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Old 05-03-2011, 09:34 AM   #1
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Default 我哪有你那么厉害

  恩,给你讲件好玩的事情啊,我今天笑了一天了,我们班的那个叫刘文华的女生写作文写到“……那只羚羊舍 生逃命,拼了命的往树林里跑……”然后你知道老师的评语是什么么,老师写:……那只羚羊到底是想逝世还是想 活?
  午后的阳光老是很好的,带着让人疲倦的庸懒。七七靠着立夏坐在香樟树下面,暗影从两个人的身上缓慢地匍 匐过去。一朵云,然后还有一朵云。于是这些倒影就从她们两个人年青的面容上迟缓地爬过去。明与暗有了色彩, 风从北方像水一样地吹过来。立夏开玩笑说,我的天上有两朵云,一朵是白云,另外一朵,也是白云 。
  立夏心里有什么货色被唤醒了,然而又没有彻底醒过来,只是像是沉睡的梦里听到窗外打了雷下起雨,却没有 睁开眼睛只感到身上一阵一阵的水气跟凉意,于是牢牢裹了被子。对的,就是像这样罢了。
  立夏转过头来望着七七,感觉像是梦醒了坐起来,在床上听到了外面哗哗的雨水声。立夏笑了笑说,恩,那我 去。
  学校的画室在西南的一个角落里,被香樟笼罩得几乎看不到屋子的形状。是个有着青瓦的平房,是学校最早的 教室。那个时候的学生就在这种低矮的平房里上课念书测验,然后三年时间从前,离开浅川去了外面 的世界。
  立夏背着画板提着画画的工具箱推开了门。沙沙的声音传出来,良多支铅笔在画纸上摩擦出了声音,地上有各 种石膏,多少何体,人头像。立夏在角落里一个靠窗的地位坐下来,刚把画板支起来老师就来了。
  是个年轻的老师,下巴上却留着胡子,看上去让人觉得怪异。立夏不太爱好这样的人。她想不明白为什么搞艺 术的人就必定要把自己也搞成艺术品呢?摇摇头,想不明白。
  这已经是第三次课了,还好破夏以前就学过,所以从旁边开端听也不关联。实在画画多半是本人的事件,老师 讲得很少,而且画画这种事情,总归是要禀赋的。
  笔尖一笔一笔游走,手臂手段抬上抬下,有了框架,有了外形,然后细密的阴影覆盖上去,银灰色逐渐盘踞画 纸。
  啊。立夏微微呼了一声。只管幽微得简直听不见,可是在安静的教室里仍然显得突兀。有人微微 地皱了眉。
  喏。面前有手伸过来,拿着白色的削笔刀。立夏抬开端,玄色的眉,睫毛,瞳孔。傅小司从前面转过来,眼睛 望着立夏。
  啊。立夏又轻呼了一声。这次是因为吃惊。他怎么会在这里。立夏心里有点忙乱。本来觉得三班应该没人会加 入这种对高考无用的补习班的。可是在这里竟然看到傅小司,多少让她意外。
  小司,怎么了?后面的声音响起来。立夏回过头去看到一双笑得眯起来的眼睛。陆之昂抬了抬眉毛打招呼,嗨 。
  立夏突然觉得如坐针毡。有点想走。由于她看过傅小司和陆之昂的画,和自己的几乎天地之别。她怕被别人看 到自己的画,而且也不盼望班里的同窗知道自己在学画画。她当初就想收起自己的画板然后跑出去。
  正在立夏低头的时候手里的铅笔被人抽了去。抬起头傅小司已经在削笔了。手指环绕在笔和刀之间,像绕来绕 去的丝绒,立夏想,女孩子的手也许都没有这么灵活呢。
  哦。立夏抬头应了一声。抬起头想说声谢谢但看着傅小司那张没有表情的脸以及没有焦点的眼睛,那句谢谢毕 竟还是被硬生生地吓了回去。
