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ralph lauren mens shirtsInternet has lifted many business organisations in a very short span of time: Today internet is used by everyone and everyone wants to save his or her time. It is really difficult to manage or to haggle over prices. Online business has provided a unique way to consumers or the buyers who get access anytime they want or buy or shop anytime they want to. There is nothing that could stop them. Because they may be at home or at office but they some how find some time and buy online. Is it not good that buying or selling has become much easier and much simpler? More than 75% of people are using internet both for private or business use.
Ecommerce is gaining global growth and it is not likely to be hindered or stopped by anything as it has firmly fixed its roots. Business organisations doing online business: Business organisations which are doing business online are known as online retailers. They are also known as e-retailers. It is no wonder that these big retailers have their presence of electronic commerce on world wide web. They have the art of promoting their products and services online. They are attracting consumers or the buyers. They know how to market the products and keep the customers attracted every time. Most of the business organisations are coming up with different or unique strategies to promote their business online and they are trying their best to attract consumers or the buyers in various possible ways they can. There are trying to gain world wide prominence.
Ecommerce or
E-commerce has gained so much of significance because of the widespread usage of internet. Internet has provided a good platform for these business organisations who want to promote their busines. They are making use of unique strategies to keep their customers attracted to themselves by inculcating new things in their business activities.
E-commerce / B2B and B2C: Depending upon the mode of business that which is done online, ecommerce is being splitted into two.
Online business or the electronic commerce that which is conducted between two different business organisations is called B2B electronic commerce. B2B or business to
business ecommerce has given many companies or organisations a fair chance to spread their business or grow their business. There is another type of ecommerce. Ecommerce or electronic commerce that which is conducted between businesses and consumers is called business to commerce or B2C electronic commerce. It does not involve intermediary services. Consumers or the buyers buy the products via internet directly from the business or the sale site. The transaction (sale and purchase) is carried out electronically. ICT Quotes (A division of Care Globe International) Suite West 13C,
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