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Old 05-06-2011, 11:55 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
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alicetrade1l is on a distinguished road
Default 在车辆销售及售后服务工作中

,常常听到用户埋怨某某车型油耗高,在燃油价钱节节攀升的今天,在车辆设计阶段就注意下降车辆的油耗,是所 有汽车厂家责无旁贷的义务,但用户对车辆的抉择跟使用,对油耗同样有着举足轻重的作用,在此我们就从用户的 角度出发,在上期就车辆的选型、车辆技巧状态的保护两个方面进行了先容,这期我们将对驾驶操作方面对车辆油 耗的影响进行探讨。
  纯熟的驾驶技术是开车节油的条件,ferragamo,同一车型,使用条件基原形同,不同的人驾驶,汽车油耗可相差20%以上。驾驶技术对汽车油耗的影响,贯串 在整个汽车运行过程中。从起步、换挡、转向、制动、减速、停车等各种动作都要运用自若、正确无误,这其顶用 不着斟酌如何做动作才会正确。另一方面汽车在运行过程中,遇到的情况是变幻无穷的,公路上的车、人流动情况 、途径情况、气象情况都是在不断地转变。驾驶员要能随时随地根据变更情况,做出正确的断定和处理,掌握行车 速度和温度,减少不利因素,利用有利条件,使汽车少用油,行驶更多的里程。
  发动机长时间重复启动,不仅浪费燃料,而且会因燃油不能完全蒸发而构成大量液膜,液膜会冲洗气缸壁上的 润滑油膜,加剧气缸壁的磨损。在冬季气温5℃时,发动机启动一次,气缸的磨损相称于行驶30-40km的磨损量;在-18℃启动一次发动机,气缸的磨损相称于行驶250km的磨损量。在发动机全部寿命中,启动所引起的气缸磨 损约占总磨损量的50%-70%,而冬季启动又占启动磨损量的60%-70%,所以请求启动发动机时尽可能做到一次成功。
  发动机启动后,有的驾驶员怕熄火,求升温快,尤其在冬季起动发动机,因为燃料蒸发前提差,这时重踩大油 门,不仅重大挥霍燃油,而且因为大批的燃油液膜粘附在汽缸壁上,会损坏汽缸壁的光滑油膜,增添发动机磨损。 因此,准确的操作方式是,在发动机启动后,先以较高转速运行1-2分钟,而后迟缓减速至怠速,进行畸形升温。
  水温低时,燃油雾化不良,发动机不能正常工作,加之机油粘度较大,摩擦损失功率增加,都会增加油耗。为 了节俭燃油,应当待发动机水温升到40℃以上再起步行驶。车辆起步后要根据气温情况,让汽车在低速运行一段 间隔,待发动机水平和各总成润滑油温度升高后再进入正常行车,无特别情形,禁止低温运行。
  每一款发念头,总有一个转速,发动机以这个转速运行,kayano asics,比油耗最低,我们把这个转速称之为发动机的经济转速n(gemin),这一转速从发动机的外特征曲线上可 以查得,依据教训,prada by prada,这个转速普通是动员机最大功率Pmax时相应转速n(Pmax)的75~80﹪左右,即n(gemin) ≈75-80﹪n(Pmax)。而在车辆的应用仿单中个别都给出了Pmax及n(Pmax),因而用户能够本人算动 身动机比油耗最低的转速。显然,对应于经济转速,每一个档位都有一个经济车速,但咱们通常把超速档对应的经 济车速叫做车辆的经济车速,车辆以该速度行驶,百公里油耗最低。
  统一个车型,假如发动机、变速箱、后桥配置不同,其经济车速也不雷同,用户须要自己根据发动机的经济转 速来断定经济车速,别人的车经济车速可能是80km/h,你的车则可能是100km/h,其起因就是车辆的配置不同。
  在车辆进站、过收费站、会车、通过人流较密集的路段等可以预感的需要减速的情况时,利用车辆的惯性滑行 ,最后缓慢通过或轻踩制动停车,由于充分利用了汽车的惯性,减少了不必要的制动所消耗的功率和燃料,因此节 油后果显著。
  下坡滑行是利用坡道的势能推动汽车前进,减少了不必要的燃料消耗,如应用适当,在丘陵起伏地区行驶,耗 油不会高于平原地区。
  发动机熄火后,车辆需要的紧缩空气制动体系得不到弥补,制动效力降低甚至制动生效。在冬季发动机熄火后 滑行,发动机温度降落较快,再启动运行时将增加油耗,在酷寒地域水箱还有结冰的可能。如果发动机熄火的同时 还挂空挡,则不仅使车辆下坡途中,失去了发动机这个阻力源,加重了制动系统的累赘,还可能导致 变速箱破坏。
  发动机熄火后挂空档滑行导致变速箱损坏的原因如下:当发动机熄火后,变速器内输出轴被底盘推进高速旋转 ,而旁边轴不旋转,润滑油搅溅不起来,以至二轴上各个齿轮的滚针轴承或衬套缺油、同步器缺油,滚针轴承或衬 套很容易烧逝世在二轴上,在汽车滑行终止,如果依附汽车惯性挂档启动发动机时,由于同步器处于缺油摩擦的状 况,轻易烧丧失效,所以不仅山区制止熄火脱挡下坡滑行,在平原地区也不应采取熄火脱挡滑行。
  发动机脱挡滑行时,车辆越滑越快,必须依靠制动器来节制车速,制动器使用频繁,致使制动鼓发烧和制动蹄 摩擦片烧蚀,造成制动失灵,对平安行车有很大的要挟。下坡时,跟着坡度增大,轮胎的附着系数明显减低。因此 ,制动才能减低且极易滑溜,这是造成下坡闹事的主要原因。因此,汽车下陡而长的坡道时严禁发动机脱挡滑行, 不应该为了多节油而采用这种冒险的滑行操作。
