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Old 05-05-2011, 02:20 PM   #1
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Default 房地产老板买通银行职员偷储户400万




  女老板黎媛、张玲,经朋友牵线搭桥将400万元存入某银行长寿区支行同一个营业点。20多天后,两人前 往银行取款,却发现巨额存款不见了……

  2月2日上午,一名中年女子急匆匆前往某银行长寿区支行某营业点。“给我取200万元!”女子填好取款 申请单,将身份证一并递给银行柜员。

  查验身份、输入银行卡号码……“对不起,你账上的200万元钱早已被人取走了。”银行工作人员告知中年 女子。“不可能哟!”中年女子惊出一身冷汗,失魂落魄地前往长寿区公安局报案。


  报案女子叫黎媛,45岁,是一名在渝北区做服装生意的女老板。黎媛的银行卡显示:1月6日下午,她将2 00万元现金存入某银行长寿区支行该营业点,时隔20多天后前往取钱时,却发现存款不见了。

  案情重大!长寿区警方高度重视,刚刚上任的局长李建强当即责令经侦支队限期破案。8名精干力量组成的专 案组迅速成立,相关侦查工作缜密展开。

  无独有偶,1月10日,江北区康健餐饮公司46岁女老板张玲也曾前来长寿区公安局报案:她去年12月1 5日下午存入该营业点的200万元存款不见了,dior pas cher

  黎媛、张玲告诉民警,她们都是通过朋友介绍,为了帮该银行一名职员完成存款任务,才将钱存入该营业点的 ,没想到正需要钱时却不见了。

  警方介绍,同一银行的400万元存款先后失窃,这是我市近年来发生的罕见金融失窃案。两起案件发生在同 一营业点,长寿警方决定并案侦办。

  经过侦查,发现该案关键人物竟是银行的一名内鬼,也就是黎媛和张玲帮忙完成存款任务的那名银行职员。正 是这人,伙同银行外面的同伙,将两名女老板的400万元存款偷走的。


  伙同九龙坡区一名房产老板,在女老板办理银行卡时,偷偷办理一张副卡,然后用副卡偷走账上 的钱。










  女老板黎媛、张玲400万元存款失窃案并案后,长寿区公安局经侦支队民警梅长春、古平、谢鹏飞,在该银 行保卫部大力配合下,很快锁定偷走两笔巨款的犯罪嫌疑人。



  陈其中,48岁,某银行长寿区支行职员。他交待,黎媛和张玲的400万元存款,被重庆山城房地产开发有 限公司董事长于志远等人取走了。于志远事后给了他20万元“好处费”。

  专案组民警火速前往九龙坡区,抓获于志远等10余名犯罪嫌疑人。经过一个多月审查,这起银行存款失窃大 案神秘面纱被揭开……



  警方介绍,于志远今年33岁,由于在经营中不懂管理,加之金融危机冲击,到去年10月,他的房地产公司 欠债高达数千万元。债主天天催债,他决定铤而走险非法融资。

  他首先想到家住九龙坡区谢家湾的伍大雷。伍大雷,47岁,无业。于志远告诉民警,伍是他的好朋友,做事 胆大心细。去年11月16日晚,于志远在酒楼设宴款待伍大雷,共商非法融资计划。

  于志远让伍大雷联络熟识的老板将钱存入指定的银行,存期1年,承诺25%的年息,钱一旦存入,立马付清 1年的利息。


  警方介绍,伍大雷首先找到渝中区34岁的无业人员程小勇,让他寻找身边老板存款,承诺年息20%,同时 给予5%的利息作为报酬。见有利可图,程小勇随即联系上渝北区个体户张庆云。张庆云又找到朋友孙玉明,许诺 给予“4%的年息”拉存款。孙玉明又找到无业人员邹经伟,邹经伟又找到老同学、个体户曾红梅……一条地下融 资链条越拉越长,很快便发展到了10余人拉存款,承诺的存款利息也越来越少。




  张玲,江北区康健餐饮公司女老板。“张姐,有个好朋友让我给他拉一些存款业务,4%的年息。”曾红梅给 张玲抛出诱饵,恳求一定要帮她。警方称,曾红梅在介绍这笔业务时,将利息“吃”掉了6%。

  “我当时被冲昏了头脑。”张玲事后接受警方调查时称,听完曾红梅介绍,她想到了自己的钱反正闲着,存入 银行既能帮朋友完成任务,又能得到高出银行好几倍的利息。当晚,她答应存200万元。

  “搞定这200万存款就可得12万元利息!”曾红梅连夜将这一喜讯电话告诉了老同学邹经伟,邹经伟又转 告给了孙玉明,最后,该消息逐级传给了伍大雷,最后到了于志远耳中。




