A tall order but not impossible. There are things you should do and things to definitely avoid. Your email subject heading should (a) stand out, (b) engage the recipient's interest, (c) relate closely to the body of the message and (d) not look like hype.To make your email marketing campaign stand out, you can indent the subject by using ">>>>>>>>" or "__________" or "********" but don't be tempted to use exclamation marks or all capital letters. These will catch the human eye but they will also attract the scrutiny of the filterbots who will most likely gulp the email down without even bothering to look further than the subject line. Don't be tempted to put L@@K in the subject heading of a business email, that sort of thing is fine if you are writing to a friend but it does not convey a professional image.
Weight: At about 17 ounces, these shoes aren't bulky but they aren't lightweight either. The weight doesn't really bother me at all and isn't a concern.
Email Marketing Campaigns - Humans Armed with your knowledge of the bots' weakness for certain fodder
######## Ed Hardy Sunglasses, you can make sure your email marketing campaign contains no tempting words that would turn your campaign into a series of tasty bot snacks. So, you've done your research, you know the words to avoid and you have found a neat tool that will read your email and tell you if you have accidentally used a "bad" word in your email marketing campaign. The next thing to consider is getting the emails read by the recipients. Having gone to a lot of trouble to plan you email marketing campaign and robot-proof it, you want to give the emails the best possible chance of being read. With one eye on the banned word list, you need to think of the human beings who will receive your email and create subject lines that will make them want to read each email.
I recently purchased a pair of Babolat Propulse. I went to my local tennis shop (Zach's Tennis) looking for a new pair of shoes because the outsoles on my trusted Adidas Barricade IVs were worn thin so I was slipping all over the place whenever I played tennis. The Babolat Propulse jumped right out at me because of its bold cosmetic and I knew immediately that it was the shoe I wanted. I tried them on and they felt pretty comfortable so after walking around the store a couple of times with them, I bought them. I've had the shoe for about two weeks now (I play 4-6 hours 6 days a week) and this is what I think...
Comfort: The Propulse has minimal cushioning and has succeeded in killing my feet. After a mere ten minutes of light conditioning, my feet begin to yell at me to stop moving. My feet hurt so much that I was forced to change the standard insoles to a gel insole. Even after that my feet still kill me whenever I move for an extended period of time. For match play however, these shoes are alright I guess. The minimal cushioning is definitely not for me but may work for others.
Overall, I really don't like these shoes. They look awesome and have pretty good traction but the fit is clearly not for me. Also, the laces are way too long for the shoe and have started to fray from me stepping on them while running. The strap gets in the way when lacing the shoes up (as I mentioned above) and the velcro also frays the laces which is really annoying. At $110, the shoes aren't exactly cheap either (I'm still recovering from the huge hit my wallet took after I bought these shoes). I wouldn't buy these again. If you've spent the time to actually read this, go buy yourself a pair of Adidas Barricade IVs if you can find them (I've heard the Barricade Vs are an excellent upgrade to the IVs so if you feel like paying $110 go buy some Barricade Vs).
Traction: The outsole doesn't have a trace of a herringbone design but it seems to work fine. The guys at Michelin clearly know what they're doing and it shows in the traction. However, with such poor durability
cheap ray bans Workout Attire For Men and Women_3990, I don't think the awesome traction will hold up much longer.
Arch Support: The arch support on the Propulse feels a lot higher than it actually is because of the elasticated tongue. As a result, it feels extremely uncomfortable to people with low-medium height arches (like me). I guess the upside to this is that the shoe is extremely supportive in the midsection but I don't know if it's worth it.
Durability: I've had the shoe for about 2 weeks and the outsole is already wearing out. There are parts on the outsole that have clearly worn out which is absolutely ridiculous considering I've had the shoe for such a short period of time. While the shoe does come with a 6-month outsole durability guarantee, Babolat requires that the shoe have a hole in the bottom of the outsole such that the insoles of the shoe are visible (Adidas and Nike only require bald spots on the outsole, not a hole).
Foot Support & Stability: The Propulse is very stable due to the velcro strap that wraps around the shoe. However, the shoe has poor ankle support and sometimes I feel as if I'm about to twist my ankles (a problem I've NEVER had with any other tennis shoe). Additionally, after I changed the insoles for added comfort, I often find myself feeling like my feet are slipping inside my shoe. With the original insole, I didn't have this problem but I couldn't stand the pain I felt with the original insoles. The shoe has pretty support because of the strap but it does get in the way when trying to lace up the shoes.