  当汽车踩下离合器踏板挂挡滑行时,air jordan shoes,车辆会越滑越快,在滑行进程中必须抬离合器利用发动机阻力来降低车速,在滑行终止采用抬离合器起动发动机 ,以致离合器受到的冲击负荷过大,加速了离合器摩擦片和分别轴承的磨损,甚至发生离合器钢片开裂,减振弹簧 折断,曲轴止推片磨损。
  对柴油汽车,下坡挂档滑行时,抬起加速踏板,汽车在高速挡上挂挡滑行,使发动机在汽车惯性拖动下高转速 运转,发动机的转速高于怠速转速的2-6倍,此时调速器起作用使供油齿杆由正常怠速供油地位向减小供油量的方向挪动,在相同的滑行距离情况下,耗 油量比脱挡不熄火滑行时的怠速油耗低3-4倍。如坡度大于6%,可打开柴油机排气制动器或挂次高挡滑行,充足应用发动机阻力制动,并间歇制动把持车 速,不仅可确保保险行车和节俭燃油,而且还能减少制动器的磨损。
  使用空调制冷会耗费必定的燃油,因此将空调温度调得很低是错误的。有些车主会为此封闭空调而翻开车窗透 风,当车速高于80km/h时,开窗后因空气阻力增长消耗的燃油量比开空调制冷消费的燃油还要多。
  要做到开车节油,必须是大处着眼,小处着手,对驾驶操作的每一动作都要当真看待,驾驶中的不良操作习惯 必须改正。
  有些驾驶员喜欢轰油门,发动机刚发动猛轰几脚油门:泊车熄火前轰几脚油门;发动机油、电路工作不正常, 也带几脚大油门,想以此赶跑故障;碰到红灯,常设停车,担心熄火,招来交通警察的干涉,以一直地轰油门均衡 心中的担忧。轰一脚油门只管消耗不了多少燃油,但聚沙成塔,长年累月,糟蹋掉的燃油也是可观的 。
  有些驾驶员在驾驶中,老是不停地转动方向盘,这种转动并不是行驶中的需要,而是下意识的不良动作。方向 盘的不停动弹,无疑会增加轮胎的转动阻力,导致燃料消耗量的增大。
  有人爱好在公路上与别的汽车比速度,你快我更快。只有能超过你,哪怕是将汽车开得“飞”起来也在所不惜 。在高速公路上甚至要试一下到底能开多快,一些汽车在高速公路上产生机损事变,就是“快”的成 果。
  前面已作过介绍,任何一款车都有经济时速,在这个速度行驶时最省油,低于这个速度或高于这个速度油耗就 会回升,再超过一定的速度后,油耗会大幅度上升。我国高速公路限速是110公里,局部路段容许到达120公 里。但良多人在高速公路行驶时,都会大大超过这个速度,既不安全,又不经济。
  有些驾驶员,车开得很猛,刹车也很急,热衷于抢道,尤其是交通不畅、等红灯、变换车道时,常见到这种景 象:相邻车道刚有了点空当,这边一辆车就忽然加速折过去了,从前了就不得不踩刹车。呆会儿,这边车道有空当 ,他一踩油门又挤回来了。往返的急加速、急刹车。加速过快,混杂气必然很浓,天然多用燃油,紧急制动的成果 不仅是白白地浪费了发动机的能源,增加燃料消耗,而且汽车常需从新起步,燃料消耗还会进一步增 加。
  只要换挡动作实现,左脚必需离开离合器踏板。有人喜欢将左脚长时光放在离合器踏板上,自以为只要不必力 便不会有什么影响,实在由于汽车的平稳或者无意间,很可能造成离合器处于半接合状态,发动机发出的功率不能 完整传递给 驱动车轮,既费油又损坏了离合器。
  很多人驾驶只盯着前面一辆车的动作,而不注意前几辆车的情况、不注意路两侧的情况。有时前边车队减速, 红灯亮成了一串,这位还在踩油门加速,等发明前边车的刹车灯亮了,他的车速刚提起来,又匆忙刹车。有时路旁 钻出车或人来,由于发现晚,又得急刹车。刹车就是通过车轮与地面的磨擦,将汽油发生的动能转化为摩擦力白白 消耗掉。不必要的刹车次数多了,油耗必定会增加。
  初学者刚上路,往往慌手慌脚,路况庞杂,需处置的情况多时,往往忘却了加挡。许多初学者挂着低速挡跑了 好几公里,才想起应该加挡。不同的挡位,油耗是不一样的。使用低速挡时,发动机的后备功率大、牵引力大,功 率利用率低,油耗要高于高速挡的油耗。三挡长距离高速行车,比四挡正常行车油耗要增加10%,而如果用二挡 取代三挡行车,油耗还会增加。不同的汽车,油耗不同,但用高速挡比低速挡油耗低,这个论断却是不变的。因此 ,要使汽车节油,使用中要尽可能地多用高速挡,少用低、中速挡。汽车用低速挡起步后,应尽快换入高速挡,这 一个过程要尽可能短些,不要不敢换挡,不要长时间在低、中速挡行驶。
  一些驾驶员在不需要换挡时,频繁换挡。问其原因,是在学驾驶时,教练要求勤换挡。这显然是对勤换挡的过 错懂得,在汽车行驶过程中,随着道路状况、交通流量等详细情况的变化需要调换变速器的挡位,使驱动车轮取得 所需的牵引力,以战胜变化的行驶阻力。如在平直的道路上行驶,频繁换挡只会带来油耗的增加。因换挡时,必须 踩下离合器踏板,在这段时间内,发动机所发出的功率就成了无用功,势必增加燃料消耗。
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Old 05-06-2011, 12:27 PM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 12:48 on December 25, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

