dynamic proxy is fundamentally the core of Java technology model, AOP model had been implemented. Now we use the Spring EJB3 Hibernate, and most possess a dynamic proxy framework through which, but expression just isn't obvious when in use.
JDK dynamic proxy itself supply the API, but not prominent due to overall performance or functionality,
Office 2007 Pro Plus Key, so these frameworks is to specialized byte code library Code Generation Library, Code Generation Library, currently you can find CGLib (based on ASM) and Javassist.
performance now than ever before just before JDK six.0 edition of 1.four has significantly enhanced, I recently employed this write-up Why do you believe CGLib proxies are quicker than JDK Proxies? The test code are on the JDK and CGLib Javassist 3 dynamic agent properties were tested and found amazing outcomes,
Windows 7 32bit, not to say that certain database overall performance bytecode quicker than the JDK, at least Javassist slow.
JDK and CGLib test code inside the TSS write-up, I check to Javassist, and JDK are:
public course ProxyPerformanceComparison2 {
public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
Callable jdkProxy = (Callable)
Proxy.newProxyInstance (ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader (), new Class []
new JdkHandler (new Counter ()));
ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory ();
f.setInterfaces (new Class [] Callable.class);
Class c = f.createClass ();
Callable cglibProxy = (Callable) c.newInstance ();
((ProxyObject) cglibProxy). setHandler
(new JavaAssitInterceptor (new Counter ()));
for (int i2 = 0; i2
public Object invoke
(Object self, Strategy m, Method move forward, Object [] args) throws Throwable
return m.invoke (delegate, args);
static class Counter implements Callable {
int count = 0;
public Integer call () throws Exception
return count + +;
check The outcomes are as follows:
JDK six and CGLib cglib-nodep-2.two.jar comparative results:
JDK Proxy: 1,049,
Windows 7 sale,937 calls / s
CGLIB: two,820,130 calls / s
If you're making use of prior variations of cglib, quicker overall performance:
JDK Proxy: 1,037,575 calls / s
CGLIB: 3,112,727 calls / s
the JDK six and JavaAssit three.eleven Test results are as follows:
JDK Proxy: 1,
Office 2010 Standard Key,037,575 calls / s
JAVAASSIST: 626,695 calls / s
JAVAASSIST even slower than JDK six,
microsoft Office 2010 License, impressive.
worse is, Hibernate 3.3 or later on to use JavaAssit, considering that the two are JBoss, due to it,
Tapstry5 also use JAVAASSIST, Javassist vs. Each Other Bytecode Library On the market
optimize performance of each and every move, small accumulation, will kind a massive effect.