  傅小司起身整理东西,身后的陆之昂好像也画完了。立夏抬起头看着他们。心里想造物之神在造物的时候肯定 也是有偏心的。为什么会有这样两个优良的人呢?想不明确。心里微微有些懊恼。
  黄昏开始来临。空气里开始显现出一些黄色的含混的雀斑。傅小司揉揉眼睛,显得有些累了。傅小司伸了个懒 腰,关节响了几下。“真是累啊。”
  傅小司回过头来眼神凉飕飕地要杀人,陆之昂吓得缩回了手,嘿嘿地笑了两下。傅小司看着陆之昂白衬衣上的 颜料皱了眉头。他说,真不知道你妈是怎么洗衣服的。
  这下轮到傅小司发呆了。因为他也没想到要怎么来答复这句话。傅小司这一霎时呆掉的表情让陆之昂笑疼了肚 子。
  傅小司的表情有点烦恼,半天没有说话。陆之昂仍是笑得很猖狂不知道见好就收。于是两人开打 。尘土飞腾。
  我很惦念他们。可是却不知道他们在哪儿,在干什么,过得好不好,monster beats studio headphones by dr. dre
  好像还没有剧烈的酷热,秋天一个匆促的照面,促卷上枝头。树叶越来越多地往下掉,黄色席卷 了全部山头。
  浅川一中坐落在一座不著名的小山上。放学的时候会有许多的学生骑着自行车从山上沿路往下。轮子压过路面 的时候会闻声落叶丝丝地碎裂声音。
  不外对立夏七七这种寄宿学生来说是领会不到的。七七早上晨跑停止的时候七点二十五,而天天的这个时候她 差未几都会碰见穿过操场去教室的傅小司和陆之昂。自从上次画室里有了简短的对话后,他们好像不那么生疏了。 但也只仅仅限于会晤彼此拍板而已。傅小司的眼里依然是大雾弥漫的样子,偶然他和陆之昂讲话的时候眼神才会清 楚一点。
  傅小司看着立夏朝自己摇头,本来有点想不起这个女孩子的,但看到陆之昂叫了声立夏自己也好像有点记起来 了。傅小司从小到大都不怎么能记住人,除非常常说话或者濒临的人,否则根本记不住。
  陆之昂露出牙齿哈哈笑了两声。个别小司这样说一个人的时候那就代表这个人在小司的心里还是满好的。傅小 司很少褒奖人。应该说是素来没有过。陆之昂想了想,还是没有想起来小司夸过谁,从小到大这么多年都没听他说 过。
  他一直都觉得小司有点自闭,仿佛一半时间活在这个世界里,一半的时光活在另外一个世界。所以他想,小司 什么时候能够长大呢?长成一个伶牙俐齿缄口结舌的人呢?兴许永远都不可能吧。
  周末学校放了假。破天荒的周六不必上课。但是周日要上课。其实也就是只把周日的假期和周六相互换一下而 已。可是全校的学生好像拣了大廉价一样乐疯了。感觉和过新年一样。七七和立夏借了年级里男生的自行车筹备出 去买东西。当然这自行车是七七去借来的。基本没花什么力量。那些男生在外借自行车的时候甚至想把自己一起外 借来当车骑。
  一直到黄昏立夏和七七才从市区回来。大包小包的东西放在自行车的框里,车子变得摇摇摆摆。开到学校门口 的时候立夏正准备下来,还没等到落地后面就传来尖利的刹车声音。七七的尖啼声在黄昏里显得分外的吓人,立夏 刚转过头就看见车子朝自己撞过来。车框里的东西到处飞散开来,立夏的脚卡进齿轮里,血立刻涌了出来。尖锐的 痛感从脚上直逼心脏,立夏感觉连心跳都剧烈了起来。
  七七手里的袋子掉在地上,她手捂着嘴巴说不出话来,眼睛里面大颗大颗的眼泪往外涌。立夏想抚慰下七七告 诉她自己没事,可是嘴巴一张就是一声,devil prada。这让立夏自己也吓了一跳。可是钻心的疼越来越激烈。很深的一条伤口,血染红了半条裙子。