Chinese girls to write a school maintenance Dafa! ! Teach you how to solve hair oil, pores, whitening, teeth,gucci bags, fine lines, too full, and, we would have looked good ...... really good stuff ...... fear of lost the ...... We'll Kane!

- If you ask internal organs can not digest fat, so put it routed to the face and head, bubbles are not so good effect,,,,
my opinion, the best foam to sweat, but in fact sisters face if his head out of the oil, then, to pass through this method of liver conditioning , will be less oil slowly.
friends because of the reason oil is also very coarse pores, I would give him a massage with salt face, the skin texture of the oil are relatively rough and hard, so do not worry too coarse salt. If salt is too bad, you can add essential oils with salt. particularly careful around the nose and massage, then washed, is not particularly small pores ah? Note: This salt can be mentioned salt, bath salts because if you buy is not good enough, but also stimulate the skin, but not as good as cheap and easy to use table salt.
oil squeeze and pull the ball must not be used massage methods the best. to the oil while reducing pores and exfoliating, the last wash, the best alternating hot and cold water wash, in fact, I strongly recommend that all women are so wash your face! is certainly not alone in hot water to wash your face, the warm water and cold water is also OK, alternating hot and cold water is best.
the same time, alternating hot and cold water is also very effective on dark circles. because the cold water wash though very good, but to stimulate the face, make the black increased eye socket!
the skin on the hands and feet care, the most practical DIY hand film is the mixture of brown sugar and honey, stop the massage, the general recommendations are to carry Gloves cream, as long as necessary to coat the hand away from water. This method is really a lot of trouble!
fact, as long as we make good use of the night, the day would not have trouble.
for a loose gloves, before going to sleep every night, to mix with olive oil MAXAM, a thick coating in the hands, wear gloves to bed, persist for some time, the hands will become soft, fine lines have also played down .
thick if the finger joints, to be sure to massage. one by one with the thumb and index finger to massage each finger, the key is to massage the fingers of both sides, from the roots to the fingertips, one by one, the massage, the massage method can make the joints of coarse the problem is resolved, the finger will slowly a uniform thickness.
feet of dead skin that must be grinding. Big S kind of reason is not recommended planing mill feet, because they are artists feet after a long period of maintenance, have tender,mulberry handbag, planer for easy bleeding. and the beginning of their legs, planer can quickly wore off dead skin, water feet first, and then grinding, grinding after completing a thick coating of olive oil MAXAM, wear thick cotton socks. grinding feet once a week, and is painted cream and wear socks to every day. your feet will become soft! really is very tender and smooth, there will not be flawless.
Some girls will crack the heel, then first with plaster paste, paste the full three days later, and then apply a thick olive oil MAXAM, until the crack of the hole and then began to grind feet disappeared.
Jia Yeban very hurt the body, even if sleep all day, can not guarantee, but how about maintenance of it. you can get up early morning and go to work? you are not in a foreign company? can go to work early in the evening to leave early? because Qianban Ye's Sleep is very important, relatively late at night to be wasted. You can get up five or six points, to go to work, go home early to sleep at night.
If not, then it is pathetic! gelatin you eat on a daily , red dates and longan liver blood instead of it. these three products is the holy blood, longan eat, day three, dates of 10-20 tablets, gelatin sooner or later have to eat twice a day.
computer has a radiation, so samantha Cream you must use a half day meeting once again not even painted the morning, noon meeting, the evening before the fix to work overtime and can not be afraid to waste. There are green tea every day for water, foreign companies like drink coffee, you drink green tea, add a little angelica and astragalus, blood and qi, must be a lot of water. eyes will be uncomfortable, right? coupled with wolfberry and white chrysanthemums, remember that white is not yellow. Do not worry about this mix tea does not react, hee hee, to assure you, will not drip!
in front of the computer support twelve cactus, for you to absorb radiation. way to stand up event activities, take a deep breath, do not always sit . farther away from the company's printer, the more powerful radiation! If the company is carpeted, it should be ruined lungs. buy some almonds or almond drink also, Yang Yang Yangfeihuoxue
long front of the computer, the liver is also very tired, so we must try to feel comfortable. I will teach you a little way, is squeezed hard before going to bed every day armpits, ribs well on both sides of the arm, hard pinch, this is by dredge the meridians, to prevent breast disease, and make you feel comfortable, and my heart do not feel pressure fast enough.

