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Old 05-14-2011, 04:14 PM   #1
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Default 什么方式医治咳嗽最快

  什么方式医治咳嗽最快 - 已解决
  只是咳嗽,也没感冒,白天不怎么咳,特殊是晚上,咳得厉害,不吃药有什么偏方治疗最快,我是妊妇又不能 乱吃药,prada handbag,谁晓得帮帮我,谢谢 最佳谜底-
  咳嗽此为肺部疾患的重要证候,可见于多种疾病中。正如《黄帝内经》里说:“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也 ”。也就是说,咳嗽固然主要是肺经的病,但与其它脏腑都有关联。临床上常用的治疗咳嗽的较为有效的偏方、秘 方主要如下。
  紫苏、杏仁、生姜、红糖各lO克。将紫苏与杏仁捣成泥,生姜切片共煎,取汁去渣,调人红糖再稍煮片刻, 令其消溶,日分2--3次饮用。
  苦杏仁6--10克,生姜3片,白萝卜100克。上药打坏后加水400毫升,文火煎至100毫升,可加少量白糖调味,每 日1剂,分次服完。
  橘红60克,生姜30克,蜂蜜250克。先将橘红,生姜二味用水煎煮,15分钟取煎液1次,加水再煎, 共取煎液3次,合并煎液,以小火煎熬稀释,至稠粘时,兑人蜂蜜,至沸停火,装瓶备用。每日服3次,每次3汤 匙。
  生姜10克,饴糖适量。将生姜洗净,切丝,放人瓷杯内,用滚开水冲泡,加盖温浸10分钟,再加人饴糖适 量,代茶频频饮服,不拘时光和次数,毋庸出汗。
  葱白5―10节,淡豆豉10克,苏梗或陈皮3克,红糖适量。将葱洗净,取葱白,与淡豆豉、陈皮等人砂锅 共煎取汁,再调入红糖。日分数次,酌量饮用。
  鲜橄榄4枚,冰糖15克。将橄榄洗净,劈开参加冰糖和适量的水,煎到出味,一次或分次温服 。
  金银花20克,薄荷5克,蜜糖少量。先煎银花,取汁约2小碗,药成前,下薄荷约煎3分钟,贮瓶内,分次 与蜜糖冲匀饮用。
  干净丝瓜花10克,蜂蜜适量。将丝瓜花放入瓷杯内,以沸水冲泡,盖上盖温浸10分钟,再调人蜂蜜,趁热 顿服,逐日3次。
  蛤蚧数只,蜂蜜30克,鲜萝卜适量。将蛤蚧焙干研末,每次取蛤蚧粉6克,用蜂蜜、萝卜煎水 冲服。
  先把橘皮煎取药汁,去渣,而后加人粳米煮粥,或将橘皮晒干,研为细末,每次用3―5克调入已煮沸的稀粥 中,再同煮为粥。
  小排骨500克,白果30克,调料适量。将小排骨洗净,加黄酒、姜片、水适量,文火焖1.5小时。白果 去壳及红衣,加入汤内,加盐调味再煮15分钟,加味精调匀,并撒上青葱末。
  广柑、白糖各500克。将广柑去皮核,放小锅中,加白糖250克,腌渍1日,至广柑肉渗透糖,加清水适 量,文火蒸至汁稠,停火;再将每瓣广柑肉压成饼,加白糖250克,拌匀倒盘内,透风阴干,瓶装,每服5―8 瓣,日3次。
  将二药加水适量煎煮1小时,捞去药渣,再加淘清的大米适量,煮烂成粥,1日内分顿持续食用 。
  山栀子9克,杏仁10克,桑白皮12克,猪肺200克,dolce gabbana online store。先将猪肺切成片状,用挤洗去猪肺气管中的泡沫,与山栀、杏仁、桑白皮一起放入瓦堡内加水堡煮 ,饮汤食肺。
