Easy Guitar Chords – The 15 Basic Chords You Should Know:
Before we begin the process of learning how to in fact strum guitar chords, lets concentrate on a series of easy guitar chords whereby you can have up and going approximately instantly. If you are like most new guitar players, you are excited to get to picking chords right away, so you can obtain the most out of your guitar.
Most often, chords are grouped into keys or key signatures, but right now that involves a bit too much music theory, so we will go over the most common and straightforward guitar chords to get you started in the right direction and sounding like a pro – all very simply and easily.
In the rhythm or chord lessons, we will start out with some beginning strumming and work our way up to some intermediate level materials, while doing so,
Microsoft Office 2007 Key, we will apply these techniques to some “real world” songs, to give you a real good feel for actual application.
15 Simple Guitar Chords:
To get you started,
Windows 7 X64, I have grouped together a total of 15 of the most common guitar chords you will find. These basic chords are assembled together into 3 major groups – Please refer to the image at the bottom of this page:
The first group are Major Chords, which consist of the chords of C, G, D, A, E and F. Note that with Major chords the word “Major” is dropped from the chord name. In other words, the C Major chord is simply called a “C” Chord.
Microsoft Office Home And Business 2010, there are three Minor Chords and they are Dm,
Office Ultimate 2007, Am and Em.
Finally the last grouping of chords are the Seventh Chords, consisting of C7, G7, D7, A7, E7 and B7.
Be Sure To Memorize Each of These Effortless Guitar Chords
Each of these fundamental chords should be committed to memory, master them and you will notice that our strumming techniques explored in later lessons will come to you much easier.
Here are some tips to help you more easily memorize your guitar chords.
Look for common Notes in These Effortless Guitar Chords
Study each of these chord forms and be on the lookout for commonly used notes that chords have with each other. First of all, let’s compare the Major Chords to the Seventh Chords, as you will observe various common note with these chords. For starters, let’s compare the C and C7 chords. There is only one finger different, and that is the 4th finger that is added to the C7 to play the Bb note on the 3rd fret, 3rd string.
Now let’s compare the G and the G7 chords. All the notes of these two chords are exactly the same except for the first string. The G7 chords applications an “F” note on the first fret of the first string,
Microsoft Office 2010 Key, while the G Major applications a “G” note on the third fret of the first string.
Follow these same tips when you compare the D,A and E chords, as they relate to the D7, A7 and E7 chords.
When you analyze the Dm, Em and Am chords, just apply these same strategies. You will notice that there is truly only one finger and/or note that modifications.
To review just what all of the symbols of the guitar diagrams mean, refer to the article Guitar Strumming.