her as an artist and the desire to seek self-limit." Every open (in English carat, karat German abbreviation, often writing "k") gold content is 4.166%, 18k = 18 * 4.166% = 74.998%, 24k = 24 * 4.166 % = 99.984% 24K gold 99%, 22K with 91. 7%, 18K with 75. 1%, 14K with 58. 5%, 12K with 50%. The current market of gold jewelry, gold jewelry into gold and K, in accordance with the provisions of the national standard GB11887, the common content of several gold jewelry: 24K - 24K currently on the market occasionally marked with gold jewelry, according to national standards, 24K gold content theory of value should be one hundred percent, gold no barefoot
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