  找哪家银行的职员合作呢?于志远冥思苦想,想到了同学梅某有个朋友叫陈其中,是某银行长寿区支行的员工 。此前,他还向对方联系过贷款业务。

  于志远拨通陈其中电话,告知有一大笔存款业务,但前提是保证能随时支取。“如果是个人存款,肯定没问题 。”陈答应见面细谈。

  去年12月12日下午,于志远带着助手姚志平和姚妻陈会敏,前往长寿区某大酒楼款待陈其中。席间,于志 远谎称,除200万元私人存款外,还将拉来至少3000万元存款。

  “200万元存款不仅可以超额完成任务,还有一笔可观奖金。”正为存款业务发愁的陈其中看到了“光明” 。两天后,于志远一行3人再次邀约陈其中商议存款事宜。“能不能想办法把储户存入银行的钱取出来?”于志远 试探着问。“肯定能。”陈其中信誓旦旦地保证,同时传授了取钱方法――他在给储户办理银行卡主卡的同时,悄 悄办理一张副卡,凭副卡就可取出账户里的钱。于志远当即承诺,办一次存取款业务,给陈其中“好处费”10万 元。


  去年12月15日,于志远的助手姚志平前往长寿,按陈其中事前授意,站在女老板张玲背后,等对方离开银 行柜台后,他紧随而上输入银行卡副卡密码,让系统确认。下班后,陈其中将办理好的副卡交给姚志平。为方便取 款,姚志平还办理了张玲的假身份证。

  去年12月25日,张玲将200万元存到账户上。次日上午,于志远、姚志平伙同陈其中,用事先准备好的 假身份证,将张玲账户里的200万元通过副卡转到陈其中的信用卡上。随后,在陈其中操纵下,于志远分别在长 寿、九龙坡两地,用转账和取现方式将200万元全部取走。



  于志远成功取走这笔存款后,除给了陈其中好处费10万元外,还给伍大雷、程小勇、张庆云、孙玉明、曾红 梅等人共60万元“利息费”,其余130万元用于支付自己房产公司所欠的工程款、材料款、借款 等。

  初尝甜头,伍大雷等人再次开始四处奔走,积极为于志远拉存款。今年1月初,伍大雷等人用相同方式骗得渝 北区服装女老板黎媛信任,将200万元现金存入陈其中所在银行。

  1月9日,陈其中同样采取悄悄办理银行卡副卡的方法,将黎媛的200万元存款转到自己账户上,让于志远 持假身份证分两次将这笔存款取走。陈其中得好处费10万元,伍大雷分得5万元,另一同伙李树林获“利息”3 0万元,余下155万元被于志远偿还所欠工程款。




  今年1月23日,于志远从朋友口中获悉涪陵区个体户向某,有一笔500万元的存款业务。因存款数目巨大 ,他决定亲自前往长寿找陈其中办理。陈其中休假未上班,但10万元酬金诱惑他铤而走险。

  当天,陈其中找到同事石珍桢,以帮忙拉存款为由骗得对方信任。1月27日,陈其中带着于志远、姚志平等 人前往银行营业部。待向某在石珍桢所在柜台办理完银行卡后,陈其中授意对方同时办理一张副卡,并让姚志平输 入了密码。

  1月28日上午,石珍桢在工作中发现属于储户向某的银行卡主、副卡上签名不一,顿起疑心。她当即打电话 询问向某,被告知“我手里没有所谓的副卡”。“莫非有问题?”她赶紧通知银行将500万元暂时冻结,通知陈 其中将副卡退回。

  见事情败露,陈其中前往九龙坡区,从姚志平手中要回了副卡,并让石珍桢注销,这才避免了500万元被窃 取。

  目前,长寿区警方以涉嫌妨害信用卡管理罪对陈其中、于志远、姚志平3名主要犯罪嫌疑人执行逮捕,涉案的 伍大雷、程小勇、张庆云、孙玉明、石佳成、邹经伟、曾红梅等9名成员另案处理,被窃取的400万元存款悉数 追回。



  “两名女老板均是因嫌疑人承诺高额利息,才跌入陷阱的。”昨天,长寿区公安局办案民警介绍,国家相关部 门对银行存款利息有严格规定,钱存入银行后由银行支付利息,任何人不得私自许诺高息揽储,如果有人以高息为 诱饵要求你存款,他的承诺最终可能兑不了现。