almost all women face this field of special attention, in fact, who are white, with some whitening products can have uniform color. but still have to use less whitening products, whitening in addition to its home is set Herbs Angelica, Poria, etc. Chinese herbal formula, are bound to lead, there are injuries to the skin. the use of whitening products and after washing the face with the right will soon be white back.'ll be changing soon as white moisturizing cream.

whitening the same time with milk and barley flour, drink lemonade all day can speed up the whitening.

White also has a little secret, that is, shots of water with white vinegar, add one-fifth of glycerol, such as olive oil or, if too exciting, you can add pure water in it. painted twice every day, one week you can see effect.

suggest that you use skin care products, to pay attention to see their skin is not created dependency? For example, bad skin care products, once you do, all that day the skin will make you very uncomfortable, then this product should not be used again. good product is not even the occasional one day, the skin is still able to maintain very good, and that is a good thing!

If your job is mental Yongnaoguodu That forehead is inevitable than to be black eyebrows following section, this really is no way.

after white is to prevent fine lines. approach is to enhance moisture moisture moisture! how to moisture are But points! others will say, can be used every night a little yogurt drink left. mask to do more frequent, and the natural appearance of fine lines to LEAVE 啦!

Here are a party, that is, inside the yogurt adding yeast, fermentation, attaining to use it the next day, face rough small bumps disappear immediately, and brighten the skin to turn white.

oily skin, but also to enhance moisture, add water, or rough skin faster.

moisture An important part is the toner, be sure to use a cotton pad with! after washing face, do not rub with a towel to dry with a cotton pad, and then wet a cotton pad with blisters get sticky toner used.

massage is playing both sides of the forehead to the middle circle, the skin under the eyes are pulled from the corner to the temple, the nose from the top down, before we talked about the cheek, mouth to mouth from the middle of the following is put up .

Toner, have to apply, do not be afraid to waste, deposited more than a few times. moisturizing well, do not be afraid to fine lines.

Next, I want to advance into a relatively deep topic, because I just saw a girl suffering from a painful gynecological diseases. as long as gynecological diseases, his face even the most advanced gold face cream, does not help! face the premise that good health.

gynecological diseases is not our birthright to have to accept the pain, the pain has been the expense of happiness does not need to.

first or check the daily living habits, clean the ass every day, with the discharge temperature of the water, with a special pots and towels every day for underwear; do not use non-menstrual pads, menstrual Changing sanitary napkins; stool after also cleaning ass,paul smith bags, if the conditions are not allowed to use wet paper towels; ###### is not particularly frequent and from the beginning to wear TT, urinate immediately after ######; never used any lotion; annual gynecological examination.

natural delivery of pregnant women, if not also very easy to care late inflammation; if menstrual excessive, also because a large number of blood soaked and inflammation. and excessive menstrual flow, is the reason for the spleen, after repeat that.

a friend of a friend, there are many ######ual partners. can she know how to protect yourself, you have to wear TT, so no problem at all gynecological examination.

must involve all of the gynecological inflammation to the liver and kidneys of these two organs, from the most minor to the most serious, the principle remains the same , that is: liver qi stagnation, and kidney.

diarrhea anger can talk before the feet of the approach, you can own, massage big arms, underarms, and the ribs on both sides of the body, is to thumb and index finger, pinch the bone above the hard meat, meat and bones is the best place among the most effective, must be hard, the more pain the more force, have effect of the pain.