  车子里的人张皇地走了出来,本来立夏想说算了不要紧,而后就分开的。可是车子里的人居然启齿第一句就是 一声“你眼睛瞎了啊”。立夏想真他妈狗屁你从后面撞上我这到底是谁的眼睛瞎了啊,岂非我眼睛是长在后面的么 。可是立夏没和他辩论什么,一来疼,谈话说不明白,二来这辆车子一看就很高等,立夏勤得和这种富朱紫家的人 打交道。
  但七七听不下去了。她上来什么也没说,只是摸出本子抄了车牌,然后从书包里拿出问男生借的相机开始拍现 场。地上刹车的印记,立夏自行车的位置,甚至拍下了学校门前的减速带和墙上的那个灵活车制止入内的标记。其 实立夏知道相机里根本就没胶卷了。于是立夏心里想偷偷地笑。一个笑颜出生在嘴角,却又被痛苦悲 伤逼了回去。
  那个开车的人有点慌了,额头上有了些细密的汗。他搓着手对七七说你别拍了。七七说没关系大叔,我们的眼 睛都是瞎的,拍不了什么的。
  那个人有点为难。拍完后七七过来扶立夏,她说走我带你到保健室去,伤口要包扎一下不然会一直留血的。立 夏看着七七突然发明七七竟然有这么成熟的一面,刚才吓得滚出眼泪的七七现在变得像是自己的姐姐一样沉着。立 夏开始有点信服七七了。
  那个人过来连声说着对不起。立夏看着他也很可怜,并且自己的腿也就只有一道伤口似乎没伤到神经和骨头, 所以立夏想罗唆算了吧。
  还没把这句话说出口坐在车子后座的人出来了,一个漂亮的女孩子,一身的衣服也很英俊,一看就价钱不菲。 立夏想又是富贵人家的女孩子。立夏低声对七七说,算了,走吧。
  原来立夏觉得这个女孩子很美丽,并且她报歉的语气也是很恳切的,可是她拿钱的这个动作让立夏觉得有种恶 心的感到从喉咙里冲上来。
  立夏摇了摇头,说,不用。然后转身和七七走了,心里想,富贵人家的孩子总归是讨厌的。自认为是地料想钱 可以解决所有氖虑椤?/p
  立夏突然觉得血液又开始涌起来,伤口突然变疼。是不是因为感觉突然变得灵敏起来?立夏觉得傅小司应该看 也不看地从自己身边走过,然后陆之昂应该是笑呵呵地望着自己,打个召唤说,啊,受伤啦?然后两人回身离开。 这比拟合乎印象中的两个人。
  转身走进学校,立夏突然感觉得手肘处被手掌托了起来,肌肤上有了些微的温度。立夏有点酡颜,间隔的拉近 让空气洋溢了青草的滋味。侧过去看到一张没有表情的侧脸,在傍晚里显得安静而深奥。
  陆之昂从后面匆匆地遇上来,从她身边经过的时候表情讨厌地说了句,收起你的钱吧,好像就你家里有钱一样 。
  傅小司这时皱了皱眉毛,立夏也觉得氛围有点奇异。本来陆之昂对谁都是一副温水样的亲热样子,不可拉近也 不可拉远,可是今天显明对那个女活泼了气。
  立夏躺在保健室的内间,手上打着点滴。医生说没有关系没伤到骨头,只是伤口有点深所以要掉盐水,消炎以 及避免破伤风。
  傅小司坐在立夏床面前,眼睛有时候望着窗外,有时候望回来看看立夏。这让立夏觉得脸上有点发烫。立夏的 画板放在病床的边上,本来今天预备把画板带出去,看到漂亮的风景就画一下的,可是和七七两个人玩得忘却了时 间。
  傅小司打开立夏的速写本,立夏想禁止可是已经来不迭了,刚想动脚上传来剧痛。傅小司看了看立夏说,你好 好躺着吧。傅小司一页一页地翻立夏的画稿,立夏看着他面无表情的脸,觉得很尴尬。
  立夏忽然觉得傅小司也不是那么神秘的一个人。于是鼓足了勇气问了从方才始终想问的问题,她说,傅小司, 你意识那个女孩子?
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:37 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

