In the Internet ,
Microsoft Office 2007 Pro Plus, there is always time to time encounter a variety of plug-in install window , for example: 3721 , Baidu , CNNIC and so on. Although these plug-ins may be useful for some people , but for other people is no use . These plug-ins and in the pop-up windows , the computer will lose response over time , these have greatly affected our normal Internet access ,
Office 2007 Download, and some plug-in procedures because of their defective design , installation and even cause the system in the post- crash.
There is no way to mask that forced us to install these plug-ins similar to it? Shielding these plug-ins is a lot of . The following briefly several methods currently used .
1. using non- Internet Explorer browsers kernel
Since these are basically plug-ins for Microsoft's Internet Explorer , so using the kernel does not use Internet Explorer browser to avoid this type of plug-in installed to use Firefox after I have never been harassed these plug-ins .
2. can shield the ActiveX plug-ins using the browser
These plug-ins are applied to ActiveX technology Windows system ,
Office Pro 2007 Key, it can be shielded using ActiveX browser plug-ins can solve this problem,
Office Home And Busin/ess 2010 Key, the popular and the Green Browser MyIE2 can shield ActiveX.
3. Install to advertising software
Present to the market is basically adware ActiveX plug-ins are integrated shielding function ,
Office 2010 Pro, you can install the software without having to be 3721 , Baidu and other harassment.
4. certificate mechanism using the Windows system
The following plug-ins to 3721 as an example to illustrate the pop-up plug-in installation window, click the Click Selected in the certificate installation page to install the certificate to the Click OK to .
3721 is no longer the pop-up plug-ins installed window.