Kidney methods have talked about before, as long as kidney sturdy, there would be big problems!

so that if the treatment is still not good, to do foot massage. If people are more health massage soles of the feet, the body will be better, people naturally young.

my other one, not the model's sister and her boyfriend are in the professional oral medical school, they gave me the advice is mouth and teeth of the scale by mouthwash and dental floss were used to approach to the solution. your way we can discuss.

teeth, we can not ignore the importance of it, he will determine whether a person can live longer. so to take advantage of the young will protect our teeth. each year to do the oral examination, if there is abnormal bleeding should be to check, to rule out periodontitis, or stones and other symptoms.

If the gingival recession, do not immediately go to dental, general dentist is the possibility of shrinking the proposal would fillings. to bed early, do not let yourself physically and mentally fatigued every day, so more severe contraction to rest , gums will recover slowly.

plug if things between the teeth regularly, it must use dental floss. because something is prone to frequent dental caries plug. And if there was going to fill cavities , can not be delayed, the more delayed the greater the cavities, dental more complex.

teeth best protection is clean and not overly used. I'm using the toothbrush, the Netherlands produced a brand of acoustic toothbrush, not electric, is a sound wave, it can be more clean teeth and remove stone by sound waves, just use it to brush your teeth, you will feel the teeth one by one, and very clean.

period (second )

to judge their own menstruation is a mirror of physical health, normal menstruation, delicate face, Ye Hao face.

more than seven days after menstruation, and pushed several consecutive cycles, counted is the late period. generally Xu Zheng, pushed back the meaning of words, the body's blood or energy are not enough, so try to postpone a few days, the cold can also cause kidney or body increased longevity. The quantity Heat is not the blood deficiency or blood stasis.

best menstrual status is not in the mood before and after the impact, the chest is not Zhang Tong, no dizziness, irritability and so on, but the first one or two days less, after a small amount a day or two, the middle of a day or two more than the amount, no abdominal pain, abdominal straining, back pain and other symptoms. in short,mulberry handbags, is that you hardly feel its presence. In fact, you are incomparable attention to it.

want normal menstruation, it must usually can not get angry, angry, simmering fire, not more, to feel comfortable bar up, so you can keep the liver; Now that winter, and every morning and evening to eat gelatin, usually more sugar cane to eat spinach dates, good blood, deficiency of blood coming year have to worry about; qi Astragalus can drink tea, qi has cancer, a very good medicine blindly; a blood clot is that liver qi stagnation, the more blocked meridian was more severe, to massage can be had; if it is unbearable pain, that we should pay attention to his more usual lower back massage, foot massage.

recommended that each woman should record their physical diary to observe the changes their bodies in a timely manner. usually have to pay attention to his change in vaginal discharge, if the volume suddenly increased, or the color change, the unpleasant smell, and you should be careful. the normal situation is less, white, dries will be pale yellow, odorless.

good shape there is the focus of the chest and buttocks.

hips as long as an action, unless you are a little thin that there is no meat, are valid. to teach a large S, when and where, standing on legs slightly apart, feet into a figure eight, forced to pick up the buttocks, persist for some time and then relax, and then clamping, just by this little trick, your hips will become Alice and full, really!

unfortunately small chest, large easy to sag, in short, just very small. If your body that are not meat, the first fat say. you do not know whether you wear underwear right? must have very good care Shoulong and side effects! I wear to now, only the ancient and modern underwear, is the real shape of the chest to keep the good stuff! just started to wear, you may be full of meat, armpit , side, stomach meat, back, full of loose flesh. ancient and modern shopping guide will teach you the correct way to wear.

leaned forward, wear, put all the meat is inside the rope to go underwear , including the back, stomach meat. this method in France, the girl will be just the time development of such education. other brands of underwear do not know why, you go after the rope ran out quickly, not only past and present, It only came out a little, has always insisted on wearing it at home in underwear, to ensure your addition to the chest, the other places absolutely no extra meat.

this is only the first step.

If you want to To strengthen the focus on results, will massage every night. Everyone knows that this is indeed effective. but once the concentration of the breast to make their own Shoulong, you can not circle, and this time becomes the consumption of fat. This after all To massage the breast, is from the armpit to the nipples,tory burch handbags, this one line of muscles, if it can alleviate symptoms of liver qi stagnation, the chest will get bigger. So, if the long-term bad mood, breasts do not look good.

Sibu purposes, not by increasing the fat, is the role of ventilation. The effect was not as good as the above two methods.

