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Old 05-08-2011, 12:51 AM   #1
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Default 郑博士说风水_新浪博客

如果常常读郑博士博文的朋友必定记得,位理学最讲求屋宅风水.假如一个人长期栖身在一个不利的屋宅里,那么 身材、运程都会受到绝对影响.最显明的例子是寓居在桃花运不旺或者太旺的屋宅里,那么,不是异性缘很糟就是 过盛.
清楚了这个情理,那么,咱们就可以通过桃花位来增旺或衰减桃花了,首先要找出屋宅的桃花位.留神:找出桃花 位的方式有两种:一个是依据你自己的生肖所属来寻找的,这个是你命理的桃花位,当然相比拟固定 :
郑博士,我最近很背,手机被抢,工作不顺,身体状况也不好,请问这是什么原因?有什么方法能让自己的福气好 转?
运气是宇宙中万事万物变更发展的全进程,是从生到灭的轨迹.命是命,运是运."命"和"运"是两个不同的货 色,合在一起形成"命运".很多朋友在碰到运程阻滞、生意失败、事业不利,或婚姻受到挫折,或病魔缠身,甚 至多难多灾时,都会来找我改运,问问今后的前途如何?如何改运?何时会行好运?
佛教来源于公元前6—5世纪的古印度,是迦毗罗卫国释迦族的王太子悉达多·乔达摩所创建.佛教于公元前1, 世纪左右传人中国.佛教分北传、.南传两种.北传佛教为大乘佛教.重要流行于印度、中国、日本、朝鲜、越南 等国.南传佛教为小乘佛教,主要风行于斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、老挝、马来西亚等国.尽管世界各国的 佛教,因地区不同各具处所民族特点,但却领有独特的佛的九大象征.
梵语为SIupa,原为安顿佛菩萨、祖师、高僧遗骨,作为供奉星期之用的一种宅兆建筑.现在成了象征佛教的 一种修建物.究其本源,塔的建筑可以溯至佛陀.传说佛陀涅檠后,他的须、发、舍利子等均由国王大臣收取,开 建塔供奉.据佛经记录,建造塔有三层意思,一表人胜;二为起信;三为报仇.并为后代佛教徒沿用.建造各种各 样的塔,以收藏大德高僧生身舍利或经卷等.长此以往,塔式建造就成了佛教修筑的典范象征了.
法轮的梵语为Dharmacakra,,是佛教诸多象征物中最有代表性的象征物,它也是佛陀所说教法的象征 .
生男生女好像是不以人的意志为转移的事情,也仿佛是"命中注定"的事件,是命理学、生理学的问题,实在,郑 博士以为任何事情都是辩证接洽的,生男生女也与房子的风水有关,对此郑博士专门发过文章,朋友们能够去看看 .今天,郑博士想说的不是屋子内部的风水对生男生女的影响,而是单单说房子的外部环境对于生男生女影响的1 6种情形,供朋友们参考.
个人买房或者企业挑选办公楼的时候,究竟是选择楼房的哪一层合适呢?不少朋友会发生迷茫,甚至手足无措.有 人凭自己的以往教训来决定楼层;也有朋友随声附和;有些公司引导根据自己爱好来决议楼层;更有甚者,按照价 钱高下来决定自己想要的楼层.总之,郑博士认为,上述这些楼层的选择,都没有真正依照中国位理学原理进行, 因而,应当说是不那么适当的.
今天,根据众多朋友请求,郑博士再次说说准确的楼层抉择对我们的健康、运势、感情、事业的主要性,以及如何 根据自己或公司的行
小兰与小萍是密友,red wing work,在去年的五一节,小兰收到了小萍赠送的一双鞋.小兰很是激动,也赠予小萍一件时尚的风衣跟一盆绿植.到现 在整整一周年,两人的密友关联直转日下,supra forums,反而成为了"宿敌".起因何在?别的不说,郑博士单说她们送的鞋与绿植,就是犯了风水位理学上 的大忌.
良多友人可能还记得郑博士写过一篇文章,叫做:"鞋上有风水 切莫随意穿".在第六条,郑博士如斯说:
五一放假,信任许多朋友都要应用假期外出游玩采风,郑博士盼望朋友们要懂得出游的相干风水禁忌.这些禁忌包 含外出地点、住宿、照相、游览用品等等,郑博士相关的博文如下:
只管语言学上"坐阵"与"坐镇"有相称区别,然而坊间人们却是往往混用.郑博士今天这里说的"坐镇"是特指 "地位"的含意.
北京某有名品牌的印厂,经理是一位美貌能干的姑娘.十几年前她单独一人到北京闯荡,干过餐饮、开过花店、也 在外企上过班,tory burch handbag,后来阴差阳错地进入了印刷行业,Coach Business,不料短短几年,竟然撑起了一个品牌,著名度和身家倍增.
然而好像是印了那句老话:"赌场自得情场潦倒",固然美女老板事业光辉,个人婚姻大事却始终未能如愿.意识 的男人真不少,献殷勤的男人更多,愣是没有"对上眼"的.眼瞅着时间
为何将佛、法、僧称之为"宝"呢?《毕竟一乘宝性论》中,特殊就这一问题作了阐明:三宝所认为"宝",存在 六层意思.
一为罕见难得.在这个世间,真正能开启这一宝藏者寥寥无多少.尽管人人皆具三宝品质,却深藏不露,虽有若无 ,无法对生命改良起任何作用.
二为喧扰.三宝品德乃阔别所有的无垢法.三宝有情势和本质的差别,《宝性论》所指为后者,即三宝内在的觉醒 、摆脱等品质,是无垢、无漏的.
三为权势.三宝具备强鼎力量,可化解一切烦恼、执著.当性命内在的三宝品质产生作用时,困扰当下崩溃,就象 雪花落入火炉,立即融化得九霄云外.
中国的流行音乐其实已经走过了不太短的途径,近百年了,循着路上步履促的脚印,你无法绕开这样一个名字—— —邓丽君.邓丽君的歌声影响了整整一代人.郑博士曾经写过对于听报告能增添自己气场的文章.今天郑博士说: 五月重温邓丽君歌声,会增旺我们的气场、润泽我们的心坎.
记得八十年代郑博士听邓丽君的歌,可以整宿的听、偷偷的听.邓丽君美好的歌声首创了一个时期,后来者也很难 超出她在歌坛的成绩.邓丽君无需再评价---因为用什么词都已无奈评估这位华人女歌手.
徐小姐虽然已经有了自己的女儿,实际上她仍然独身.因为女儿是在徐小姐18岁时"不经意"的情况下有的.当 初女儿十多岁了,徐小姐也事业有成,但是婚姻问题却一直未能如愿.
命理学认为:八字中男怕比劫,女怕食伤.女性官杀星代表身边的男友或老公,而八字中带有食神、伤官的,对官 、杀
揭秘房子环境影响生儿育女的16种情况 究竟取舍楼房的哪一层适合你? 郑博士:节日为何谨严送鞋?(系列故事114) 郑博士:五一出游的风水讲究 今夏出游风水禁忌话你知 郑博士:女子坐镇何方无老公? 蒲月重温邓丽君歌声 增旺我们的气场 警戒:冰箱也会衰坏你的情绪婚姻 新浪BLOG看法反馈留言板 About Sina SINA English
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Old 05-08-2011, 01:00 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 453540205 at 08:59 on March 27 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

