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21167371 2008 年 10 月 12 日 12:46 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: ros
/ ip firewall filter
add chain = input connection-state = invalid action = drop
comment = limit = 30,
QQ10周年有感,0 action = drop
comment =
comment = = br> address-list-timeout = 1d comment =
disabled = no
add chain = input src-address-type =! unicast action = drop
comment = = input protocol = icmp action = jump jump-target = ICMP
comment =
comment = limit of 5 packets per second 5 packets per second sec 5 packets 5 packets established action = accept
comment = = 50,
小男孩划伤宝马车被毒打,奶奶叫6辆奔驰车来买宝马砸车,32 action = drop
comment = br> comment =; disabled = no
add chain = forward action = jump jump-target = virus comment = = 41 action = drop
comment = NetSky.Y @ mm -1 disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 3150 action = drop
comment = port = 3067 action = drop
comment = action = drop
comment = W32.Korgo.A/B/C/D/E/F-4. S / T / U @ mm no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 8879 action = drop
comment = dst-port = 8967 action = drop
comment => comment = 2 dst-port = 31666 action = drop
comment => comment = disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 6670 action = drop
comment = port = 6771 action = drop
comment =. Trojan- 6 protocol = tcp dst-port = 10067 action = drop
comment =
comment =. Doom.Trojan-3 no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 6883 action = drop
comment = port = 26274 action = drop
comment =; Delta.Source.Trojan-3 br> add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 3791 action = drop
comment = = drop
comment = ; disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 5880-5882 action = drop
comment = protocol = tcp dst-port = 5888-5889 action = drop
comment = = drop
comment =; disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 7300-7301 action = drop
comment = tcp dst-port = 7306-7308 action = drop
comment = comment => add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 5321 action = drop
comment = drop
comment = disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 1047 action = drop
comment = port = 6969-6970 action = drop
comment =;
disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 27374 action = drop comment = tcp dst-port = 1243 action = drop comment =
disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 6711-6713 action = drop
comment = = tcp dst-port = 16959 action = drop comment = = add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 31337-31339 action = drop
comment = = drop comment => add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 7626 action = drop comment =
comment = br> add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 2583 action = drop
comment = = drop
comment =; disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 5714 action = drop
comment =-port = 1010-1012 action = drop
comment =
comment =. Trojan-1 protocol = tcp dst-port = 2773 action = drop
comment =
comment = 3 port = 5598 action = drop
comment =; disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 31554 action = drop
comment = = 18753 action = drop
comment = Shaft.DDoS . Trojan-2 chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 11831 action = drop
comment => comment = add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 3586 action = drop
comment =
comment = = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 12478 action = drop
comment = action = drop
comment = Mydoom.a1.
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst- port = 8866 action = drop
comment = action = drop
comment = Worm.BBeagle.p / q / r / n = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 4751 action = drop
comment = protocol = tcp dst-port = 2535 action = drop
comment = 5238 action = drop
comment =;
disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 5554 action = drop
comment = add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 9996 action = drop
comment = 9995 action = drop comment =. a / b / c / d br> add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 1092 action = drop
comment = 20168 action = drop
comment =; ndm.requester tcp dst-port = 1373 action = drop comment = disabled = no
add chain = virus protocol = tcp dst-port = 3410 action = drop
comment = 8888 action = drop
comment =. Trojan-7 = virus protocol = udp dst-port = 123 action = drop comment =
comment => Worm-port = 445 action = drop comment =