From now on, the official grand introduction to the most important for us, the most The stuff of spending. As long as you use them, you face all the problems will disappear, the body will be more healthy! old? how is it possible? reverse the youth only if they, really, skin care products to They do not deserve mention shoes. to save our hero is the great food!

mouth you eat the more carefully the things above, you are more beautiful! remark is true. the food is generally divided into, qi , yang, blood, yin tonic, temperature, the blood circulation, digestion, heat, astringent, dampness, phlegm, relieving, and sedative these types. in accordance with the Huang Di Nei Jing, Yang spring and summer to autumn and yin tonic in winter.

long-term symptoms of constipation, not resolved, the body of harmful substances can not be promptly eliminated from the body, prone, abdominal distension, irritable, mouth odor, no appetite, and so the phenomenon. This is mainly because, usually eat more, and eat whole grains too small, busy work, psychological pressure, too excited or depressed spirit, time is not the law, it will constipation.

constipation, and breakfast to a certain eat oatmeal, drink plenty of water during the day, bananas and apples have to eat, stay relaxed and comfortable mood, according to the methods discussed before massage, the problem is solved.

tea and yogurt, including celery, lemon discharge of water can help the body of toxins. a lot of vitamin supplements at the same time, inhibit bacterial growth environment, of course, take vitamin pills, then if, instead of inside the additives can cause digestive disorders.

that bad breath is on TCM the reasons for the stomach, a virtual fire, and gastrointestinal function well, mainly due to psychological factors, it is not recommended to eat something Reduce Pathogenic Fire, but from the psychological adjust, so that normal gastrointestinal disorders. at the same time improve the body immunity enhance the kidney function.

the performance deficiency is loss of appetite, Shen Juan fatigue, severe cases will visceral ptosis, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, the spleen is a three-year-old men and women each of us is very important before organs, it is related to food digestion and absorption, so do not eat a mess of drugs, harm it. lung deficiency in performance is less gas lazy words, easy to sweating, kidney qi deficiency are backache, the three together is called for the deficiency.

Qi cheek to droop, the more powerful virtual hangs until the internal organs are sagging facial features, were also ugly. Qi Xu Zheng in all, the easiest to add the physical energy. less talk, less heavy lifting, more attention to the rest of sleep, can add strength. because the gas produces blood, so the qi can be blood.

rice is qi, surprised you? woman must eat rice every day , spleen and stomach health depends on it too! meters are spleen, but its grain in the spleen was the best, the gas shortage, fatigue will eat it, like the stomach Deficiency, upset thirsty to drink rice porridge on the line friends. Chinese book says, > good thing, and jujube, honey. all Spleen, the benefits of wasting, is a good color.

anti-aging (a)

posted if you see more than 35 years old, this is written specifically for you.

more than 30 years of age is likely a female, there will be traditional Chinese medicine is called bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, rough skin and so on Aging. including body deformation and so thorough.

see the word, is very suitable here, 28 years old, his face is all written in your heart.

heart envy others, attention than the interests of all, bullying on the ignorant, the more all of these psychological, must be the fastest in the world to you old ugly! and low self-esteem, passive, lazy, but also accelerate the aging of the fathers. Maggie Cheung said she was keeping the secret of youth is the head profusely, put something heavy, we recommend you do what. I mop the floor the whole time boyfriend to the kitchen to the ground from the roof and scrub clean. You think of myself as a man makes, but also want a woman ?

anti-aging (b)

expression of facial wrinkles rich first, because usually, or often Satisfy her face so bad actions, and second, because the mind is heavy, long time mood did not improve to wrinkles, the third is acidic, which is not very good physique; four is not enough time to give the skin moisture.

massage is very important to ah! their massage to be patient , remove wrinkles with the way described before, his face everywhere carefully massage, gently, to every day by, As long as we are sure to eliminate wrinkles.

massage after completing moisture must be strengthened , multi-use moisturizer, moisturizing mask, everything is very moisturizing. Recommended Niu Er Rose Hydrating Night sleep film, 50 bucks and moisturizing effect is like! and durable, do not know when a bottle can be used. but also the natural formulation I admire cows teacher!

fly in the ointment is that he has a defect that not to mention not to mention, no one is perfect.

eye bags and dark circles are introduced before the method is very effective. freckle way, too, but more slowly, not worry. nasolabial folds even before introduced methods, get rid of the effect is obvious. cheeks certainly be sagging or loose or depression, eating rice to bed early, be sure to blood.

eyes were tired, to liver and kidney, more rest, more than the eye around circle, hair dry and rough, then more hair care, black sesame seeds and seaweed to eat, do not perm hair, the hair was not so old fashioned.

face yellow, if the non-physical factors to attaining water with green tea; skin pimple to use the mask before the introduction of the yogurt yeast; the body's skin is definitely more crude, persist in using white vinegar plus glycerin moisturizing body smooth and soft white; to this age, the product is certainly to seriously use.

