Top light will not rotate you to do `? Or help to have come top of what `seen, 90% people say nice
effortless and flat to the Internet you noticed namely the disk of your calculator system The available space is dwindled day along day it? The Monkey King is not the same as the age daytime at day slowly shakes it? Yes! In the Windows installation and use of the process will have a lot of junk files, including temporary files (such as: *. tmp, *. _mp) record files (*. log), temporary assist files (*. gid),
Domestic expense namely quite black zone namelyich, the disk retard file (*. chk),
GHD Blue Straighteners, the temporary export file (such as: *. old, *. bak) and other temporary files. Especially whether period is not remove IE's temporary folder These files not merely consume invaluable LJ disk space, solemn cases occasion the system to run slow for a snail. This is definitely believe you can not stand it! Therefore, remind cleaning system blockage LJ file and retain the system's Friends Come above, now let us go together apt rapidly clear system junk it! ! Here are the steps on the two-step simple! Lower left corner of the microprocessor screen, press file appointed Remember it must be a suffix. Bat,
Cheap does no list because the 9 non-, ok! Your garbage cleaner creation so successful! Double-click it tin rapidly wash up junk files, about fewer than a minute.
====== The following namely the text (do no duplicate this line )======
@ echo off
reverberate is clear the system junk files, amuse wait ......
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% *. tmp
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% *. _mp
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% *. log
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% *. gid
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% *. chk
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% * . old
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% recycled *.*
del / f / s / q% windir% *. bak
del / f / s / q% windir % prefetch *.*
rd / s / q% windir% temp & md% windir% temp
del / f / q% userprofile% cookies *.*
del / f / q% userprofile% recent *.*
del / f / s / q
echo. & pause
===== here even now (do not copy )=====
this line is completed,
80 .... our generation in the end disturb anyone, your desktop will automatically produce the icon →
scamper later just double-click the file, the following skylight will popup up.
, when the screen says it? Replies can not forget Oh!
Note: LJ is the meaning of garbage! this mode of optimization than the so-called main of easy to use! most essential entity is the default system by the corporate context alternatively in their own home computers are not
做人要厚道 demolish system files, click after the success of the top do not forget!!! nice to let more people know, people presently forget the top of the crash ...