This is an article I had just lifted, as has been published in magazines, reserved. I sent him my official website (www.zhanxing.net), QQ and MSN as well as SINA's BLOG, as seen on other sites found, please note the time of the website will not be earlier than the Bo.
A former
: Libra
after three: Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Aries Aries

Cards this month: anteroposterior Baozhang II inversion lovers, orthotopic sword waiter
Knight comments: Riding out strikes, often more difficult than many
Knights of advice: Tarot tells us that three years of August in 09 years, already have the other half of the Aries, your feelings toward each other pretty good, so far so good, played very solid basis for consensus, two people planning for the future and dreams are mutual recognition. This is a relationship between the two of you to continue to rise and eventually write a story good luck. But the prompt cards face view, no matter how far you have gone together how long this month is a gateway, if not to ride, all previous memories have dashed the possibility. In fact, nothing serious, that it is not worth mentioning, the first difference is the point of view, although the consensus reached, but the way each person dealing with emotional and behavioral habits are different, of course, this is normal, how can two people are exactly the same? But not normal is that you try another change each other's behavior and thoughts is extremely damaging and dangerous relationship. The second is the quick profit, acute and landmarks to find love on the road and establish a witness to this concern was busy thinking, emotional milestones do not only prove your self-confidence and feelings of lack of proper sense of achievement and this sense of security. The third is that you are likely to experience another test of self-loyalty and ethical standards and challenges you love the opportunity to test this, a third party. Single sheep,ralph lauren womens dresses, this month have the opportunity to encounter new people, but absolutely no relationship to the entry level, you need more patience and attention to my first two problems just mentioned can only usher in a feeling comfortable in August.

Taurus Taurus

Month Cards: Queen of inversion, orthotopic death, orthotopic sword five
Knight's comments: the outside is repentant modality is never good for the inside mentality
Knight piece of advice: Tarot tells us that three years of August in 09 years, the relationship between the two has entered Taurus, and particularly female Taurus, Taurus men need to pay attention to the woman, this month will enter a depressed mood, period, whether from the current relationship between the material or feel emotionally satisfied, looking forward to riding in the critical change or changes are on the edge of your relationship should rather turn to the next stage of the gestation period before . The cattle have been married, this month plans to inappropriate baby, for those who are in relationships, there should not happen this month, the possibility of unwanted pregnancies, and those who have been for your situation seems negative, you probably want to make a determined effort this month to the hospital to remove Nie Yuan was. This is not a small card on the ride to the interpretation of the proposal, small riding can not and can not give the reason for this is due in particular to mention the small fortune riding on the past experience in the inverted position with the Queen of struggle. Excluding the proceeds of this sensitive topic, Taurus will gradually drop in August on the field of material and physical requirements of the standard grace toward the ideological level changes, changes in emotional life is at hand. With friends, go in this direction, the emotional development of new programs, take this chance to push each other a hand. If you and your partner are still dating stage, I think maybe you can try his / her commitment to ask for or prepare their own shows, but there is a special note, this plan is definitely not overwhelming unequal treaties, whether you think wronged or suffered just how much this must stress is that both sides should compromise and compromise, otherwise it will blow up! Single cow, this month on how it is trying to do.

Gemini Gemini

Cards this month: the Holy Grail inversion II, orthotopic Baozhang seven orthotopic Knight Sword II
reflections: in the end love is too rough or too perfect
standard Knights of advice: Tarot tells us that three in August 2009, the other half of the Gemini has found their love life some stumbling. In fact, the feelings between you and who does not appear over the bottom line or the major substantive errors are less important in a number of little things had not uniform on the differences led to the estrangement between the two emotions, because No more tired and timely solution of the higher, you start the emotional geography of the current state of the personal feel to the suffocation and oppression, and quarrel with each other and do not compromise, the final major upgrade of small incidents become unsightly important issues of life and ultimately led to the Cold War. Of course, such a possibility, the relationship is not the beginning of this, or it is due to a beginning of a superficial reason. Knight believes that relationship in a relationship where you should not ask too much,polo shirts, the subjective sense of self-protection will only be destroyed under the self-esteem feelings. And who should break the ice is really important? No matter who or who is tolerant of both sides to compromise, if you can not come up with a mutually accepted solution, taking a step forward in order to avoid deterioration of relations afraid I can only put on hold, put the moment the ostrich, and coincided with the summer, you can try short-range summertime trip for a long time or will not see an old friend, change your mood, you deal with the issue this month is not a good time, if you do not care about the potential of imposing solutions to break up under the consideration of the case. Gemini for the single, this month you may have liked, but he / he is not alone in there, your opponent, that is, competitors will be accompanied by the left and right.