general facial skin become thinner, but more and more hard, so feel very vicissitudes. from physical changes, the skin will become soft, as long as the skin tender, and to will be significantly younger. and this is the product can do. in fact, before all the face of aging issues, in addition to moisture, the product can not be solved.

anti-aging (c)

check your life to meet the following conditions? early hours each day, preferably nine to lie; sooner or later have to eat fruit every day; time to seriously eat three meals a day, must eat the cooked rice; feel peace; next exercise; one hour lunch break every day at noon. In fact, most people can not guarantee these basic.

aging body deformation of the body organs, blood, aging, accumulation of toxins in a signal. healthy body, there should be beautiful appearance. acidity must correspond to a physical appearance is not perfect.

liver kidney care were introduced before, the spleen and stomach of nursing lies in the heart, internal organs are key parts of our operation, the part to loose fat , and re-tightened, and the machine just fine. the blood thick, the machine will turn no more, but also damage the machine. toxin too much, the machine easily deformed.

as long as from now on, you seriously, your facial skin, take the time to take care of her, a regular life, attention to your sleep and mood, healthy diet, care of your body organs, your status will be getting better and better.

qi and blood tonic steps are complementary. simply not qi and blood, just like stove burned very busy, put an empty pan, into the blood is delicious in the pan. qi Before we talk about food, I'll highlight the most important rice, the other should pay attention to eat more potatoes, sweet potatoes / sweet potatoes, dates and honey. mushrooms although very good, but a skin disease should pay attention to eat less, do not empty stomach.

blood to eat some donkey-hide gelatin, ah, no reason! my mom insisted to eat for so many years, made by my dad, plus enough love in it! previous gelatin powder has not played to say, are My dad used to trace the things pounded garlic pieces, and then Chaohei sesame seeds, fried a rolling pin and then rolled into the end, then Zaichao walnuts, chopped, procedures complicated than it is now! toss several nights to do a good job.

winter to eat the best. blood while nourishing the yin, remove heat, lungs empty, contains a lot of collagen, because it is the thing sentient flesh and blood, nourishing the effect is more obvious. face does not look good, we must depends on it. However, the recommended addition to the above two things taste more than not to, at most, enough to add flavor longan. you add so much good stuff in there, it might as well eat Shiquandabu pills directly to forget, even donkey-hide gelatin Why? Who is the Lord who aids or to make it clear.

the best way of eating is soaked in rice wine, rice wine warm the stomach, while the A sticky resin, the two just help solve the absorption. blood sugar cane, while recommendations to eat more , carrots, spinach, dried longan and soy milk are iron supplementation of food. not recommended brown sugar, too sweet injured spleen, spleen were looking black.

to correct the notion that food alone can not make up the body by a blind , catering to a comprehensive, such as you now know, the blood and the qi of the food, and that both must eat, eat separately the effects are not obvious, this is in the affirmative.

Introducing the two should always eat the good stuff! fungus and black fungus, are the ancient royal nutrition. black and white fungus in nutrient-rich, similar in composition, are rich in collagen. colloid is very important for a woman!

meat, black fungus with the same protein content, iron content of fish, 70 times that of spinach 20 times 7 times the liver, so the black fungus is an important blood blindly food Oh! now specialized in They both pick, this is a white fungus because it has too many good things about women.

women now enjoy eating out, and the flavors are very heavy, cholesterol, fat content is very easy to high the blood of harmful if high fat content, skin and body condition will not be good, something else of aging, wrinkles and more the quality of the blood is too important for the beauty!

black fungus can prevent the harmful fat in the stay in the blood, its biggest advantage is that from the beginning to eat into the body, starting from the trachea, from top to bottom, including lung, stomach, intestine, blood, body dust, soot used, bad foreign , environmental pollutants, can bring out the whole body. the body which can take a bath.

black fungus has a strong anti-cancer function and can enhance liver detoxification.

buy yellow fungus Do not white, the effect of moisture class! dryness, lungs, and blood, Yin Huo-wang body will expect it! lungs healthy, natural delicate skin.

yin tonic food in addition to pears, sugar cane, Black sesame seeds, soy milk, white fungus, lily, the addition of these partial elements, recommended the duck meat dish,handbags uk, not only Ziyinqingre, and benefit functions of water in summer to eat it can prevent the occurrence of gynecological inflammation. too many diseases are due to body water running around, so much did not eat bad Italian Ren.

