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Old 04-22-2011, 02:58 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,399
uestradeqk28 is on a distinguished road
Default 麦迪的咆哮与姚明的眼神,火箭季后赛能走多远

惯例赛最后一天,悬念仍然重重,西部这边湖人、壮士和快船纠缠在一起,湖人已经提前上岸但座次不决,勇士和 快船却在拼命的抓最后的救命稻草;东部更乱,公牛和骑士第二之争已到见分晓时刻,篮网、奇才和魔术为更好的 排位也势必争的鱼死网破.能够说本赛季收官阶段之悬疑,堪比福尔摩斯的侦察小说,剪一直,理还乱.但本文的 破意并不在此,在群雄并起,战火诸侯之际,火箭和爵士迎来了决战前的探营时刻,双方在盐湖城的PK会给球迷 怎么的遥想,值得玩味.
火箭和爵士的争取之所以如斯受到关注,是因为纵观历年季后赛,第四和第五的实力是最靠近的,比赛也是最残暴 的,双方都会在战前放出豪言,打心理战,放烟雾弹.等到真刀真枪对决的时候,假如你相信了对手耍的这些花招 ,在对手欢庆胜利的同时你会发明自己被耍了.显然,火箭是不会容忍这样的情形呈现的,麦迪和姚明不会让自己 职业生涯中最濒临第二轮的良机再度耽搁,范甘迪也不会拿自己在休斯敦的将来开玩笑.爵士同样不会误此良机, 斯隆要为自己的最佳教练评比增加砝码,布泽尔、基里连科、威廉姆斯同样要用季后赛证实自己.所以说,这个时 候,在季后赛尚未开打之前,是双方最缓和的时刻.
火箭和爵士谁会升级下一轮呢?这是NBA季后赛这部悬疑片中最吊中国观众胃口的一组对决,双方势必杀的难解 难分,火星四溅,信任到时候又会有千百万火箭粉丝为火箭摇旗呐喊,但不管谁笑到最后,最愉快的无疑是NBA 总裁斯特恩了.回到正题,火箭是否晋级取决于姚麦的状态和范甘迪的小纸条取出的频率.姚麦的状况毋庸置疑, 战太阳麦迪终于爆发,在一次又一次高难度的上篮得分后,在火箭获得胜利后,麦迪终于开端咆哮了.他的这声怒 吼,如同一声惊雷让太阳胆寒,更让远在盐湖城的爵士觉得丝丝寒意.他的这声怒吼,是对本人职业生活还未进入 过季后赛第二轮的挑衅,是对那些批驳他、责备他、质疑他的人最好的回应,更是对火箭队其余队友的鼓励.麦迪 怒了,不是怒向队友,handbags coach,而是对手,不管是爵士仍是后面的小牛,火箭都不会容易缴械.麦迪的怒,是一种宣泄,是对自己夺得两年得分 王但始终被人看作笑柄的答复,是他等待重生的预兆.有人说,麦迪和科比最大的不同是他们的决胜心跟赢得竞赛 的勇气有着云泥之别,科比之所以发明了一个又一个神话是因为他渴望博得比赛,盼望成为比赛的主宰,不论你是 什么同盟第一还是末流鱼腩.而麦迪呢,除了得分王之外,他简直不什么拿的出手的个人声誉和团队成就,人们记 住更多的是他的伤病缠身,是他在魔术时的19连败和3:1当先活塞依然被逆转的羞辱.显然,麦迪和科比比拟 ,他们都有惊人的禀赋而且相差无多少,但恰是由于他们对赢得比赛的愿望和付出的举动的大小决议了他们当初的 成绩,相比科比,麦迪少了几分对成功的渴望和饥饿感.麦迪来到火箭让人曾经面前一亮,他在04-05赛季季后赛中与小牛的7场大战中所表示出来的气魄和勇气让人惊奇,无论是最后一秒的绝杀还是爆扣大竹竿 都让人过目成诵,固然终极输给了小牛,但麦迪的爆发却像助推器一样推进着火箭.那个时候麦迪的爆发让我们第 一次见到了怒吼的麦迪,一个无所害怕的麦迪.这个赛季的麦迪虽然受到了伤病的困扰,但他适时的暴发让咱们依 稀看到了他两年前的影子,但愿他能让这种怒吼式的爆发连续下去,那样火箭才有可能走的更远.
提到麦迪就不得不提姚明,没有麦迪,姚明兴许连进季后赛都很艰苦,因为现在的篮球已经对中锋的概念含混化, 而且没有一名巨大的后卫,gucci handbags,即便你再优良也不会取得什么造诣.相比麦迪,姚明更内敛一些,东方人的传统观点让他始终出言不逊,也正因 为如此球风偏软,当然这也与他的体能有很大的关联.姚明的头上没有得分王的光环,a&f outlet online,但他同样有被人逆转的苦楚,对阵小牛断送大好局势,应该说姚明也有不可推辞的义务.时过境迁,当火箭和中 国国度队的中心姚明再度迎来季后赛时,他会有怎样的表现呢,我们给不了谜底,但至少可以确定的是,姚明的眼 神告知我们,他会率领火箭走的更远.姚明这个赛季的爆发引人注目,虽然旁边因为伤病曾经缺阵很长时光,但他 神奇的表演却并没有因而划上休止符,对太阳的惊艳只是姚明大爆发的前兆,他的极限远不止此.从刚开始的脆弱 迟疑到后来的坚毅果敢,姚明眼神的变更是他整体变化最实在的写照,场下可以谈笑自若,不瘟不火,到了场上, 姚明应当像一头脱缰的猛兽一样肆虐对手的内线,这样的姚明,才是我们期待中的小伟人.
范甘迪的执教作风曾经一度受到质疑,特殊是上个赛季,他刻板的比赛准则和他那光明的脑门一样为 让人熟知,a&f coupons,而他标记性的掏小纸条更让疑惑他临场应变才能的缺少.一度我也很不爱好范甘迪,特别是在对姚明的使用问题 上,我始终抱以猜忌的立场.然而通过和火箭队的不断磨合,范甘迪终于在这个赛季证明了自己,防守巨匠的名称 不是浪得虚名,姚麦缺阵仍能将火箭打造成一支钢铁之师,切实找不出什么理由再找他的麻烦.如果说有理由的话 那就是他现在没有带领火箭在季后赛中取得什么成绩,在麦迪和姚明的状态恢复的情况下,如果再无提高,不管你 常规赛如何优秀,仍旧可能面临"下课"的危险.此番斗法斯隆,范甘迪要解放思维,特别是在对姚麦的应用问题 上,常规赛姚麦拼的太凶,如何保留他们的膂力是他要首先解决的问题.至于其他的问题,相信范甘迪有自己的解 决计划,我们只是盼望他在坚持自己的风格的同时能更机动一些,究竟频繁的掏小纸条的时候火箭多半已经处境不 妙.
麦迪的怒吼,姚明的眼神,范甘迪的临场指挥,如果火箭可能很好的融会这几个因素,克服没有底气的爵士应该不 在话下,就算后面拼小牛也不是没有机遇.看好火箭晋级第二轮,能否闯过小牛这一关就得看他们的 造化了.
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Old 04-22-2011, 03:02 AM   #2
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Default Tell you the real Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin (pronounced IPA: [lubut]))[citation needed] (born January 7, 1964) is a footwear designer who launched his line of high-end women's shoes in France in 1991. Since 1992, his designs have incorporated the shiny, red-lacquered soles that have become his signature. On March 27, 2007, Louboutin filed an application for U.S. trademark protection of this red sole design.