Cancer Cancer

Cards this month: nine orthotopic sword, inversion stars, orthotopic Ten of Pentacles Knight
comments: Reviewing the Old
Knight does not need love advice: This is Three Tarot tells us that in August 2009, the Cancer friend who has been though the material aspects of emotional life in good condition, or that at least some of the psychological balance and recognition,ralph lauren outlet, but the spirit of the area is extremely low and desolate, lost and does not meet the vision of hope and loss of mind. This month is for the crabs have a relatively bad time, periodic wake-up painful memories of the subconscious influence of the emotional relationship the current problems in judging and thinking and negative emotions lead to a large area of diffusion, the larger things Sesame on the other side will cause your child's feelings of suspicion and mourning, and then extended to worry about the other side lose interest in ######, not to mention your emotional relationship even where the substantive problems that existed. Knight believes that the sword nine stars with a combination of inversion really is not optimistic, in fact, things are not as bad as you think so, but in the eyes of the crab has come to an end, an exaggeration to say it is the feeling of despair, then They need great self-restraint and crab regulation, to have confidence in ourselves, and more value for you and your partner have been together through all the good and not only see the shortcomings and negative emotions can only indulge in zoom to see the dawn again, and if so caused by dark moods and then crab-specific self-protection awareness in verbal behavior and emotional relationship to each other or fight back now would be worse. Single crab to be instant gratification, the other may be in the business network of people, but eventually had one child.

Leo Leo

Cards this month: inversion sword knight, the Queen of Pentacles inversion, inversion four
Grail Knight's comments: first, to find out you are a lion or a cat
Knight advice: you have become with each other to bring the relationship to the current troubles, problems and contradictions of the people, and you have another problem on their own indifference, not speak of right and wrong, even if you are doing efforts to this relationship , but found each other and their own thinking the total opposite direction, which is why this month in the love life may be wasted and the extension plans. In addition, because the lack of security, you start to not trust each other, people become nervous, confused or even become afraid. And your love life may have to face the phenomenon of material constraints, at least one party is like this, is that these three Tarot tells us that in 09 years in August, the already have the other half probably Leo will experience emotional fluctuations. Knight believes that the distrust and suspicion of each other mainly in the emotions you have now is a lack of sense of responsibility, lack of motivation on the current substantive role in promoting relations with each other to get along with, and thus lost his life should be emotional The rhythm and regularity, although some ugly, but at least this month, where you are so simple that you say that everything in it that looked at each other, do not forget, you are a lion! And emotional connivance of their wayward also went to extravagant proportions. Knight suggested that the best way to change the current situation one is to rebuild confidence, another way is the need to live my life, work and other substances found in areas of satisfaction and achievement. Only in this way, you will have the current relationship between new ideas, to see life. This will not be a good time to start a new program on the current relations whom lifestyle changes or, if urgent action, again, to think before making a decision. Single lion, the end of this month there are new opportunities for contacts, your heart is extremely eager to seize the opportunity, and stop you in the heart of love, disappointment and unrealistic expectations.

Virgo Virgo

Cards this month: Nine of Pentacles inversion, inversion Grail eight, eight
inversion Baozhang Knight comments: material and spiritual needs of the two civilizations to both hands
Knight advice: Tarot tells us that three in August 2009, the relationship has entered Virgo two friends who lost some feeling. To promote feelings of living in a difficult environment, at least not according to plan as self, and began to focus on the enjoyment of material life, not like mindless thinking and negative issues with the relationship appeared one by one, sadness and disappointment feelings began to reveal the emotional and started on the current model, for example, I want you to react how should the other bored, you can overcome difficulties because of lack of courage, fear the changes brought about to solve the problem while staying in the present there refused to leave the situation may be anxious to accumulate, resulting in insecurity, and insecurity has continued to generate new concerns, like this snowball expansion, an invisible force pressed down, you have always felt the ultimate in action eyes, you must be prepared to make a conclusion, and with just a stark contrast to stagnation. Knight believes that the current is you should stop and, through meditation, or thinking of their own goals and expectations of the time, you do not really understand what is most important to each other, and your lack of self-awareness also brought their own also do not pay each other's responsibilities and not credible. Effects of too much emphasis on chemical and material pleasures of the inner spirit of the guidelines result in a loss, this will make you feel more tired, but also have to trace the possible loss of the other party that you need a strong self-control. Furthermore, remember to control their emotions, quarrels and jealousy will not help solve the problem, but also a small adjustment on the Relations pace. Single friends, where you have to do this month to accept a new personal encounter with the new relationship, I believe that intuition, like on the.