3. Quotes and details.

different guests offer to take different ways. First of all the guests you want to have a preliminary assessment. If Europe and the USA, you can apply for higher prices, such as at least 20 points higher than the offer, because Europe is the quality most valued customers, quality, something you do a good job, good point even if the price does not matter. But you can not add too much, so if you want to counter-offer when the time guests, too much price difference between before and after your guests will doubt your credibility. If you start to European and American customers reported a relatively low price, they might also doubt the quality of our products, but also undesirable. If it is in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, the Middle East and Africa it is absolutely necessary to compete on price, generally the first round of reporting a relatively moderate price, such as adding 10 points out of the profits reported. As for the domestic foreign trade companies, may also be reported to the appropriate higher price, because we prefer to do business directly with the foreigners but also the best little through the domestic foreign trade companies, the price of low pressure does not say, but also like to drag the purchase price. But it also depends, if it is directly in the domestic foreign buying offices, you still have a little price competition Caixing. Here I do not mean to belittle foreign trade companies, because I immediately jump to foreign trade companies also intend to do, just say the truth about some of the factory offer. There is also a class of relatively boring guests, come on let's offer you a list of all products issued to him, most of them are liars and do market research, but which also has a small number of truly are a buyer, so the method of treatment of this guest is: first of all to thank him for his inquiry, then tell him that our products too much, not all products will be issued to him a quotation, let them visit our web site View a specific product, then the product of interest number issued to you, you quote them again. You do reply to them, there are some that ignore you sure it is a liar, and continue to make you some of the prices of specific products are potential customers.