  民警提醒,储户前往银行办理银行卡时,除认真填写资料、申办名目外,还要注意身边人员。必要时,可以订 阅手机短信,一旦账户资金被取,短信可提醒你。

  ■特约通讯员 余仁厚 记者 徐其勇 报道
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Old 05-05-2011, 02:30 PM   #2
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topics: Development and Reform Commission today increased prices
National Development and Reform Commission announced that from 21, at 0:00 on December 22 increased from gasoline and diesel prices.
in a stable general price level in the background, the prices of the main considerations for what? How to ease the price the Government and other vulnerable sectors of agriculture and difficult group pressure? This reporter interviewed the responsible comrades of Development and Reform Commission.
Q: Will the oil price adjustments in the background?
A: The price of refined oil pricing mechanism is still under the current adjustment. October 26 to adjust domestic oil prices since the rise in international oil prices remain volatile. Especially in December after the recovery by the major economies,Accidental discovery - Qzone log, and cold weather driving demand for heating oil and other factors, international oil prices sharply higher. December 20, the US West Texas crude oil (WTI) and the British North Sea Brent crude oil futures prices rose to $ 88.81 and $ 92.74 per barrel, reached early in October 2008 the highest level since. Up to now the international market of crude oil for 22 days moving average price has more than 4% , according to the current oil price mechanism, should be properly raised domestic oil prices.
However, considering the current price situation and the supply of refined oil market conditions, the state delayed the price increase due time,Unheard-of one hundred eye-opening it - Qzone log, the control of the price increase.
Q: In the current pressure on domestic price index rose a larger case, the state insists on oil prices of refined oil price mechanism, straighten out the main considerations based on what?
A: Since July, subject to various factors at home and abroad, the domestic price level rose rapidly. In this regard, the State Council attached great importance to require all localities and departments to take active measures to stabilize the general price level to ensure the basic livelihood of the people. In this case, the state still insists on the current pricing mechanism to raise domestic prices of refined oil is the result of careful consideration, from the national economy and the choice of long-term development perspective, the purpose is to adhere to the pricing mechanism of resource products in the direction of reform, mobilize the enthusiasm of production and imports to protect domestic market supply, while inhibition of irrational consumption, promote energy conservation and economic restructuring.
2009 China's oil import dependency reached 53%. 2010 domestic oil consumption continues to grow rapidly,new new balance shoes, 1-October Apparent domestic consumption of refined oil products totaled about 190 million tons, an increase of 10.6%; crude oil imports 198 million tons,new balance shoes, an increase of 20%. Pre-
total dependence on foreign oil this year will be close to 55%, oil security situation facing even more severe. Full price leverage and guide the regulation, inhibition of excessive growth of oil consumption and promote economic development patterns and resource conservation is the reality, the inevitable choice. Straighten out the domestic refined oil prices in a timely manner will help make full use of international and domestic markets and resources, to meet growing domestic demand for oil. Rationalize the prices of refined oil in the short term will have an impact downstream oil industry, but the long-term health of the national economy is conducive to maintaining sustainable development.
Q: price adjustment, the government will take measures to mitigate the downstream impact of industry and disadvantaged groups?
A: March 2006 to implement comprehensive reform in oil prices, the countries of grain farmers and some other disadvantaged groups, and public sector subsidies to the four support mechanisms, and its purpose is to ease the oil price adjustment on the downstream Industry and difficult groups.
the refined oil price, the state subsidy will be in accordance with established policy, continue to grain farmers, fishing (including ocean fisheries), forestry, urban public transport,new balance 574, rural road passenger transport (including inter-island passenger transport and rural water) to provide subsidies,new balance sneakers, on the taxi industry to give temporary subsidies. In recent years, taking into account the cost of diesel price increases on the impact of grain next year, the central government will further enhance comprehensive agricultural subsidies to grain farmers the level of effective protection of the interests of grain farmers. Considering all over the oil, gas and other basic necessities price adjustments and other residents of prices and other factors, continue to do so on the disadvantaged groups of urban and rural low object basic security work.
the same time , the price adjustment for the control of a chain reaction, the oil price adjustment, the urban public transport, rural road passenger transport (including inter-island sea passenger transport and rural),new balance running shoes, the railway passenger and freight aviation fuel prices and additional criteria are not increased. Oil price impact of adjustment on the taxi industry, will be consolidated to increase the subsidies, tariffs or received appropriate adjustments to the taxi way to ease fuel surcharges. Strict control of road passenger transport price adjustments in the price of oil transportation around the linkage mechanism can request part of digestion in the enterprise of refined oil price, based on the incremental cost due to ease factors.
Q: Will the oil price adjustment will push up the overall price level?
A: November 19 The State Council issued livelihood
, strengthen the comprehensive facilities and other aspects of regulatory policy,new balance outlet, focusing on governance, the effects of policies have been initially apparent. Is an important oil production and living materials, the price adjustment is mainly expected to have an impact on our society, a direct impact on the overall price level is very limited.
According to calculations, the direct impact of oil price adjustments in the month the consumer price index (CPI) rose ring around 0.07 percentage point. To mitigate the impact of price adjustment, we have done the appropriate arrangements, while continuing to implement the measures identified by the State Council at the same time, strictly control the chain reaction of price adjustment, and to do relevant work groups and industry subsidies.
Q: oil price adjustment, the government will take measures to ensure market supply and maintain the market price of the order?
A: The specific requirements of the relevant departments in the petroleum, petrochemical companies to do the two oil producing and transporting of convergence, optimize product structure, strengthen the comprehensive coordination and emergency dispatch, security market, particularly diesel oil supply. And that all oil production enterprises strict implementation of national pricing policy, shall not exceed the price of sales. Meanwhile, authorities at all levels will increase the market price supervision and inspection, severely crack down on the state price policy does not perform as well as hoarding,Marriage Made In Heaven, spreading rumors, conspiracy prices, lift prices and other illegal activities, maintain a normal market order.
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Old 05-05-2011, 02:39 PM   #3
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,new balance mens

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137169 2009 年 02 月 21 日 13:32 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Night .....
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