Libra Libra

Cards this month: inversion of control, orthotopic Grail Queen, orthotopic waiter
Grail Knight comments: to restore balance to maintain a balance more often than not have to pay more to
Knights of advice: Tarot tells us that three in August 2009, regardless of whether the person already has favorite, Libra friends will experience a emotional ups and downs, rather should be baptized, is growing. Because of the current relationship into too much emotional pull, coupled with a continuation of emotional problems in July, in fact, the state of the balance is not good, emotional relationships Azeri become less patient, the seat oscillatory specific procedures to consider the more lingering questions and more short, wayward emotions and began to indulge it, spread the spirit of power, act and even less consideration in terms of corruption also appear happy. Knight believes that the urgent needs of uncontrollable passion and desire to stimulate the mind will lead to more serious problems, and want to be free, do whatever they want to suppress the emotions brought about by the promotion of relations and actions will cause greater losses. In fact, inner balance is eagerly looking forward to this need to be checked the situation out of control and think about how the development of emotional life, you need to re-evaluate everything, and act to avoid the extreme of thinking. As long as you do, you will back on track, while the brand face to tell me what you did, not only regained the ability to control the current relationship, but also the assessment of the relationship beyond the conventional perception of the to the intuitive state of consciousness and return to good condition and may have good things happen along, may be a surprise piece of information, perhaps you two important plans and decisions. For the balance of single, this month said in your sour grapes when the single good that he / she may suddenly appear, it calls feeling, passion and romance, the progress of the new relationship will quickly and seems to have everything may occur suddenly living together is not such a thing can not do this.

Scorpio Scorpio

Month Cards: Knight of Pentacles orthotopic, orthotopic moon,ralph lauren bikinis, orthotopic Knight of Cups Knight
reflections: a unique sense of the soul is a feeling and can damage both to save double-edged sword out of the feelings of the Knights
advice: Tarot tells us that three of the August 09, the Scorpio has been a friend of the areas of emotional life in a relatively easy matter of the steady state, there is good news come, perhaps you work, make a fortune, maybe you got the gift of love so forth, in the beginning in terms of becoming dependent. In the emotional life may be good news, perhaps a trip for two messages, or other more personal. Areas in the spirit of this month though, as always, your love so gracious even harder, but you expect flowers and candles not come, they did not meet the requirements you expect. Regardless of the duration of your relationship, you have experienced in the psychological cycle of good and bad sad surprise, disappointment and disillusionment that you have to tasted, Knight believes that even if only for a millisecond, you have to do more than once Under the decision, because your consciousness and emotional experience again and again to feel again the past,ralph lauren polo shirt, the real is that you do not leave the remaining, hard to break away, more deep, emotional and spiritual connection link. As for your lover, he is the kind of, in addition to the fact that you no choice but to accept, since not change the other, you might as well enjoy yourself the way he was and his personality to bring all this love relationship, so that you hand, more easily happy. Single scorpion, this month across your line of sight and life to many people, but most of them are hard, people do not know how to romance, they have their own expression and perhaps some sentimental, easy to give you struggle unclear, sloppy feeling types, or to depend on your preferences.

Sagittarius Sagittarius

Cards this month: anteroposterior magician, King Bao Zhang inversion, inversion strength
Knight's comments: Looking to the future as more focus on the present cost-effective advice
Knight : This three Tarot tell us where in August 2009, a friend of the strikers were filled with joy to advance their own relationships, you are still not diminished the attraction between the intensity level was met, the exchange is also smooth, This is good, you can go to attract to attract love is not just chemical elements within the motivation of this single project, the planning of this month or your love of self intent on showing that there childish, bossy and stubborn character, good so how was all right, but for the bad, the problems between you, you will show no tolerance and endurance at the end, to the other point of view you are not uniform in the signal. Knight that the shooter is not really the reason why the performance is so high-handed way, but the lack of inner strength to overcome the problem between two people with difficulties. Dear Sagittarius, you can not lose the courage or simply surrender in the heart, the more so the more you will feel this force to suppress them, and gradually pessimistic,ralph lauren shirts, and this will also force your way into the other's feelings so that you completely derail and undermine emotion out of the original plan, and the tyranny of your current attitude will not solve the problem, only a moderate can win, so that the face display can help you eliminate interference factors. If you really think he is right, then you insist, but do not put pressure on to each other. Single striker who may encounter this month, may be a special occasion, of course, this process will meet as usual and infinite, but the next development, the subjective sense of knowing whether you start or you under unconsciously into a relationship, is not optimistic this month in the development, meaning a great retreat.