also quoted on various occasions are also different. For example, you offer during the exhibition overall is not too high, especially as the Canton Fair, and some domestic professional development, you must gather around the booth of your other competitors in this industry, many customers will shop around this time if you was reported high, then your guests may have been scared away.

is how the final quotation. Quotation must be complete, not just a price reported to the guests. A professional quotation format is best to use EXCEL to do, be sure to include company letterhead, product names, product images, product number, size, price, gross / net weight, carton size, Packing, packing 20-foot container volume (Do not tell me you do not know how to count), minimum order, delivery, and offer expiration date. Note that the Chinese do not use the font format font, the size of other product images not too much, the general size of the quote the best control in less than 1.5M. In this way, very professional quotations, and guests will be satisfied to see on your company's expertise has been further recognized from the receipt of orders one step further.

4. Send the sample details.

first customer satisfaction before you purchase or have procurement plans, they are likely to allow you to send samples to confirm their quality. This time you should feel very happy, because if the other party is indeed a customer, and you send him the quality and OK, then it almost certainly will order with you. Therefore,dunk sb shoes sale, the entire part of the sample plays a decisive role in the key sometimes, so we must be very, very seriously all aspects of the sample. First sample and shipping cost must be borne each other, for those who pay the account provided to customers free samples to the company to apply for fee. Do not worry about those costs to customers would be offended received guests, if the cost of the sample which is not even the guests refused to pay, then you have to wonder about the sincerity of each other to buy it, you think, ah, if he really has orders in hand he enough to make, but also care about so little sample charge? So do not be afraid of offending the guests, for the sample and shipping costs are sure to want. Of course, you can say it mildly, you can say the company has a regulation that requires customers to take their own samples and shipping, as many companies send samples of every day, this is not a small sum, hoping the guests understand. You can make them pay a related expenses, such as order confirmation by then these costs refunded to them, this mode is very useful, and have the sincerity to fight the guests will agree that paragraph. I have the following text, we can apply. \return this money to you. I hope you can undertand us and it'll be much appreciated if you can tell us your courier account just like Fedex, DHL, UPS etc \the quality, so samples must be sent to personally check before confirmation. Like our product is a tool, first look at the appearance of metal parts must be beautiful, can not have scratches or Diaoqi phenomena, plastic parts can not have glitches; appearance there is no problem if he used it to test the functionality, look the normal product use, the extent of the components firmly, and then fill out the sample cards, sample content on the card supplier and importer company name, sender,nike dunks, product number, product description approximate. Send completed sample card best European and American countries, so we are more professional look. This is OK if it can be packed up, fragile bubble bags to use some attention, and then the outside using the export cartons, boxes will stick to the sample as much as possible, try to not appear after the packaged inside the sample can be the case of shaking up and down,nike dunk sb, so that samples can greatly reduce the chance of breakage in transit. Do not forget to send over samples of the record of the detailed requirement, so that once confirmed your guests to send samples of the past, do you know all the details of the configured product. After the sample sent to you tracking number will be issued to take the initiative to the guests, the guests after receiving the samples on the sample you have to Cuicui guest feedback and so on.