Yang have a high intake of meat, while vegetables are recommended before, but did not say to a vegetarian, meat must eat, completely vegetarian diet is very harmful to the body. is a must eat beef and mutton, and these two meat intake, no moisture, low fat content, energy and iron levels are high enough.

winter must Eat more lamb, men and women should eat more. lamb to pirated wasting, replenishing vital energy, to treat kidney yang, warming warm-up, to treat stomach Deficiency, that physical treatment should eat more, strong stomach and spleen, of the spleen and kidney are very good. consumptive thin lamb eat can make a strong constitution.

is the same dog to eat, replenishing strength, make the spleen and stomach, warm the kidney, gluten bone, but not taken together, and almond. There cuisine blindly yang, Zuixia is taking live shrimp with wine soaked, cold extremities can be treated, spleen and kidney yang.

addition to the above four taste of meat from food, Walnut treatment of kidney lower back pain, tinnitus, nourishing the liver kidney, to treat lung Deficiency, improve the intestinal constipation, nourishing the five internal organs. take a long time, skin smooth, shiny black hair, anti-aging.

addition to beef and mutton , the other virtual food Wenbu Yang, Yin Huo-wang physical person must eat less.

a sister's LG kidney inflammation, and a sister visceral ptosis serious, here referred to the various spleen symptoms and method of maintenance is very important to them, for good health, the spleen once the weak, the body nine veins are blocked. For each woman to become the United States, spleen guide the blood of our beautiful at all.

the spleen and stomach meridians are associated through the spleen and stomach function of good people, and the skin must be moist, plump. Conversely, if a person is skinny, skin not shiny, the stomach is not good, so the body lack of blood. spleen The health status of the color from the lips of view, if it is dark red, is the heat, if it is light red, is the Deficiency, if the skin is very dry lips, is the lack of body fluid.

because the spleen through the digestive food to blood, so the woman's menstrual cycle and has a relationship. It is a woman of the Gospel, if you have mastered the method of maintenance of the spleen, you can not do Huanglian Po life, even to the fifties, too, face is not yellow.

because of poor maintenance, the spleen function in controlling blood loss, the skin will dry yellow, while the natural skin color is yellow, where yellow means coke. First, spleen deficiency, and then then developed into the spleen does not control blood. the body's vital energy and stomach to digest food produced with the blood, the first is to ensure healthy eating.

If you face yellow, and had to be used to eat taro . purple taro best of the spleen and stomach, blood, the Blood effect, to plump the skin and muscle moist. There a tonic parties, spring, summer autumn and winter insist on eating, very effective, that is, water chestnuts, potatoes, red beans, yam, Heights real , lotus seeds, red dates and rice cooked together, these meals are all make up the spleen, to blood, and gradually improve the complexion.

face chlorosis evolved from a deficiency, in addition to mood, fatigue factors, , do not eat rice is the main reason. So, in order to have a good face, eat at least two bowls of rice
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Old 05-06-2011, 01:44 PM   #3
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(Reporter Lin Qi) 60 years ago, they, as a member of the Chinese People's Volunteers, into defending the homeland and the Korean war. There, they had experienced the baptism of blood and fire, dedication and sweat of youth. Yesterday, 30 people from all over the city together Jiangbei Da Shiba veteran volunteers. April 1, they will be with the blessing of fellow volunteers and exhortations set foot on the journey back to North Korea, in the Ching Ming Festival, is a foreign land buried comrades offer a bouquet of flowers.
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the small frail, Wu Juhui adolescence to the medical had a strong interest. September 1950, still 29 teachers to study, he was enlisted in the army medical school, then became a health worker. March 1951, he followed troops to the Korean War, and has participated in three major campaigns, including a Major, awarded a third class time.
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wish We hope that they go to the DPRK, could you find her father's grave. In 1951, the father of Lvguo Rong Lv Yunfen went to Korea, at that time, infant Lvyun Fen less than 3 months. In 1954, the organization sent a Lv Guorong martyr card, until then, family members know, Lv Guorong has been sacrificed in July 1953.
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having not seen his father,tory burch bags, Lvyun Fen said he has been proud of his father, an annual festival, she will burn paper to pay homage to the father of the distance. 57-year-old began learning to play erhu, the Korean War as well as her songs will pull the track. Korean War veterans group of the DPRK that the news of the night to write a letter to the Lv Yunfen father's letters, I hope veterans who are able to find his father's grave, to help her carry a heart the words:

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76-year-old Wang Shaochuan elderly veterans back towards the activities of one of the organizers, told reporters that, the original 25 were prepared group travel, but the news spread,tory burch online, there are five veterans of active hosts. These veterans aged 76 to 82 years in which there are three good reasons to the families of veterans of the carer.
Wang Shaochuan participate in the Korean War, when only 15 years old, although the army as a cultural teacher, but also experienced a variety of brutal fighting, including a Major battles. until 4:00 and more,tory burch shoes, For a long time dream of lingering in my mind, but also cherish the memory of that history, while the hard-won happiness today deeply, cherish and keep pushing.
Yesterday, 30 volunteers gathered Jiangbei Da Shiba veterans, their comrades will be grave for the next month the DPRK. Reporter Yang Xinyu Photo

veterans starting April 1; Jiangbei together yesterday, memories written in blood, wounded no less than the glory years of FireWire
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