Add a few drops of alcohol (wine or sorghum can be), on the stained plaster stains rub the place until the plaster to the net, then rinse, or rub the late alum baked, and then washed also;
can also be eaten spread on the dirt at the base surface, add some warm water, rub a few times, you can remove. If the base surface heating home Tieshao spread to dirt Department, together with warm water rubbing washing, decontamination faster.
12, washing clothes yellowed
In fact, the clothes will turn yellow, mostly weaker fluorescent agent, you want to restore white and bright clothing, you have to find ways. Wash rice water + orange peel
simple and effective:
reserved orange peel and wash the rice into the water or the cooking pot, add water, it will rub them soaked in yellow clothes so you can easily restore white garments. Not only simple, like the market will sell the fluorescent whitening agent and does not damage the skin side effects of clothing, is worth a try in a good way;
resulting yellow sweat stains, use ammonia to remove: sweat produce sweat, because it contains fat, sweat, easy to condense the fibers in the cloth, so add about 2 tablespoons of washing of ammonia, soak a few minutes, scrub it, then washed with water, according to common washing procedures , you can remove the yellow stains myself!
13, cleaning beer, Jiuzi
new infected dirt, put water in the scrub that off immediately.
thing of the past can be washed with water, then 2% borax mixture of ammonia and rubbing washing, and finally with washing water rinse; rice wine thing of the past, in washed with water, then 5% of borax solution and 3 % hydrogen peroxide wipe dirt, the last with water drift net.
14, clean fruit juice stains can be printed
new sewage at wiping brine, or salt sprinkled in the dirt immediately at hand Qingcuo, wetted with water immersion cleaning detergent solution, rub the soap with warm water can also be used strongly washed;
thing of the past re-trace and clear, may be 5% of the ammonia and organic acids in the juice, and then use detergent. Containing blends of wool fiber can be cleaned with tartaric acid;
if the fabric is white, 3% hydrogen peroxide in to add a few drops of ammonia, with a cotton ball or cloth dipped in this solution to contamination at the wetting, clean cloth and then wipe, dry;
with 3-5% sodium hypochlorite solution at wiping stain, then rinse with water. If the thing of the past, it can be soaked in the solution over 1-2 hours, then scrub, rinse;
trace of peach juice, because it contains high iron, so the addition of oxalic acid solution available. Stains on the persimmon, and immediately rub with wine and brine, and then warm detergent solution to clean, clear water rinse;
can first scrape off dried tomato paste tracks, with warm detergent. Jam can be wetted with water to get shampoo scrub, then wash with soap wine sperm, rinsing with clean water.
15, cleaning rust
housework is not often encounter this?
take fresh lemons, squeeze the juice can drip in the hand rub on the rust stains, repeated several times, until the removal of rust stains, then wash with soapy water.
16, cleaning
of iodine tincture of iodine stains can be soaked in rubbing with a starch (starch case of iodine was immediately black), and then gently wash away the soap and water. Iodine stains can be used
light water or alcohol, rub swab can also be used potassium iodide solution. Concentration of 15-20% of the stains can be immersed in a solution of warm Da Suda, about 2 hours, then rinse.
17, mimeographed
when cleaning wool or printed fabric stained with ink, should be washed with hot water or boiling water, then scrub with soap and water, then water drift net, you can clean. Do not use cold water washing, because this will color immersed in fiber, very difficult to clean.
18, clean butter yellow grease for Indian
the main component of fat,dior sunglasses 2011, alcohol or ammonia can be washed again.
19, needs cleaning lipstick make-up
JM, estimated to fear that lipstick off clothes rubs up against friends;
contracted lipstick, to use a small brush dipped in petrol brush gently rub grease to the net after the warm detergent solution and then washed;
gasoline can also be used if no bubble with mineral water or soda water cocktail, pour in a clean cloth with prints on the pat where it Effective Oh!
20, wash, tea, coffee stains
be tea, coffee, these drinks contaminated clothing, immediately wash with 70-80% of hot water can be removed.
old tea tracks, can be concentrated salt water immersion, or with ammonia and glycerin mixture (1:10) Kneading. Silk and wool fabrics to disable ammonia, 10% glycerol solution, rub, and then rinse with water after washing detergent. trace of the old tea and coffee
, glycerol and egg yolk mixture used to clean, slightly dry with a clean water rinse. Or to the spot coated with glycerin, and then sprinkle a few grains of borax with water immersion. Also with diluted ammonia, borax warm water to clean.
old coffee stains wipe 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then washed with water, can be cleaned with a solution of salt or glycerol.
21, remove the candle oil
first gently scrape off surface wax with a knife, and then were asked to use toilet paper two up and down the stain with iron iron two or three times the iron of heat within the cloth fibers wax melting, melting the wax is absorbed toilet paper. Repeated several times, the candle can be ex mimeograph.
22, place gum:
chewing gum stuck on your clothes, you can use vinegar, cotton stick, you can easily wipe out the gum;
for clothing and chewing gum on the track, to use a small Daogua go, get put on the remains of the egg to loose, and then wipe them one by one, and finally washed in soapy water, rinse with water;
first clothes can also be wrapped in plastic bags, placed in the refrigerator freezer a long time, so harden the gum on the clothes taken out and gently rub, chewing gum out quickly, but not a trace!
23, Qiao washed white sneakers shoes
mentioned, you may also have had the same trouble?? hard to wash clean dry white sneakers that have occurred after the yellow mark, really ugly ah! Miss Yu enthusiastic audience may wish to try the tips provided, so that white shoes are still washed it white as new!
first shoes with soap or detergent to wash clean, the washing shoes soaked in beer in three minutes, and then the shoes to get a balcony, in the shade, and the upper cover with toilet paper, dry! Effect is obvious Oh!
24, How to use a towel to wash towels
a long time, often wet and sticky, can be used after the salt rub, washed with water, you can remove the sticky thing.
25, to remove pen stains
have friends online message asking \clothes soaked with a solution of oxalic acid in water and scrubbing can place marks. Since oxalic acid is weak acid, will not corrode clothing.

clothes clothing label healthy food water method
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