5. Exhibitors.

do foreign trade, to participate in exhibitions at home and abroad is the most direct and most effective way to orders, so the show must give full play to its advantages, as capture more potential customers.

trade for a novice, during the show, the biggest drawback than the price of the product is not particularly familiar with, so that customers often during the reception so that customers and the company of your ability to question. But do not be afraid, we can use some techniques to remove and avoid misunderstandings guests. Zhejiang side of the boss usually does not English, when the boss or the general exhibition will be invited to attend the production supervisor. If foreigners come to interview you, you can give foreigners introduced, so the price should be reported when the boss took charge of production to move out or sitting next to, and then to the guests said it was the boss (production supervisor can also be said to be the boss), so what price to ask guests to sit directly next to the \Visitors a look at the price quoted is the boss will naturally think it is a good price, but also reduces the scope for bargaining with you, you should also seize the opportunity to flatter the customer, said that the prices are directly reported to you our boss, is to your preference, the price is a good kind of thing, if you're lucky, the guests see you good price, too lazy to go shop around, he is likely to sign the contract on the spot to tell you.

But some customers can not get so easily, they have certain requirements for quality, but also to the pursuit of low prices. Do business with such customers is very hard. Often you reported a lower-middle low to him, he might accuse you of something too expensive, you must first self-affirmation of the price, saying that the price is not expensive, \\others are cheaper than you 0.5 dollars it? \\so little, but it puts to sell your product better, and I believe this exchange is sensible and worthwhile, then you can be an issue in other areas. For example you say how old our technical staff particularly good, the product will be a per A test confirmed that they are to packaging, ah, ah can guarantee delivery and freight forwarding between Well, ah, what transport to ensure foolproof way of. \

exhibition is very hard, but a finding that customers are interested in their products, they must immediately greeted with a smile, but also as much as possible hair samples, business cards have to earn more, so that it is true this line.

6. Handling complaints.

big woods, what birds are, business is good, the goods out of many, natural problems and complaints also increased recently. The issue of complaints focused on delivery, product and customer requirements are deviations, product defects of these three aspects.

me to the company's first thing first get a clear idea what each person's duties. For future work, and their closely related to human relations must handle. For example, I first make a good impression on my boss, in addition to their own work to be practical, should also be flattering to his right, when you see that he would like his smile ah, but not too much. In addition, I also shop with the director of the factory director, as well as mold supervisor, warehouse staff relations and other relations should be the first to do a good job,high nike dunk, so you want to sample the future, they will help you do the sample first, the factory list and more time, They will try to arrange your list in front of or inserted into the go and the way you do, not urgent parts delivery, warehouse staff can help you every day reminder accessories. In this way, we can greatly prevent their delivery orders to be delayed, or not can only be explained with the guests, the general reason is that too many orders, but to arrange,nike dunk high, or broken the mold and the like, as long as not drag too long, the guests generally acceptable. Those who do not delay delivery of the letter of credit, to be greeted with the boss in time, let him out of the caravan you adjust.

on the customer and the customer is indeed a deviation of this headache. Because sometimes the order is confirmed, the boss to earn more points, intentionally cutting corners, doing things out of the beginning of course with a little difference in the confirmation samples. For this point I do not have a good solution can only be said to him before the sample with the goods must be some subtle differences, but does not affect the performance of the product itself and so on.

problems for product defect that is a headache. Me that our boss approach it. If it is the old guest or guests of his own, and that he would surely be faster out of the question to agree a loss. If another salesman is not very important guest or guests, even though he might finally agreed to pay, but he usually is and then lost the next order (out of such a big quality problems, the guests would be willing to look for you to buy it? so often on this issue both haunt us and the customer, the boss will usually be the responsibility onto others, he says, is transit freight shipping company responsibility, and finally our boss developments will be taken as compensation or to play refuses to acknowledge responsibility and refused to compensate the attitude.) For those relationships get very stiff or simply cut off business dealings of the company's approach is for dealing with the rise of a company and email to a contact that customer, but this method has many limitations, we play it by ear. 7. Have a good attitude and confidence, and needs to be self-extracting.
first developed for the new trade customers, the mood swings may be relatively large, so it must have firm faith and a good attitude.

we must first have confidence in their products, dry line is necessary to love his party, and only recognized their own things, and will it be possible to customer acceptance of our products, in short, never say their product is poor , although it may have been no good to others. Do not just see their products are less popular products, but did not see the peer companies is relatively small, not only to see their poor quality, but did not see their price is very competitive, not only to see others are with orders coming in, but do not see other people made 100 spam a day. So no confidence must not, must not be lazy, or did not pick up a few months down a bit, and that their days are tough.