  法半夏、旋复花、海蛤壳、淡竹茹、陈皮、代赭石、川黄连、桑叶、茯苓、海石粉、炙草各60克。水煎服, 1日1剂,分2次。
  柴胡、半夏、人参、生姜、鳖甲、橘梗、枳实、槟榔、吴萸各150克。水煎服,1日1剂,分 2次服。
  梨、生姜、白蜜各适量。梨、姜分辨取汁后混杂,加白蜜调服。本方润肺清热,适用于肺燥咳嗽 。
  猪肺1具,猪肚1个,肥公鸭1只,北沙参、白术、冬虫草各30克,肉桂3克,生姜60克。将猪肺、猪肚 冲刷清洁,公鸭去毛及内脏,洗净,诸药调匀,分离塞入猪肚、猪肺管和鸭腹内,三物同时下锅,加水,烧沸,文 火炖4个小时,至烂熟将三味分别盛人碗内,缓缓食用。
  红萝卜 200克,红枣12克,加水3碗,煮取1碗,1日,1剂,随便饮用。
  落花生45克(不去红衣),怀山药30克,粳米100克,冰糖适量。将花生、山药捣碎,后与粳米相和煮 粥,候熟,人冰糖调匀,佐餐食。
  前二味共研细末,猪板油切块,下锅炸油,去渣留油,下杏仁、核桃肉末炸炒,至油被吸尽,放人梨汁、姜汁 ,炒匀,人饴糖、蜂蜜,炒至水汽末全尽,起糖泡,香气四溢。每服1汤匙,日1次,白开水调下温 服。
  桂枝、附子、熟地黄、山茉萸、山药、茯苓、丹皮、泽泻、人参、胡桃肉、生姜。水煎眼,每日1剂,分2次 服。
  本方为《温病条辨》中的沙参麦冬汤,功效养阴清肺,化痰止咳,jimmy choo wedding shoes,适用于肺阴亏耗所致的咳嗽。
  黄芩、山栀、橘梗、麦冬、桑白皮、贝母、知母、瓜蒌仁、橘红、茯苓、甘草各60克。水煎服 ,1日1剂,polo shirts sale,分2次服。
  清炙麻黄6--9克,生石膏20---30克,杏仁、甘草、黄芩、浙贝各6--9克,鱼腥草20---30克,细辛、玉桂(后人)、紫菀、款冬花、炙把叶各6--9克。先用清水浸润,水高于药面1寸,1小时后煎药。石膏先煎半小时,后人群药,玉桂最后放人5分钟后即停 煎,取药汁1碗,温服。隔6小时再煎,亦取药汁1碗温服。药量可依据患者年纪、体质酌情加减。 每日1剂。
  用于外感初起,邪人肺经,痰阻气道,清肃失灵,咳嗽剧发,痰稠色黄,迟早发生愈甚,看似痰热阻肺,实则 冷气内伏之证。
  干丝瓜花10克,蜂蜜适量。丝瓜花放入瓷杯中,以沸水冲泡,温浸10分钟,再调入蜂蜜。趁热顿服,每日 3次。
  丝瓜花甘苦寒,清肺热为长,兼清热解毒。临床适用于急慢性咽炎、鼻窦炎、支气管炎跟肺炎等 症。
  四角蛤500克,火腿肉片、净水笋片各50克,盐、酒、麻油、肉汤。四角蛤洗净后,置面盆内,以开水冲 过,剥壳取肉,去杂洗净。将蛤肉、火腿、笋片同时人油锅中煸炒多少下,烹入料酒,注人肉汤,加盐,煮至蛤肉 熟烂淋上麻油即成。
  此汤以咸寒滋阴、利尿、化痰、软坚散结的蛤肉配竹笋调制而成。竹笋,《本草纲目》称之有“消渴、利水、 益气、化热、消痰,爽胃”的功能。故此汤常可作为瘰疬(淋巴结核)、瘿瘤、消渴、痰咳以及肺结核等病的食疗 菜谱.
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:26 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

