Public Service Announcements (1) Unlike the advertising we have discussed so far, public service announcements (PSAs) are not aired in purchased time or space. Television stations meet part of their FCC-stipulated obligation to be responsive to the needs of the community by airing public service ads. A public service ad is generally created and sponsored by a nonprofit organization to convey noncontroversial information to the public. Ads for charities such as United Way and the Children’s Hospital of Washington are PSAs. The National Institutes of Health sponsors
安福市场 PSAs to remind hypertensive’s to take their medicine, to warn us to watch for Clearance MBT Shoes cancer’s early warning signals, and to discourage us from smoking. During election years, the League of Women Voters, the networks themselves, and specially created committees use PSAs to urge us to register and vote. The PSAs most likely to be aired are sponsored either by an agency of the government or by the Advertising Council. The Advertising Council, which accepts a limited number of campaign assignments each year, is sponsored by ad agencies. It costs a nonprofit agency from 0,000 to 0,000 to pay the production costs for an Ad Council campaign. Ad Council campaigns have been criticized for their pro-industry
专业制作安福相册 bias. In one often-run ad, for example, a Native American man is shown paddling his canoe down a polluted stream. As he steps to the shore, someone throws a bag of garbage from a passing car, and a tear runs down his cheek. Critics
安福小区 of this ad argue that littering is a minor form of pollution. Significant air and water pollution is caused by industry. Littering could be reduced by banning nonreturnable bottles—proposal industries have fought bitterly. This Ad Council campaign provides some support for the contention that the council deflects criticism from industry and shifts blame and responsibility to individuals who are often powerless to correct the problems isolated in the ads. The major advantage of an Ad Council campaign is the ability of the ad industry to place its PSAs in desirable free time. In 1990, the president of the Media-Advertising Partnership for a Drug-Free America, a partnership that includes the Ad Council, reported, “The donated media time and space have included a large percentage of prime time, drive-time and full-page, high-visibility levels that compare
Nike Air Jordan 15 Men Basketball Shoes | vibramamazingshoes favorably to paid advertising campaigns.” In 1995, the Ad Council MBT Shoes announced that it would concentrate its campaigns on issues of particular concern to children. Since then, the majority of the Ad Council’s efforts have focused on learning from birth to 3 years old, domestic violence, antidiscrimination, mentoring, and after-school programs. In 1998, the Ad Council produced more than thirty-five ad campaigns, and the media donated bil-lion worth of space to these ads.