I so choose to do foreign trade, because trade is going to be easy to do sitting in the office, and the commission can do to take the domestic, but also the English continue using it, you can also make parts of the world friends and business travel abroad. While the physical part of the much used to do foreign trade, but sometimes the pressure is great. In particular, sometimes a lot of things together to you launch an attack, you may be dealing with is not good a lot of pressure on tenterhooks all day. For example the day, a visitor looking for your inquiry, ah, ah you have to own package samples, there was a guest of the marks out wrong, ah, the information sent to the guests there is an error ah customs clearance, delivery, urgent, no other guests to call back in order to advance, but have not received a week after a payment ah, and so these problems occur together, you will really know what to do it sometimes. My suggestion is that big thing there and do not be afraid, be their own situation and then find out too late urgent, chaotic clue put things to deal with all written down, and then solve them. Is it you want to inquiry, first, and so again, wait for the next big deal or overtime to give you a report tomorrow, no big deal, anyway, the price is not necessarily reported orders, not take such a rush it; two days ago to send forget to send the samples, customer reminders a few days, whether he casually asked to find a surface of a single number issued to him again, he investigated the case found no record of Transportation told him a courier company were still in the warehouse forget, it is Sorry to keep him to wait a day or two; mark the wrong away, then no big deal, Kraft posted about, by hand up the same, not a big problem, with guests to explain; customs clearance data errors a bit of trouble, do not worry about, anyway, this is a single the burden of proof, of course, the responsibility can not be so cruel documents directly onto the small MM, helping customers to re-do a guest, and then scan to him, Is it possible to see (usually feasible), it is not just like the boss for re-sent to the guests a declaration information; advance orders not to advance this issue, but is the most headaches, and can finally deal with, the best way is that in future no matter how urgent delivery, did not advance to a certain less than a single, water alone does not count, and time to think of ways to catch up or delivery with customers to explain the problems of his own only delay the advance of delivery. Otherwise you first receive the order the money right away, but not any first order to stop, on the other hand urging customers up to fight money. In short extract is first of all have to learn a sense of balance, do not rush, to try to tow the trailer, nothing can not be negotiable, the first address immediate, not too hasty to proceed slowly.

7. Some tips and principles.

��, to learn to promote their own products, thus increasing performance.
example, a German customer bought only a product, you can recommend another way to give him several products, or our other customers in Germany on the other orders for several products have been sold in their country better, recommended He also buy to buy, or some guests booked a certain number of products, but not full of a whole cabinet, then you can tell him how much space left, so sea freight transport will waste some of the past, asked him if he want to increase the the number of which became a full cabinet, or recommend that he can set a 40-foot high cabinet, so you can make more of that kind of thing.

��, method of payment is the key, we must grasp, it is better to do less performance, but be sure to choose the most secure way to pay.
If the wire as much as possible to do CFR; bulk FOB to do, and must be 100% before the TT (the amount of less bulk, TT Bank deducting money several times more powerful, customers generally agree 100% TT); do be sure to check out the letter of credit the other bank credit, better country in Europe and America, Africa, Middle East, try not to do those letters of credit, cheated a little accident, then you may have to waste a year of performance.

��, to be the fastest that familiar with their product details.
Although you can graduate from college, although you may see a foreigner will be embarrassed blush, though you with a boyish face, but as long as you are well aware of their products, and guests can ask any questions one by one answers that he will ignore your lack of professional only place to see you. You know,nike dunk shoes, you are not just your own, you are representing a company's image, so you have professional.

��, businessmen also have feelings.
Although in general the number of foreigners is not humane, but people always have a little bit selfish, especially in the domestic foreign trade companies and Hong Kong and Taiwan customers, they will be more emphasis on friendship. So you can have targeted some of them to friends attitude towards them, as much as possible so that they feel your attention to them, their care, so they will be in there the first thought when the order you, then you can contain your mistakes after the manner in which payment will not let you on the difficult and so on.

I basically write all these. I do an initiate, I hope you give me some added and corrected, so as to better guide my future foreign trade. At the same time friends through literature, I intend to quit, starting the year looking for work to go to Shanghai again, want to get into this line of garment and textile, garment and textile predecessors hope you give me some guidance related products (because of Shanghai's garment and textile companies need two years from the apparel industry more experience).
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