</ASo, I know I often play the antagonist part: getting blog readers all riled up with questions about why they love Microsoft, or why Google is better or worse than Microsoft, so I thought I would keep it real and share why I LOVE MICROSOFT. These are my honest to goodness real reasons. Maybe I will have another list- an opposing list- after I get my yearly review bonus in a few weeks, but for now, I’m feeling the love. Here we go! 10) They let me paint my office pink – and when I say pink I mean HOT pink. (It's bright blue now) 9) I get to work 1 day a week from home… that’s right... pajamas and all 8) People on my team are smart and I trust them when I am gone. I have a story I tell candidates- back in college I was always the person who would “type up the group paper”. I never trusted anyone to turn it in, so I would always do it. My team is full of people who “type up the paper”, which is nice. 7) Free soda- I can’t lie… I’m a diet root beer addict.
Office Pro
6) My work life balance- I actually do have one. My manager and team have been great about time off, getting me off email late at night, and to remember to eat lunch and go home at a decent hour. 5) My grandma knows what company I work at! She’s 91, and not many grandmas out there have heard of very many tech companies- however, she knows what Microsoft is, and that’s important to me. 4) I don’t have to pay to park. This may sound simple, but if I were to work somewhere else,
Office 2007 Product Key, I would be paying the parking garage fee of 10 bucks per day. It's great- I can spend that money elsewhere. 3) It reminds me of college… and I LOVED college. Microsoft has a very campus-y feel to it, from the buildings, to the soccer fields, to the young vibrant employees I get to meet. And,
Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus, I loved college… did I mention that? 2) I love debating about where the future of technology and Microsoft will go with strangers. And once you tell someone you work here they ALWAYS have something to follow it up with.
Office Pro Plus 2010 Key, please…. THE NUMBER ONE REASON THAT I LOVE WORKING AT MICROSOFT ….. 1) I know that I’m actually making a difference in people’s lives. Granted I don’t create the products, but I hire the amazing people who do... and that’s good enough for me. As always, if you disagree let me know. I love a good e-fight,
Office 2010 License! - Janelle