After anxiously waiting for a month in oil prices is not as down as we look,skechers shape ups, poor Tianyi 100 yuan each time limits or to refuel, look forward to a day off of oil prices can be big Juventa or to enjoy the psychological pleasure. But things seemed to the other direction, I seriously doubt that the fall in oil prices on a date yet, probably the gas station has a certain beauty because of my frequent visits will be generated by some special feelings, of course, as Yuan Dingwen chapter,

fell down or not,skechers shape up shoes, this should not be a problem when the International Development and Reform Commission in July, when oil prices break through 140 dollars, resolutely risking damage to the social situation of stability and unity ahead of the Olympics risk of the oil price increase, the entire decision-making process and without any delay, and when the price of oil has approached $ 40 now, the American people in dire straits are enjoying 1.99 USD per gallon [url = javascript:;] price [/ url] ( equivalent to less than 3.60 yuan per liter, and already contains 30% of the fuel tax, the net price equivalent to 2.77 yuan / liter) today, so that oil prices return to normal, already is the consensus of the people. Of course, the NDRC is the Development and Reform Commission, the elite gathered in the Development and Reform Commission, and its way of thinking, nature is different from our ordinary people, as older students, sharply pointed out that Development and Reform Commission of you elite, however, so the pressure drop in oil prices when faced with the NDRC's comrades resolutely taken up the

Tianyi dull, for fuel and oil, in addition to all pay at the gas station outside can not see any correlation between the two. The so-called integration through the legal agreement between the interests of various departments to maximize cost savings in energy and infrastructure. Obviously, fuel tax, the use of vehicles will cut the cost structure changed greatly, between different vehicles is almost equal the previous maintenance fee, vehicle use tax and other fixed expenses, will be replaced by fuel tax. , fuel duty is said to have two options, one is from the amount of levy, that is based on the current road maintenance fees and other charges levied, combined annual sales of fuel to calculate a fixed amount, the other is the ad valorem collection, that in accordance with the current oil prices, based on the current road maintenance fees and other charges levied, and calculate a percentage, follow the oil price adjustments. No matter which option is used, fuel duty, itself a kind of tax, and its purpose is to replace the road maintenance fees and other expenses, not to regulate prices, it is very clear.

fuel as a commodity, the price decision is determined by the laws of the market, although as a special commodity, fuel prices can not really follow the market, full access to the state of competition in the market, but for fuel price protection,skechers tone ups, it should be for the protection of the interests of the people, it is beyond doubt. Analogy that can be food prices, as people's basic subsistence, food prices reflect market conditions at the same time,shape ups skechers, the Government will carry out a certain degree of intervention, on the one hand to ensure that people living expenses Buzhi Yu is too high, on the other hand, can not Google agricultural prices are low. Of course, prices for food protection and the protection is more important in the eyes of the government, that is another topic.

fuel duty, since the aim is to rationalize the use of road resources, for contrast, is naturally in the fuel tax before the road maintenance fees and other costs imposed on the collection of both the Government and users, The focus of concern, since the natural is in the tax reform, tax burden and the cost of the previous comparison, the government does not want to reduce income, consumers do not want to increase spending in general should be a balance, not by tax reform name, increasing the burden on consumers and, of course, can not reduce government revenue. From this point of view,skechers shoes, the introduction of fuel tax time, and there is no relationship between oil prices, even in the era of high oil prices, if the introduction of fuel tax has not increased the burden on consumers, nor will it have any negative consumer psychology effects.

the introduction of fuel tax and a decline in oil prices tied up in the name of the psychological ability of consumers to consider, in essence, but the fuel tax by fish in troubled waters, thus delaying the pace of decline in oil prices, fuel tax As a state tax,skechers women, are part of state revenues, and oil prices act as a corporate, high oil prices is the monopoly of high profit income, with the fuel tax as an excuse to protect the high oil prices fully reflected the protection of the regime bureaucratic nature of capitalism.
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