As a child, Louboutin would regularly sneak out of school, louboutin heels from the age of 12, to visit the flea market of Vila do Conde, where all the gipsies loved his shoes. Although Louboutin faced much opposition following his decision to leave school so early, he claims that his resolve was strengthened after watching an interview on TV with Sophia Loren in which she introduced her sister, saying she had to leave school when she was only 12 but when she turned 50 she got her degree. "Everybody applauded! And I thought, 'Well, at least if I regret it I'm going to be like the sister of Sophia Loren!"

Louboutin helped bring stilettos back into fashion in the 1990s and 2000s, red bottom shoes designing dozens of styles with heel heights of 120mm (4.72 inches) and higher. The designer's professed goal is to ˇ°make a woman look ######y, beautiful, to make her legs look as long as [he] can.ˇ± While he does offer some lower-heeled styles, Louboutin is generally associated with his dressier eveningwear designs incorporating bejeweled straps, bows, feathers, patent leather and other, similar decorative touches.
In his U.S. trademark application, Louboutin explains the inception of the signature red soles:
"In 1992 I incorporated the red sole into the design of my shoes. This happened by accident as I felt that the shoes lacked energy so I applied red nail polish to the sole of a shoe. This was such a success that it became a permanent fixture."
Louboutin received inspiration for his lethal-looking stilettos from an incident that occurred in his early 20s. He had visited a museum and noticed that there was a sign forbidding women wearing sharp stilettos from entering for fear of damage to the extensive wood flooring. This image stayed in his mind, and he later used this idea in his designs. "I wanted to defy that," Louboutin has said. "I wanted to create something that broke rules and made women feel confident and empowered."
Louboutin has topped The Luxury Institute's annual Luxury Brand Status Index (LBSI) for three years; the brand's offerings were declared the Most Prestigious Women's Shoes in 2007, 2008, and 2009.
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