Capricorn Capricorn

Month Cards: Five of Pentacles righting, inversion Grail ACE, anteroposterior eight
Knight sword reflections: in a total time of trouble and fear do not let self-files live in your eyes
Knight piece of advice: This has been a friend Capricorn will find the communication between you and the other poor mental state, the other half and you have a totally different ideal of love, and love the planning and interpretation. Different concept, the two men further and further away in different directions. At the same time the material aspects of your life there may be an awkward situation. Capricorn are feeling blocked, the relationship between the present disappointment, lack of confidence, but also when there are quarrels, there to break up the idea, or a short break, but do not break the original kite, so despite the patient feel depressed or down, This is a three Tarot tells us that in August 2009 had already been a friend of Capricorn who may experience feelings of mind. Knight believes that if you throw the decision to go with each other to overcome difficulties, you probably want to continue to dig deep until you find your spiritual connection that a common point. Following last month and again after the holy grail of inversion appears ACE, is not optimistic, you need to get rid of the idea of self-centered and based thinking, and the establishment of a new emotional goal, the spiritual heart that the only way you would on the current relationship a deeper understanding. Also, for you and the other problems facing the environment, you need to work together in the end of life experience and figure out what gives you those good things you are pleased to accept the difficulties and challenges that you have accepted and shared. If not clear that, when the need to calm Youyi radical approach to respond to natural emotional relationship will impact. For the bottom of my heart that you refuse to recognize or ignore the current forward too awkward bind their only self-digested. Capricorn are single, this month there will be no new relationship, their own affairs but also busy, do not anger the separation of a stronger heart.

Aquarius Aquarius

Month Cards: King of Pentacles orthotopic, orthotopic ten sword, the sword King
orthotopic Knight's comments: your greatest enemy is always
Knight piece of advice: Tarot tells us that three in August 2009, the other half of the water bottles already are, the relationship between you and the other on the external environment, such as material conditions, your personal living conditions are pretty good, but in the spirit of the or that the field of love is entirely another matter. Your spouse in this month may in some matters of principle or your own this pass, you begin to review their own, look at the first meeting and every one of the things that make you uncomfortable if the wrong decision to make their own feelings in the most important issue to take the risk. Knight believes that this is a very dangerous signal, two walk in thinking that lead to the next level of extreme idea: Do not reflect the radical, it will only lead to endless bickering and knot, give yourself a breathing space, and then calmly ask yourself why all the other left off. Let yourself accept the fact that the more easier it out as soon as possible to continue living. Single water bottles are recommended, but not the beginning of the moon encounter, do first friend, my heart to leave a read to each other the best. Otherwise developed because of their problems will cause things are difficult to see how they do not like the result of melon. The people you meet, he / they may be some success in the career field in the material or fairly good, strong-willed, strong color in some individuals is not easy to compromise on the issue, has its own characteristics can also be said that stubborn also as a partial subjective point of view. That they do not come from the fire phase and Water.

Pisces Pisces

Month Cards: Four of Pentacles orthotopic, orthotopic Grail five inversions trial
Knight comments: love is just too intoxicating infatuation or advice dilemma
Knight : This three Tarot tells us that in August 2009, the Pisces has been into the relationship between two friends, I am afraid to go through a heart plum rain season. Has been a problem between you began to deteriorate in the month, and those who continue to maintain this relationship probably will not work efforts, no matter the addition of your present heart pains, can you give up because of fear of pain near the mentality produce deep-seated fear that to make you more dependent anti-this has long been abandoned in this relationship or the person. With this feeling its way, the increase in negative emotions will make fish more difficult to explain the heart of the riots, but the relationship is also made to be broken. Knight believes that the fish is so entangled, no matter how the surrounding environment, the heart is abnormal heart you want to move forward urgently, but regret that do not even know how to do it. In addition to hinder their fear of those who refuse to change the other, such as conflict of responsibility, sense of security depends on other factors, casual is what are the excuses. In fact, a new relationship where you have been repeating old patterns, blind faith and for the wrong time and again to judge the wrong way. The key is unique to the fish that feeling of anxiety, loneliness and often immersed in the self-created emotions, to get rid of to get out also. You feel sorry for the hurt and the current situation can not help, you need is the release of their own, do not let you lock anxiety, try new ideas or a change in environment may be helpful to you. Midpoint of your current standing, a good sort out state of mind make a decision. This month I am afraid to be shrouded in negative emotions, the need to take some time to come out. And even if some people create into your life, it is temporarily unable to immediately start a new relationship. Single fish, peach does not seem to open this month.
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